Trump demands CBS be stripped of licence over edited Harris interview

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

It seems like his jihad against the first amrndment knows no bounds. This is from a party that is cool with lying. Imdeed JD Jackass proudly announces that he makes up stories to push his hateful narrative.

His paymaster Putin must be giving him tips on stifling free speech. This is what retribution loohs like under fascist regimes. Opponents havent been falling off buildings yet but the Holocaust didnt start with ovens.

Its telling that he has made no comment aabout the lying Gateway Pundit. They have actually been convicted of lying.

It seems like his jihad against the first amrndment knows no bounds. This is from a party that is cool with lying. Imdeed JD Jackass proudly announces that he makes up stories to push his hateful narrative.

His paymaster Putin must be giving him tips on stifling free speech. This is what retribution loohs like under fascist regimes. Opponents havent been falling off buildings yet but the Holocaust didnt start with ovens.

Its telling that he has made no comment aabout the lying Gateway Pundit. They have actually been convicted of lying.

There is something to be said about election interference and/or doing a disservice to the public.

The same people screaming for silencing of Twitter due to "disinformation" from some hillbilly posting from his barn to his 15 followers are fine with a major news network doesn't allow full transparency of a presidential candidates responses which could impact the lives of millions.

America will choose their president in a few weeks. It should be based on as much information as possible. Harris is most likely going to win regardless, voters should at least have transparency.

Compared to Canada and much of Europe, either candidate will ensure far more civil liberties and freedoms in America. We certainly hope so if we intend to maintain Western focused world.

The world needs to accept that possible outcome and be prepared for what that means for Americas economic and global influence. The focus can't just be on Europe, a continent that has refused for decades to take the threats in the world seriously. The threat China poses dwarfs all other threats. Ukraine was abandoned by every nation in Europe, once again, Europe refused to invest in military manufacturing.

Why Europe hasn't cared for so many years is beyond me. It couldn't just assume America could take on the entire world when China became an obvious military threat with their unrivaled increase in expansion.

It seems like his jihad against the first amrndment knows no bounds. This is from a party that is cool with lying. Imdeed JD Jackass proudly announces that he makes up stories to push his hateful narrative.

His paymaster Putin must be giving him tips on stifling free speech. This is what retribution loohs like under fascist regimes. Opponents havent been falling off buildings yet but the Holocaust didnt start with ovens.

Its telling that he has made no comment aabout the lying Gateway Pundit. They have actually been convicted of lying.
So media can edit free speech? Why not just report honestly? CBS and most MSM are scumbags.

It seems like his jihad against the first amrndment knows no bounds. This is from a party that is cool with lying. Imdeed JD Jackass proudly announces that he makes up stories to push his hateful narrative.

His paymaster Putin must be giving him tips on stifling free speech. This is what retribution loohs like under fascist regimes. Opponents havent been falling off buildings yet but the Holocaust didnt start with ovens.

Its telling that he has made no comment aabout the lying Gateway Pundit. They have actually been convicted of lying.
Are you kidding? Media outlets like CBS put out propaganda to deceive the public and they do so BLATANTLY!
Control of media is what takes place in authoritative regimes. At the moment the Democratic Party controls most of the media that the voting public gets to see. It's why people believed the Russia hoax. It's why they believed the bullshit narrative that Hunter's laptop was fake. It's why Kamala Harris can run for President without answering tough questions. Trump isn't against the 1st Amendment...he's against a Main Stream Media that doesn't care about the truth anymore and is willing to lie to keep progressives in power.

It seems like his jihad against the first amrndment knows no bounds. This is from a party that is cool with lying. Imdeed JD Jackass proudly announces that he makes up stories to push his hateful narrative.

His paymaster Putin must be giving him tips on stifling free speech. This is what retribution loohs like under fascist regimes. Opponents havent been falling off buildings yet but the Holocaust didnt start with ovens.

Its telling that he has made no comment aabout the lying Gateway Pundit. They have actually been convicted of lying.

Trump is asking for free speech. Democrats and CBS are supporting censorship.

Did you see some of the un-edited clips vs the edited clips? They are attempting to cover(censor) for her ineptitude. Kamala is lost but they don’t want people like YOU to know it. THAT is censorship.
Are you kidding? Media outlets like CBS put out propaganda to deceive the public and they do so BLATANTLY!
Control of media is what takes place in authoritative regimes. At the moment the Democratic Party controls most of the media that the voting public gets to see. It's why people believed the Russia hoax. It's why they believed the bullshit narrative that Hunter's laptop was fake. It's why Kamala Harris can run for President without answering tough questions. Trump isn't against the 1st Amendment...he's against a Main Stream Media that doesn't care about the truth anymore and is willing to lie to keep progressives in power.

