trump claims he told NATO country he would not protect them if Russia attacked them

That is just more Trump nonsense. He knows the mood in America and tries to profit from it. And he is contradicting himself again. Just days ago he said again that Nato is obsolete. Now he wants the members to pay properly.
So he tells everyone what they want to hear, gets elected and gives a damn about his campaign promises, just like in 2016.

I can't think when the last time a politician cared about their campaign promises after getting elected.

It would be nice if people held their politicians accountable to the same standard they hold others to.
I can't think when the last time a politician cared about their campaign promises after getting elected.

It would be nice if people held their politicians accountable to the same standard they hold others to.
Politicians do not excel in keeping promises but they normally do not campaign with outright upheavals.
Anything you fail to hold your candidate accountable to, will only get worse with the next.
The only thing voters can do is voting for another candidate who will also fail them to some extent. There is no real tool that can be used to hold Presidents accountable.
The only thing voters can do is voting for another candidate who will also fail them to some extent. There is no real tool that can be used to hold Presidents accountable.

Stop re-electing them. If it's inevitable, then it is for Trump also.
the NATO countries do NOT fund their militaries properly and a deal was struck saying they had to spend like 2 percent of their budget on it. They havent done so.
Previously, it was a target to aim for.

July 7, 20237:57 PM UTC
BRUSSELS, July 7 (Reuters) - NATO allies have reached agreement to raise the alliance's target for military spending to at least 2% of national GDP, two diplomats told Reuters late on Friday.
The 31 allies agreed on "an enduring commitment to invest at least 2%" of their GDP into their militaries in the future, two diplomats said, speaking on condition of anonymity and confirming an earlier report by German news agency DPA.
Agreement on the new spending target was one of the outstanding issues ahead of a two-day NATO summit on Tuesday and Wednesday next week in Vilnius.
Impossible. I made such a statement some days ago but when just one person votes, it was all in vain.

Sadly when only one person is willing to hold a politician accountable for his or her lies, it is pretty much in vain.

I'll never understand it.
Voting for Trump is unmitigated madness; this is yet further proof of Trump’s reckless, irresponsible foreign policy and that Trump is in fact unfit to be president.
Telling deadbeat NATO members that they need to pay their dues or no NATO protection pays dividends.
Last time Trump got the deadbeats to pay more than $100b and strengthened NATO.

Secretary General thanks President Trump for his commitment to NATO​

Can you imagine how Trump's cult would react..................if Biden was the one saying these things?
Getting the EU countries to pay up is a good thing...

Secretary General thanks President Trump for his commitment to NATO​

Sadly when only one person is willing to hold a politician accountable for his or her lies, it is pretty much in vain.

I'll never understand it.
I meant an agreement to not to vote. That would be great. Just nobody votes, that would be a strong message.
Specifics. What the fuck are you talking about?

Secretary General thanks President Trump for his commitment to NATO​

As The Washington Post and other fact-checkers have noted, NATO member nations pledged to boost their funding over a period of 10 years at a 2014 summit held to address Russian aggression. Direct NATO funding has been increasing since then — although not at the pace needed to reach the goal set in 2014.
The alliance, however, is primarily strengthened through indirect funding, which is funding that member nations spend on their own individual militaries that could be called upon to assist the group if needed. NATO’s Article 5 states that member nations must treat an attack on one as an attack on all.
Getting the EU countries to pay up is a good thing...

Secretary General thanks President Trump for his commitment to NATO​

No, it isn't.
This is what I was referring to.

"Donald Trump tells cheering crowd he would encourage Russia to ATTACK fellow NATO members for failing to 'pay their dues'​

No, it isn't.
This is what I was referring to.

"Donald Trump tells cheering crowd he would encourage Russia to ATTACK fellow NATO members for failing to 'pay their dues'​

That just puts more pressure on the NATO deadbeats to pay the fuck up....or else.
Organised by Obama in '14. You can thank him.
Obama did nothing, just ask NATO, Trump got results.

Secretary General thanks President Trump for his commitment to NATO​

Pay your damn union dues. Democrats do it every day, but because Trump said it they go nuts. Fucking hypocrites.

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