trump claims he told NATO country he would not protect them if Russia attacked them

Trump spoke at a rally in South Carolina on Saturday, telling attendees that he wouldn't defend NATO allies from Russia. Specifically, he said, "One of the presidents of a big country stood up and said, 'Well, sir, if we don't pay and we're attacked by Russia, will you protect us?' I said, 'You didn't pay? You're delinquent?... No I would not protect you. In fact, I would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want.'" He ended by saying you, "gotta pay your bills!"

Trump lecturing someone about paying their bills? LMFAO

The guy that sold our national secrets to our enemies, has already helped Putin attack our allies.

When are we finally going to put this traitor at the end of a rope?
And the media is focused on Bidens gaffs instead of this.

A sad world we live in now.

I cant decide.
It seems like a policy designed to appeal to remedials but it is also possible that he actually believes it.
The previous policy of isolationism ended in Pearl Harbour. The worlds biggest economy cant afford to cower behind a big wall.
America is not a strong ally when it gives us presidents of this low quality.
tRump's whole existence is playing for the base. He has no coherent policies and even his opinions are often those of the last person he spoke with.

Is isolationism the trump policy or is he just playing to his base ?​

If it's both then it's actually 'neither' which is the correct answer.

Trump, and conservatives in general, don't like Foreign Intervention. We're better off not looting our treasury and sacrificing our Men for the causes of others.

Only in the rare case should we send our troops, drain our treasury, in defense of often questionable causes.

JFK got us into Viet Nam but he was upholding the Truman Doctrine of fighting communism everywhere it reared its diseased head. He thought he was doing the right thing. Look at all the good that did.
(Belive it or not, it did help break Soviet Russia)

One could even hold up WW2 as wasted lives and resources. For What? To keep Germany from becoming the most powerful Country in Europe? Nice job. To prevent Japan from becoming a World Power? To save Britain? To save the world from National Socialism and Fascism? Bang Up job there, huh?

communism died a naturral death because the theory itself but the people that practiced it were stupid as well. ALL communists are stupid human beings. How else could it end.

Same with National Socialism and Fascism. Stupid theories, stupid people. Only one way it could end.

If people would actually listen to Trump himself instead of letting the DISGUSTING FILTH in the totally corrupt and dishonest media tell them what he said, which is NEVER accurate, they might understand him.

But, it's just so much easier to let the DISGUSTING FILTH tell them what to think, isn't it??

I cant decide.
It seems like a policy designed to appeal to remedials but it is also possible that he actually believes it.
The previous policy of isolationism ended in Pearl Harbour. The worlds biggest economy cant afford to cower behind a big wall.
America is not a strong ally when it gives us presidents of this low quality.
Quality? NATO DEADBEATS LIKE Germany for instance, a wealthy country with fucked up priorities....need a kick in the ass. American tax payer dollars are not for gender reassignment in
Some eastern European human zoo. If they want protection 2% is hardly a bother.
If it's both then it's actually 'neither' which is the correct answer.

Trump, and conservatives in general, don't like Foreign Intervention. We're better off not looting our treasury and sacrificing our Men for the causes of others.

Only in the rare case should we send our troops, drain our treasury, in defense of often questionable causes.

JFK got us into Viet Nam but he was upholding the Truman Doctrine of fighting communism everywhere it reared its diseased head. He thought he was doing the right thing. Look at all the good that did.
(Belive it or not, it did help break Soviet Russia)

One could even hold up WW2 as wasted lives and resources. For What? To keep Germany from becoming the most powerful Country in Europe? Nice job. To prevent Japan from becoming a World Power? To save Britain? To save the world from National Socialism and Fascism? Bang Up job there, huh?

communism died a naturral death because the theory itself but the people that practiced it were stupid as well. ALL communists are stupid human beings. How else could it end.

Same with National Socialism and Fascism. Stupid theories, stupid people. Only one way it could end.

If people would actually listen to Trump himself instead of letting the DISGUSTING FILTH in the totally corrupt and dishonest media tell them what he said, which is NEVER accurate, they might understand him.

But, it's just so much easier to let the DISGUSTING FILTH tell them what to think, isn't it??
Anerica was bombed into WW2. It was hardly as if you had a choice. Funding Ukraine is a sensible action. Its cheaper to fight putin in Ukraine than wait until he goes into Poland.
This is just basic common sense.

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