Trump cites non-existent terrorist attack ‘last night in Sweden’ to justify Muslim ban at Florida ra

This is what Trump was implying before the MSM fake news distorted what he said.

This source provides the truth using common sense!
Surely you can do better than this, getting raped isn't very big news these days. But I guess you will pick anything to justify his lies. How about a car crash, or a bank robbery?
Yet, it was a terror attack in Sweden. What you apparently want is more American women raped by Muslims. You see, that is all the justification Trump needs to keep them out of here. The crime they are committing around the world.

There was no terror attack in Sweden. You've done nothing about white guys raping women, it's just boys will be boys. In fact you blame the women when white guys attack them. Suddenly you're worried that Muslims will rape them? What a hypocrite you are!
No, that's what government officials in Sweden do.
At his rally in Melbourne, Florida on Saturday, Pres. Donald Trump listed a terror attack that never happened as part of the rationale for his controversial anti-Muslim travel ban.

In defending his executive order banning Islamic refugees and travelers from 7 Muslim-majority countries from entering the U.S., Trump said, “When you look at what’s happening in Germany, when you look at what’s happening last night in Sweden — Sweden! Who would believe this? Sweden!
“They took in large numbers, they’re having problems like they never like they never thought possible,” he went on.

However, there was no terror attack in Sweden on Friday. Perhaps, as some Twitter users suggested, the attack in Sweden happened in the same parallel universe as Kellyanne Conway’s fictitious “Bowling Green massacre.”
I'm going to hate myself if I post this, but I actually side with Trump supporters on this. I think it's reasonable to assume he was talking about immigration and not terrorism but of course I doubt Sweden has much of an immigration issue. It's still him lying.
Immigration didn't happen last night....he was referring to a Fox story that was easy to misunderstand as usual...
. Can you link to the story ? I would like to see what it is that you all are talking about, and then see what Trump said. Thanks.
Do you have a computer or smart phone?
This is what Trump was implying before the MSM fake news distorted what he said.

This source provides the truth using common sense!
Surely you can do better than this, getting raped isn't very big news these days. But I guess you will pick anything to justify his lies. How about a car crash, or a bank robbery?
Yet, it was a terror attack in Sweden. What you apparently want is more American women raped by Muslims. You see, that is all the justification Trump needs to keep them out of here. The crime they are committing around the world.

There was no terror attack in Sweden. You've done nothing about white guys raping women, it's just boys will be boys. In fact you blame the women when white guys attack them. Suddenly you're worried that Muslims will rape them? What a hypocrite you are!
No, that's what government officials in Sweden do.
Rapes are what Trump does, in Sweden. Whole different thing, dupes.
Trump is nothing but a US embarrassment
Welcome aboard, Sharon.

Thanks, I already see you have a few vile racists on here, I'm a conservative Australian BUT if I lived in the US I'd be a democrat lol
Yeah, and thanks to Trump, they're no longer on any terror watch lists. <smh>

Liberal Dictionary:
Vile racist - anyone who wants our immigration laws enforced.
This is what Trump was implying before the MSM fake news distorted what he said.

This source provides the truth using common sense!
Surely you can do better than this, getting raped isn't very big news these days. But I guess you will pick anything to justify his lies. How about a car crash, or a bank robbery?
Trump never insinuated a terrorist attack occurred in Sweden. From his speech:

[You look at what’s happening in Germany, you look at what’s happening last night in Sweden. Sweden, who would believe this. Sweden. They took in large numbers. They’re having problems like they never thought possible.]

No reference to a terrorist attack and your op is fake news!
He's only embarrassing to morons like you.
At his rally in Melbourne, Florida on Saturday, Pres. Donald Trump listed a terror attack that never happened as part of the rationale for his controversial anti-Muslim travel ban.

In defending his executive order banning Islamic refugees and travelers from 7 Muslim-majority countries from entering the U.S., Trump said, “When you look at what’s happening in Germany, when you look at what’s happening last night in Sweden — Sweden! Who would believe this? Sweden!
“They took in large numbers, they’re having problems like they never like they never thought possible,” he went on.

