Trump Defends Punching Down in Politics, Says its Necessary to Speak Badly About Folk Who Speak Badly About You: “You Have To Put Them in Their Place"


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
if people want a respected stateman to be POTUS, Orrin Hatch would've won in 2000, McCain in 2008, and someone like Santorum in 2012. Trump knows how to win, and that's all that matters

Actually the stupid fuck knows how to lose when he shouldn't.

His asinine performance in the 1st debate, called a "shit-show" by CNN, where he behaved like he was raised by wolves instead of presidential, cost him the election.
Women voters denied Trump his 2nd term.
My wife said; "No way I can vote for that AH".

Trump lost by 43,000 votes in 3 states, AZ, GA, and WI. The stupid fuck still hasn't learned a damn thing. Managing style matters to voters.
Actually the stupid fuck knows how to lose when he shouldn't.

His asinine performance in the 1st debate, called a "shit-show" by CNN, where he behaved like he was raised by wolves instead of presidential, cost him the election.
Women voters denied Trump his 2nd term.
My wife said; "No way I can vote for that AH".

Trump lost by 43,000 votes in 3 states, AZ, GA, and WI. The stupid fuck still hasn't learned a damn thing. Managing style matters to voters.
Trump will never back down.
Not voting for the only person who stands up for the US, its laws and its citizens, because he is "mean" silly.
Trump knows how to win, and that's all that matters
That is your assertion. It is blatantly false.

He won once by simply being at the right place at the right time with the worst opponent in recent history as well as getting lucky as hell.

Since that one time he has lost over and over and over and over again.

Trump has no idea how to win but he is VERY accomplished at politically losing. Even when, as was the case with Biden, the entire deck is stacked in his favor.
That is your assertion. It is blatantly false.

He won once by simply being at the right place at the right time with the worst opponent in recent history as well as getting lucky as hell.

Since that one time he has lost over and over and over and over again.

Trump has no idea how to win but he is VERY accomplished at politically losing. Even when, as was the case with Biden, the entire deck is stacked in his favor.
I'm not sure any of us really want Trump to win the Republican nomination.
But the Dims are working hard to see that happens, and if it does he gets my vote.
It may be silly, but women apparently do not like "toxic masculinity" in a president.
My point is you have to see past "toxic masculinity" to the more important criteria of "destroying the country" that the other candidate exhibits.
MAGAts like them some bullies.

And yet, nobody bullies more people than the Democrat President Biden
Further, his demeanor toward the worker he’s speaking to is way over the line. He cusses, begins yelling, and jabs his finger in the man’s face. He also threatens to slap the guy in the face.
In 2018, Biden fantasized about hurting North Dakota Republican Sen. Kevin Cramer, who was then challenging a Democratic incumbent.

“I’d like to give him a high threshold of pain,” Biden said. “I’m serious. I’m really serious.”
Biden made the same remark at a campaign event for the state’s Democratic Sen. Heidi Heitkamp, encouraging the president of a trade union in attendance to “show [Cramer] a threshold of pain.”
Campaigning for president in 2020, Biden told a Detroit factory worker “you’re full of sh-t” and challenged him “to go outside with me.”
In the fall of 2016, Biden said he wanted to take Trump “behind the gym.”
In 2018, Biden doubled down on his 2016 remark, saying he wanted to take his future Republican opponent “behind the gym and beat the hell out of [Trump].”
every word out of Hillary's mouth was elegantly crafted, you didn't know what she really believed, it really turned off women voters who don't vote based on gender

with Trump every word comes from his gut, you know what's going on inside his head, or gut, as it were
Trump will never back down.
Not voting for the only person who stands up for the US, its laws and its citizens, because he is "mean" silly.
trump is NOT mean or tough in any way.
he is a p*ssy.

He says 'mean' things but never backs it up with action.

And I still find it laughable that you think trump stands up for you and citizens of the US.
trump is the ultimate 'me guy'
I despise this type ^^^^ of human. trump is pure scum.
My point is you have to see past "toxic masculinity" to the more important criteria of "destroying the country" that the other candidate exhibits.
Don't tell me. Tell women voters. You know, like the ones on or that watch "The View".

Reality says that Trump needed to "act" more presidential, and less aggressive. The votes were counted, women cost Trump the WH.
Don't tell me. Tell women voters. You know, like the ones on or that watch "The View".

Reality says that Trump needed to "act" more presidential, and less aggressive. The votes were counted, women cost Trump the WH.
I'm sure women voters are reading this now.
My guess is they are smarter than being influenced by The View.
if people want a respected stateman to be POTUS, Orrin Hatch would've won in 2000, McCain in 2008, and someone like Santorum in 2012. Trump knows how to win, and that's all that matters

Haughty, dismissive, entitled, NARCISSIST!
if people want a respected stateman to be POTUS, Orrin Hatch would've won in 2000, McCain in 2008, and someone like Santorum in 2012. Trump knows how to win, and that's all that matters

When has Trump ever won an election? When has Trump ever won anything other than a birth lottery that saw him grow up the son of a billionaire?

Trump is trying to excuse his being an asshole, but he has always being an asshole. Nice that thinks he’s “punching down” by going aftet his detractors.

His grandfather was a pimp. He father was abusive, and Trump was a “problem child” who was sent to military school to learn “discipline”.

He treats women as disposable, and he’s lied and cheated people all of his life. It doesn’t get much lower than that.

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