Trump Death Clock: 44,809


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
How many Americans have died from Covid-19 because of Trump's rare blend of ignorance and indifference?

I went to CPAC, and all I got was exposure to the coronavirus

Let's ask the experts:

"Anthony S. Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has stated that, had the guidelines been implemented earlier, a crucial period in the exponential spread of the virus would have been mitigated and American lives saved.

"Leading epidemiologists have put a finer point on this, estimating that 50 to 80 percent of covid-19 deaths in New York and approximately 90 percent of all American covid-19 deaths can now be attributed to the administration’s delay between March 2 and 16."
How many Americans have died from Covid-19 because of Trump's rare blend of ignorance and indifference?

I went to CPAC, and all I got was exposure to the coronavirus

Let's ask the experts:

"Anthony S. Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has stated that, had the guidelines been implemented earlier, a crucial period in the exponential spread of the virus would have been mitigated and American lives saved.

"Leading epidemiologists have put a finer point on this, estimating that 50 to 80 percent of covid-19 deaths in New York and approximately 90 percent of all American covid-19 deaths can now be attributed to the administration’s delay between March 2 and 16."
WaPo. Fake news.
How many Americans have died from Covid-19 because of Trump's rare blend of ignorance and indifference?

I went to CPAC, and all I got was exposure to the coronavirus

Let's ask the experts:

"Anthony S. Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has stated that, had the guidelines been implemented earlier, a crucial period in the exponential spread of the virus would have been mitigated and American lives saved.

"Leading epidemiologists have put a finer point on this, estimating that 50 to 80 percent of covid-19 deaths in New York and approximately 90 percent of all American covid-19 deaths can now be attributed to the administration’s delay between March 2 and 16."
"Only I can fix it" Famous Trump words. He's got 6 months. Hope for the best?
Who was the first leader of a nation that implemented a ban on flights from China? Trump. The left's response..."it's racist."
Who was the first leader of a nation to implement a ban on travel from Europe? Trump. The left's response, "it's over-reacting."
Who advised, "social-distancing?" Trump's administration. The left's response....Pelosi: "Go to Chinatown in San Francisco."
The left's comments about referring to COVID-19, as the Wuhan virus and China virus...."it's racist."
The left was also referring to it as the Wuhan virus...until China complained, as it didn't like the virus being referred to by where it came from.
Trump activated the Defense Production Act, to allow the administration to push companies to produce masks and ventilators for distribution.
The only inconsistency was that the Trump administration was getting conflicting information from the NIH and CDC. As no president in our history, including this president, has been an expert or even somewhat knowledgeable in viruses and bacterium, all he or she can do, is listen to the so-called experts and when they conflict, all you can do is advise them to come to some consensus so that the people can be better informed.
What has the left done? Complain...."ORANGE MAN BAD!"
How many Americans have died from Covid-19 because of Trump's rare blend of ignorance and indifference?

I went to CPAC, and all I got was exposure to the coronavirus

Let's ask the experts:

"Anthony S. Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has stated that, had the guidelines been implemented earlier, a crucial period in the exponential spread of the virus would have been mitigated and American lives saved.

"Leading epidemiologists have put a finer point on this, estimating that 50 to 80 percent of covid-19 deaths in New York and approximately 90 percent of all American covid-19 deaths can now be attributed to the administration’s delay between March 2 and 16."

I'd tell you to shut the hell up but you have a fundamental right to be a stupid idiot. God bless you and your 1st Amendment rights!

YOU have no idea that Democrats would have done any different because at the time Trump was limiting flights from China, leading Democrats were telling us not to panic and it wasn't a problem.
The real news story is the Deception from China and how they let people who were sick travel internationally, how they hoarded test kits, refused to cooperate, and influenced the WHO to lie.
The big story also is out systemic dependence on CHINA for much of our supply. This has been going on for many years before Trump came on the scene. Also just the way government in general operates is a slow process that is inefficient, try as Democrats might to blame every problem on TRump.
You see, first and formost there is an election coming up. So make the blame game all it can be. Its so predictable and disheartening to people who want to see us succeed as a country.
How many Americans have died from Covid-19 because of Trump's rare blend of ignorance and indifference?

I went to CPAC, and all I got was exposure to the coronavirus

Let's ask the experts:

"Anthony S. Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has stated that, had the guidelines been implemented earlier, a crucial period in the exponential spread of the virus would have been mitigated and American lives saved.

"Leading epidemiologists have put a finer point on this, estimating that 50 to 80 percent of covid-19 deaths in New York and approximately 90 percent of all American covid-19 deaths can now be attributed to the administration’s delay between March 2 and 16."
"Only I can fix it" Famous Trump words. He's got 6 months. Hope for the best?