However, there was no terror attack in Sweden on Friday. Perhaps, as some Twitter users suggested, the attack in Sweden happened in the same parallel universe as Kellyanne Conway’s fictitious “Bowling Green massacre.”
He didn't have to report a terrorist attack that didn't occur, he only had to cite the actual facts of Sweden, now the "rape capitol of Europe with 55 no-go zones, all due to the Muslim influx."
WIKI rape in Sweden

There have been several international comparisons made, placing Sweden at the top end of the number of reported rapes. However, police procedures and legal definitions vary widely across countries, which makes it difficult to compare rape statistics.[8][9][10][11] For example, Sweden reformed its sex crime legislation and made the legal definition of rape much wider in 2005,[3][4][8][12] which largely explains a significant increase in the number of reported rapes in the ten-year period of 2004-2013.[13][14] The Swedish police also record each instance of sexual violence in every case separately, leading to an inflated number of cases compared to other countries.[8][11][15] Additionally, the Swedish police have improved the handling of rape cases, in an effort to increase the number of crimes reported.[8][14][16][17] Raised awareness and a shifting attitude of sexual crimes in Sweden,[note 1][18] which has been ranked as the number one country in gender equality,[19] may also explain the relatively high rates of reported rape.[8][11][20]
Trump is nothing but a US embarrassment
Welcome aboard, Sharon.

Thanks, I already see you have a few vile racists on here, I'm a conservative Australian BUT if I lived in the US I'd be a democrat lol
Yeah, and thanks to Trump, they're no longer on any terror watch lists. <smh>

Liberal Dictionary:
Vile racist - anyone who wants our immigration laws enforced.
Sadly, your cognitive dissonance leads you to post shit like that which has nothing to do with the posts you respond to. <smh>
When a nation's leader is incapable of coherent speech and action, other nations become disconcerted. When that nation is the most powerful in the world, other nations become suspicious and alarmed. They tend to form alliances to protect themselves and isolate the unpredictable.
At his rally in Melbourne, Florida on Saturday, Pres. Donald Trump listed a terror attack that never happened as part of the rationale for his controversial anti-Muslim travel ban.

In defending his executive order banning Islamic refugees and travelers from 7 Muslim-majority countries from entering the U.S., Trump said, “When you look at what’s happening in Germany, when you look at what’s happening last night in Sweden — Sweden! Who would believe this? Sweden!
“They took in large numbers, they’re having problems like they never like they never thought possible,” he went on.

However, there was no terror attack in Sweden on Friday. Perhaps, as some Twitter users suggested, the attack in Sweden happened in the same parallel universe as Kellyanne Conway’s fictitious “Bowling Green massacre.”
He didn't have to report a terrorist attack that didn't occur, he only had to cite the actual facts of Sweden, now the "rape capitol of Europe with 55 no-go zones, all due to the Muslim influx."
Prove cause/causation.

Sweden takes in thousands of Muslim immigrants every year. They took in 160,000 in 2015. Yet the rate of rape per every 100,000 has remained somewhat the same for about the last 8 now.
At his rally in Melbourne, Florida on Saturday, Pres. Donald Trump listed a terror attack that never happened as part of the rationale for his controversial anti-Muslim travel ban.

In defending his executive order banning Islamic refugees and travelers from 7 Muslim-majority countries from entering the U.S., Trump said, “When you look at what’s happening in Germany, when you look at what’s happening last night in Sweden — Sweden! Who would believe this? Sweden!
“They took in large numbers, they’re having problems like they never like they never thought possible,” he went on.

However, there was no terror attack in Sweden on Friday. Perhaps, as some Twitter users suggested, the attack in Sweden happened in the same parallel universe as Kellyanne Conway’s fictitious “Bowling Green massacre.”
He didn't have to report a terrorist attack that didn't occur, he only had to cite the actual facts of Sweden, now the "rape capitol of Europe with 55 no-go zones, all due to the Muslim influx."
Prove cause/causation.

Sweden takes in thousands of Muslim immigrants every year. They took in 160,000 in 2015. Yet the rate of rape per every 100,000 has remained somewhat the same for about the last 8 now.
The issue is that it is widely reported that their government is holding down their crime statistics to justify the refugee influx and deny any sort of bad judgment on their part.

Since we are across the sea, it is pretty much impossible for us to know what is going on over there, so if you make a judgment on there not being any uptick in crime or for there being an uptick in crime...just realize it is your bias talking as there is enough conflicting information to give reason for both conclusions.
At his rally in Melbourne, Florida on Saturday, Pres. Donald Trump listed a terror attack that never happened as part of the rationale for his controversial anti-Muslim travel ban.

In defending his executive order banning Islamic refugees and travelers from 7 Muslim-majority countries from entering the U.S., Trump said, “When you look at what’s happening in Germany, when you look at what’s happening last night in Sweden — Sweden! Who would believe this? Sweden!
“They took in large numbers, they’re having problems like they never like they never thought possible,” he went on.

