trump cuts McCarthy off at the knees with statement about SS and Medicare cuts

As FORMER President Trump is no longer in government in any capacity, how did Trump 'cut McCarthy off at the knees'?

Trump, a citizen of the US, expressed his opinion, just like so many do on this chat board? So what? I'm not impressed.

Oh, sorry - I forgot you Trump-obsessed snowflakes still GIVE him control / power / importance in your own little TDS-suffering, Trump-obsessed minds. I forgot he lives there to this day rent free, 24/7.


I look at Trump the same way I look at people who endorse candidates, which so many others put stock into and orgasm over - I don't give a damn.

Trump is not in office. He has as much power and influence over people these days AS THEY GIVE HIM.

Trump has an opinion about SS and medicare cuts. Isn't that special - so does my 70+yo aunt, and I could care less, as well. If either one of them gets elected in the future and is in a position to affect SS or Medicare then I might change my mind.
They can't help themselves...

I notice the article from the snarky little weasel Maddow producer puts up a sensational headline, then says, or shows NOTHING in the article where SS or Medicare would be cut...So, we are supposed to believe this guy? Why?

We are rapidly approaching $32 Trillion in Debt. How much is enough? What is the line where we say this is unsustainable? $50 Trillion? $100 Trillion?

This is a narrative in the progress of building...They started this over a year ago, claiming that Republican's were for cutting these programs....It's not true....

What they don't want is the "penny plan"....Something that would reduce the out of control spending by 1%. And these dummy's would rather see the country bankrupt than get a grip.....Then they lie about it....

This is what Trump is really good at. He knows there will be no cuts to either program. It would be political suicide for either party to harm S.S. or Medicare.

The Democrats do it in other areas but the Republicans often times say they are going to do something to keep the fringe on board but they know they will not.

Trump can make this statement knowing full well that nothing will be done and then he takes the credit.
So, he's good at politics? Shocker...
And they shouldn’t have to worry about retirement.

These essential workers live paycheck-to-paycheck; there’s nothing ‘left over’ to invest or save.

Hence the idiocy of conservatives fiscal dogma advocating for eliminating Social Security and Medicare.
Show us in any proposal on the budget where the Republicans are going to cut SS or Medicare....I'll wait...
The democrats had the WH, Senate, and House and did NOT fix any entitlements.
So democrats are no better for seniors.

Seniors probably vote for Republicans because democrats are lawless criminals who are ruining the country.

The Dems did in fact improve Medicare's fiscal sustainability and the GOP (successfully!) made political hay out of it for the better part of a decade.

Burger flipper is a high school job, not a career. It should not be a full time job and it damn sure doesn't rate $20/hr. It is clear you've never run a business.
Never worked a fast food job, but who are you to say its not a honest way to earn a living?
The way things are now it may be tough to live on, but Not everyone makes money there God.
Nothing wrong at all in living with ones parents. Why is this an issue for some? Who cares if a young person lives with their parents? Imagine living with your parents until your early 30s. Working full time, saving, not getting any handouts, not getting married, not having kids. Saving money and debt free. Somehow this is bad? How?
There sure IS something wrong with it when you're in the 40's, and instead of being your own man or woman, and making your own way in the world, you're sponging off your parents, and being dependent on them, as if you were still 10 years old.

Prime case > Pennsylvania US senator John Fetterman, who did just that until he was almost 50. His parents financially supported him and his family for the entire 13 years he was mayor of Braddock, PA —a part-time job that paid him just $150 a year — until he was sworn in as lieutenant governor in 2019 at the age of 49. In 2015 alone, his parents paid him a $54,000 salary.

He lives with his wife, Gisele, and their three children, in a spacious Braddock loft that his sister purchased for $70,000 and then handed over to Fetterman for just $1. If you think any of this is normal or desirable, something's wrong.

