Trump Consultant Is Trolling Democrats With Biden Site That Isn’t Biden’s

I hope he adds in the most recent one where Joe says that Russian interference would not have happened under his or DumBama's administration.
... At this point, it lays squarely on the sitting President who has the power to stop it cold...
But when Obama/Biden were in office, it wasn't their responsibility? How convenient!

It looks like you have your excuse for losing in 2020 already formulated!

The Courts are going to be looking at it pretty close. Since the Senate won't do a damned thing about it because they will benefit from it, the President won't do a damn thing about it because he will benefit from it, it's going to be up to the oversight of the House and the Court System to start locking up people that cooperate with it...
Uhh, lay off the glue.

State Legislatures are responsible for nominating ELECTORS. Your claim that the House is going to take charge is silly as the one thing an elector CANNOT be, is a member of Congress!

State electors meet in their respective state capitals in December to cast their votes. The results are certified by Congress, where they are tabulated nationally in the first week of January before a joint meeting of the Senate and House of Representatives. Congress merely counts the votes, they don't quibble and mindread whether the State Legislatures were influenced by the Russians!

In each State Capitol, electors must complete six Certificates of Vote. Each Certificate of Vote must be signed by all of the electors and a Certificate of Ascertainment must be attached to each of the Certificates of Vote. Each Certificate of Vote must include the names of those who received an electoral vote for either the office of president or of vice president. The electors certify the Certificates of Vote and copies of the Certificates are then sent in the following fashion:
Note that none are divinely ordained to determine if the electors were influenced by the Russians to vote for Trump.

A staff member of the President of the Senate (VP Pence) collects the Certificates of Vote as they arrive and prepares them for the joint session of the Congress. The Certificates are arranged – unopened – in alphabetical order and placed in two special mahogany boxes. Alabama through Missouri (including the District of Columbia) are placed in one box and Montana through Wyoming are placed in the other box. The Office of Federal Register in the Archivist's office reviews them to make sure the documents sent to the archive and Congress match and that all formalities have been followed.

The Twelfth Amendment mandates Congress assemble in joint session to count the electoral votes and declare the winners of the election. They simply count and report the totals, they don't' attempt to divine whether any of the electors minds were influenced by "The Russians".

The session is ordinarily required to take place on January 6 in the calendar year immediately following the meetings of the presidential electors. The newly elected Congress declares the winner of the election.

Members of Congress can object to any state's vote count, provided objection is presented in writing and is signed by at least one member of each house of Congress. An objection supported by at least one senator and one representative will be followed by the suspension of the joint session and by separate debates and votes in each House of Congress; after both Houses deliberate on the objection, the joint session is resumed. A state's certificate of vote can be rejected only if both Houses of Congress vote to accept the objection. So your fantasy of divining that "The Russians!" caused a particular state to vote for Trump would have to be agreed by both houses. In that event the votes from the State are questioned, they are simply ignored, you don't get to assign them to Democrats, Silly!

Your fantasy of Pelosi and the Supreme Court or some rebel Hawaiian District Judge yelling "ALOHA ACKBAR!" and overturning Trump's reelection isn't going to happen.
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I hope he adds in the most recent one where Joe says that Russian interference would not have happened under his or DumBama's administration.

Obama and Biden were in a very procarious position. Had they done what was necessary to stop it they would have had to do a very public investigation of Trumps campaign. So they did nothing publicaly and nowhere near what they should have done behind the scenes. I am very certain that the Russians knew this would be the case by their timing. If Obama's admin had done what they should have been, much of Trumps campaign heads would have been sent to prison and Trumps campaign would either have been solidly stopped or he would have been canonized to become the next Great One. Either way, Obama's Admin would have looked like they were partisan even if they doing what was good for the country and stopping the Russians cold in their tracks.

I don't blame Trump or Obama or Biden or anyone else right now in the US. I blame the Russians. But now, the problem is known. At this point, it lays squarely on the sitting President who has the power to stop it cold. But he won't because he plans on capitalizing on it once again in 2020.

You live in your own little world Daryl, don't you?

Short of killing a man, DumBama would have done anything to make sure his legacy continued. He certainly didn't want a guy like Trump showing him up which Trump did. More importantly he didn't want all that FISA nonsense on his record either. He needed to cover it up.

Countries meddling in other countries elections is older than we are. You on the left were spoon fed that this all started under Trump, who was nothing more than an American citizen at the time with very little political contacts with outside nations.

