Trump Discloses Position of Nuclear Subs to Duerte

The Pentagon Can't Believe Trump Told Another President About Nuclear Subs Near North Korea

“We never talk about subs!” three defense officials told BuzzFeed News after a transcript of a call between President Trump and Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte was published.

The Pentagon Can't Believe Trump Told Another President About Nuclear Subs Near North Korea
“We never talk about subs!” three defense officials told BuzzFeed News after a transcript of a call between President Trump and Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte was published.

I don't don't care if they work the Pentagon or God Almighty. Obviously those three officials don't know what they're talking about. Did you notice what organization published the content I linked?

Obviously the right wing is correct THIS TIME after being constantly wrong and on the wrong side of US history right?
the right wing is correct THIS TIME after being constantly wrong and on the wrong side of US history right?

Being right or wrong on this or any other point of clear fact is not a matter of being right or left or neither. It's a matter of checking the veracity of one's information before sharing it with others. There are plenty of folks on the left and on the right who have just barely, if at all, an iota of the intellectual and discursive integrity it takes to do that even once in a blue moon (about once in about 2.5 to 3 years).

Well you're correct about that, though wrong about the three pentagon officials who got upset over releasing info on the subs, as well as the cheeto giving Russia info about bombs in laptops that was derived from Israel, whom should've been advised with on the release of THEIR intel. THEN came out and confirmed who it came from after it was only speculation it came from Israel :(
wrong about the three pentagon officials who got upset over releasing info on the subs, as well as the cheeto giving Russia info about bombs in laptops that was derived from Israel, whom should've been advised with on the release of THEIR intel. THEN came out and confirmed who it came from after it was only speculation it came from Israel

Would you please clarify the above quoted part of your post, please? I don't know what you are trying to communicate by it. I understand you think I'm mistaken about something....what is it you think I'm mistaken about?
Trump can do no wrong according to his supporters. The GOP, Trump and conservatives all over the interwebz said during the campaign that Hillary could not be trusted with classified information. Now that Trump is President, and has proven on more than one occasion that HE cannot be trusted with classified information, the right says, "He's the president. He can do what he wants". Wtf is this country coming to?
The Pentagon Can't Believe Trump Told Another President About Nuclear Subs Near North Korea

“We never talk about subs!” three defense officials told BuzzFeed News after a transcript of a call between President Trump and Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte was published.

The Pentagon Can't Believe Trump Told Another President About Nuclear Subs Near North Korea
“We never talk about subs!” three defense officials told BuzzFeed News after a transcript of a call between President Trump and Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte was published.

I don't don't care if they work the Pentagon or God Almighty. Obviously those three officials don't know what they're talking about. Did you notice what organization published the content I linked?

Obviously the right wing is correct THIS TIME after being constantly wrong and on the wrong side of US history right?
the right wing is correct THIS TIME after being constantly wrong and on the wrong side of US history right?

Being right or wrong on this or any other point of clear fact is not a matter of being right or left or neither. It's a matter of checking the veracity of one's information before sharing it with others. There are plenty of folks on the left and on the right who have just barely, if at all, an iota of the intellectual and discursive integrity it takes to do that even once in a blue moon (about once in about 2.5 to 3 years).

Well you're correct about that, though wrong about the three pentagon officials who got upset over releasing info on the subs, as well as the cheeto giving Russia info about bombs in laptops that was derived from Israel, whom should've been advised with on the release of THEIR intel. THEN came out and confirmed who it came from after it was only speculation it came from Israel :(
wrong about the three pentagon officials who got upset over releasing info on the subs, as well as the cheeto giving Russia info about bombs in laptops that was derived from Israel, whom should've been advised with on the release of THEIR intel. THEN came out and confirmed who it came from after it was only speculation it came from Israel

Would you please clarify the above quoted part of your post, please? I don't know what you are trying to communicate by it. I understand you think I'm mistaken about something....what is it you think I'm mistaken about?

Wrong we need to get rid of people just because they say the Cheeto is a hazard!
Would you please clarify the above quoted part of your post, please? I don't know what you are trying to communicate by it. I understand you think I'm mistaken about something....what is it you think I'm mistaken about?
The bad guys can reverse engineer any intelligence leak, and try and figure out the sources and methods we used to obtain it. Which puts a lot of very brave people in grave danger if their cover is blown.
Trump can do no wrong according to his supporters. The GOP, Trump and conservatives all over the interwebz said during the campaign that Hillary could not be trusted with classified information. Now that Trump is President, and has proven on more than one occasion that HE cannot be trusted with classified information, the right says, "He's the president. He can do what he wants". Wtf is this country coming to?

Nobody is saying that. But it is most certain that some here think every single thing he does is the end of the world.

That' just retarded.
Trump can do no wrong according to his supporters. The GOP, Trump and conservatives all over the interwebz said during the campaign that Hillary could not be trusted with classified information. Now that Trump is President, and has proven on more than one occasion that HE cannot be trusted with classified information, the right says, "He's the president. He can do what he wants". Wtf is this country coming to?

