Trump crams one last racist policy into his final days as president

If you lame crackers want to honor confederates do it in your own homes and on your own property, but not on taxpayer funded property like state capitols and military bases. No one is denying your right to honor those racist crackers.

Did you just call them racist "crackers"? Isn't that like calling you a racist N-word? Hypocritical much?
Bigoted Black Democrats hate America.

They either ought to leave, or we should ID them as enemies of state and treat them accordingly.

We're not living in Confederate America, they lost the war you dummytard
If you lame crackers want to honor confederates do it in your own homes and on your own property, but not on taxpayer funded property like state capitols and military bases. No one is denying your right to honor those racist crackers.

Then keep fag flags in your own homes...

See how this works?
If you lame crackers want to honor confederates do it in your own homes and on your own property, but not on taxpayer funded property like state capitols and military bases. No one is denying your right to honor those racist crackers.
Did "God" come to you and tell you to make racist attacks on others?
What sort of "God" do you fight for?
Bigoted Black Democrats hate America.

They either ought to leave, or we should ID them as enemies of state and treat them accordingly.

We're not living in Confederate America, they lost the war you dummytard

We also aren't living in a land where you should be able to be a racist just because you are not white.

Now I'm the racist supposedly but you support confederate monuments and names on military bases, you racists make me laugh with the passive-aggressive BS you spew.
If you lame crackers want to honor confederates do it in your own homes and on your own property, but not on taxpayer funded property like state capitols and military bases. No one is denying your right to honor those racist crackers.
Did "God" come to you and tell you to make racist attacks on others?
What sort of "God" do you fight for?

If you support racism you're a cracker, period.
Now I'm the racist

You are a bigot. You hate whites and America. Why don't you just leave while you still can???

WE are going to find all of you....

A fucking monument. That's your beef. How about your role in The Steal???

Traitor is as traitor does.
If you lame crackers want to honor confederates do it in your own homes and on your own property, but not on taxpayer funded property like state capitols and military bases. No one is denying your right to honor those racist crackers.
Did "God" come to you and tell you to make racist attacks on others?
What sort of "God" do you fight for?

If you support racism you're a cracker, period.

Supporting a Southern heritage is not racism. Sorry, but it just isn't.
If you lame crackers want to honor confederates do it in your own homes and on your own property, but not on taxpayer funded property like state capitols and military bases. No one is denying your right to honor those racist crackers.
Did "God" come to you and tell you to make racist attacks on others?
What sort of "God" do you fight for?

If you support racism you're a cracker, period.

If you voted for Obama because he is black, you are a racist. Do you know how many folks did that?
Black Democrats are more like The Taliban than anything else.

They want genocide against whites. Period.
If you lame crackers want to honor confederates do it in your own homes and on your own property, but not on taxpayer funded property like state capitols and military bases. No one is denying your right to honor those racist crackers.
Did "God" come to you and tell you to make racist attacks on others?
What sort of "God" do you fight for?

If you support racism you're a cracker, period.

Supporting a Southern heritage is not racism. Sorry, but it just isn't.

It is racism, period. To support Southern heritage you don't have to support confederates
Black Democrats are more like The Taliban than anything else.

They want genocide against whites. Period.

As a black right of center conservative I just want racist crackers to leave law abiding black people alone and stop trying to take away our rights
Yes, if President Trump vetoes the bill, the Senate will override his veto. If not, the Dems will just reintroduce the bill next year.

So President Trump is right to veto it. Since he lost the election, he can ignore his critics. He wants to give a parting gift to those fans of his who feel that for historical reasons those names -- and statues -- should be kept.

In any case, in the coming decades, the population profile of this country will change drastically, so it's only natural that many names of many things will be removed in favor of more politically correct names.

No big deal.
Whats the purpose of keeping names of Confederate generals on military bases?
What's the purpose of changing them, to placate bent-wrist PC weenie libtards?
As a black man my taxpayer dollars should not be funding confederate monuments nor anything with confederate names, period. Honor those racist crackers in your own home if you like
Nothing about that screams "racism"
Leave it up to a bunch of dumbfucks to continue the rape of the word.

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