Nothing Russia did had anything to do with Trump winning no more than what they did gave Hillary the popular vote. How do I know this? I have expert testimony.

One problem, Trump was right to some extent. While the ballots could not be really monkeyed with (there were just too many and guarded too closely by the states) the Russians worked overtime to drive wedges into the American Public and separate us. This was finally proven to the public (not to you orange drinkers) that it was the case. And there is no way in heaven or hell that anyone can say that it didn't have an affect at the voting booths. Even today, many of you trumpsters are still repeating the phrases that the Russians coined. Like "Make American Grea Again" was suggested in a GRU piece in 2014 as "Let's Make American Great Again". Just how many other phrases that Trump jumped on also originated from the GRU, like "Lock Her Up". And then you agree with Trump that Putin had no knowledge or involvement in any of this. We can't afford the Russian version of the Manchurian Candidate.

Nobody decides their vote based on Facebook ads. The wedge driving through the American public gets wider and wider every year, and it has nothing to do with Russia.

On the right, we constitutionalists are trying to steer the party. On the left, the last three presidential candidates and Bernie Sanders got their blessings from the US Communist Party.

Tell me, what's the half-way point between constitutionalism and Communism? There is none. So it has nothing to do with Russians. We created that wedge ourselves.

I hope he adds in the most recent one where Joe says that Russian interference would not have happened under his or DumBama's administration.

Obama and Biden were in a very procarious position. Had they done what was necessary to stop it they would have had to do a very public investigation of Trumps campaign. So they did nothing publicaly and nowhere near what they should have done behind the scenes. I am very certain that the Russians knew this would be the case by their timing. If Obama's admin had done what they should have been, much of Trumps campaign heads would have been sent to prison and Trumps campaign would either have been solidly stopped or he would have been canonized to become the next Great One. Either way, Obama's Admin would have looked like they were partisan even if they doing what was good for the country and stopping the Russians cold in their tracks.

I don't blame Trump or Obama or Biden or anyone else right now in the US. I blame the Russians. But now, the problem is known. At this point, it lays squarely on the sitting President who has the power to stop it cold. But he won't because he plans on capitalizing on it once again in 2020.

You live in your own little world Daryl, don't you?

Short of killing a man, DumBama would have done anything to make sure his legacy continued. He certainly didn't want a guy like Trump showing him up which Trump did. More importantly he didn't want all that FISA nonsense on his record either. He needed to cover it up.

Countries meddling in other countries elections is older than we are. You on the left were spoon fed that this all started under Trump, who was nothing more than an American citizen at the time with very little political contacts with outside nations.

Nothing Russia did had anything to do with Trump winning no more than what they did gave Hillary the popular vote. How do I know this? I have expert testimony.

One problem, Trump was right to some extent. While the ballots could not be really monkeyed with (there were just too many and guarded too closely by the states) the Russians worked overtime to drive wedges into the American Public and separate us. This was finally proven to the public (not to you orange drinkers) that it was the case. And there is no way in heaven or hell that anyone can say that it didn't have an affect at the voting booths. Even today, many of you trumpsters are still repeating the phrases that the Russians coined. Like "Make American Grea Again" was suggested in a GRU piece in 2014 as "Let's Make American Great Again". Just how many other phrases that Trump jumped on also originated from the GRU, like "Lock Her Up". And then you agree with Trump that Putin had no knowledge or involvement in any of this. We can't afford the Russian version of the Manchurian Candidate.

Nobody decides their vote based on Facebook ads. The wedge driving through the American public gets wider and wider every year, and it has nothing to do with Russia.

On the right, we constitutionalists are trying to steer the party. On the left, the last three presidential candidates and Bernie Sanders got their blessings from the US Communist Party.

Tell me, what's the half-way point between constitutionalism and Communism? There is none. So it has nothing to do with Russians. We created that wedge ourselves.

The Gentrified Liberals are status-insecure and think they have a divine right to rule, so when they are rejected by the Electorate they believe they were cheated, and they are skillful enough in the Swamp Machinations that they actually get some mileage out of their delusions.
This is the type of scum Trump is. Absolutely unworthy of the highest office.

Trump Consultant Is Trolling Democrats With Biden Site That Isn’t Biden’s

By Matthew Rosenberg June 29, 2019

For much of the last three months, the most popular Joseph R. Biden Jr. website has been a slick little piece of disinformation that is designed to look like the former vice president’s official campaign page, yet is most definitely not pro-Biden.

