trump claims he told NATO country he would not protect them if Russia attacked them

Any head of state chooses their words very carefully. Except Trump, he just says what’s on top of his pee brain. The world knows his words aren’t something to take seriously
Unlike your Presidents.....


Trump often says silly shit but at least it's HIM saying it. With Sponge Brains Shits Pants it's more like a guessing game to what he's trying to say.

With the Bastard Son Of Frank Marshall Davis, no matter what he said, it was, at best insincere and usually, a flat-out lie.

Trump is too egotistical to lie. Like me. I don't care enough about you to go through the effort of inventing a lie to placate you. If I think someone's an asswipe, I say it. Same as OMB
Trump doesn't have any policies. He's playing to his base, which has been convinced by the voices they trust that America can go it alone.

They don't want to soil the country with people who are beneath them, nor do they want to deal with people in other countries who are beneath them.
So you hate America, interesting
Its a common lib myth that trump voters are pro putin

They arent

Not only that but the trump base would not support trump if he was
It’s their Russia Russia chant, a chant debunked now by two top officials. Yet talking points remain cause they’re idiots and losers
A vote for Trump, is a vote for Putin. He invited Putin to attack our NATO allies.
Trump is an un-American piece of shit!

Trump strengthened NATO, so says NATO. Trump got NATO deadbeats to cough up $100b!!

Secretary General thanks President Trump for his commitment to NATO​

Anerica was bombed into WW2. It was hardly as if you had a choice. Funding Ukraine is a sensible action. Its cheaper to fight putin in Ukraine than wait until he goes into Poland.
This is just basic common sense.
Not burning cash on a forever war is basic common sense.
Its time the EU steps up and helps Ukraine.
My solution is to admit Ukraine to NATO and then tell Putin go back to the 2014 lines or get thrown back. (cheapest off ramp)
I cant decide.
It seems like a policy designed to appeal to remedials but it is also possible that he actually believes it.
The previous policy of isolationism ended in Pearl Harbour. The worlds biggest economy cant afford to cower behind a big wall.
America is not a strong ally when it gives us presidents of this low quality
It’s not his actual policy. We saw that 2016-2020. I might have more respect for him if it was, because it JS my ideology.
I have a home security service. Someone breaks in and they call me asked me if it’s me. If not, they call the police. If I don’t answer, they call the police. Not a big deal, but it’s worth a few dollars that I pay. I should ask them though. Hey dudes, if I never pay you, are you still going to protect me?
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Sometimes I swear this man is trying to lose. All he has to do is keep his mouth shut and let Biden drown in the media cycle and instead he just keeps trying to one up him on the insanity scale.

I think he is referring to the past tense when he actually had NATO members pay more, to the benefit of Americans, while making NATO even stronger...

...nearly all 29 NATO members have increased their defense spending since Trump came to office, and at least 16 of the 29 are on track to meet their 2024 defense spending goals. Defense spending among 27 NATO allies has increased consistently between 2016 and 2018, with Hungary, Norway, Romania and Turkey making some of the biggest increases.

Edit: His full statement in context is here [Timestamped]
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I cant decide.
It seems like a policy designed to appeal to remedials but it is also possible that he actually believes it.
The previous policy of isolationism ended in Pearl Harbour. The worlds biggest economy cant afford to cower behind a big wall.
America is not a strong ally when it gives us presidents of this low quality.
“Is isolationism the trump policy or is he just playing to his base ?”


Reckless, irresponsible, and wrongheaded, Trump’s isolationist dogma is further proof that Trump is unfit to be president.
This is the problem with MAGA. The collective critical thinking abilities rival that of a tomato. Probably why they are so easily persuaded by their golden calf.
/---/ If you spent as much time doing a simple Google search as you do calling others names, you wouldn't embarrass yourself so much.
  1. › article › idUSKBN1Y023R

    In gesture to Trump, U.S. allies close to deal to pay more for NATO ...

    Purchase Licensing Rights Read Next NATO allies are closing in on a deal to contribute more to allied running costs to reduce the United States' share of funding, three diplomats familiar with...
  2. Under the proposal being negotiated for the 2021 budget, the U.S. contribution to the alliance's annual budget would fall to around 16% from 22%. Germany's would rise to the same level as the United States and others' contributions would also rise.
    Only seven NATO countries currently meet or exceed the NATO target of spending 2% of national output on defence - the United States, Britain, Greece, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia.

I was waiting on someone to create a thread on this subject.
It's only alarming to bunch of Europeans that want us to do their dirty work for them. If the EU wants a war with Russia so badly, let them start and fight it. NATO wants free protection. Something everyone else has to pay for. I wouldn’t protect them either. We saved their asses twice before. Third time is not the charm.
Trump is not an idiot or dumb or not cognizant of current situations. Nor does he believe in breaking treaties and alliances. He knows what breaking the NATO alliance would mean.

Just because he currently is not elected doesn't mean that he knows he isn't going to be.

So he is trying to rule by being the presumptive president elect....and Europe is paying attention quite well....and getting the message loud and clear.

NATO allies have slacked massively over the past two decades. Each nation is supposed to spend 2% of their annual budgets on their military. They haven't done so. They have used those funds for personal enrichment of some sort.

The USA does not need to fund THEIR militaries with our equipment or personnel.
And this threat is not good....because it puts a target on America instead of "The Whole World" Germany is exceptionally guilty of not purchasing the equipment or soldiers....same with France and Italy and Austria.
‘The White House later Saturday called Trump’s remarks “appalling and unhinged” and touted President Joe Biden’s efforts to bolster the alliance.

“President Biden has restored our alliances and made us stronger in the world because he knows every commander in chief’s first responsibility is to keep the American people safe and hold true to the values that unite us. … Encouraging invasions of our closest allies by murderous regimes is appalling and unhinged – and it endangers American national security, global stability, and our economy at home,” White House spokesperson Andrew Bates said in a statement.’

Further proof that Trump is unfit to be president.

You loons are idiots.

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