Trump cites non-existent terrorist attack ‘last night in Sweden’ to justify Muslim ban at Florida ra

Conservative moron .... I didn't deny Hillary said that.

You claimed Obama said that.

I'm merely pointing out how retarded you are for thinking that he said it. Hell, you even just proved that by proving it was Hillary, and not Obama, who said it.


More pigeon chess. :rolleyes-41:
Moron ... you compared dollars all the way back to 1989, not just to 2008. And anyone with an IQ over 20 knows that comparing such nominal figures is meaningless.

Bush was not handed any recession. Bush became president on January 20th, 2001; with +2.3% GDP growth from the previous quarter. That's not a recession. And the recession which did start under Bush's first term was probably due to 9.11 than anything else. Without 9.11, the recession was likely too mild to even be a recession.

As far as the wars, you paint yourself as a conservative imbecile yet again saying he ran from Afghanistan when in reality, he cranked up that war after Bush all but abandoned it. As far as Iraq, Obama honored the deal Bush made with Iraq, which was to pull all of the troops out by the end of 2011.

1989 wasn't relevant because the difference being discussed was you lie about Bush43 doubling the debt. Bush was indeed handed a financial disaster thanks to Willy ignoring the boom and crash...that cost the economy over a Trillion dollars in lost venture capital. 9/11 cost us another Trillion (don't forget to thank Willy for refusing to take bin-Laden TWICE when he was offered by Sudan). I know you have no idea what rules of engagement are, but your turd CIC handcuffed our Troop to the point they couldn't do anything but retreat to their bases. Bush would never have left Iraq without a Status of Forces agreement that allowed us to keep sufficient GIs to keep the fact he warned against it in one of his last speeches. Your name-calling is teling since you're dumb as a box of rocks about the facts of the matter(s).

You're so fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

You claim that 1989 is "irrelevant" but you're the one who injected it into the debate. :lmao:

You idiotically claim Clinton handed Bush a recession even though there was no recession when Bush took over.

You moronically cite not taking out bin Laden as the cause of 9.11.

You moronically claim Sudan offered OBL to Clinton.

You moronically point out Bush wouldn't have left troops in Iraq without a SoFA but criticize Obama for not doing that either.

And you're such a conservative pussy, you actually whined about name calling.

You're so fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

You claim that 1989 is "irrelevant" but you're the one who injected it into the debate. :lmao:

You idiotically claim Clinton handed Bush a recession even though there was no recession when Bush took over.

You moronically cite not taking out bin Laden as the cause of 9.11.

You moronically claim Sudan offered OBL to Clinton.

You moronically point out Bush wouldn't have left troops in Iraq without a SoFA but criticize Obama for not doing that either.

And you're such a conservative pussy, you actually whined about name calling.

Hold still....this will only take a minute:

Trump may have been unclear, but Sweden experiencing a migrant crime wave
Trump may have been unclear, but Sweden experiencing a migrant crime wave

Amazing a cop speaks the truth about crime in Sweden and gets investigated for "hate speech" ahhh freedom! That's some freedom the libtards here would love to install on Americans

The cop LIED about the immigrant crime in Sweden and was charged for inciting hatred. The crime statistics in Sweden don't back up his assertions, just like the crime and murder statistics in the US don't back up Trump's assertions of "the highest murder" is however many years.

That why we don't believe Trump's lies, but you toadies, don't even fact check these assertions. It's becoming apparent that Trump believes Breitbart and Info-Wars and all of their conspiracy theories and lies. That's hardly reassuring for those of us who live in the real world and know better.
I'll believe the cop investigating the crimes over a fake media and it's lackeys

Because you are a fanatical Trump supporter.
Looks like you're a fanatical Trump hater.
Trump may have been unclear, but Sweden experiencing a migrant crime wave
Trump may have been unclear, but Sweden experiencing a migrant crime wave

Amazing a cop speaks the truth about crime in Sweden and gets investigated for "hate speech" ahhh freedom! That's some freedom the libtards here would love to install on Americans

The cop LIED about the immigrant crime in Sweden and was charged for inciting hatred. The crime statistics in Sweden don't back up his assertions, just like the crime and murder statistics in the US don't back up Trump's assertions of "the highest murder" is however many years.

