Trump convicted, but who is screwed?


Platinum Member
Apr 25, 2015
It really is an easy question, and we all know who is going to vote where by name on this board.

But truth be told, both sides either win, or they are hosed, and that is a fact; and honestly, is has NOTHING to do with this board!

MAC, G5000, and all the rest can guess what is going to happen in November; and try and push how awful Trump is in the mean time.

Here is the truth---------------->do you think Biden is good to go as other words, will he last to the end, and is his policies what you want?

Do you think Trump is actually a crook after you evaluate his last term? Or rather, who do you actually think is crooked, after seeing how things went!

I do not know what is going to happen, and neither does anyone else. All opinions are speculation, plain and simple!

Nobody has ever seen anything like this..........even with Nixon! Each and every person needs to ignore all of this, and decide if this was a prosecution that was important for the country, or a prosecution important for the Left, lol.

Answer that question to your own satisfaction, and what you will discover INSTANTLY, is that DC deserves to be taken down, unless you want to admit, that you REALLY DO NOT run the country, but these clowns do!
Here is the truth---------------->do you think Biden is good to go as other words, will he last to the end, and is his policies what you want?
Well, yeah. Duh.

Do you think Trump is actually a crook after you evaluate his last term? Or rather, who do you actually think is crooked, after seeing how things went!

Are these supposed to be trick questions?

Bothsiderism is boring and gutless, and somewhat evil, being that it's an exercise in making excuses for the evil side.
It really is an easy question, and we all know who is going to vote where by name on this board.

But truth be told, both sides either win, or they are hosed, and that is a fact; and honestly, is has NOTHING to do with this board!

MAC, G5000, and all the rest can guess what is going to happen in November; and try and push how awful Trump is in the mean time.

Here is the truth---------------->do you think Biden is good to go as other words, will he last to the end, and is his policies what you want?

Do you think Trump is actually a crook after you evaluate his last term? Or rather, who do you actually think is crooked, after seeing how things went!

I do not know what is going to happen, and neither does anyone else. All opinions are speculation, plain and simple!

Nobody has ever seen anything like this..........even with Nixon! Each and every person needs to ignore all of this, and decide if this was a prosecution that was important for the country, or a prosecution important for the Left, lol.

Answer that question to your own satisfaction, and what you will discover INSTANTLY, is that DC deserves to be taken down, unless you want to admit, that you REALLY DO NOT run the country, but these clowns do!
uh..Trump is convicted...and screwed. Even if he skates on jail time, he's still a convicted felon. :)
It really is an easy question, and we all know who is going to vote where by name on this board.

But truth be told, both sides either win, or they are hosed, and that is a fact; and honestly, is has NOTHING to do with this board!

MAC, G5000, and all the rest can guess what is going to happen in November; and try and push how awful Trump is in the mean time.

Here is the truth---------------->do you think Biden is good to go as other words, will he last to the end, and is his policies what you want?

Do you think Trump is actually a crook after you evaluate his last term? Or rather, who do you actually think is crooked, after seeing how things went!

I do not know what is going to happen, and neither does anyone else. All opinions are speculation, plain and simple!

Nobody has ever seen anything like this..........even with Nixon! Each and every person needs to ignore all of this, and decide if this was a prosecution that was important for the country, or a prosecution important for the Left, lol.

Answer that question to your own satisfaction, and what you will discover INSTANTLY, is that DC deserves to be taken down, unless you want to admit, that you REALLY DO NOT run the country, but these clowns do!
Donny's crooked, amoral, whiny, bellicose bitch behavior has caught up with him, on full display before the American people, proven in courts, both civil and criminal, with more pending. And it is not about, what people think people deserve, it is about what can and has been proven, time and time again. You guys should have backed Nicki, when you had the chance. Your orange Jabba the Hutt crook has gone down in public, yet again, and will not rise to the occasion, except in his own mind.
A convicted felon in this corner, and an unindicted co conspirator in that corner, we have really lowered the bar this time. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the various crooked shot callers are laughing their asses off. " These jerks will accept anything!"
It really is an easy question, and we all know who is going to vote where by name on this board.

But truth be told, both sides either win, or they are hosed, and that is a fact; and honestly, is has NOTHING to do with this board!

MAC, G5000, and all the rest can guess what is going to happen in November; and try and push how awful Trump is in the mean time.

Here is the truth---------------->do you think Biden is good to go as other words, will he last to the end, and is his policies what you want?

Do you think Trump is actually a crook after you evaluate his last term? Or rather, who do you actually think is crooked, after seeing how things went!

I do not know what is going to happen, and neither does anyone else. All opinions are speculation, plain and simple!

Nobody has ever seen anything like this..........even with Nixon! Each and every person needs to ignore all of this, and decide if this was a prosecution that was important for the country, or a prosecution important for the Left, lol.

Answer that question to your own satisfaction, and what you will discover INSTANTLY, is that DC deserves to be taken down, unless you want to admit, that you REALLY DO NOT run the country, but these clowns do!

Trump has always been a crook, but now he's a crook on record. We now have a convicted felon running for president, this country needs to be ashamed.

We didn't see it with Nixon but we should have. This case was important for the country because it showed that no one is above the law, no matter how much you want that to be the case. But it's not over yet. Trump still has to answer for his other charges against him, which is by far and away more important than this case.
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Well, yeah. Duh.


