Trump did it again Now more drugs will be available.

There are 4 stages that drugs have to go through when being tested. It takes longer than people want, it costs more than it should and at times it might keep a possible cure away from someone that needs it.
But we have safe drugs when used properly. I personally do not want to go back to the 1800s when anything could be sold as a cure without any proof or testing.
Think about it, there was a time when heroin was good for coughs, or get this, relief from teething pain for your infants. Oh, and it was non addictive. Like I said, there are reasons for the testing.

Or if you were off colour they'd give you a little dose of arsenic to make your cheeks flush...
Just think, more miracle cures are on the way..Why snake oil salesmen will have a heyday...
If they do this then I'll trust smoking pot before i'll try any medicine in this country.
Trump’s Potential FDA Pick Says Drugmakers Shouldn’t Have to Prove Their Products Work Before Selling Them

Now drug company doesn't have to proof drug effectiveness before selling it.

Is that bad?

Sound bad right?

Till you know that they simply do not have to proof that their drug is effective to GOVERNMENT.

The drug may be effective. Proofing it is difficult. Proofing anything obvious is difficult to government officials.

Government is very inefficient at judging anything. Resorting to government or court system to certify anything is useless.

How do you know that the more effective drugs will not be approved precisely because it's too effective and their competitors bribe the government.

Drug companies will need to proof the effectiveness of the drug on free market.

I think they should put a warning label that FDA doesn't proof it yet and let the customers and doctors decide.
F, the FDA when they started meddling with people who sell natural products just because they could and gave free passes to the chemical bullies they earn the right to be shut down.

FDA should be limited to being nothing more than being an agency that makes sure that the products being sold are actually what they say they are and making sure the food sent out by big factory operations is actually safe to eat without adulteration's.
Some drugs for orphan diseases take decades to get approval from FDA.
Many patients who are dying or suffering are willing to try drugs if there is any hope what so ever of benefit.
We don't need a new type of aspirin that is more toxic than heroin so companies can earn a few billion. Research and development, especially with the use of new super computers can analyse new drugs much faster and safer.
There is risk eating piece of fruit or drinking a glass of water.
It should be up to the patient and how desperate they are or willing to be a science experiment to help others.

Half the people with the orphan disease could be dead by the time the FDA decides it is safe enough.

Change is vitally needed within the FDA. No it will not just reject pretesting before it can be tried on humans, but in some cases there might be less lengthy and costly process to get drugs to those who need it yesterday, in hopes of giving them a bit more time "now".

Hopefully it will also cut the cost of drugs not now considered tier 1 or 2 where insurance will pay part or all, instead of costing the patient $1000 a month or more for just a single med, often they require three or more for a single condition.

I'd like to see more testing of drugs in conjunction with homeopathic or herbals meds and alternative treatments. I've heard a lot of anecdotal stories from patients that have been able to cut their drugs in half with the right combination of herbs, teas, therapy and unconventional diet. If it works for them, I'm happy to try and accommodate their needs. It is more about quality of life.

I'd been thrilled to see a shake up in the FDA.
There are a lot of studies available on the natural available online. The medical associations have been pushing to keep any and all natural methods stopped. Connecticut's Vet association even pushed to have it made illegal for Vets to try alternative methods unless they were approved by them. There are people out there doing crowd funding trying to find cures for things like Lyme disease as too many are sick of being lab rats for docs and pharmaceutical companies.
Some drugs for orphan diseases take decades to get approval from FDA.
Many patients who are dying or suffering are willing to try drugs if there is any hope what so ever of benefit.
We don't need a new type of aspirin that is more toxic than heroin so companies can earn a few billion. Research and development, especially with the use of new super computers can analyse new drugs much faster and safer.
There is risk eating piece of fruit or drinking a glass of water.
It should be up to the patient and how desperate they are or willing to be a science experiment to help others.

Half the people with the orphan disease could be dead by the time the FDA decides it is safe enough.

Change is vitally needed within the FDA. No it will not just reject pretesting before it can be tried on humans, but in some cases there might be less lengthy and costly process to get drugs to those who need it yesterday, in hopes of giving them a bit more time "now".

Hopefully it will also cut the cost of drugs not now considered tier 1 or 2 where insurance will pay part or all, instead of costing the patient $1000 a month or more for just a single med, often they require three or more for a single condition.

I'd like to see more testing of drugs in conjunction with homeopathic or herbals meds and alternative treatments. I've heard a lot of anecdotal stories from patients that have been able to cut their drugs in half with the right combination of herbs, teas, therapy and unconventional diet. If it works for them, I'm happy to try and accommodate their needs. It is more about quality of life.

I'd been thrilled to see a shake up in the FDA.
There are a lot of studies available on the natural available online. The medical associations have been pushing to keep any and all natural methods stopped. Connecticut's Vet association even pushed to have it made illegal for Vets to try alternative methods unless they were approved by them. There are people out there doing crowd funding trying to find cures for things like Lyme disease as too many are sick of being lab rats for docs and pharmaceutical companies.

Chemo totally trashes the body. I've seen CBD for a month begin or totally eliminate some types of cancer cells with no side effects. Might cost a few hundred to buy at a dispensary but pennies to make, mostly from leaves that would otherwise be thrown out in the growing process to encourage larger flowers/buds. Leaves have no or almost no THC. Some require various amount of THC for other treatments. When some patients want, they can give me leaves or leaves and bud and ask me to make foods, juice, smoothies, meds for them or in combination with other herbs, fruits and foods. Some I monitor their meds and diet already. Can't OD on CBD, not like it will harm them. It is their choice and most already have their cards for their condition(s).

