trump cuts McCarthy off at the knees with statement about SS and Medicare cuts

The reason they are elected are simple. Seniors actually believe what they say on the campaign trail and actually believe repubs care about them. They don't....they never will.
Again, backwards thinking from the jimboliar. The only people who actually care for the working class are Republicans you moron.

repubs hate SS and Medicare. They figure seniors should have planned for old age and not need the programs. repubs have been trying to kill and/or cut them both for years.
jimboliar how can you say that? Nixon fixed it so that when a boob like Poopeypants is jacking up inflation we seniors get big increases.
Too many politicians go to Washington DC to get rich at the expense of American taxpayers. They only pretend to care to get re-elected.
And why not? You get elected with a few thousand in your bank account and after a couple of terms are a multimillionaire.

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