The right has created this alternate universe the past 40+ years, and will never accept reality or data that disrupts the bubble they've created for themselves

Trump can do no wrong according to his supporters. The GOP, Trump and conservatives all over the interwebz said during the campaign that Hillary could not be trusted with classified information. Now that Trump is President, and has proven on more than one occasion that HE cannot be trusted with classified information, the right says, "He's the president. He can do what he wants". Wtf is this country coming to?

Nobody is saying that. But it is most certain that some here think every single thing he does is the end of the world.

That' just retarded.

Everything? Nope. Policy? HELL YES

Would you please clarify the above quoted part of your post, please? I don't know what you are trying to communicate by it. I understand you think I'm mistaken about something....what is it you think I'm mistaken about?
The bad guys can reverse engineer any intelligence leak, and try and figure out the sources and methods we used to obtain it. Which puts a lot of very brave people in grave danger if their cover is blown.

Well, maybe you and and Jon should chat because you seem to think he was saying one thing and that's not t all what he indicates he was saying.
Wrong we need to get rid of people just because they say the Cheeto is a hazard!
I'm certainly not going to respond to that remark about getting rid of people merely because they say Trump is a hazard. That puts Jon too far into the realm of crazy for me to bother with him. (I guess I should have figured as much seeing as he's got a pet name for Trump.)

"He's the president. He can do what he wants". Wtf is this country coming to?

Nobody is saying that. But it is most certain that some here think every single thing he does is the end of the world.

That' just retarded.

Really, when Trump lied about the size of the inaugural crowd in Washington, republicans said it was O.K. No matter what Trump does or says, republicans defend his words and actions. Like when he accused Obama of wiretaping the phone in Trump tower, or fired Comey because he wanted to expand the Russian investigation.
In other breaking news the U.S. has had troops stationed in South Korea for about 60 years now.
Would you please clarify the above quoted part of your post, please? I don't know what you are trying to communicate by it. I understand you think I'm mistaken about something....what is it you think I'm mistaken about?
The bad guys can reverse engineer any intelligence leak, and try and figure out the sources and methods we used to obtain it. Which puts a lot of very brave people in grave danger if their cover is blown.

Well, maybe you and and Jon should chat because you seem to think he was saying one thing and that's not t all what he indicates he was saying.
Wrong we need to get rid of people just because they say the Cheeto is a hazard!
I'm certainly not going to respond to that remark about getting rid of people merely because they say Trump is a hazard. That puts Jon too far into the realm of crazy for me to bother with him. (I guess I should have figured as much seeing as he's got a pet name for Trump.)


Your inability to be honest on the original posit noted cupcake :)'

Once more the comment

"Well you're correct about that, though wrong about the three pentagon officials who got upset over releasing info on the subs, as well as the cheeto giving Russia info about bombs in laptops that was derived from Israel, whom should've been advised with on the release of THEIR intel. THEN came out and confirmed who it came from after it was only speculation it came from Israel" :(
Well, maybe you and and Jon should chat because you seem to think he was saying one thing and that's not t all what he indicates he was saying.

Trump is an idiot when it comes to classified information. He ignores what his briefers tell him, thinking he knows better. So when he talks about having two subs.

Trump told Bartiromo. "We have submarines. Very powerful. Far more powerful than the aircraft carrier. That I can tell you."

Analysts at the time suspected Trump might be referring to Ohio-class subs like the Michigan.

Armed with tactical missiles and equipped with superior communications capabilities, the Michigan is one of four US Navy subs that began service as a ballistic missile submarine

In the 2000s the Navy converted four of the Ohio-class subs into land-attack platforms armed with conventional weapons.

Each of the four submarines can carry up to 154 Tomahawk cruise missiles. They are also outfitted to stealthily deploy up to 66 Navy SEALs or other special operations troops and their equipment.

The 560-foot-long, 18,000-ton Michigan is one of four converted Ohio-class subs, joining the USS Ohio, USS Florida and USS Georgia.

USS Michigan nuclear sub docks in South Korea -

We only have four of them, and Trump confirmed half of them were off of North Korea.


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Would you please clarify the above quoted part of your post, please? I don't know what you are trying to communicate by it. I understand you think I'm mistaken about something....what is it you think I'm mistaken about?
The bad guys can reverse engineer any intelligence leak, and try and figure out the sources and methods we used to obtain it. Which puts a lot of very brave people in grave danger if their cover is blown.

Well, maybe you and and Jon should chat because you seem to think he was saying one thing and that's not t all what he indicates he was saying.
Wrong we need to get rid of people just because they say the Cheeto is a hazard!
I'm certainly not going to respond to that remark about getting rid of people merely because they say Trump is a hazard. That puts Jon too far into the realm of crazy for me to bother with him. (I guess I should have figured as much seeing as he's got a pet name for Trump.)