From top to bottom, the website,, breezily mocks the candidate in terms that would warm the heart of any Bernie Sanders supporter: There are GIFs of Mr. Biden touching women and girls, and blurbs about his less-than-liberal policy positions, including his opposition to court-ordered busing in the 1970s and his support for the Iraq war. Pull quotes highlight some of his more famous verbal gaffes, like his description of his future boss, Barack Obama, as “articulate and bright and clean.” The introductory text declares, “Uncle Joe is back and ready to take a hands-on approach to America’s problems!”

All the site says about its creator is buried in the fine print at the bottom of the page. The site, it says, is a political parody built and paid for “BY AN American citizen FOR American citizens,” and not the work of any campaign or political action committee.

There is indeed an American behind the website — that much is unambiguously true. But he is very much a political player, and a Republican one at that. His name is Patrick Mauldin, and he makes videos and other digital content for President Trump’s re-election campaign.

Trump Consultant Is Trolling Democrats With Biden Site That Isn’t Biden’s

Joe Biden for President 2020


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I hope he adds in the most recent one where Joe says that Russian interference would not have happened under his or DumBama's administration.

Obama and Biden were in a very procarious position. Had they done what was necessary to stop it they would have had to do a very public investigation of Trumps campaign. So they did nothing publicaly and nowhere near what they should have done behind the scenes. I am very certain that the Russians knew this would be the case by their timing. If Obama's admin had done what they should have been, much of Trumps campaign heads would have been sent to prison and Trumps campaign would either have been solidly stopped or he would have been canonized to become the next Great One. Either way, Obama's Admin would have looked like they were partisan even if they doing what was good for the country and stopping the Russians cold in their tracks.

I don't blame Trump or Obama or Biden or anyone else right now in the US. I blame the Russians. But now, the problem is known. At this point, it lays squarely on the sitting President who has the power to stop it cold. But he won't because he plans on capitalizing on it once again in 2020.

You live in your own little world Daryl, don't you?

Short of killing a man, DumBama would have done anything to make sure his legacy continued. He certainly didn't want a guy like Trump showing him up which Trump did. More importantly he didn't want all that FISA nonsense on his record either. He needed to cover it up.

Countries meddling in other countries elections is older than we are. You on the left were spoon fed that this all started under Trump, who was nothing more than an American citizen at the time with very little political contacts with outside nations.

Nothing Russia did had anything to do with Trump winning no more than what they did gave Hillary the popular vote. How do I know this? I have expert testimony.

One problem, Trump was right to some extent. While the ballots could not be really monkeyed with (there were just too many and guarded too closely by the states) the Russians worked overtime to drive wedges into the American Public and separate us. This was finally proven to the public (not to you orange drinkers) that it was the case. And there is no way in heaven or hell that anyone can say that it didn't have an affect at the voting booths. Even today, many of you trumpsters are still repeating the phrases that the Russians coined. Like "Make American Grea Again" was suggested in a GRU piece in 2014 as "Let's Make American Great Again". Just how many other phrases that Trump jumped on also originated from the GRU, like "Lock Her Up". And then you agree with Trump that Putin had no knowledge or involvement in any of this. We can't afford the Russian version of the Manchurian Candidate.

Nobody decides their vote based on Facebook ads. The wedge driving through the American public gets wider and wider every year, and it has nothing to do with Russia.

On the right, we constitutionalists are trying to steer the party. On the left, the last three presidential candidates and Bernie Sanders got their blessings from the US Communist Party.

Tell me, what's the half-way point between constitutionalism and Communism? There is none. So it has nothing to do with Russians. We created that wedge ourselves.

The Gentrified Liberals are status-insecure and think they have a divine right to rule, so when they are rejected by the Electorate they believe they were cheated, and they are skillful enough in the Swamp Machinations that they actually get some mileage out of their delusions.

One would have thought that this Russian brainwashing thing would have subsided after the Mueller report. Seems some are doubling down on it.
I hope he adds in the most recent one where Joe says that Russian interference would not have happened under his or DumBama's administration.

