Trump did it again Now more drugs will be available.

Republicans buy most of the housing in highly restrictive HOA communities.
Republicans buy most of the housing in highly restrictive HOA communities.
If Republicans buy most of the housing in those communities, then it would be republicans making rules for republicans. That is pretty much not an issue. the people tht have an issue with rules might want to find a more liberal based area to live in
Republicans spend more time imposing their values, worrying about & controlling, restricting the lives of others, than creating, working or inventing the things that build the modern economy.

Democrats are the ones that create the future. Republicans are parasites who suck the life out of workers & creators.
Republicans buy most of the housing in highly restrictive HOA communities.
If Republicans buy most of the housing in those communities, then it would be republicans making rules for republicans. That is pretty much not an issue. the people tht have an issue with rules might want to find a more liberal based area to live in

Liberals should move to California and New York and declare those areas as safe they can whine and piss and moan at their heart's content.
Republicans buy most of the housing in highly restrictive HOA communities.
If Republicans buy most of the housing in those communities, then it would be republicans making rules for republicans. That is pretty much not an issue. the people tht have an issue with rules might want to find a more liberal based area to live in

Liberals should move to California and New York and declare those areas as safe they can whine and piss and moan at their heart's content.
Dont get me wrong but, the reason I have a large piece of property now is because I made the mistake of buying my first house in one of those communities that had the regulations. Im not the type to beg some asshole to put a damn shed up in my own back yard. When they make my payment, then they can tell me what to do. I even painted my front door in an unapproved color just to piss them off.
Republicans buy most of the housing in highly restrictive HOA communities.
If Republicans buy most of the housing in those communities, then it would be republicans making rules for republicans. That is pretty much not an issue. the people tht have an issue with rules might want to find a more liberal based area to live in

Liberals should move to California and New York and declare those areas as safe they can whine and piss and moan at their heart's content.
Dont get me wrong but, the reason I have a large piece of property now is because I made the mistake of buying my first house in one of those communities that had the regulations. Im not the type to beg some asshole to put a damn shed up in my own back yard. When they make my payment, then they can tell me what to do. I even painted my front door in an unapproved color just to piss them off.
My son moved to a community that has two HOAs. The colors of the flowers in your front yard have to be approved.

When I go visit him, it's like heaven. It is clean, it is safe. People sit on front porches in the evening chatting with neighbors. Children play outside their homes. It is beautiful.

When my son came to visit me, he was actually surprised to see someone squat and shit on the sidewalk. He was shocked that the man was ignored as people just walked around him.
Republicans buy most of the housing in highly restrictive HOA communities.
If Republicans buy most of the housing in those communities, then it would be republicans making rules for republicans. That is pretty much not an issue. the people tht have an issue with rules might want to find a more liberal based area to live in

Liberals should move to California and New York and declare those areas as safe they can whine and piss and moan at their heart's content.
Dont get me wrong but, the reason I have a large piece of property now is because I made the mistake of buying my first house in one of those communities that had the regulations. Im not the type to beg some asshole to put a damn shed up in my own back yard. When they make my payment, then they can tell me what to do. I even painted my front door in an unapproved color just to piss them off.
My son moved to a community that has two HOAs. The colors of the flowers in your front yard have to be approved.

When I go visit him, it's like heaven. It is clean, it is safe. People sit on front porches in the evening chatting with neighbors. Children play outside their homes. It is beautiful.

When my son came to visit me, he was actually surprised to see someone squat and shit on the sidewalk. He was shocked that the man was ignored as people just walked around him.
when I go home I have no neighbors.
the deer and raccoons and the foxes will squat and shit in my yard however. not quite the same but close.
Republicans buy most of the housing in highly restrictive HOA communities.
If Republicans buy most of the housing in those communities, then it would be republicans making rules for republicans. That is pretty much not an issue. the people tht have an issue with rules might want to find a more liberal based area to live in

Liberals should move to California and New York and declare those areas as safe they can whine and piss and moan at their heart's content.
Dont get me wrong but, the reason I have a large piece of property now is because I made the mistake of buying my first house in one of those communities that had the regulations. Im not the type to beg some asshole to put a damn shed up in my own back yard. When they make my payment, then they can tell me what to do. I even painted my front door in an unapproved color just to piss them off.
My son moved to a community that has two HOAs. The colors of the flowers in your front yard have to be approved.

When I go visit him, it's like heaven. It is clean, it is safe. People sit on front porches in the evening chatting with neighbors. Children play outside their homes. It is beautiful.

When my son came to visit me, he was actually surprised to see someone squat and shit on the sidewalk. He was shocked that the man was ignored as people just walked around him.
when I go home I have no neighbors.
the deer and raccoons and the foxes will squat and shit in my yard however. not quite the same but close.
You have it better than many others who are in or not in gated communities.
If Republicans buy most of the housing in those communities, then it would be republicans making rules for republicans. That is pretty much not an issue. the people tht have an issue with rules might want to find a more liberal based area to live in

Liberals should move to California and New York and declare those areas as safe they can whine and piss and moan at their heart's content.
Dont get me wrong but, the reason I have a large piece of property now is because I made the mistake of buying my first house in one of those communities that had the regulations. Im not the type to beg some asshole to put a damn shed up in my own back yard. When they make my payment, then they can tell me what to do. I even painted my front door in an unapproved color just to piss them off.
My son moved to a community that has two HOAs. The colors of the flowers in your front yard have to be approved.

When I go visit him, it's like heaven. It is clean, it is safe. People sit on front porches in the evening chatting with neighbors. Children play outside their homes. It is beautiful.

