trump cuts McCarthy off at the knees with statement about SS and Medicare cuts

We need to fund these programs better and make sure they're around for decades to come. Any civilized nation should take care of its old and disabled. period.
SS was designed as a safety net. It is funded by its participants. It was never designed to be total retirement income. People have come to think that the gov't is there to care for them. It is not. Personal responsibility and self sufficiency is the only thing that anyone can and should depend on.
SS was designed as a safety net. It is funded by its participants. It was never designed to be total retirement income. People have come to think that the gov't is there to care for them. It is not. Personal responsibility and self sufficiency is the only thing that anyone can and should depend on.
When we work and pay into SS every pay, and SS provides reports about the monthly amounts we earned, they had better pay the fuck up. If the dems give benefits to anyone who didn't pay in, that's war.
As FORMER President Trump is no longer in government in any capacity, how did Trump 'cut McCarthy off at the knees'?

Trump, a citizen of the US, expressed his opinion, just like so many do on this chat board? So what? I'm not impressed.

Oh, sorry - I forgot you Trump-obsessed snowflakes still GIVE him control / power / importance in your own little TDS-suffering, Trump-obsessed minds. I forgot he lives there to this day rent free, 24/7.


I look at Trump the same way I look at people who endorse candidates, which so many others put stock into and orgasm over - I don't give a damn.

Trump is not in office. He has as much power and influence over people these days AS THEY GIVE HIM.

Trump has an opinion about SS and medicare cuts. Isn't that special - so does my 70+yo aunt, and I could care less, as well. If either one of them gets elected in the future and is in a position to affect SS or Medicare then I might change my mind.
We were just told in another thread that the old fat Florida man is currently the HEAD of the GOP.
SS was designed as a safety net. It is funded by its participants. It was never designed to be total retirement income. People have come to think that the gov't is there to care for them. It is not. Personal responsibility and self sufficiency is the only thing that anyone can and should depend on.
There's no reason why it shouldn't be a means of retirement. Tens of millions of Americans rely on it as such and I believe that should be reenforced. Times charge and it is time to fund it right.
SS was designed as a safety net. It is funded by its participants. It was never designed to be total retirement income. People have come to think that the gov't is there to care for them. It is not. Personal responsibility and self sufficiency is the only thing that anyone can and should depend on.
In the past SS funds have been raided to fight wars. How is that for "personal responsibility?"

He gives the Dems a big weapon to argue that the MAGA repubs in the House are too extreme. Love it!

Oh, definitely. Trump probably just dropped the chance of a default too.

Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
SS was designed as a safety net. It is funded by its participants. It was never designed to be total retirement income. People have come to think that the gov't is there to care for them. It is not. Personal responsibility and self sufficiency is the only thing that anyone can and should depend on.
Then develop something that guarantees someone who worked hard their whole for a low wage a big return instead. What is it? $20 per hour won't do it.
Then develop something that guarantees someone who worked hard their whole for a low wage a big return instead. What is it? $20 per hour won't do it.
They did and you get to take it from job to job. It is called an IRA or 401K. Why should anyone else be responsible for you after you played the grasshopper your whole life. I worked nearly my entire life as a skilled employee and it wasn't until the last ten years that my wage exceeded $20. Maybe you should have tried to improve your skills.
They did and you get to take it from job to job. It is called an IRA or 401K. Why should anyone else be responsible for you after you played the grasshopper your whole life. I worked nearly my entire life as a skilled employee and it wasn't until the last ten years that my wage exceeded $20. Maybe you should have tried to improve your skills.

I hope your work was a long time ago. Otherwise, you were *fucked*. Especially for skilled labor.

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