I know I don't only don't like the meds but they do little for me. I found a combination between traditional and alternative does better and I take a thirds the meds I would have or only take a few as needed instead of as prescribed. I was a walking zombie, "barely" walking zombie.

Everything in balance
Republicans & their Insurance buddies force regulation down our throat. Building codes, inspection fees & regulations, NEC Codes, Fire codes, HOA codes & fees, DEA, FDA, etc. They extend patents for kickbacks & campaign contributions forcing us to pay the highest prices on the planet.

They now forceyou to install AFCI/GFCI circuit breakers on Refrigerators/Freezers so your freezer will waste all your food. They want to force schools & business to add ADA compliant Gay Bathrooms. They oppose stem-cell so the USA falls behind the world in biotechnology we created. They are the most anti employee, anti productive & anti progress party.

The only regulations Repubtards oppose is ones that require them to pay workers or prevent Job killing unproductive financial Ponzi Schemes. Wallstreet explodes as jobs & pay fall behind while prices rise.

a gfi will keep you from getting shocked. What fascism. Are you sure it's republicans who passed all these laws? The electrical code was put forth by insurance companies so people wouldn't get electrocuted and houses burned down.
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If they do this then I'll trust smoking pot before i'll try any medicine in this country.
Good for you, in any public venue; you can claim to put your trust in a god, over any Man by way of a holy Bible. Genesis 1:29-31.
Republicans & their Insurance buddies force regulation down our throat. Building codes, inspection fees & regulations, NEC Codes, Fire codes, HOA codes & fees, DEA, FDA, etc. They extend patents for kickbacks & campaign contributions forcing us to pay the highest prices on the planet.

They now forceyou to install AFCI/GFCI circuit breakers on Refrigerators/Freezers so your freezer will waste all your food. They want to force schools & business to add ADA compliant Gay Bathrooms. They oppose stem-cell so the USA falls behind the world in biotechnology we created. They are the most anti employee, anti productive & anti progress party.

The only regulations Repubtards oppose is ones that require them to pay workers or prevent Job killing unproductive financial Ponzi Schemes. Wallstreet explodes as jobs & pay fall behind while prices rise.
I suggest switching to decaf, and replacing your LSD with Thorazine.
Republicans & their Insurance buddies force regulation down our throat. Building codes, inspection fees & regulations, NEC Codes, Fire codes, HOA codes & fees, DEA, FDA, etc. They extend patents for kickbacks & campaign contributions forcing us to pay the highest prices on the planet.

They now forceyou to install AFCI/GFCI circuit breakers on Refrigerators/Freezers so your freezer will waste all your food. They want to force schools & business to add ADA compliant Gay Bathrooms. They oppose stem-cell so the USA falls behind the world in biotechnology we created. They are the most anti employee, anti productive & anti progress party.

The only regulations Repubtards oppose is ones that require them to pay workers or prevent Job killing unproductive financial Ponzi Schemes. Wallstreet explodes as jobs & pay fall behind while prices rise.
I suggest switching to decaf, and replacing your LSD with Thorazine.
i hear ya Jar.....i think Kiss has his parties mixed up on many of his "points"....
Trump’s Potential FDA Pick Says Drugmakers Shouldn’t Have to Prove Their Products Work Before Selling Them

Now drug company doesn't have to proof drug effectiveness before selling it.

Is that bad?

Sound bad right?

Till you know that they simply do not have to proof that their drug is effective to GOVERNMENT.

The drug may be effective. Proofing it is difficult. Proofing anything obvious is difficult to government officials.

Government is very inefficient at judging anything. Resorting to government or court system to certify anything is useless.

How do you know that the more effective drugs will not be approved precisely because it's too effective and their competitors bribe the government.

Drug companies will need to proof the effectiveness of the drug on free market.

I think they should put a warning label that FDA doesn't proof it yet and let the customers and doctors decide.

I am not good at english ,who can do me a favor ,sent this letter to president donold trump,t can not the taiwan
大多数大陆人认为, 台湾必须尽快拥有对大陆沿海14个省24个直辖市的核打击能力。如果台湾被大陆攻占,最终中国将被俄罗斯人肢解(长城以北)和吞并(黄河以南)。
先说必要性:1 部分或全面战争是大陆独裁政权与欧美民主社会斗争的不可回避的终极阶段,让台湾实际用有核打击能力是国内外民主力量以最小代价赢得最大效果的捷径,因为大陆当局走民主的可能性根本不存在。
2对大陆政治的统治集团内部产生离心力,对其国际政治扩张形成一定压力,促其内部政治该弦。 3 对大陆以东南沿海房地产为主的经济给予致命打击。 4 对大陆国内各阶层矛盾起到激化和发酵 ,将老百姓根本利益与当局剥离对立。 5 对大陆军事形成较长时间无法超越的制衡,同时令其外交陷入窘境,发展道一定情况,大陆当局会主动请国际介入。 6 对国内民主力量的鼓舞,大陆人都知道台湾拥有核武器,才会真切的关心政治,尤其是两岸政治,不再做吃了就睡的猪。

I think all government need to ensure is that the patient is well informed. If government are not sure it's safe, just say that.
Taking anything by force is the devils game and gains nothing but misery.


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