When my son came to visit me, he was actually surprised to see someone squat and shit on the sidewalk. He was shocked that the man was ignored as people just walked around him.
when I go home I have no neighbors.
the deer and raccoons and the foxes will squat and shit in my yard however. not quite the same but close.
You have it better than many others who are in or not in gated communities.
its all perspective and what is best for each individual. There are some that love the city life, they thrive on it, there is no way in hell they would ever live where I do. And if you ask them, their apartment downtown is their own slice of heaven because they can walk to where the need or want to go, there is always something going on etc....
I have it better for me than I would if I lived in a gated community. but its not for everyone.
Some drugs for orphan diseases take decades to get approval from FDA.
Many patients who are dying or suffering are willing to try drugs if there is any hope what so ever of benefit.
We don't need a new type of aspirin that is more toxic than heroin so companies can earn a few billion. Research and development, especially with the use of new super computers can analyse new drugs much faster and safer.
There is risk eating piece of fruit or drinking a glass of water.
It should be up to the patient and how desperate they are or willing to be a science experiment to help others.

Half the people with the orphan disease could be dead by the time the FDA decides it is safe enough.

Change is vitally needed within the FDA. No it will not just reject pretesting before it can be tried on humans, but in some cases there might be less lengthy and costly process to get drugs to those who need it yesterday, in hopes of giving them a bit more time "now".

Hopefully it will also cut the cost of drugs not now considered tier 1 or 2 where insurance will pay part or all, instead of costing the patient $1000 a month or more for just a single med, often they require three or more for a single condition.

I'd like to see more testing of drugs in conjunction with homeopathic or herbals meds and alternative treatments. I've heard a lot of anecdotal stories from patients that have been able to cut their drugs in half with the right combination of herbs, teas, therapy and unconventional diet. If it works for them, I'm happy to try and accommodate their needs. It is more about quality of life.

I'd been thrilled to see a shake up in the FDA.
Republicans & their Insurance buddies force regulation down our throat. Building codes, inspection fees & regulations, NEC Codes, Fire codes, HOA codes & fees, DEA, FDA, etc. They extend patents for kickbacks & campaign contributions forcing us to pay the highest prices on the planet.

They now forceyou to install AFCI/GFCI circuit breakers on Refrigerators/Freezers so your freezer will waste all your food. They want to force schools & business to add ADA compliant Gay Bathrooms. They oppose stem-cell so the USA falls behind the world in biotechnology we created. They are the most anti employee, anti productive & anti progress party.

The only regulations Repubtards oppose is ones that require them to pay workers or prevent Job killing unproductive financial Ponzi Schemes. Wallstreet explodes as jobs & pay fall behind while prices rise.
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What was that?

Health Insurers and Drug Companies Contributed $26.2 Million to 111th Congress

With the exception of John McCain (R-AZ), Max Baucus (D-MT) received more money than any other current member of Congress from both the health insurance and the pharmaceutical industries. For the 2006, 2008 and 2010 election cycles, Baucus received $213,400 in contributions from health insurance companies and $229,520 from the pharmaceutical industry. As chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, Baucus is one of the primary architects of health care reform in Congress.

Repubtards started the DEA & FDA. Repubtards created every regulation that cripples the USA
actually the pharmaceutical industry was doing a pretty good job at crippling the USA on their own. Literally.
The DEA and the FDA also are responsible for the ethics in testing now.
Of course we could go back to the days of Testing without ethics, It actually worked out pretty damn good.
Tuskegee Study - Timeline - CDC - NCHHSTP

How ethical were Republicans who extend patent protection like Epi-Pen for Big Pharma while most of their money goes to Republicans in Congress?
Trump’s Potential FDA Pick Says Drugmakers Shouldn’t Have to Prove Their Products Work Before Selling Them

Now drug company doesn't have to proof drug effectiveness before selling it.

Is that bad?

Sound bad right?

Till you know that they simply do not have to proof that their drug is effective to GOVERNMENT.

The drug may be effective. Proofing it is difficult. Proofing anything obvious is difficult to government officials.

Government is very inefficient at judging anything. Resorting to government or court system to certify anything is useless.

How do you know that the more effective drugs will not be approved precisely because it's too effective and their competitors bribe the government.

Drug companies will need to proof the effectiveness of the drug on free market.

I think they should put a warning label that FDA doesn't proof it yet and let the customers and doctors decide.
Glad he is for legalizing drugs.

“We should reform FDA so there is approving drugs after their sponsors have demonstrated safety—and let people start using them, at their own risk, but not much risk of safety,” O’Neill said in a 2014 speech. “Let’s prove efficacy after they’ve been legalized.”
OP, you are invited to join in the task of elucidating all the parameters and variants of the human genome. Chinese do not metabolize diazepam very well. Why not? You may as well be deciphering the effects of petroleum addiction on the collective biota of the Gulf of Mexico.
Wrong again. Everyone I have known of have been full of Dems and they are always on the Board.
Republicans buy most of the housing in highly restrictive HOA communities.

You LIE. Republicans live to tell others how they should live! They love police & military crackin heads, killing, arresting & torturing! They want to force people to use only the bathrooms they say you can. They ban biotechnology.
Republicans & their Insurance buddies force regulation down our throat. Building codes, inspection fees & regulations, NEC Codes, Fire codes, HOA codes & fees, DEA, FDA, etc. They extend patents for kickbacks & campaign contributions forcing us to pay the highest prices on the planet.

They now forceyou to install AFCI/GFCI circuit breakers on Refrigerators/Freezers so your freezer will waste all your food. They want to force schools & business to add ADA compliant Gay Bathrooms. They oppose stem-cell so the USA falls behind the world in biotechnology we created. They are the most anti employee, anti productive & anti progress party.

The only regulations Repubtards oppose is ones that require them to pay workers or prevent Job killing unproductive financial Ponzi Schemes. Wallstreet explodes as jobs & pay fall behind while prices rise.
Are you stoned?

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