Trump didn't know about porn star payment

what Trump and a porn star did bcd is their business -- him or someone from his Cartel paying her hush money a week before an election he was running for office IS THE COUNTRY'S BUSINESS .

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Paying someone off and lying is the story. The idea that Trump's lawyer would give $130,000 to her and Trump knows nothing about it is ridiculous. This is a guy who will stiff his suppliers for peanuts. Now way in hell.

uh, thats what I said.
  • Why did a veritable newlywed with a "bun in the oven," so to speak, take up with a porn star?
  • Why does a man who did such a thing not be a man about it and own up to having done so? If one is "bad" enough to do the deed, then one must be "bad" enough to own having done it. To do otherwise is cowardly.

Just a small correction--Baron was about 4 months old when Trump had his six month affair with miss Stormy.

TY for the timeline correction.
  • Why did a veritable newlywed with a "bun in the oven," so to speak, take up with a porn star?
  • Why does a man who did such a thing not be a man about it and own up to having done so? If one is "bad" enough to do the deed, then one must be "bad" enough to own having done it. To do otherwise is cowardly.

I'll go out on a limb and guess - because he's a sorry son of a bitch who has as much moral fiber as a monkey turd ?
Donald Trump was just doing what his president Bill Clinton was doing all along....You know, the meaning of "IS"?

So because Bill Clinton cheated on his wife, it’s OK for Donald Trump to not only cheat on his wife, but to pay his mistress hush money from campaign funds to keep her quiet; Force his mistress to lie and deny the affair in public; stiff his lawyer on the payment; and last but not leader, lie to the American people about all of it.

It’s never the deed, it’s the cover up, the source of the payments, and the lies, that trip everyone up.

John Edwards faced federal charges for using campaign funds to pay off his mistress.

Bill Clinton was impeached for lying about the Lewinsky affair.

Since Trump did both, he should be impeached and face federal charges. It’s only fitting.
  • Why did a veritable newlywed with a "bun in the oven," so to speak, take up with a porn star?
  • Why does a man who did such a thing not be a man about it and own up to having done so? If one is "bad" enough to do the deed, then one must be "bad" enough to own having done it. To do otherwise is cowardly.

I'll go out on a limb and guess - because he's a sorry son of a bitch who has as much moral fiber as a monkey turd ?
Donald Trump was just doing what his president Bill Clinton was doing all along....You know, the meaning of "IS"?

So because Bill Clinton cheated on his wife, it’s OK for Donald Trump to not only cheat on his wife, but to pay his mistress hush money from campaign funds to keep her quiet; Force his mistress to lie and deny the affair in public; stiff his lawyer on the payment; and last but not leader, lie to the American people about all of it.

It’s never the deed, it’s the cover up, the source of the payments, and the lies, that trip everyone up.

John Edwards faced federal charges for using campaign funds to pay off his mistress.

Bill Clinton was impeached for lying about the Lewinsky affair.

Since Trump did both, he should be impeached and face federal charges. It’s only fitting.
So because Bill Clinton cheated on his wife, it’s OK for Donald Trump to not only cheat on his wife
As far as I'm concerned, it's not okay for either of them to have cheated or cheat on their wives, but cheating on their wives isn't the thing that concerns me because I'm neither of their wives. What disconcerts me is their lying about having done so when confronted publicly about having done so.
Trump is doing some great things. If he keeps this up he can have a congo line of hookers and porn stars coming out of the White House stretching back to Baltimore and I won't give a shit.

Dear PredFan
I'd certainly care if I were Melania Trump and their son. You may not care politically but personally this does affect people and their relationships, feelings and health. The health risks to his wife are something any woman or man should think about, and Trump could use this to teach and promote that awareness in the media instead of glossing this over.

I'm not Melania and he's not glossing it over, he's denying it.

I ended up preaching to a friend of mine against the casual approach to having multiple partners because of HPV risks and passing this on to future partners. He had no clue that it increases the risk of cervical cancer in women.

Trump is 70-something years old now and constantly in the spotlight. I'm pretty sure he isn't still doing it.

So people do need to start caring and taking this seriously.
Instead of abusing sex, women, rape and relationships and/or to make political points for partisan hackery and bullying, without taking the social problems seriously and teaching real consequences of this reckless behavior.

Yes, but the people who need to start taking it seriously are the married men and women. He's President and just as I did will Bill Clinton, I am willing to let them deal with it. As long as he serves the country well, that stuff is his and Melania's problem.

It shouldn't be addressed as political ammo to attack opponents for points in the media, but for sustainable health and healthy relations.

Hard to tell if you are sincere or if you are actually trying to justify keeping this in the limelight to use it as political ammo to attack Trump and the GOP with.