Your inability to be honest on the original posit noted cupcake :)'

Once more the comment

"Well you're correct about that, though wrong about the three pentagon officials who got upset over releasing info on the subs, as well as the cheeto giving Russia info about bombs in laptops that was derived from Israel, whom should've been advised with on the release of THEIR intel. THEN came out and confirmed who it came from after it was only speculation it came from Israel" :(
Repeating it after emboldening the passage doesn't help. But don't bother trying any more for I won't be hearing from you any longer.
Would you please clarify the above quoted part of your post, please? I don't know what you are trying to communicate by it. I understand you think I'm mistaken about something....what is it you think I'm mistaken about?
The bad guys can reverse engineer any intelligence leak, and try and figure out the sources and methods we used to obtain it. Which puts a lot of very brave people in grave danger if their cover is blown.

Well, maybe you and and Jon should chat because you seem to think he was saying one thing and that's not t all what he indicates he was saying.
Wrong we need to get rid of people just because they say the Cheeto is a hazard!
I'm certainly not going to respond to that remark about getting rid of people merely because they say Trump is a hazard. That puts Jon too far into the realm of crazy for me to bother with him. (I guess I should have figured as much seeing as he's got a pet name for Trump.)


Your inability to be honest on the original posit noted cupcake :)'

Once more the comment

"Well you're correct about that, though wrong about the three pentagon officials who got upset over releasing info on the subs, as well as the cheeto giving Russia info about bombs in laptops that was derived from Israel, whom should've been advised with on the release of THEIR intel. THEN came out and confirmed who it came from after it was only speculation it came from Israel" :(
Repeating it after emboldening the passage doesn't help. But don't bother trying any more for I won't be hearing from you any longer.

Poor cupcake, Run to your safe space :(
Um, according to most sources, the President can reveal what he wants to in most cases.

So actually whoever leaked that Trump said this stuff is the real person in trouble, and if anything bad happens, is the real person at fault.
if anything bad happens, is the real person at fault.
If anything bad happens, wouldn't it be Trump at fault for telling the Filipino President where the nuclear subs were?
It wasn't a secret, I tells ya. I heard it on the news back then when the armada was lost at sea.

Since when has diplomatic discussions between world leaders come under such scrutiny, and been exposed to so many leaks?

Oh right, its because the American left is full of children who, having lost the game now don't care if they bring down everything as long as Trump goes down.



Thank you for proving my point, you cheap, dime-store hack.

Sorry cupcake, I was just agreeing with the Cheeto


If you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period.

Evidently all lies are equal, but some lies are more equal than others.
Yes the President can declassify what he feels is in the nations interest. It is assumed that it will be done responsibly not in the course of bragging to Russian visitors or to some tin pot despot from the Philippines

Yes, THE PRESIDENT can...not the worst Sect of State / Presidential Candidate in US history or the criminal Ex-DNC Chairwoman, and not through the use of an illegal un-authorized server / e-mails or hiring 3 terrorist-connected Pakistani spies....


Legally, the President can blab all of our state secrets with immunity

Doesn't mean he should
if anything bad happens, is the real person at fault.
If anything bad happens, wouldn't it be Trump at fault for telling the Filipino President where the nuclear subs were?
It wasn't a secret, I tells ya. I heard it on the news back then when the armada was lost at sea.

Since when has diplomatic discussions between world leaders come under such scrutiny, and been exposed to so many leaks?

Oh right, its because the American left is full of children who, having lost the game now don't care if they bring down everything as long as Trump goes down.



Thank you for proving my point, you cheap, dime-store hack.

Sorry cupcake, I was just agreeing with the Cheeto


If you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period.

Evidently all lies are equal, but some lies are more equal than others.

Glad to see you admit Cheeto is a liar cupcake :)
Since when has diplomatic discussions between world leaders come under such scrutiny, and been exposed to so many leaks?

Oh right, its because the American left is full of children who, having lost the game now don't care if they bring down everything as long as Trump goes down.



Thank you for proving my point, you cheap, dime-store hack.

Sorry cupcake, I was just agreeing with the Cheeto


If you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period.

Evidently all lies are equal, but some lies are more equal than others.

Glad to see you admit Cheeto is a liar cupcake :)

And so is every other politician and public figure. It's just different flavors.
Once again, the former reality star flexes his muscle in hopes of impressing those he most wishes to be.

When the next Democratic president is inaugurated January 20, 2021, he/she will have the unenviable task of having to clean up the Donald's mess.
And that's exactly what this is all about. Trump aches for admiration and he'll say or do anything to get it; no matter how high the price. Even, apparently, at the cost of national security. He needs to go before he does real serious damage.
Yes the President can declassify what he feels is in the nations interest. It is assumed that it will be done responsibly not in the course of bragging to Russian visitors or to some tin pot despot from the Philippines

Yes, THE PRESIDENT can...not the worst Sect of State / Presidential Candidate in US history or the criminal Ex-DNC Chairwoman, and not through the use of an illegal un-authorized server / e-mails or hiring 3 terrorist-connected Pakistani spies....


Legally, the President can blab all of our state secrets with immunity

Doesn't mean he should
Not true. If deemed to be treason, it can be prosecutable.

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