Trump court dates set Nov/Dec 2016 for Racketeering charges on Trump U & 1994 rape case

It's funny how the right wing completely ignores the fact that Trump is far more of a criminal than Hillary ever will be. And I say this as somebody who opposes Hillary almost as much as I oppose Trump.

You say that pulling the facts from your ass.

Anyone can accuse... the case will be laughed out. It boggles the mind how you are not aware of the regressive fighting tactics in 2016.
clinton machine.jpg
False rape accusation, the favorite tactic of the left. You see, our fault as humanity is that when someone charges people with that sort of garbage, we automatically believe. Of course, Hillary wants to have guilty until proven innocent justice system so she can just accuse anyone to death at will.

She needs to be defeated at all costs.

This one is going to court, and it's going away soon. This is a Federal District court and the date is set for the 1994 Rape case.
Federal Judge Orders The Child Rape Case Against Trump To Move Forward
False rape accusation, the favorite tactic of the left. You see, our fault as humanity is that when someone charges people with that sort of garbage, we automatically believe. Of course, Hillary wants to have guilty until proven innocent justice system so she can just accuse anyone to death at will.

She needs to be defeated at all costs.

This one is going to court, and it's going away soon. This is a Federal District court and the date is set for the 1994 Rape case.
Federal Judge Orders The Child Rape Case Against Trump To Move Forward

So what?

It's a complete fraud of a case. False accusers gonna false accuse, that's a rule. If you think this is in any way a legitimate tactic, you are a clown. I hope Trump fixes the code so that false rape accusers spend rest of their life in prison...
It's funny how the right wing completely ignores the fact that Trump is far more of a criminal than Hillary ever will be. And I say this as somebody who opposes Hillary almost as much as I oppose Trump.

You say that pulling the facts from your ass.

Anyone can accuse... the case will be laughed out. It boggles the mind how you are not aware of the regressive fighting tactics in 2016.[/QUOTE

You really can't read an article can you?
Federal Judge Orders The Child Rape Case Against Trump To Move Forward
It's funny how the right wing completely ignores the fact that Trump is far more of a criminal than Hillary ever will be. And I say this as somebody who opposes Hillary almost as much as I oppose Trump.

You say that pulling the facts from your ass.

Anyone can accuse... the case will be laughed out. It boggles the mind how you are not aware of the regressive fighting tactics in 2016.[/QUOTE

You really can't read an article can you?
Federal Judge Orders The Child Rape Case Against Trump To Move Forward

That's because the Trump supporter also has something wrong with their brains. They are a perfect fit to Donald Trump and his mentality.
A neuroscientist explains what may be wrong with Trump supporters’ brains
A neuroscientist explains: Trump has a mental disorder that makes him a dangerous world

So just how stupid can Trump supporters really be? Your answer is here.
It's funny how the right wing completely ignores the fact that Trump is far more of a criminal than Hillary ever will be. And I say this as somebody who opposes Hillary almost as much as I oppose Trump.

You say that pulling the facts from your ass.

Anyone can accuse... the case will be laughed out. It boggles the mind how you are not aware of the regressive fighting tactics in 2016.[/QUOTE

You really can't read an article can you?
Federal Judge Orders The Child Rape Case Against Trump To Move Forward

The desperation...

If you can't win fairly, cheat and never ever forget to make some tasty false rape accusations! Reprehensible, these people.
A Trump voter is a truly demented person, that's for sure. Scum of the Earth.
It's funny how the right wing completely ignores the fact that Trump is far more of a criminal than Hillary ever will be. And I say this as somebody who opposes Hillary almost as much as I oppose Trump.

You say that pulling the facts from your ass.

Anyone can accuse... the case will be laughed out. It boggles the mind how you are not aware of the regressive fighting tactics in 2016.[/QUOTE

You really can't read an article can you?
Federal Judge Orders The Child Rape Case Against Trump To Move Forward

The desperation...

If you can't win fairly, cheat and never ever forget to make some tasty false rape accusations! Reprehensible, these people.

Trump is going to court over these issues. You don't know what the verdict is going to be. Trump has already tried to avoid them, but Federal district court judges have over ruled Trump's motions, he is going to court. And with his loose mouth & midnight tweety fingers, he'll probably end up hanging himself in the process.

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It's funny how the right wing completely ignores the fact that Trump is far more of a criminal than Hillary ever will be. And I say this as somebody who opposes Hillary almost as much as I oppose Trump.

You say that pulling the facts from your ass.

Anyone can accuse... the case will be laughed out. It boggles the mind how you are not aware of the regressive fighting tactics in 2016.[/QUOTE

You really can't read an article can you?
Federal Judge Orders The Child Rape Case Against Trump To Move Forward

The desperation...

If you can't win fairly, cheat and never ever forget to make some tasty false rape accusations! Reprehensible, these people.

Trump is going to court over these issues. You don't what the verdict is going to be. Trump has already tried to avoid them, but Federal district court judges have over ruled Trump's motions, he is going to court. And with his loose mouth & midnight tweety fingers, he'll probably end up hanging himself in the process.


Yes, I know what the verdict is going to be. There is no evidence what so ever, just like in ALL the false accusations made by the reprehensible, criminal, cheating regressives.

What is ironic is that the west has been saved, and the election won, by one of their own having sex with a 15-year old. Weiner to the rescue!
RICO big deal

- signed

You'll never prove it! All you do is keep blowing smoke out of your obamacared backside.

So he isnt facing RICO charges and the courts are lying? Wow, ...lemme guess. Rigged system right?

You're another that can't read:

" Federal District Court Judge Gonzalo Curiel has ruled that Donald J. Trump, founder of Trump University, must face civil trial for fraud and racketeering under the federal Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (“RICO”). Trump had moved for summary judgment in a last-ditch effort to block a class-action trial scheduled to begin right after the national election.

Denying the motion, Judge Curiel ruled that there were genuine issues of material fact for trial as to whether Trump had personally committed fraud and racketeering. If Trump loses, he is liable for three times the damages suffered by the students who paid tuition. That is the bite of the RICO statute — triple damages. This could amount to many tens of millions of dollars."
Judge Curiel Rules Trump Must Face Trial for Racketeering in Trump University Suit


Don't act like you didn't know about this, you did, you just ignored it.
#NeverTrump: We Told You He Would Kill Us, but You Didn’t Listen

The rape case is bogus and was tossed in California... After the election it will be tossed again along with Gloria Allred nonsense too with her women that screamed Trump groped them...

As for other cases, well let see where they go...
It's bogus just like these shills and their non stop bullshit.

None of it's bogus--these are definite court dates that a Federal Court Judge ordered after Trump tried to get out of them. It's a done deal.
The rape case is bogus and was tossed in California... After the election it will be tossed again along with Gloria Allred nonsense too with her women that screamed Trump groped them...

As for other cases, well let see where they go...
It's bogus just like these shills and their non stop bullshit.

None of it's bogus--these are definite court dates that a Federal Court Judge ordered after Trump tried to get out of them. It's a done deal.
The rape case is bogus and was tossed in California... After the election it will be tossed again along with Gloria Allred nonsense too with her women that screamed Trump groped them...

As for other cases, well let see where they go...
It's bogus just like these shills and their non stop bullshit.

None of it's bogus--these are definite court dates that a Federal Court Judge ordered after Trump tried to get out of them. It's a done deal.

Don't worry it will be.

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