Obama and Biden were in a very procarious position. Had they done what was necessary to stop it they would have had to do a very public investigation of Trumps campaign. So they did nothing publicaly and nowhere near what they should have done behind the scenes. I am very certain that the Russians knew this would be the case by their timing. If Obama's admin had done what they should have been, much of Trumps campaign heads would have been sent to prison and Trumps campaign would either have been solidly stopped or he would have been canonized to become the next Great One. Either way, Obama's Admin would have looked like they were partisan even if they doing what was good for the country and stopping the Russians cold in their tracks.

I don't blame Trump or Obama or Biden or anyone else right now in the US. I blame the Russians. But now, the problem is known. At this point, it lays squarely on the sitting President who has the power to stop it cold. But he won't because he plans on capitalizing on it once again in 2020.

You live in your own little world Daryl, don't you?

Short of killing a man, DumBama would have done anything to make sure his legacy continued. He certainly didn't want a guy like Trump showing him up which Trump did. More importantly he didn't want all that FISA nonsense on his record either. He needed to cover it up.

Countries meddling in other countries elections is older than we are. You on the left were spoon fed that this all started under Trump, who was nothing more than an American citizen at the time with very little political contacts with outside nations.

Nothing Russia did had anything to do with Trump winning no more than what they did gave Hillary the popular vote. How do I know this? I have expert testimony.

One problem, Trump was right to some extent. While the ballots could not be really monkeyed with (there were just too many and guarded too closely by the states) the Russians worked overtime to drive wedges into the American Public and separate us. This was finally proven to the public (not to you orange drinkers) that it was the case. And there is no way in heaven or hell that anyone can say that it didn't have an affect at the voting booths. Even today, many of you trumpsters are still repeating the phrases that the Russians coined. Like "Make American Grea Again" was suggested in a GRU piece in 2014 as "Let's Make American Great Again". Just how many other phrases that Trump jumped on also originated from the GRU, like "Lock Her Up". And then you agree with Trump that Putin had no knowledge or involvement in any of this. We can't afford the Russian version of the Manchurian Candidate.

You guys STILL refuse to accept that you lost. Hillary was a terrible candidate that threatened to take away the jobs of PA coal miners. And she lost Coal Country and she lost the State and with it, the election. But keep telling yourself lies, in order to make changes you have to face the truth, so, by all means continue in your fantasies.

Mueller’s Own Report Undercuts Its Core Russia-Meddling Claims

The Mueller report absolutely destroyed the notion that supports its core claim of "sweeping and systematic" Russian government election interference.

Sloppy work by Dirty Bob and Witch Hunters:

  • The report uses qualified and vague language to describe key events, because Dirty Bob can't show that Russian intelligence officers stole Democratic Party emails, or how those emails were transferred to WikiLeaks.
  • The report's timeline of events defies simple logic. According to Dirty Bob and his Evil Henchmen, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange announced the publication of Democrat Party emails not only before he received the documents but before he even communicated with the source that provided them.
  • Dirty Bob's suggestion that an alleged Russian cutout called Guccifer 2.0 supplied the stolen emails to Assange is without support.
  • Dirty Bob's refusal to interview Assange – a central figure who claims Russia was not behind the hack – demonstrates an unwillingness to explore avenues of evidence on fundamental questions that might undercut his witch hunt.
  • U.S. intelligence officials cannot make definitive conclusions about the hacking of the Democrat National Committee computer servers because they did not analyze those servers. CrowdStrike is a private contractor for the DNC not a neutral party, much as “Russian dossier” compiler Christopher Steele, also a DNC contractor, was not a neutral party. This puts two Democrat-hired contractors squarely behind underlying allegations in the affair – a key circumstance that Dirty Bob carefully ignores.
  • Further, the government allowed CrowdStrike and the Democrat Party's legal counsel to submit redacted records, meaning CrowdStrike and not the government decided what could be revealed or not regarding evidence of hacking.
  • Even Dirty Bob's report conspicuously does not allege that the Russian government carried out the social media campaign. Instead Dirty Bob blames it on "a private Russian entity" known as the Internet Research Agency (IRA).
  • Dirty Bob also falls far short of proving that the Russian social campaign was sophisticated, or even more than minimally related to the 2016 election. As with the collusion and Russian hacking allegations, Democrat officials had a central and overlooked hand in generating the alarm about Russian social media activity.
  • John Brennan, then director of the CIA, played a seminal and overlooked role in all facets of what became Mueller’s investigation: the suspicions that triggered the initial collusion probe; the allegations of Russian interference; and the intelligence assessment that purported to validate the interference allegations that Brennan himself helped generate. Yet Brennan has since revealed himself to be, like CrowdStrike and Steele, hardly a neutral party -- in fact a partisan with a deep animus toward Trump.
Report here. It's worth the click...
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I hope he adds in the most recent one where Joe says that Russian interference would not have happened under his or DumBama's administration.

