trump claims he told NATO country he would not protect them if Russia attacked them

Anerica was bombed into WW2. It was hardly as if you had a choice. Funding Ukraine is a sensible action. Its cheaper to fight putin in Ukraine than wait until he goes into Poland.
This is just basic common sense.
FDR provoked Japan into bombing us. But that doesn't excuse it.

As to Ukraine? Yes, I agree. As long as they're willing to fight Russians, help them. Russia is, and has been for over a Century, a blight on mankind.

"Why' is another topic altogether, but they are.

Good post
/——/ He told them that when he was president AND THEY OBEYED. Are you completely ignorant of what he accomplished?

This is the problem with MAGA. The collective critical thinking abilities rival that of a tomato. Probably why they are so easily persuaded by their golden calf.
Yep, Trump cannot be rusted.




So the biggest deadbeat that has ever been president of the United States says he would cede Western Europe to Russia if they did not pay their bills. Trump never paid his contractors. Trump does not pay his lawyers. Trump does not pay for the venue where he holds his rallies. Trump does not pay his own mortgages. Trump, the greatest scrounger and bum this nation has ever seen as its leader, then makes threats like this against our most faithful allies. Wow!

Well, remember that a vote for Trump is a vote for Putin, Xi and Kim. Remember that in November!
Sometimes I swear this man is trying to lose. All he has to do is keep his mouth shut and let Biden drown in the media cycle and instead he just keeps trying to one up him on the insanity scale.

Hypothetical questions deserve hypothetical answers.

Such incredible bullshit over such incredible, silly, schoolyard bullshit.
He never said that. It's spin from the Brit "Daily Mail". What he said was that we would not protect "NATO" countries if they didn't pay their fair share. Seems reasonable to me. Old Brandon probably forgot about NATO.
Any head of state chooses their words very carefully. Except Trump, he just says what’s on top of his pee brain. The world knows his words aren’t something to take seriously
One could even hold up WW2 as wasted lives and resources. For What? To keep Germany from becoming the most powerful Country in Europe? Nice job. To prevent Japan from becoming a World Power? To save Britain? To save the world from National Socialism and Fascism? Bang Up job there, huh?
How about ending Nazi death camps?

Germany is a very different and much better country today than it was under the Nazis
He never said that. It's spin from the Brit "Daily Mail". What he said was that we would not protect "NATO" countries if they didn't pay their fair share. Seems reasonable to me. Old Brandon probably forgot about NATO.
Define "fair share".
Sometimes I swear this man is trying to lose. All he has to do is keep his mouth shut and let Biden drown in the media cycle and instead he just keeps trying to one up him on the insanity scale.

Of course once again you alter context in you're never ending "I hate trump" campaign.

What he says is no different than the illegal invasion going on now in America. If blue states didn't demand at the start we let illegals in, say they were sanctuary cities, and so on then when they got over run the rest of us now wouldn't be saying "what happens to you is your own fault because you didn't do what you needed to to begin with".

He is right. If they don't pay back their loans or money then anything that happens to them is their fault. You don't get to have money handed to you, not pay it back, then come ask for help when you're in trouble

If you owe the bank money, don't pay it back and then go begging for help they will tell you "F off, pay me what you owe me".
Sometimes I swear this man is trying to lose. All he has to do is keep his mouth shut and let Biden drown in the media cycle and instead he just keeps trying to one up him on the insanity scale.

A vote for Trump, is a vote for Putin. He invited Putin to attack our NATO allies.

Trump is an un-American piece of shit!

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