trump claims he told NATO country he would not protect them if Russia attacked them

As The Washington Post and other fact-checkers have noted, NATO member nations pledged to boost their funding over a period of 10 years at a 2014 summit held to address Russian aggression. Direct NATO funding has been increasing since then — although not at the pace needed to reach the goal set in 2014.
The alliance, however, is primarily strengthened through indirect funding, which is funding that member nations spend on their own individual militaries that could be called upon to assist the group if needed. NATO’s Article 5 states that member nations must treat an attack on one as an attack on all.
"You gotta pay your bills"?

  • Fact
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Sure................Just listen to Trump.

He's telling the people of Europe he'd be fine with their slaughter.

Of all the terrible things this mentally ill child has said and posted, this one is near the top for me.

And as always, this isn't about him. It's about those who support and enable this. I had just assumed America was better than this.
The premise of this thread is based on a lie. Trump didn't say "I would encourage Russia", he said "I would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want", referring to those NATO countries.

As usual, Trump-hating leftists like Dont Taz Me Bro are putting words into President Trump's mouth.
If they are indeed on schedule, much is due to Trump insisting they pay their dues back when he was President.
They weren't off schedule when the LOTUS threw ketchup and a tantrum.
I'll ask you. You're telling the story. Do you have one?
I proved with a NATO link and a NATO quote that Trump strengthened NATO by $100b, just in time to support Ukraine with weapons.
Trump wants the EU/NATO deadbeats to pay the fuck up, or no NATO protection. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
I'd wager that if Trump had won the '20, we would have had nothing to do with Ukraine....~S~
Leftist retards dont think they should have to pay their own bills.

So its no surprise they dont think NATO should pay theirs!
So, to absolutely zero surprise, the Trumpsters would be just fine if their orange god encouraged Putin to slaughter Europeans.

We appear to have hit a new bottom. For now.
well theres the fact that Putin wouldn't have done what hes doing had Trump been POTUS.

but you already knew that.
Wrong again. Trump was doing Putin’s work in undermining our alliances. If Trump is elected he will hand over Ukraine in a platter to Putin.
Wrong again. Trump was doing Putin’s work in undermining our alliances. If Trump is elected he will hand over Ukraine in a platter to Putin.
That explains why Putin waited on the Potato to be installed in order to start this war!!!!!
So, to absolutely zero surprise, the Trumpsters would be just fine if their orange god encouraged Putin to slaughter Europeans.

We appear to have hit a new bottom. For now.

Don’t care. You own it all. You caused it. When youre silenced and gone then sane persons can repair the damage more easily Using good common sense that you’ve never had a scintilla of. Fix your own mess afore you try to run your pompous filthy mouth about others . //
What reality do you live in?????

View attachment 900514
the one where idiot leftists made up a bullshit story about a POTUS being in bed with a Russian President that was later proven to be bullshit. And yet leftist retards still promote that completely false, bullshit story because they are ..... well.....retarded.

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