Obama and Biden were in a very procarious position. Had they done what was necessary to stop it they would have had to do a very public investigation of Trumps campaign. So they did nothing publicaly and nowhere near what they should have done behind the scenes. I am very certain that the Russians knew this would be the case by their timing. If Obama's admin had done what they should have been, much of Trumps campaign heads would have been sent to prison and Trumps campaign would either have been solidly stopped or he would have been canonized to become the next Great One. Either way, Obama's Admin would have looked like they were partisan even if they doing what was good for the country and stopping the Russians cold in their tracks.

I don't blame Trump or Obama or Biden or anyone else right now in the US. I blame the Russians. But now, the problem is known. At this point, it lays squarely on the sitting President who has the power to stop it cold. But he won't because he plans on capitalizing on it once again in 2020.

You live in your own little world Daryl, don't you?

Short of killing a man, DumBama would have done anything to make sure his legacy continued. He certainly didn't want a guy like Trump showing him up which Trump did. More importantly he didn't want all that FISA nonsense on his record either. He needed to cover it up.

Countries meddling in other countries elections is older than we are. You on the left were spoon fed that this all started under Trump, who was nothing more than an American citizen at the time with very little political contacts with outside nations.

Nothing Russia did had anything to do with Trump winning no more than what they did gave Hillary the popular vote. How do I know this? I have expert testimony.

One problem, Trump was right to some extent. While the ballots could not be really monkeyed with (there were just too many and guarded too closely by the states) the Russians worked overtime to drive wedges into the American Public and separate us. This was finally proven to the public (not to you orange drinkers) that it was the case. And there is no way in heaven or hell that anyone can say that it didn't have an affect at the voting booths. Even today, many of you trumpsters are still repeating the phrases that the Russians coined. Like "Make American Grea Again" was suggested in a GRU piece in 2014 as "Let's Make American Great Again". Just how many other phrases that Trump jumped on also originated from the GRU, like "Lock Her Up". And then you agree with Trump that Putin had no knowledge or involvement in any of this. We can't afford the Russian version of the Manchurian Candidate.

Nobody decides their vote based on Facebook ads. The wedge driving through the American public gets wider and wider every year, and it has nothing to do with Russia.

On the right, we constitutionalists are trying to steer the party. On the left, the last three presidential candidates and Bernie Sanders got their blessings from the US Communist Party.

Tell me, what's the half-way point between constitutionalism and Communism? There is none. So it has nothing to do with Russians. We created that wedge ourselves.

Yup. And Now Biden is threatening physical violence.

Joe Biden Threatens Physical Violence Against Trump Again, Says: “He’s the Bully I’d Smack in the Mouth”

But he has more sinister plans for this young man's mouth:


President Trump responded to Crazy Uncle Joe’s threats,

“Crazy Joe Biden is trying to act like a tough guy. Actually, he is weak, both mentally and physically, and yet he threatens me, for the second time, with physical assault. He doesn’t know me, but he would go down fast and hard, crying all the way. Don’t threaten people Joe!”​

Washington Examiner


Joe Biden says he's looking forward to a chance to "slap @realDonaldTrump in the mouth" during a presidential debate.
I hope he adds in the most recent one where Joe says that Russian interference would not have happened under his or DumBama's administration.

Obama and Biden were in a very procarious position. Had they done what was necessary to stop it they would have had to do a very public investigation of Trumps campaign. So they did nothing publicaly and nowhere near what they should have done behind the scenes. I am very certain that the Russians knew this would be the case by their timing. If Obama's admin had done what they should have been, much of Trumps campaign heads would have been sent to prison and Trumps campaign would either have been solidly stopped or he would have been canonized to become the next Great One. Either way, Obama's Admin would have looked like they were partisan even if they doing what was good for the country and stopping the Russians cold in their tracks.

I don't blame Trump or Obama or Biden or anyone else right now in the US. I blame the Russians. But now, the problem is known. At this point, it lays squarely on the sitting President who has the power to stop it cold. But he won't because he plans on capitalizing on it once again in 2020.

You live in your own little world Daryl, don't you?