If you want to get into health care costs with it, maybe we should have this discussion about abusing sex, drugs, etc. and how that type of irresponsible behavior affects health care costs and why we can't afford universal care without addressing good health habits to start!

I don't want to get into healthcare costs, apparently YOU do.

And finally, are you actually worried that he might actually have a congo line of hookers outside the White House? It was a joke of mine, relax.

oh wait, - he settled it - scratch that, HE DIDN'T, his lawyer did - Trump just signed the settlement - BUT he had no idea what he signed - yada yada yada bla bla bla LIE LIE LIE AFTER LIE ...


Lie through your teeth everyday and if you dont remember ecactly what you say sooner or later you end up trapping yourself .....
Link? Last I read, he didn't sign anything.
So you honestly believe that all this went down without Trump knowing? You really believe that?
I never said that. Next time, try to pay attention and then address my response.
I am paying attention. Siete posted about Trumps idiotic excuse that he didn’t sign the settlement as if that proves that he didn’t know anything about it. Then you respond asking for proof... why do you need proof? Do you really believe that all this went down without Trumps knowledge. Can you honestly say that?
You claimed he signed a settlement. The accuser claimed he did not. I was on a business trip this week and have not kept up, but is my point incorrect, our is your version incorrect?
You are right in that she claims he never signed the confidentiality agreement. That’s what she is trying to use to get out of it. That’s semantics, my question to you is if you really believe that Trump didn’t know what was going on
Link? Last I read, he didn't sign anything.
So you honestly believe that all this went down without Trump knowing? You really believe that?
I never said that. Next time, try to pay attention and then address my response.
I am paying attention. Siete posted about Trumps idiotic excuse that he didn’t sign the settlement as if that proves that he didn’t know anything about it. Then you respond asking for proof... why do you need proof? Do you really believe that all this went down without Trumps knowledge. Can you honestly say that?
You claimed he signed a settlement. The accuser claimed he did not. I was on a business trip this week and have not kept up, but is my point incorrect, our is your version incorrect?
You are right in that she claims he never signed the confidentiality agreement. That’s what she is trying to use to get out of it. That’s semantics, my question to you is if you really believe that Trump didn’t know what was going on

I can't claim with absolute certainty what Trump knew. I dislike many things about Trump including his possible lack of personal morality. That being said, just like with Clinton, I am able to separate personal lifestyle choices from policy, and so far Trump's policies seem to be working.
the lawyer took out a second mortgage on his house to get the $130k ..

the lawyer griped to friends he never got paid back ...

the lawyer used Trumps email server, and email ccount ..


Trump never heard one single word about it ...

yeah, ok -uh huh,

surrrrrrrrrrre ..
the lawyer took out a second mortgage on his house to get the $130k ..

the lawyer griped to friends he never got paid back ...

the lawyer used Trumps email server, and email ccount ..


Trump never heard one single word about it ...

yeah, ok -uh huh,

surrrrrrrrrrre ..
Why do you care about Trump getting some on the side, if he did? It was fine for Bill to rape women and abuse under age girls and employees.
the lawyer took out a second mortgage on his house to get the $130k ..

the lawyer griped to friends he never got paid back ...

the lawyer used Trumps email server, and email ccount ..


Trump never heard one single word about it ...

yeah, ok -uh huh,

surrrrrrrrrrre ..
Why do you care about Trump getting some on the side, if he did? It was fine for Bill to rape women and abuse under age girls and employees.

ITS NOT ABOUT GETTING SOME ON THE SIDE ... its about paying hush money on the eve of an election that violates federal law ..

try and keep up ...
oh wait, - he settled it - scratch that, HE DIDN'T, his lawyer did - Trump just signed the settlement - BUT he had no idea what he signed - yada yada yada bla bla bla LIE LIE LIE AFTER LIE ...


Lie through your teeth everyday and if you dont remember ecactly what you say sooner or later you end up trapping yourself .....

And with Obama, you were ...

the lawyer took out a second mortgage on his house to get the $130k ..

the lawyer griped to friends he never got paid back ...

the lawyer used Trumps email server, and email ccount ..


Trump never heard one single word about it ...

yeah, ok -uh huh,

surrrrrrrrrrre ..
Why do you care about Trump getting some on the side, if he did? It was fine for Bill to rape women and abuse under age girls and employees.

ITS NOT ABOUT GETTING SOME ON THE SIDE ... its about paying hush money on the eve of an election that violates federal law ..

try and keep up ...

Now if he'd have followed Slick's strategy of assaulting women, you'd be OK with that like you were when you voted for him ... twice ... right? Then for good measure you voted for his ho who attacked her husband's victims again.

Three is the charm!
the lawyer took out a second mortgage on his house to get the $130k ..

the lawyer griped to friends he never got paid back ...

the lawyer used Trumps email server, and email ccount ..