As I said, If you're living in your parents' home, you don't have a home of your own, and FOR YOU, this is homelessness. Only difference between you and the guy on the street, is you're lucky enough to have somewhere to flop, and he doesn't.
You're limiting the discussion. I grew up with three other siblings. As soon as we were old enough to work, we contributed to "room and board." No one suggested that the person living with their parents would not be paying their share.
I quit high school and started working at age 16 and contributed to "room and board."
Later I finished high school, went to college.

Getting back to the discussion, if you're living in your parents' home, you don't have a home of your own. Thus, FOR YOU, you are homeless, and in this I did not suggest anything about contributing to the household. That is a subject that you and others brought up, which I only responded to.
if you're living in your parents' home, you don't have a home of your own
By your reasoning, anyone who rents doesn't have a home of their own. I have had a spouse for 47 years who has shared a home with me--does that mean we are homeless because we don't have an exclusive home for each of us. Your argument is full of holes.
"Medicare may be in trouble, but it is not going bankrupt. According to a 2022 report by the Board of Trustees, the Medicare Hospital Insurance (HI) trust fund will be depleted if healthcare expenses continue to exceed money flowing in. Without new legislation, it’s estimated that by 2028, Medicare Part A may only be able to pay for 90% of the costs it covers today."
So in 2028, Medicare Part A will only be able to pay 90% of what it covers today.
But per you, in 2024, Medicare will be entirely gone.
Do you see a problem with your analysis? And are you familiar with the concept of linear time?
So Medicare paying 90% of bills is ok with you?
To me, that's not acceptable. The insolvency date was 2024, now its 2026. Point being we need Medicare & SS FIXED now. We earned and paid for those programs.
I paid for 100% of SS & Medicare, not 90% or 70%.
...insolvency date pushed back two years – until 2026
By your reasoning, anyone who rents doesn't have a home of their own. I have had a spouse for 47 years who has shared a home with me--does that mean we are homeless because we don't have an exclusive home for each of us. Your argument is full of holes.
That is YOUR reasoning, not mine.

MY reasoning is ANY place that you are living in, with or without your spouse, and you or both of you are paying for it exclusively (no one else), is YOUR HOME (house, apartment, boat, whatever) There is no hole in what I said. You are looking to put one there, for some reason.
That is YOUR reasoning, not mine.

MY reasoning is ANY place that you are living in, with or without your spouse, and you or both of you are paying for it exclusively (no one else), is YOUR HOME (house, apartment, boat, whatever) There is no hole in what I said. You are looking to put one there, for some reason.
There is no difference living in your family home and paying rent.
There sure IS something wrong with it when you're in the 40's, and instead of being your own man or woman, and making your own way in the world, you're sponging off your parents, and being dependent on them, as if you were still 10 years old.

Prime case > Pennsylvania US senator John Fetterman, who did just that until he was almost 50. His parents financially supported him and his family for the entire 13 years he was mayor of Braddock, PA —a part-time job that paid him just $150 a year — until he was sworn in as lieutenant governor in 2019 at the age of 49. In 2015 alone, his parents paid him a $54,000 salary.

He lives with his wife, Gisele, and their three children, in a spacious Braddock loft that his sister purchased for $70,000 and then handed over to Fetterman for just $1. If you think any of this is normal or desirable, something's wrong.

As I said, If you're living in your parents' home, you don't have a home of your own, and FOR YOU, this is homelessness. Only difference between you and the guy on the street, is you're lucky enough to have somewhere to flop, and he doesn't.
If one is working full time and living with ones parents and the kid and parents are satisfied by it then it is not an issue. It's their business not anyone else's. This has zero effect on the country. Zero.
If one is working full time and living with ones parents and the kid and parents are satisfied by it then it is not an issue. It's their business not anyone else's. This has zero effect on the country. Zero.
No argument with that, nor does it change what I said.If you are living with anybody else other than your spouse & kids, then you don't have a home of your own. People who live with their parents because they can't afford their own place, are living in a type of homelessness. This not them having an effect on the country, it is the country having an effect on them - rents gone too high.

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