That why we don't believe Trump's lies, but you toadies, don't even fact check these assertions. It's becoming apparent that Trump believes Breitbart and Info-Wars and all of their conspiracy theories and lies. That's hardly reassuring for those of us who live in the real world and know better.
I'll believe the cop investigating the crimes over a fake media and it's lackeys

Because you are a fanatical Trump supporter.
Looks like you're a fanatical Trump hater.

We don't hate the Liar in Chief. We just think he is crazy.
"Give the public a break - The FAKE NEWS media is trying to say that large scale immigration in Sweden is working out just beautifully. NOT!" - President Trump on twitter 15 minutes ago
Oh, brother. Add Sweden to the list of Allies now Not Happy with Trump.

No leftist country will ever be happy with anyone that shakes their establishments.

And Sweden should be mad on Tucker, not Trump.
Trump may have been unclear, but Sweden experiencing a migrant crime wave
Trump may have been unclear, but Sweden experiencing a migrant crime wave

Amazing a cop speaks the truth about crime in Sweden and gets investigated for "hate speech" ahhh freedom! That's some freedom the libtards here would love to install on Americans

The cop LIED about the immigrant crime in Sweden and was charged for inciting hatred. The crime statistics in Sweden don't back up his assertions, just like the crime and murder statistics in the US don't back up Trump's assertions of "the highest murder" is however many years.

That why we don't believe Trump's lies, but you toadies, don't even fact check these assertions. It's becoming apparent that Trump believes Breitbart and Info-Wars and all of their conspiracy theories and lies. That's hardly reassuring for those of us who live in the real world and know better.
I'll believe the cop investigating the crimes over a fake media and it's lackeys

Because you are a fanatical Trump supporter.
Looks like you're a fanatical Trump hater.

We don't hate the Liar in Chief. We just think he is crazy.
. Who is WE ??
"Give the public a break - The FAKE NEWS media is trying to say that large scale immigration in Sweden is working out just beautifully. NOT!" - President Trump on twitter 15 minutes ago
Oh, brother. Add Sweden to the list of Allies now Not Happy with Trump.

No leftist country will ever be happy with anyone that shakes their establishments.

And Sweden should be mad on Tucker, not Trump.
. Making a mountain out of a mole hill these leftist keep doing in all of this, and it just shows once again their rabid motivation against Trump and his administration. They have to hang on every word in hopes to get him in that gotcha moment in which they keep on serving up in order to break him down. No focus on the positives by them is more proof of their denial to accept a leader that is a huge breath of fresh air because yes he is fallable, and yet will also admit to his wrong if he speaks wrongfully or mis-speaks.. When Trump spoke the words LAST NIGHT about Sweden, he was referencing the story he had watched that night "LAST NIGHT" on Tucker Carlson's show in which the show covered the story about problems in Sweden concerning refugees and the fall out. Tucker should be proud to learn that Trump was watching his show, and that he is a fan of the show. Good job Tucker. We understand Mr. Trump... Carry on.
Trump may have been unclear, but Sweden experiencing a migrant crime wave
Trump may have been unclear, but Sweden experiencing a migrant crime wave

Amazing a cop speaks the truth about crime in Sweden and gets investigated for "hate speech" ahhh freedom! That's some freedom the libtards here would love to install on Americans

The cop LIED about the immigrant crime in Sweden and was charged for inciting hatred. The crime statistics in Sweden don't back up his assertions, just like the crime and murder statistics in the US don't back up Trump's assertions of "the highest murder" is however many years.

That why we don't believe Trump's lies, but you toadies, don't even fact check these assertions. It's becoming apparent that Trump believes Breitbart and Info-Wars and all of their conspiracy theories and lies. That's hardly reassuring for those of us who live in the real world and know better.

Yes....the left in Sweden has thought police......but their people are paying for is amazing.....they will lie about the problem with massive muslim immigration to their own destruction......