However, there was no terror attack in Sweden on Friday. Perhaps, as some Twitter users suggested, the attack in Sweden happened in the same parallel universe as Kellyanne Conway’s fictitious “Bowling Green massacre.”
He didn't have to report a terrorist attack that didn't occur, he only had to cite the actual facts of Sweden, now the "rape capitol of Europe with 55 no-go zones, all due to the Muslim influx."
Prove cause/causation.

Sweden takes in thousands of Muslim immigrants every year. They took in 160,000 in 2015. Yet the rate of rape per every 100,000 has remained somewhat the same for about the last 8 now.
The issue is that it is widely reported that their government is holding down their crime statistics to justify the refugee influx and deny any sort of bad judgment on their part.

Since we are across the sea, it is pretty much impossible for us to know what is going on over there, so if you make a judgment on there not being any uptick in crime or for there being an uptick in crime...just realize it is your bias talking as there is enough conflicting information to give reason for both conclusions.
Translation: there is no proof of cause/causation.

Thanks for confirming what I already knew.
At his rally in Melbourne, Florida on Saturday, Pres. Donald Trump listed a terror attack that never happened as part of the rationale for his controversial anti-Muslim travel ban.

In defending his executive order banning Islamic refugees and travelers from 7 Muslim-majority countries from entering the U.S., Trump said, “When you look at what’s happening in Germany, when you look at what’s happening last night in Sweden — Sweden! Who would believe this? Sweden!
“They took in large numbers, they’re having problems like they never like they never thought possible,” he went on.

However, there was no terror attack in Sweden on Friday. Perhaps, as some Twitter users suggested, the attack in Sweden happened in the same parallel universe as Kellyanne Conway’s fictitious “Bowling Green massacre.”
He didn't have to report a terrorist attack that didn't occur, he only had to cite the actual facts of Sweden, now the "rape capitol of Europe with 55 no-go zones, all due to the Muslim influx."
Prove cause/causation.

Sweden takes in thousands of Muslim immigrants every year. They took in 160,000 in 2015. Yet the rate of rape per every 100,000 has remained somewhat the same for about the last 8 now.
The issue is that it is widely reported that their government is holding down their crime statistics to justify the refugee influx and deny any sort of bad judgment on their part.

Since we are across the sea, it is pretty much impossible for us to know what is going on over there, so if you make a judgment on there not being any uptick in crime or for there being an uptick in crime...just realize it is your bias talking as there is enough conflicting information to give reason for both conclusions.
Translation: there is no proof of cause/causation.

Thanks for confirming what I already knew.
It's more GOP BS. Wiki:
There have been several international comparisons made, placing Sweden at the top end of the number of reported rapes. However, police procedures and legal definitions vary widely across countries, which makes it difficult to compare rape statistics.[8][9][10][11] For example, Sweden reformed its sex crime legislation and made the legal definition of rape much wider in 2005,[3][4][8][12] which largely explains a significant increase in the number of reported rapes in the ten-year period of 2004-2013.[13][14] The Swedish police also record each instance of sexual violence in every case separately, leading to an inflated number of cases compared to other countries.[8][11][15] Additionally, the Swedish police have improved the handling of rape cases, in an effort to increase the number of crimes reported.[8][14][16][17] Raised awareness and a shifting attitude of sexual crimes in Sweden,[note 1][18] which has been ranked as the number one country in gender equality,[19] may also explain the relatively high rates of reported rape.[8][11][20]
For the record....

There ban on muslims. Never happened,

There on legal.immigration.

There is ban on seven terrorist countries that like to ship us killers.

And yes, terrorists use rape as a terror.tactic. It is a.common and effective tactic.
I'm sure a woman is terrified when she is getting raped, wouldn't you say?

Oh, wow. So ALL rapes are terrorist acts now?
What else would you define rape of an innocent woman as?
A crime, nothing more and nothing less. You are so pathetically willing to believe anything Trump says, that you don't even know the details of what exactly was supposed to have happened in Sweden
Trump is right 100% of the time and he should never be questioned. That is what a top Presidential aide said and that is what the cult followers believe.
If it was up to Trump he would disband the media, or at least anything that doesn't agree with him 100% of the time
He hasn't disband the treasonous, lying pigs. He just points.out their lies every time he talks to them live. And they freak the.fuck out and act like doing that is a.violation speech.

And idiots lol.
If only the left media held Obama to strict standards of truthfulness, we might not be in such a mess.

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