Move to Wuhan, you'll be safe there
Spamming the board is spamming the board. A liberal privilege!
Care to respond to context?

"This suffering cannot be forgotten.

"As of today, tens of thousands of Americans have lost their lives as a consequence of the administration’s failure to act sooner, so it’s no wonder the president excoriates reporters who ask him why he waited so long to implement the guidelines.

"Trump’s fallback when he is under scrutiny is to deflect, attack, and distract.

"But will this work when his decisions have led to a loss of American lives?

"How will the President be held responsible?"
How many Americans have died from Covid-19 because of Trump's rare blend of ignorance and indifference?

I went to CPAC, and all I got was exposure to the coronavirus

Let's ask the experts:

"Anthony S. Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has stated that, had the guidelines been implemented earlier, a crucial period in the exponential spread of the virus would have been mitigated and American lives saved.

"Leading epidemiologists have put a finer point on this, estimating that 50 to 80 percent of covid-19 deaths in New York and approximately 90 percent of all American covid-19 deaths can now be attributed to the administration’s delay between March 2 and 16."
"Only I can fix it" Famous Trump words. He's got 6 months. Hope for the best?
I guess the miracle he promised ain’t coming.
WaPo. Fake news.
Got proof?

"Designing a death clock must be based on mathematical models.

"Trump and his defenders may wish to assign blame to other countries, individuals, and institutions.

"His detractors, on the other hand, may wish to assess the consequences of his statements, decisions, and actions earlier than March.

"But a death clock must not reflect conjecture and needs to exist outside the news cycle, identifying only that portion of deaths which, according to experts, have resulted directly from the president and his team’s delayed response. "
Trump lives saved clock:

Millions saved, more than died in civil war, WWII, Vietnam and the Afghan war combined.
Who was the first leader of a nation that implemented a ban on flights from China? Trump. The left's response..."it's racist."
It was too little, too late:
The shutdown bought time that Trump squandered with gaslighting and, of course, lying.

Rolling Stone Timeline: Coronavirus in America

"January 31

"In move he will trumpet long afterward, Trump shuts down travel of foreign nationals who’ve been in China.

"The restriction comes two weeks after travelers stricken with the virus appear to have spread it in the U.S.

"An estimated 300,000 people have arrived from China in the previous month."
You didn't warn us!

<iframe width="670" height="377" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Who was the first leader of a nation that implemented a ban on flights from China? Trump. The left's response..."it's racist."
It was too little, too late:
The shutdown bought time that Trump squandered with gaslighting and, of course, lying.

Rolling Stone Timeline: Coronavirus in America

"January 31

"In move he will trumpet long afterward, Trump shuts down travel of foreign nationals who’ve been in China.

"The restriction comes two weeks after travelers stricken with the virus appear to have spread it in the U.S.

"An estimated 300,000 people have arrived from China in the previous month."
Had it been the left in control, we would have seen it be worse, as their response to Trump's actions, was to determine his restrictions as racist and over-reacting. As I said, their response was just the opposite.
The only inconsistency was that the Trump administration was getting conflicting information from the NIH and CDC. As no president in our history, including this president, has been an expert or even somewhat knowledgeable in viruses and bacterium,
Trump was being briefed on the impending pandemic from early January of 2020. Instead of reading the briefing books as all other presidents have done, he was tuning into Fox and Friend, ignoring warnings of pandemic unpreparedness from years before taking office.

Rolling Stone Timeline: Coronavirus in America

"September (2018)

"Trump administration presented with the Obama-ordered plans for machine able to make 1.5 million N95 respirator masks a day during a pandemic.

"Machine never funded or built.

"January-August 2019

"Trump administration runs a pandemic wargame called 'Crimson Contagion' — modeling the outbreak of an uncontrolled flu pandemic, originating in China."
The only inconsistency was that the Trump administration was getting conflicting information from the NIH and CDC. As no president in our history, including this president, has been an expert or even somewhat knowledgeable in viruses and bacterium,
Trump was being briefed on the impending pandemic from early January of 2020. Instead of reading the briefing books as all other presidents have done, he was tuning into Fox and Friend, ignoring warnings of pandemic unpreparedness from years before taking office.

Rolling Stone Timeline: Coronavirus in America

"September (2018)

"Trump administration presented with the Obama-ordered plans for machine able to make 1.5 million N95 respirator masks a day during a pandemic.

"Machine never funded or built.

"January-August 2019

"Trump administration runs a pandemic wargame called 'Crimson Contagion' — modeling the outbreak of an uncontrolled flu pandemic, originating in China."
Still....your precious left, repeatedly said that "it was all being overblown."

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