Trump: Currency Manipulator

I note how trhecTrumpettes run away from this topic.

The " OMG OMG OMG China is a currency manipultaor" to Trump beung one homself.

Just like when he complains how China subsidizes their factories & Trump just did the same think to corporate America & farmers.
I note how trhecTrumpettes run away from this topic.

The " OMG OMG OMG China is a currency manipultaor" to Trump beung one homself.

Just like when he complains how China subsidizes their factories & Trump just did the same think to corporate America & farmers.
China treats their poor like slaves.
Remember Trump ranting about China manipulating their currency?

Well, it turns out Trump wants to manipulate ours.

"Cutting rates would weaken the dollar, potentially making US exports more attractive to foreign buyers. That's why the Trump administration has been advocating for devaluing the dollar."

More games to prop up this economy built on a house of cards,.

The argument for a Fed rate cut in a strong economy - CNN

And the previous administration printing a trillion dollars weaken the dollar? Trump continues to prove he is no better than any other President.

The fed lowered rates to fight the Bush recession.

Trump admitted he wanted to do it to lower the strength of the dollar.

Currency manipulation. But I will file your post under yet another "but....but....but... Obama" post

Like I said, name a President that didn't try to manipulate the currency? You act like Trump is the only President that has ever tried to manipulate currency. Why is this an issue today and not an issue under Bush or Clinton or name a President?
Name one thast brow beat the fed in public?

You can't be so fucking stupid as not to see the verbage & rhetoric that Trump spews & think it is normal.

So you don't care that Presidents manipulate currency, you only care how they word it. Okie dokey then.

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