trump cuts McCarthy off at the knees with statement about SS and Medicare cuts

If every Mickey Ds on earth closed down, no one would miss them. They are NOT essential. Also not essential are $400 shoes or the latest phone. Priorities. Learn to live within your means. That is the reality.

When the Pandemic hit, we quickly defined who were the essential workers. And every Mickey D's worker was listed as exactly that: essential.

We need burger flippers, cab drivers, janitors. We rely on low and semi-skilled labor for our society to function. All I'm saying is if they are essential workers, performing necessary work for a full 40 hours a week.......they shouldn't have to worry about getting enough to eat, or a roof over their heads, or clothing, or medical care.

We should be essential right back to them for this important labor.
What I am hearing in this thread isn't about attacking SS. I am hearing SS isn't enough--GIMME GIMME GIMME. And to that I say wise up, the world owes you nothing. Work hard, persevere and make wise choices. Personal responsibility, the gov't is not your mommy.
don't hold yer breath Sky


Yeah, I know. Our system is predicated on a degree of exploitation. Where we ridicule the very people that make our life possible.

I see a burger flipper or a guy changing oil or a landscaper, or a ditch digger....and I see people contributing. I see valuable labor, vital jobs being filled.

And I believe they should have enough to live in less than squalid conditions.
One of "The Faithful" seems to be edging away here from their Orange Albatross... :badgrin:

Your mistake is in believing I am a 'Trump faithful'...oe ever was.

Just because I pointed out the Democrats' criminal treasonous scandals does not make me a 'Trump Loyalist'.

Snowflakes freak out when anyone points out Democrat scandals and crimes. Their 1st Trump-obsessed reaction is to assume whoever does so is a politician/party-1st partisan and immediately defend the Democrats no matter what they did or have been accused of.

It never dawns on them that Americans can be against all corruption, crime, and scandal, which snowflakes have proven they can NOT be.
What I am hearing in this thread isn't about attacking SS. I am hearing SS isn't enough--GIMME GIMME GIMME. And to that I say wise up, the world owes you nothing. Work hard, persevere and make wise choices. Personal responsibility, the gov't is not your mommy.
People are working as hard as they ever have in this country.
What I am hearing in this thread isn't about attacking SS. I am hearing SS isn't enough--GIMME GIMME GIMME. And to that I say wise up, the world owes you nothing. Work hard, persevere and make wise choices. Personal responsibility, the gov't is not your mommy.
Social Security is an earned benefit paid for in advance by the recipient

But a 1% reduction will not kill anyone
I don't need unhealthy food. I am capable of obtaining and preparing my own food. Burger flippers are not and never will be essential.

During the pandemic, all food preparers were essential.

When the shit hits the fan, you figure out who is important. Our society can function without digital marketers or casting directors. You can't without construction workers, ditch diggers, janitors or food preppers.

If you're doing neceessary, useful labor and working a full 40, you should be able to live above squalor.
Social Security is an earned benefit paid for in advance by the recipient

But a 1% reduction will not kill anyone

Have you looked at the cost of rent? At the cost of food? At the health of basic health care? The check should go up 10% per month. It would go aways towards solving some of our homeless problems too.
People are working as hard as they ever have in this country.
Agreed. Unskilled workers are asking to be paid like skilled workers and to live as such. Living in a modest neighborhood is not squalid conditions. The problem is unskilled labor wants to live in $750K Mcmansions. Sorry--it doesn't work that way. Entry level jobs are not and never have been careers. Entry level jobs are exactly that--entry. They can be replaced in the blink of an eye. All I am saying is if you have skills that have value, you will be paid.
Agreed. Unskilled workers are asking to be paid like skilled workers and to live as such. Living in a modest neighborhood is not squalid conditions. The problem is unskilled labor wants to live in $750K Mcmansions. Sorry--it doesn't work that way. Entry level jobs are not and never have been careers. Entry level jobs are exactly that--entry. They can be replaced in the blink of an eye. All I am saying is if you have skills that have value, you will be paid.
Agreed. They aren't asking for higher pay. Nobody is forcing employers to pay higher wages. Businesses struggling to find people is not a bad thing.

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