Are these supposed to be trick questions?

Bothsiderism is boring and gutless, and somewhat evil, being that it's an exercise in making excuses for the evil side.
Both sides are evil.
This case was important for the country because it showed that no one is above the law, no matter how much you want that to be the case.
Actually it showed that no one is beyond the reach of the power brokers if you refuse to submit to the program. It also should make you aware that if you comply to the REAL law you need not worry about anything you do. The law you refer to you in your chant is very flexible, not like the real but unwritten "law" that has teeth and very real enforcement.
Actually it showed that no one is beyond the reach of the power brokers if you refuse to submit to the program. It also should make you aware that if you comply to the REAL law you need not worry about anything you do. The law you refer to you in your chant is very flexible, not like the real but unwritten "law" that has teeth and very real enforcement.

Trump is indicted in four jurisdictions breaking numerous laws
This was the least of his charges
Given that he has already lost three jury trials in the last year
This is the least of his problems
Actually it showed that no one is beyond the reach of the power brokers if you refuse to submit to the program. It also should make you aware that if you comply to the REAL law you need not worry about anything you do. The law you refer to you in your chant is very flexible, not like the real but unwritten "law" that has teeth and very real enforcement.
Trump broke the law.
Trump screwed himself. And if we want to screw ourselves, we put this fool back in office.

If we put Trmp back in office, we lose our standing as leaders in the world. Other leaders will see us as a joke for electing an convicted felon to be the President of this country.
Actually it showed that no one is beyond the reach of the power brokers if you refuse to submit to the program. It also should make you aware that if you comply to the REAL law you need not worry about anything you do. The law you refer to you in your chant is very flexible, not like the real but unwritten "law" that has teeth and very real enforcement.

You're kidding right? Trump is THE power broker. Who else controls the supreme court like he does? He even has one of his maga acolytes sitting as a judge on one of his cases. In what reality, would one of your faithful servants ever be allowed to judge a case where you were the criminal defendant? That would never be allowed to you, nor I, nor 99.9999% of the population. It's almost as if Trump knew he'd end up on charges one day, so he packed as many courts as he could, lmao.

Don' you worry your little head, Trump's other judges will find a way for him to evade the law in his other cases. That's what happens in countries where the court system has been compromised by criminals who wield power like Trump did and maybe will again.
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It really is an easy question, and we all know who is going to vote where by name on this board.

But truth be told, both sides either win, or they are hosed, and that is a fact; and honestly, is has NOTHING to do with this board!

MAC, G5000, and all the rest can guess what is going to happen in November; and try and push how awful Trump is in the mean time.

Here is the truth---------------->do you think Biden is good to go as other words, will he last to the end, and is his policies what you want?

Do you think Trump is actually a crook after you evaluate his last term? Or rather, who do you actually think is crooked, after seeing how things went!

I do not know what is going to happen, and neither does anyone else. All opinions are speculation, plain and simple!

Nobody has ever seen anything like this..........even with Nixon! Each and every person needs to ignore all of this, and decide if this was a prosecution that was important for the country, or a prosecution important for the Left, lol.

Answer that question to your own satisfaction, and what you will discover INSTANTLY, is that DC deserves to be taken down, unless you want to admit, that you REALLY DO NOT run the country, but these clowns do!

Trump was in the middle of a fraud trial when you elected him President.

What was it about the 6 bankruptcies, a 7th while he was running for President, the 3000+ law suits, failed businesses, the endless lying, and his disgusting behaviour with women, and the refusal of American banks to lend him any money, would have made you believe he would make a good President?

Yes. We have seen things like this in functioning democracies. In 2021, Nikolas Sarkozy, the former President of France was found guilty of corruption. Also, Berlusconi, the President of Italy, was charged and found guilty of all manner of corruption. Italy too, became a laughingstock while it happened too.

As for Nixon, he had the decency to leave office quietly for the sake of the country. Would that Trump would do the same.
Trump broke the law.
Trump was charged and convicted. Do you believe that if you are not investigated nor charged for anything that that is the same as innocence? Or is that just a loophole in the process, not an ingrained flaw? Would you welcome this zeal if the system was applied across party lines? Perhaps you think the end justifies the means, that seems to be very popular right now. I don't think this country is better for this, I think this will be an accepted political tool that will eventually lead to some very bad consequences.
Trump was charged and convicted. Do you believe that if you are not investigated nor charged for anything that that is the same as innocence? Or is that just a loophole in the process, not an ingrained flaw? Would you welcome this zeal if the system was applied across party lines? Perhaps you think the end justifies the means, that seems to be very popular right now. I don't think this country is better for this, I think this will be an accepted political tool that will eventually lead to some very bad consequences.
Trump was charged by a grand jury after the grand jury looked at the evidence. That's how it works for everybody else.Stpp believing trumps lies.
It has to be presented to a grand jury, if it was not there is no crime. Do you see how that works? The process is dependent on impartial enforcement or it is suspect. It HAS to be selected by someone for some reason, I just think there's a lot of political motivations that went into this. Or you are a coincidence theorist too think that the charges happened when they did and the sentencing is 4 days before the nominations. 4 days is about the maximum attention span of the voting public. You believe what you want, I see it differently.

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