Short of killing a man, DumBama would have done anything to make sure his legacy continued. He certainly didn't want a guy like Trump showing him up which Trump did. More importantly he didn't want all that FISA nonsense on his record either. He needed to cover it up.

Countries meddling in other countries elections is older than we are. You on the left were spoon fed that this all started under Trump, who was nothing more than an American citizen at the time with very little political contacts with outside nations.

Nothing Russia did had anything to do with Trump winning no more than what they did gave Hillary the popular vote. How do I know this? I have expert testimony.

One problem, Trump was right to some extent. While the ballots could not be really monkeyed with (there were just too many and guarded too closely by the states) the Russians worked overtime to drive wedges into the American Public and separate us. This was finally proven to the public (not to you orange drinkers) that it was the case. And there is no way in heaven or hell that anyone can say that it didn't have an affect at the voting booths. Even today, many of you trumpsters are still repeating the phrases that the Russians coined. Like "Make American Grea Again" was suggested in a GRU piece in 2014 as "Let's Make American Great Again". Just how many other phrases that Trump jumped on also originated from the GRU, like "Lock Her Up". And then you agree with Trump that Putin had no knowledge or involvement in any of this. We can't afford the Russian version of the Manchurian Candidate.

Nobody decides their vote based on Facebook ads. The wedge driving through the American public gets wider and wider every year, and it has nothing to do with Russia.

On the right, we constitutionalists are trying to steer the party. On the left, the last three presidential candidates and Bernie Sanders got their blessings from the US Communist Party.

Tell me, what's the half-way point between constitutionalism and Communism? There is none. So it has nothing to do with Russians. We created that wedge ourselves.

Yup. And Now Biden is threatening physical violence.

Joe Biden Threatens Physical Violence Against Trump Again, Says: “He’s the Bully I’d Smack in the Mouth”

But he has more sinister plans for this young man's mouth:


President Trump responded to Crazy Uncle Joe’s threats,

“Crazy Joe Biden is trying to act like a tough guy. Actually, he is weak, both mentally and physically, and yet he threatens me, for the second time, with physical assault. He doesn’t know me, but he would go down fast and hard, crying all the way. Don’t threaten people Joe!”​

Washington Examiner


Joe Biden says he's looking forward to a chance to "slap @realDonaldTrump in the mouth" during a presidential debate.

Trump has to be careful. Joe has a shotgun, and he shoots it off on his back porch to scare people away.
I hope he adds in the most recent one where Joe says that Russian interference would not have happened under his or DumBama's administration.
... At this point, it lays squarely on the sitting President who has the power to stop it cold...
But when Obama/Biden were in office, it wasn't their responsibility? How convenient!

It looks like you have your excuse for losing in 2020 already formulated!

The Courts are going to be looking at it pretty close. Since the Senate won't do a damned thing about it because they will benefit from it, the President won't do a damn thing about it because he will benefit from it, it's going to be up to the oversight of the House and the Court System to start locking up people that cooperate with it...
Uhh, lay off the glue.

State Legislatures are responsible for nominating ELECTORS. Your claim that the House is going to take charge is silly as the one thing an elector CANNOT be, is a member of Congress!

State electors meet in their respective state capitals in December to cast their votes. The results are certified by Congress, where they are tabulated nationally in the first week of January before a joint meeting of the Senate and House of Representatives. Congress merely counts the votes, they don't quibble and mindread whether the State Legislatures were influenced by the Russians!

In each State Capitol, electors must complete six Certificates of Vote. Each Certificate of Vote must be signed by all of the electors and a Certificate of Ascertainment must be attached to each of the Certificates of Vote. Each Certificate of Vote must include the names of those who received an electoral vote for either the office of president or of vice president. The electors certify the Certificates of Vote and copies of the Certificates are then sent in the following fashion:
Note that none are divinely ordained to determine if the electors were influenced by the Russians to vote for Trump.

A staff member of the President of the Senate (VP Pence) collects the Certificates of Vote as they arrive and prepares them for the joint session of the Congress. The Certificates are arranged – unopened – in alphabetical order and placed in two special mahogany boxes. Alabama through Missouri (including the District of Columbia) are placed in one box and Montana through Wyoming are placed in the other box. The Office of Federal Register in the Archivist's office reviews them to make sure the documents sent to the archive and Congress match and that all formalities have been followed.