Europe was wrong to ignore hitler.....and they paid the price, they are wrong to ignore muslim immigration into their countries...and they will pay the price......

And yet morons over here want us to listen to what they have to say on important that is funny.....
"Give the public a break - The FAKE NEWS media is trying to say that large scale immigration in Sweden is working out just beautifully. NOT!" - President Trump on twitter 15 minutes ago
Oh, brother. Add Sweden to the list of Allies now Not Happy with Trump.

No leftist country will ever be happy with anyone that shakes their establishments.

And Sweden should be mad on Tucker, not Trump.
. Making a mountain out of a mole hill these leftist keep doing in all of this, and it just shows once again their rabid motivation against Trump and his administration. They have to hang on every word in hopes to get him in that gotcha moment in which they keep on serving up in order to break him down. No focus on the positives by them is more proof of their denial to accept a leader that is a huge breath of fresh air because yes he is fallable, and yet will also admit to his wrong if he speaks wrongfully or mis-speaks.. When Trump spoke the words LAST NIGHT about Sweden, he was referencing the story he had watched that night "LAST NIGHT" on Tucker Carlson's show in which the show covered the story about problems in Sweden concerning refugees and the fall out. Tucker should be proud to learn that Trump was watching his show, and that he is a fan of the show. Good job Tucker. We understand Mr. Trump... Carry on.

"Hang on to every word in hopes to get him in that gotcha moment in which they keep on serving up in order to break him down" mean like most conservatives do on here with Obama's misspoke "57 states" comment?
"Give the public a break - The FAKE NEWS media is trying to say that large scale immigration in Sweden is working out just beautifully. NOT!" - President Trump on twitter 15 minutes ago
Oh, brother. Add Sweden to the list of Allies now Not Happy with Trump.

No leftist country will ever be happy with anyone that shakes their establishments.

And Sweden should be mad on Tucker, not Trump.
. Making a mountain out of a mole hill these leftist keep doing in all of this, and it just shows once again their rabid motivation against Trump and his administration. They have to hang on every word in hopes to get him in that gotcha moment in which they keep on serving up in order to break him down. No focus on the positives by them is more proof of their denial to accept a leader that is a huge breath of fresh air because yes he is fallable, and yet will also admit to his wrong if he speaks wrongfully or mis-speaks.. When Trump spoke the words LAST NIGHT about Sweden, he was referencing the story he had watched that night "LAST NIGHT" on Tucker Carlson's show in which the show covered the story about problems in Sweden concerning refugees and the fall out. Tucker should be proud to learn that Trump was watching his show, and that he is a fan of the show. Good job Tucker. We understand Mr. Trump... Carry on.

"Hang on to every word in hopes to get him in that gotcha moment in which they keep on serving up in order to break him down" mean like most conservatives do on here with Obama's misspoke "57 states" comment?

And "if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor...." and "it was a video that caused the attack in Bhengazi..." And had you asswipes treated Bush with some decency obama would have received some as well.....but you were asswipes.....and so you set the ground rules, and that is how we will fight the fight...
At his rally in Melbourne, Florida on Saturday, Pres. Donald Trump listed a terror attack that never happened as part of the rationale for his controversial anti-Muslim travel ban.

In defending his executive order banning Islamic refugees and travelers from 7 Muslim-majority countries from entering the U.S., Trump said, “When you look at what’s happening in Germany, when you look at what’s happening last night in Sweden — Sweden! Who would believe this? Sweden!
“They took in large numbers, they’re having problems like they never like they never thought possible,” he went on.

However, there was no terror attack in Sweden on Friday. Perhaps, as some Twitter users suggested, the attack in Sweden happened in the same parallel universe as Kellyanne Conway’s fictitious “Bowling Green massacre.”

Since when is a "problem" equivalent to a terror attack?

At his rally in Melbourne, Florida on Saturday, Pres. Donald Trump listed a terror attack that never happened as part of the rationale for his controversial anti-Muslim travel ban.

In defending his executive order banning Islamic refugees and travelers from 7 Muslim-majority countries from entering the U.S., Trump said, “When you look at what’s happening in Germany, when you look at what’s happening last night in Sweden — Sweden! Who would believe this? Sweden!
“They took in large numbers, they’re having problems like they never like they never thought possible,” he went on.