Trump never heard one single word about it ...

yeah, ok -uh huh,

surrrrrrrrrrre ..
Why do you care about Trump getting some on the side, if he did? It was fine for Bill to rape women and abuse under age girls and employees.

ITS NOT ABOUT GETTING SOME ON THE SIDE ... its about paying hush money on the eve of an election that violates federal law ..

try and keep up ...

Now if he'd have followed Slick's strategy of assaulting women, you'd be OK with that like you were when you voted for him ... twice ... right? Then for good measure you voted for his ho who attacked her husband's victims again.

Three is the charm!

Obama and Clinton didnt pay hush money and break federal law ..

you try and keep up too
the lawyer took out a second mortgage on his house to get the $130k ..

the lawyer griped to friends he never got paid back ...

the lawyer used Trumps email server, and email ccount ..


Trump never heard one single word about it ...

yeah, ok -uh huh,

surrrrrrrrrrre ..
Why do you care about Trump getting some on the side, if he did? It was fine for Bill to rape women and abuse under age girls and employees.

ITS NOT ABOUT GETTING SOME ON THE SIDE ... its about paying hush money on the eve of an election that violates federal law ..

try and keep up ...

Now if he'd have followed Slick's strategy of assaulting women, you'd be OK with that like you were when you voted for him ... twice ... right? Then for good measure you voted for his ho who attacked her husband's victims again.

Three is the charm!

Obama and Clinton didnt pay hush money and break federal law ..

you try and keep up too
What part of settlements is illegal?

Bill Clinton settled the Paula Jones case. He wasn't fined.
the lawyer took out a second mortgage on his house to get the $130k ..

the lawyer griped to friends he never got paid back ...

the lawyer used Trumps email server, and email ccount ..


Trump never heard one single word about it ...

yeah, ok -uh huh,

surrrrrrrrrrre ..
Why do you care about Trump getting some on the side, if he did? It was fine for Bill to rape women and abuse under age girls and employees.

ITS NOT ABOUT GETTING SOME ON THE SIDE ... its about paying hush money on the eve of an election that violates federal law ..

try and keep up ...

Now if he'd have followed Slick's strategy of assaulting women, you'd be OK with that like you were when you voted for him ... twice ... right? Then for good measure you voted for his ho who attacked her husband's victims again.

Three is the charm!

Obama and Clinton didnt pay hush money and break federal law ..

you try and keep up too

Clinton did however sexually assault women and you kept voting for him. Then you voted for his ho who attacked the same women again.

Don't make it sound like you have standards, you don't.

I didn't vote for Trump for two reasons. He's against free trade and he's a pig to women. I don't flip positions based on whether there's an R or a D after their name like you do
the lawyer took out a second mortgage on his house to get the $130k ..

the lawyer griped to friends he never got paid back ...

the lawyer used Trumps email server, and email ccount ..


Trump never heard one single word about it ...

yeah, ok -uh huh,

surrrrrrrrrrre ..
Why do you care about Trump getting some on the side, if he did? It was fine for Bill to rape women and abuse under age girls and employees.

ITS NOT ABOUT GETTING SOME ON THE SIDE ... its about paying hush money on the eve of an election that violates federal law ..

try and keep up ...

Now if he'd have followed Slick's strategy of assaulting women, you'd be OK with that like you were when you voted for him ... twice ... right? Then for good measure you voted for his ho who attacked her husband's victims again.

Three is the charm!

Obama and Clinton didnt pay hush money and break federal law ..

you try and keep up too
What part of settlements is illegal?

Bill Clinton settled the Paula Jones case. He wasn't fined.

Trump's a Republican. For Siete that's enough. His standard is that for Republicans, no explanation is good enough. For Democrats, no explanation is required
Why do you care about Trump getting some on the side, if he did? It was fine for Bill to rape women and abuse under age girls and employees.

ITS NOT ABOUT GETTING SOME ON THE SIDE ... its about paying hush money on the eve of an election that violates federal law ..

try and keep up ...

Now if he'd have followed Slick's strategy of assaulting women, you'd be OK with that like you were when you voted for him ... twice ... right? Then for good measure you voted for his ho who attacked her husband's victims again.

Three is the charm!

Obama and Clinton didnt pay hush money and break federal law ..

you try and keep up too
What part of settlements is illegal?

Bill Clinton settled the Paula Jones case. He wasn't fined.

Trump's a Republican. For Siete that's enough. His standard is that for Republicans, no explanation is good enough. For Democrats, no explanation is required
Everyone was told to shut up about Bill's abuses, his wife's behaivor. Now, all of a sudden, they are pretending character matters. What they don't understand, is most people that take a time to post on a political forum, disliked Clinton for his failed policies. He had a few good ones, due to a strong push from the conservatives, but his failures overshadow the few successes that were based in policy. The bubble saved his ass.
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