The Twelfth Amendment mandates Congress assemble in joint session to count the electoral votes and declare the winners of the election. They simply count and report the totals, they don't' attempt to divine whether any of the electors minds were influenced by "The Russians".

The session is ordinarily required to take place on January 6 in the calendar year immediately following the meetings of the presidential electors. The newly elected Congress declares the winner of the election.

Members of Congress can object to any state's vote count, provided objection is presented in writing and is signed by at least one member of each house of Congress. An objection supported by at least one senator and one representative will be followed by the suspension of the joint session and by separate debates and votes in each House of Congress; after both Houses deliberate on the objection, the joint session is resumed. A state's certificate of vote can be rejected only if both Houses of Congress vote to accept the objection. So your fantasy of divining that "The Russians!" caused a particular state to vote for Trump would have to be agreed by both houses. In that event the votes from the State are questioned, they are simply ignored, you don't get to assign them to Democrats, Silly!

Your fantasy of Pelosi and the Supreme Court or some rebel Hawaiian District Judge yelling "ALOHA ACKBAR!" and overturning Trump's reelection isn't going to happen.

When an outside source like Russia interferes in such a grand scale it becomes a federal problem. One that the Executive Branch and the Senate just ignores. So it's left up to the House and the Supreme Court to do it. One does the oversight and the other does the muscle. You can't change the law just to suit your Orange Drink. Since you seem to give Trump, McConnel, the GOP and the Russians a free ride, get the hell out of the way. Others will do their jobs.
Well, apparently Trump and his people think that they can win again on a campaign based on smears, lies and propaganda like they did last time.

I mean...................Trump Jr. has already gotten in hot water for retweeting "wow, is this true? I didn't know", when someone posted that Kamala was actually 1/2 Jamacian and 1/2 Indian. No, her father was Jamaican, her mother was Indian, but she was born here in the USA, which makes her American.

He later deleted the tweet after he started to catch a whole bunch of flack for it.

Yeah, that's the world we live in, people piss themselves just because someone asked a question. The fact it was indeed true, the little commies isn't African-American.

I hope he adds in the most recent one where Joe says that Russian interference would not have happened under his or DumBama's administration.

Obama and Biden were in a very procarious position. Had they done what was necessary to stop it they would have had to do a very public investigation of Trumps campaign. So they did nothing publicaly and nowhere near what they should have done behind the scenes. I am very certain that the Russians knew this would be the case by their timing. If Obama's admin had done what they should have been, much of Trumps campaign heads would have been sent to prison and Trumps campaign would either have been solidly stopped or he would have been canonized to become the next Great One. Either way, Obama's Admin would have looked like they were partisan even if they doing what was good for the country and stopping the Russians cold in their tracks.

I don't blame Trump or Obama or Biden or anyone else right now in the US. I blame the Russians. But now, the problem is known. At this point, it lays squarely on the sitting President who has the power to stop it cold. But he won't because he plans on capitalizing on it once again in 2020.

You live in your own little world Daryl, don't you?

Short of killing a man, DumBama would have done anything to make sure his legacy continued. He certainly didn't want a guy like Trump showing him up which Trump did. More importantly he didn't want all that FISA nonsense on his record either. He needed to cover it up.

Countries meddling in other countries elections is older than we are. You on the left were spoon fed that this all started under Trump, who was nothing more than an American citizen at the time with very little political contacts with outside nations.

Nothing Russia did had anything to do with Trump winning no more than what they did gave Hillary the popular vote. How do I know this? I have expert testimony.

One problem, Trump was right to some extent. While the ballots could not be really monkeyed with (there were just too many and guarded too closely by the states) the Russians worked overtime to drive wedges into the American Public and separate us. This was finally proven to the public (not to you orange drinkers) that it was the case. And there is no way in heaven or hell that anyone can say that it didn't have an affect at the voting booths. Even today, many of you trumpsters are still repeating the phrases that the Russians coined. Like "Make American Grea Again" was suggested in a GRU piece in 2014 as "Let's Make American Great Again". Just how many other phrases that Trump jumped on also originated from the GRU, like "Lock Her Up". And then you agree with Trump that Putin had no knowledge or involvement in any of this. We can't afford the Russian version of the Manchurian Candidate.

LMAO, And wild willie clinton used the same phrase when he was president. The fact is the ruskies spent about $40,000 in a 2 billion dollar campaign, and many of their ads didn't appear till after the election. There were probably more non-citizens voting than the number of votes influenced by the ruskies.


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