However, there was no terror attack in Sweden on Friday. Perhaps, as some Twitter users suggested, the attack in Sweden happened in the same parallel universe as Kellyanne Conway’s fictitious “Bowling Green massacre.”

Since when is a "problem" equivalent to a terror attack?

There never was any problem, Homer. Just more BS
Hilda Fjgidoghan had her right nipple severed by a transgender Somali teen who then detonated a stick of dynamite she had stuck up her ass, blowing shit over a large Christian vestibule in southwest Stockholm last Friday night. Horrific event was live streamed to the Trump twitter account, allowing him exclusive access to this Islamic terrorist event. Dats wha fine tuned regimes do, yo. GFY.

Your punk-ass president has all of Europe laughing at us. Happy now, azzhat?
"Give the public a break - The FAKE NEWS media is trying to say that large scale immigration in Sweden is working out just beautifully. NOT!" - President Trump on twitter 15 minutes ago
Oh, brother. Add Sweden to the list of Allies now Not Happy with Trump.

No leftist country will ever be happy with anyone that shakes their establishments.

And Sweden should be mad on Tucker, not Trump.
. Making a mountain out of a mole hill these leftist keep doing in all of this, and it just shows once again their rabid motivation against Trump and his administration. They have to hang on every word in hopes to get him in that gotcha moment in which they keep on serving up in order to break him down. No focus on the positives by them is more proof of their denial to accept a leader that is a huge breath of fresh air because yes he is fallable, and yet will also admit to his wrong if he speaks wrongfully or mis-speaks.. When Trump spoke the words LAST NIGHT about Sweden, he was referencing the story he had watched that night "LAST NIGHT" on Tucker Carlson's show in which the show covered the story about problems in Sweden concerning refugees and the fall out. Tucker should be proud to learn that Trump was watching his show, and that he is a fan of the show. Good job Tucker. We understand Mr. Trump... Carry on.

"Hang on to every word in hopes to get him in that gotcha moment in which they keep on serving up in order to break him down" mean like most conservatives do on here with Obama's misspoke "57 states" comment?
Yep might be, and it's not right no matter who is guilty of this. Where is the good in anything anymore ?? Let's get back to focusing on the good, and drop all the bad for a time, and let's see what happens.
Morning Joe played the clip from Tucker Carlson's show that Trump saw. It was a generalized piece about Muslims entering Scandinavia. This is where he got the idea that something happened in Sweden on Friday night. The Swedes say he's wrong.

So now we see why the Trumpies here relate so well to Trump: They too have a deficit when it comes to substance over headlines. Trump hates the media but he gets all of his "information" from cable news channels. What a fucking hypocrite.
The cop LIED about the immigrant crime in Sweden and was charged for inciting hatred. The crime statistics in Sweden don't back up his assertions, just like the crime and murder statistics in the US don't back up Trump's assertions of "the highest murder" is however many years.

That why we don't believe Trump's lies, but you toadies, don't even fact check these assertions. It's becoming apparent that Trump believes Breitbart and Info-Wars and all of their conspiracy theories and lies. That's hardly reassuring for those of us who live in the real world and know better.
I'll believe the cop investigating the crimes over a fake media and it's lackeys

Because you are a fanatical Trump supporter.
Looks like you're a fanatical Trump hater.

We don't hate the Liar in Chief. We just think he is crazy.
. Who is WE ??

You know, non-cult members...:badgrin:....people with a brain.
Hilda Fjgidoghan had her right nipple severed by a transgender Somali teen who then detonated a stick of dynamite she had stuck up her ass, blowing shit over a large Christian vestibule in southwest Stockholm last Friday night. Horrific event was live streamed to the Trump twitter account, allowing him exclusive access to this Islamic terrorist event. Dats wha fine tuned regimes do, yo. GFY.

Your punk-ass president has all of Europe laughing at us. Happy now, azzhat?
While England debates whether to withdraw their invitation for a Trump visit

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