Trump Coincidence I am sure!

More pathetic lies ^^^

ZioCons right about now. :) Its amusing!
Free Thought Project – Media Bias/Fact Checking
Media Bias/Fact Checking › free-tho...
Sources in the Conspiracy-Pseudoscience category “may” publish unverifiable information that is “not always” supported by evidence. These sources “may” be untrustworthy for credible/verifiable information ...

ROFLMAO! A ZioCon wants to call a website he doesn't like fake.. ROFLMAO....oh man this is funny stuff. Go ahead snowflake prove it wrong. Should be really easy.
Dear Odium I thought by the subject title,
you were going to point out the "coincidental timing" --
that once things heat up in DC, then "someone starts a war"
to distract media attention to global issues more pressing!

Remember when Clinton was criticized for deflecting attention
from the Lewinsky incident? by the military actions in Bosnia?

Sure the political powers that be profit off war and defense spending.
Same with profiting off crime, prisons, and policing drug wars.

So they aren't going to push for solutions
UNLESS those solutions guarantee their same job security.

So the challenge is to set up Govt reforms where all the
resources, facilities and management can be shifted over
into being hired and paid to SAVE taxpayer money and
make programs work more efficiently. We have to change
the whole set up, if we want people to welcome change:
They'd have to benefit from it and be able to afford the changes.

It has to be set up right, or OF COURSE the politicians are
going to want to stick to the same formula as before that paid for their cushy jobs....
It's truly unbecoming when republicans start acting like the whiny leftist snowflakes....waaaaaa! I don't like your link so its FAKE! waaaaaaaa! Come on then big boy prove it wrong I look forward to it!
The report showed that Trump also owns or has owned stock in many well-known companies including Apple, Nike, Whole Foods, Google, Philip Morris, McDonald’s, Facebook, and Morgan Stanley, among many others.
So if Trump eats a McDonald’s hamburger or wears Nike apparel and there stock goes up I guess this will be a grand consiparcy as well.
Ziocon? Lol

Now show us the real evidence. And you failed to even check what they claim is Trumps form, filed in May, 2016, claiming he was then President of the United States. He didn't become President until Jan, 2017.

You obviously in your thirst and zeal missed that and the authors own statement of "or have owned". And you fell for it hook, line and sinker as to that must be the reason he had them shoot off tomahawk missiles at Syria.

Do a little research for yourself before making yourself look like a complete fool, next time, ok?

Free Thought Project – Media Bias/Fact Checking
Media Bias/Fact Checking › free-tho...
Sources in the Conspiracy-Pseudoscience category “may” publish unverifiable information that is “not always” supported by evidence. These sources “may” be untrustworthy for credible/verifiable information ...

ROFLMAO! A ZioCon wants to call a website he doesn't like fake.. ROFLMAO....oh man this is funny stuff. Go ahead snowflake prove it wrong. Should be really easy.

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