trump cuts McCarthy off at the knees with statement about SS and Medicare cuts



"Medicare may be in trouble, but it is not going bankrupt. According to a 2022 report by the Board of Trustees, the Medicare Hospital Insurance (HI) trust fund will be depleted if healthcare expenses continue to exceed money flowing in. Without new legislation, it’s estimated that by 2028, Medicare Part A may only be able to pay for 90% of the costs it covers today."

So in 2028, Medicare Part A will only be able to pay 90% of what it covers today.

But per you, in 2024, Medicare will be entirely gone.

Do you see a problem with your analysis? And are you familiar with the concept of linear time?
If it passed now, would Biden sign it into law? Better to wait until there is a Republican in the White House before passing that legislation.
bullshit. the trustees reports have always been accurate
You can say bullshit all you want. Bottom line is the SS insolvency and discontinuing Medicare has been a hot button issue before every election since I've been voting. Is it gone? Congress would have to stop taking that money out of your paycheck--do you think they are going to give up that cash cow?
Your mistake is in believing I am a 'Trump faithful'...oe ever was.

Just because I pointed out the Democrats' criminal treasonous scandals does not make me a 'Trump Loyalist'.

Snowflakes freak out when anyone points out Democrat scandals and crimes. Their 1st Trump-obsessed reaction is to assume whoever does so is a politician/party-1st partisan and immediately defend the Democrats no matter what they did or have been accused of.

It never dawns on them that Americans can be against all corruption, crime, and scandal, which snowflakes have proven they can NOT be.
BOTH parties and BOTH wings of the political spectrum are full of $hit clean up to their ears... BOTH of them... just in different ways...
Do you deny that it is a factor? Talk to protectionist about what unbridled immigration has done to rents in his area. Do you understand how supply and demand work? If you have limited supply, do you think the prices will remain unchanged or reduce by increasing the demand? There is and always has been a segment of the population, the young who are entering the work place and have limited skills, that have had to struggle and make tough financial decisions in order to survive. Rents are always high for this segment. The solutions are myriad. Live with your parents. Advertise for roommates, share a modest place with friends to defray those costs. Drive a beater instead of the latest BMW, don't buy a new phone everytime one comes out. Dump the cable. These are only a few of the options. Nobody starts out rich. The world doesn't owe you anything.
And let it be noted that living with parents, and having roomates, are types of homelessness. If you're living in your parents' home, you don't have a home. And the more illegal aliens Biden brings in, the worse this gets.
Do what? The MAGA types can't do anything unless the Senate and dumb-fuk sign off on it, duh.

So all you have now is lying about what they might try to do and make mo' lies for the low info voters.
The voters will have two years to stew over this cluster.
And let it be noted that living with parents, and having roomates, are types of homelessness. If you're living in your parents' home, you don't have a home. And the more illegal aliens Biden brings in, the worse this gets.
Nothing wrong at all in living with ones parents. Why is this an issue for some? Who cares if a young person lives with their parents? Imagine living with your parents until your early 30s. Working full time, saving, not getting any handouts, not getting married, not having kids. Saving money and debt free. Somehow this is bad? How?
There are clear and simple tweaks that can (and most likely will) be made to Social Security to keep it solvent.

Our Medicare system, and health care system in general, could be vastly improved and streamlined if we were serious about it.

The apocalyptic talk does nothing to actually move us towards improvement. But that's how we roll now. That's all we know.
We need burger flippers, cab drivers, janitors. We rely on low and semi-skilled labor for our society to function. All I'm saying is if they are essential workers, performing necessary work for a full 40 hours a week.......they shouldn't have to worry about getting enough to eat, or a roof over their heads, or clothing, or medical care.
And they shouldn’t have to worry about retirement.

These essential workers live paycheck-to-paycheck; there’s nothing ‘left over’ to invest or save.

Hence the idiocy of conservatives fiscal dogma advocating for eliminating Social Security and Medicare.
This is what Trump is really good at. He knows there will be no cuts to either program. It would be political suicide for either party to harm S.S. or Medicare.

The Democrats do it in other areas but the Republicans often times say they are going to do something to keep the fringe on board but they know they will not.

Trump can make this statement knowing full well that nothing will be done and then he takes the credit.

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