Trump Claims Biden Administration Will Be Scandal Plagued; Did He Concede?


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"#TrumpConceded trended on Twitter Friday after President Donald Trump acknowledged the incoming “Biden administration” in a tweet -- “Now that the Biden Administration will be a scandal plagued mess for years to come, it is much easier for the Supreme Court of the United States to follow the Constitution and do what everybody knows has to be done. They must show great Courage & Wisdom. Save the USA!!!” the outgoing president, who has not yet formally conceded, wrote on Twitter."

Let's break this down for a second...."Now that the Biden admin will be scandal plagued for years to come" -- WTF is he talking about?? How can you be confident you will serve a second term starting next year while at the same time talking about the Biden admin will be scandal plagued for years?? And exactly what scandals are you talking about?? Like is his long time personal lawyer gonna get convicted while Biden is named a co-conspirator? Will his Nat'l Security Advisor plead to a felony, twice?? Trump is the last guy to clutch his pearls over scandals.....But since Trumpers love to gas-light, have at it bro....


"#TrumpConceded trended on Twitter Friday after President Donald Trump acknowledged the incoming “Biden administration” in a tweet -- “Now that the Biden Administration will be a scandal plagued mess for years to come, it is much easier for the Supreme Court of the United States to follow the Constitution and do what everybody knows has to be done. They must show great Courage & Wisdom. Save the USA!!!” the outgoing president, who has not yet formally conceded, wrote on Twitter."

Let's break this down for a second...."Now that the Biden admin will be scandal plagued for years to come" -- WTF is he talking about?? How can you be confident you will serve a second term starting next year while at the same time talking about the Biden admin will be scandal plagued for years?? And exactly what scandals are you talking about?? Like is his long time personal lawyer gonna get indicted? Will his Nat'l Security Advisor plead a felony, twice?? Trump is the last guy to clutch his pearls over scandals.....But since Trumpers love to gas-light, have at it bro....

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It's about time he read the handwriting on the wall. Will his minions do the same or are they too heavily invested in their delusions?

"#TrumpConceded trended on Twitter Friday after President Donald Trump acknowledged the incoming “Biden administration” in a tweet -- “Now that the Biden Administration will be a scandal plagued mess for years to come, it is much easier for the Supreme Court of the United States to follow the Constitution and do what everybody knows has to be done. They must show great Courage & Wisdom. Save the USA!!!” the outgoing president, who has not yet formally conceded, wrote on Twitter."

Let's break this down for a second...."Now that the Biden admin will be scandal plagued for years to come" -- WTF is he talking about?? How can you be confident you will serve a second term starting next year while at the same time talking about the Biden admin will be scandal plagued for years?? And exactly what scandals are you talking about?? Like is his long time personal lawyer gonna get convicted while Biden is named a co-conspirator? Will his Nat'l Security Advisor plead to a felony, twice?? Trump is the last guy to clutch his pearls over scandals.....But since Trumpers love to gas-light, have at it bro....

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Scumpty was the greatest criminal President in the history of the republic. He easily surpassed Trickey Dick Nixon with his evil chicanery, and his impeachment attests to that.

He is best ignored as he slithers onto the ash dump of history.
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Yea he said the same thing about Crooked Hillary. Then in he goes and is about to break ALL records (indictments/ convictions/ prison sentences - ALL) in just ONE TERM. So much winning!

"#TrumpConceded trended on Twitter Friday after President Donald Trump acknowledged the incoming “Biden administration” in a tweet -- “Now that the Biden Administration will be a scandal plagued mess for years to come, it is much easier for the Supreme Court of the United States to follow the Constitution and do what everybody knows has to be done. They must show great Courage & Wisdom. Save the USA!!!” the outgoing president, who has not yet formally conceded, wrote on Twitter."

Let's break this down for a second...."Now that the Biden admin will be scandal plagued for years to come" -- WTF is he talking about?? How can you be confident you will serve a second term starting next year while at the same time talking about the Biden admin will be scandal plagued for years?? And exactly what scandals are you talking about?? Like is his long time personal lawyer gonna get convicted while Biden is named a co-conspirator? Will his Nat'l Security Advisor plead to a felony, twice?? Trump is the last guy to clutch his pearls over scandals.....But since Trumpers love to gas-light, have at it bro....

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No not a concession but probably as close as he gers to one.
They always show barry "boy" soetoro as 100% scandal free.

That's so cute. Yeah, not even a smidgen for the muzzie chimp.

"#TrumpConceded trended on Twitter Friday after President Donald Trump acknowledged the incoming “Biden administration” in a tweet -- “Now that the Biden Administration will be a scandal plagued mess for years to come, it is much easier for the Supreme Court of the United States to follow the Constitution and do what everybody knows has to be done. They must show great Courage & Wisdom. Save the USA!!!” the outgoing president, who has not yet formally conceded, wrote on Twitter."

Let's break this down for a second...."Now that the Biden admin will be scandal plagued for years to come" -- WTF is he talking about?? How can you be confident you will serve a second term starting next year while at the same time talking about the Biden admin will be scandal plagued for years?? And exactly what scandals are you talking about?? Like is his long time personal lawyer gonna get convicted while Biden is named a co-conspirator? Will his Nat'l Security Advisor plead to a felony, twice?? Trump is the last guy to clutch his pearls over scandals.....But since Trumpers love to gas-light, have at it bro....

View attachment 427758
Trump knows he lost. He and his media are just continuing to con these poor, naïve souls so that they'll keep tithing to his slush fund.

This is just a sad, ugly time. But we'll get past it.