It is amazing. Democrats are so lost that they call it censorship when Trump calls for a news outlet NOT to edit clips to hide ineptitude. Pure brainwashing.
It is amazing. Democrats are so lost that they call it censorship when Trump calls for a news outlet NOT to edit clips to hide ineptitude. Pure brainwashing.

I would bet my house that CBS edits every single 60 minute interview. As does every other new site out there for their shows.
Trump is asking for free speech by demanding CBS lose their license.

Did you hurt your back with that amazing level of spin?
Trump is simply trying to shine a spotlight on what CBS has done in his usual over the top fashion. Voters can't make informed decisions when media outlets like CBS edit interviews to make one candidate look better than they really are. It's reached the point that journalistic ethics don't exist.
Trump is asking for free speech by demanding CBS lose their license.

Did you hurt your back with that amazing level of spin?

The spin is on you. CBS shouldn’t be censoring information. They are. What don't’ you understand?
I would bet my house that CBS edits every single 60 minute interview. As does every other new site out there for their shows.
Do you think that CBS should be editing out the parts that make someone look bad? When that person is running for the highest office in the land? Shouldn't we as voters be able to judge for ourselves the candidates competence?
I would bet my house that CBS edits every single 60 minute interview. As does every other new site out there for their shows.

Do you really think they favorably edit Trump’s content as they did Kamala’s? We all know they do exactly the opposite when it comes to Trump. They routinely take what he says out of context via editing. Again, remove all doubt and play the entire interviews. They like being able to introduce bias. Trump is saying let’s not allow them that opportunity. In other words, DON’T censor what is said on either side.
Do you think that CBS should be editing out the parts that make someone look bad? When that person is running for the highest office in the land? Shouldn't we as voters be able to judge for ourselves the candidates competence?

They don’t care as long as the editing is in their favor.
I am struggling with this. After the UK riots I made a case for honesty in media. After the cats and dogs disgrace I made the same argument.

At every step of the way you chimps told me that any attempt to introduce honessty would impact on free speech because the right cannot be honest.

The govt shpi;d not legislate for free speech.Just like they are supposed to do in "shithole " Britain.

But now trump is proposing to do exactly that and suddenly its ok. ABC. CBS and all outlets down to the Shinbone Gazzette are in his sights.

Its like trumps lies and dishonesty have attracted all the liars and criminals in america to his banner.
It's always an accusation by Trump and his cult.......................

It Seems Fox News Edited Trump Interview to Help Him ...

The New Republic › breaking-news
On Sunday, an interview with Donald Trump aired on Fox News, and online commentators saw clear issues on the broadcast that suggest some heavy edits.

The edits don’t even address the wild things Trump actually said in the interview. He proposed cutting several government agencies, and reiterated his plan for mass deportations if reelected president. He denied ever saying, “Lock her up,” regarding Hillary Clinton in 2016, claiming that “the people would all say, ‘Lock her up, lock her up,’” and he would try to shut it down—a claim immediately corrected by X’s “community notes” as well as fact checkers from different news outlets.

That turn out, as usual.................To be confessions.
Trump is simply trying to shine a spotlight on what CBS has done in his usual over the top fashion. Voters can't make informed decisions when media outlets like CBS edit interviews to make one candidate look better than they really are. It's reached the point that journalistic ethics don't exist.

Who is dumb enough to think that the networks do not edit everything we see?

It seems like his jihad against the first amrndment knows no bounds. This is from a party that is cool with lying. Imdeed JD Jackass proudly announces that he makes up stories to push his hateful narrative.

His paymaster Putin must be giving him tips on stifling free speech. This is what retribution loohs like under fascist regimes. Opponents havent been falling off buildings yet but the Holocaust didnt start with ovens.

Its telling that he has made no comment aabout the lying Gateway Pundit. They have actually been convicted of lying.
/---/ It's the Left that wants censorship of opposing ideas. The media's responsibility is to expose the power base and hold them accountable. I think you know Commie Harris is a babbling train wreck and applaud CBS's efforts to edit her responses so she's not exposed as a complete idiot.
The spin is on you. CBS shouldn’t be censoring information. They are. What don't’ you understand?

They are not censoring shit, they are editing a TV show. I bet you are one of those people that think reality TV shows are not edited.

You might want to find a 3rd grader and have them teach you the definition of censorship
Do you think that CBS should be editing out the parts that make someone look bad? When that person is running for the highest office in the land? Shouldn't we as voters be able to judge for ourselves the candidates competence?

I think CBS is a private entity and can do what they fuck ever they like to the shows they put on their network.

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