trump claims he told NATO country he would not protect them if Russia attacked them

Trump is truly a moron. Sunday talk shows just shifted from Biden's memory to Trump's outlandish NATO comments. If Donald Trump isnt a plant by us liberals then his actions are utterly inexplicable.
Why is this an issue? For many decades most Americans have had negative views on what Europe gets away with. We even pay them for our military installations. Cut the cord and let them take care of themselves and they will come here begging. It's time for them to pay or let's move on.
A normal leader would have said that America will protect NATO member states no matter what, thus encouraging them to be delinquent.
precisely 3rdT

Trump was simply holding them all to having a dog in the fight

which they did not, until he shamed them

the media spin ,however, painted him anti-nato

which is one big fat LIE

Whilst MAGAts screech about how all the world wants to go to America.
Most refugees seem to come from places that America is bombing or bombed. I am sure they would prefer to be at home than in a prison hulk on the Solent.
Only a moron, so no surprise here, would take this statement to be literal.

The European brat pack has been getting away with not paying their part for decades relying on ALL OF US to keep footing the entire bill of world safety.

He is making a point that is valid.
But the brain dead little green poopy pants folks like the OP - want you to believe he literally means Russia should invade Europe.

God people are stupid.
says a board moron on the wrong side of every single issue forever? Kinda like your hero in the Presidents chair right now. Always stupid and wrong. Zero common sense in all of you, yet you chirp on.
Go ride your electric bike to Starbucks in the cold rain and prop open your APPL laptop and try to appear intelligent or cool as you letch out over the college girls you sick POS.
Tick tick tick............................
I draw the line at threats to allies. This was uncalled for and stupid. There are ways to make them pay with OUT threats of not living up to our treaty obligations. No problem I wont be voting in November.
Exactly! TY for saying this Sarge! But why won't you be voting in November???
I draw the line at threats to allies. This was uncalled for and stupid. There are ways to make them pay with OUT threats of not living up to our treaty obligations. No problem I wont be voting in November.
What have out "allies" done for us lately?
Trump is simply out to prove he can shoot a man in broad daylight and not lose a single vote.
Yeah. Y'know, an honest and open conversation about our involvement in the world is a perfectly legitimate exercise. But it doesn't even occur to him and them that an American President unnecessarily siding with a clearly aggressive tyrant and telling a few million Europeans he'd encourage their slaughter is slightly different.

I don't know what the psychology of this is, but it's ugly and it's sick. It's feral. We'll never understand the blind rage inside these manipulated souls.
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Why is this an issue? For many decades most Americans have had negative views on what Europe gets away with. We even pay them for our military installations. Cut the cord and let them take care of themselves and they will come here begging. It's time for them to pay or let's move on.
The issue is not how much they give us. It’s their own spending on war apparatus. Costs us nothing regardless of their defense spending because we spend as much as we want and more
I'm just out of words at this point. Imagine what our allies are thinking. Does he not realize they know what's happening right near them, in Ukraine?

This is a former, and possibly future, American President. He's killing us. He figures we don't need allies. How do people support this?
I can't imagine the military presence in SC could be on board with trump.
Yeah. Y'know, an honest and open conversation about our involvement in the world is a perfectly legitimate exercise. But it doesn't even occur to him and them that an American President unnecessarily siding with a clearly aggressive tyrant and telling a few million Europeans he'd encourage their slaughter is slightly different.

I don't know what the psychology of this is, but it's ugly and it's sick. It's feral. We'll never understand the blind rage inside these manipulated souls.

Yeah... hmm... I didn't see you make any outraged post about Biden using F-15s and nuclear bombs on citizens. Yet here you are - siding with the some of the dumbest on this board as if trump actually means he wants Russia to invade Europe.
Trump is simply out to prove he can shoot a man in broad daylight and not lose a single vote.
Hunter Biden could probably do that and walk away scot-free. Of course if he was prosecuted and convicted and Joe was President, he would be pardoned.
stuff it dic-nose. Europe has been sucking off USA military forever. Don’t try your BS spin job in here. We took in 40-50 million illegals and Protected your lame arses as the DemWitted loons ran up $34T debt and you crow about 1%? Suck on it Starbuck boy.
If Russia invades Europe we're almost instantly in a global nuclear engagement.

I'm just out of words at this point. Imagine what our allies are thinking. Does he not realize they know what's happening right near them, in Ukraine?

This is a former, and possibly future, American President. He's killing us. He figures we don't need allies. How do people support this?
There's your problem, you don't seem to understand our president is president of the United States, not a Eurotrash lackey.

Allies? Hardly, those dirtbags are dependents. They couldn't handle Kosovo without us.
Trump spoke at a rally in South Carolina on Saturday, telling attendees that he wouldn't defend NATO allies from Russia. Specifically, he said, "One of the presidents of a big country stood up and said, 'Well, sir, if we don't pay and we're attacked by Russia, will you protect us?' I said, 'You didn't pay? You're delinquent?... No I would not protect you. In fact, I would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want.'" He ended by saying you, "gotta pay your bills!"

Trump lecturing someone about paying their bills? LMFAO

The guy that sold our national secrets to our enemies, has already helped Putin attack our allies.

When are we finally going to put this traitor at the end of a rope?

I cant decide.
It seems like a policy designed to appeal to remedials but it is also possible that he actually believes it.
The previous policy of isolationism ended in Pearl Harbour. The worlds biggest economy cant afford to cower behind a big wall.
America is not a strong ally when it gives us presidents of this low quality.

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