"#TrumpConceded trended on Twitter Friday after President Donald Trump acknowledged the incoming “Biden administration” in a tweet -- “Now that the Biden Administration will be a scandal plagued mess for years to come, it is much easier for the Supreme Court of the United States to follow the Constitution and do what everybody knows has to be done. They must show great Courage & Wisdom. Save the USA!!!” the outgoing president, who has not yet formally conceded, wrote on Twitter."

Let's break this down for a second...."Now that the Biden admin will be scandal plagued for years to come" -- WTF is he talking about?? How can you be confident you will serve a second term starting next year while at the same time talking about the Biden admin will be scandal plagued for years?? And exactly what scandals are you talking about?? Like is his long time personal lawyer gonna get convicted while Biden is named a co-conspirator? Will his Nat'l Security Advisor plead to a felony, twice?? Trump is the last guy to clutch his pearls over scandals.....But since Trumpers love to gas-light, have at it bro....

View attachment 427758
Prog shill media deep staters tend to be non investigative on Prog Presidents and politicians unless one is being served up for sacrifice. I do not believe them anymore and never will again.

"#TrumpConceded trended on Twitter Friday after President Donald Trump acknowledged the incoming “Biden administration” in a tweet -- “Now that the Biden Administration will be a scandal plagued mess for years to come, it is much easier for the Supreme Court of the United States to follow the Constitution and do what everybody knows has to be done. They must show great Courage & Wisdom. Save the USA!!!” the outgoing president, who has not yet formally conceded, wrote on Twitter."

Let's break this down for a second...."Now that the Biden admin will be scandal plagued for years to come" -- WTF is he talking about?? How can you be confident you will serve a second term starting next year while at the same time talking about the Biden admin will be scandal plagued for years?? And exactly what scandals are you talking about?? Like is his long time personal lawyer gonna get convicted while Biden is named a co-conspirator? Will his Nat'l Security Advisor plead to a felony, twice?? Trump is the last guy to clutch his pearls over scandals.....But since Trumpers love to gas-light, have at it bro....

View attachment 427758
Prog shill media deep staters tend to be non investigative on Prog Presidents and politicians unless one is being served up for sacrifice. I do not believe them anymore and never will again.
Is that why you don't have any indictments for child rape?? (that we are aware of)

It definitely can't be because you are innocent -- everyone knows the absence of indictments/convictions means you are totally guilty....

"#TrumpConceded trended on Twitter Friday after President Donald Trump acknowledged the incoming “Biden administration” in a tweet -- “Now that the Biden Administration will be a scandal plagued mess for years to come, it is much easier for the Supreme Court of the United States to follow the Constitution and do what everybody knows has to be done. They must show great Courage & Wisdom. Save the USA!!!” the outgoing president, who has not yet formally conceded, wrote on Twitter."

Let's break this down for a second...."Now that the Biden admin will be scandal plagued for years to come" -- WTF is he talking about?? How can you be confident you will serve a second term starting next year while at the same time talking about the Biden admin will be scandal plagued for years?? And exactly what scandals are you talking about?? Like is his long time personal lawyer gonna get convicted while Biden is named a co-conspirator? Will his Nat'l Security Advisor plead to a felony, twice?? Trump is the last guy to clutch his pearls over scandals.....But since Trumpers love to gas-light, have at it bro....

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Nah...he's not going to concede but I think he knows that the Globalists are going to install their man one way or another....and yes not only will it be scandal plagued it may well be the administration that sees a level one civil uprising leading to two different nations.....I think we are there now. Trump is the first national figure in the last fifty years who can pull it off...he could actually start a new and separate leadership.

They always show barry "boy" soetoro as 100% scandal free.

That's so cute. Yeah, not even a smidgen for the muzzie chimp.
Care to show me how many indictments his admin received??

I'll wait

That took all of 12 seconds. This mother fuck is going to prison, hopefully to wake up every morning with hardened convict cock in its mouth.... pun intended.

Not a smidgen. I'll wait.

"#TrumpConceded trended on Twitter Friday after President Donald Trump acknowledged the incoming “Biden administration” in a tweet -- “Now that the Biden Administration will be a scandal plagued mess for years to come, it is much easier for the Supreme Court of the United States to follow the Constitution and do what everybody knows has to be done. They must show great Courage & Wisdom. Save the USA!!!” the outgoing president, who has not yet formally conceded, wrote on Twitter."

Let's break this down for a second...."Now that the Biden admin will be scandal plagued for years to come" -- WTF is he talking about?? How can you be confident you will serve a second term starting next year while at the same time talking about the Biden admin will be scandal plagued for years?? And exactly what scandals are you talking about?? Like is his long time personal lawyer gonna get convicted while Biden is named a co-conspirator? Will his Nat'l Security Advisor plead to a felony, twice?? Trump is the last guy to clutch his pearls over scandals.....But since Trumpers love to gas-light, have at it bro....

View attachment 427758
They always show barry "boy" soetoro as 100% scandal free.

That's so cute. Yeah, not even a smidgen for the muzzie chimp.
Care to show me how many indictments his admin received??

I'll wait

That took all of 12 seconds. This mother fuck is going to prison, hopefully to wake up every morning with hardened convict cock in its mouth.... pun intended.

Not a smidgen. I'll wait.
I don't believe this FBI agent was a political appointee so it is not on Obama. Your ignorant racism will have to find another target.
So, do you think there are going to be two competing administrations?!?!
No, there will only be one administration.
He said that because he knows the SC isn't going to go his way.
You can pontificate all you'd like, but we won't know the future until it actually happens.
So, do you think there are going to be two competing administrations?!?!
No, there will only be one administration.
He said that because he knows the SC isn't going to go his way.
You can pontificate all you'd like, but we won't know the future until it actually happens.
But we can have a good idea by looking precedent. The SC in very unlikely to overturn an election based on such spurious "evidence".

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