Trump Disparages Testing

THAT is common sense
Common sense is if we tested everyone we would find a mortality rate so low that the left would be voted out of office for ruining our economy over such a miniscule mortality rate.

THAT is your common sense
Then it would stand to reason that this VERY politically motivated President should be pulling out all the stops to get that testing done.

He's not. He's actually disparaging testing...except for himself
He did not disparage testing

“So we have the best testing in the world,” Trump said. “It could be the testing’s, frankly, overrated? Maybe it is overrated.”

The country has more than 1.4 million confirmed cases of COVID-19, but Trump said that’s only because the U.S. has carried out more tests.

“We have more cases than anybody in the world, but why? Because we do more testing,” Trump said. “When you test, you have a case. When you test you find something is wrong with people. If we didn’t do any testing, we would have very few cases. They don’t want to write that. It’s common sense. We test much more.”

No Mr. President...the cases would still be there...we just wouldn't know who had it. THAT is common sense
Fake news.
More tests are a bad thing. The more tests we have, more people will test positive for Covid. When those numbers go up, certain people (liberals) freak out and they will demand America be shut down for even longer.
Which is exactly why Trump has done very little to get more testing done
THAT is common sense
Common sense is if we tested everyone we would find a mortality rate so low that the left would be voted out of office for ruining our economy over such a miniscule mortality rate.

THAT is your common sense
Then it would stand to reason that this VERY politically motivated President should be pulling out all the stops to get that testing done.

He's not. He's actually disparaging testing...except for himself
He did not disparage testing

“So we have the best testing in the world,” Trump said. “It could be the testing’s, frankly, overrated? Maybe it is overrated.”

The country has more than 1.4 million confirmed cases of COVID-19, but Trump said that’s only because the U.S. has carried out more tests.

“We have more cases than anybody in the world, but why? Because we do more testing,” Trump said. “When you test, you have a case. When you test you find something is wrong with people. If we didn’t do any testing, we would have very few cases. They don’t want to write that. It’s common sense. We test much more.”

No Mr. President...the cases would still be there...we just wouldn't know who had it. THAT is common sense
Fake news.
The President never said that. Mike Murphy said testing was overrated. The President was quoted out of context when he said testing might be overrated. Same thing? Only if you are into fake news.
Trump is not responsible for the US deaths, nor is Putin responsible for the Russian deaths, or Merkel responsible for the German deaths. Only China is responsible, they created the virus and then released it on the world. They, and only they, are responsible.
And according to idiotic Democrat US Senator Kamala Harris, actually stating the fact that this virus originated in Wuhan China, is hate speech and makes you a racist.

Kamala Harris Just Cooked Up a New Way to Shut You Up About the Wuhan Virus

This idiocy of course makes her the first in line to be Joe "China is not a threat" Biden's vice presidential candidate.
The President never said that. Mike Murphy said testing was overrated. The President was quoted out of context when he said testing might be overrated. Same thing? Only if you are into fake news.
Testing is over rated if the used of testing is to arbitrarily test random citizens, just for the sake of testing them. Why? Because a week after randomly testing people, they may potentially come in contact with the virus and become infected.

We have tested about 2% of the US population. At that rate it will take us over two years to test all 330 million, and then 98% of those tests would be invalid, since they came in contact with hundreds of other people.
The reason governors had to act is because the president declined to act until March 16th. Because of that, the president is responsible for 60 percent of deaths. more than 94 thousand have died from this "democrat hoax".

Reopening is pointless when people are too afraid to meet in groups.
That's false.

First of all, the president listens to his experts, like Fauci and Birx. They were telling him at late as January 26, that the virus was a very low risk for the US, and nothing we should be worried about. And why not, when at the time, the W.H.O. is telling the world that the virus could not be transmitted from human to human.

On January 31st, Trump declared a national health emergency, banned flights from China, and instituted quarantine procedures for incoming travelers. Throughout February and March - Democrats like Pelosi, and de Blasio, and Dr. Fauci were telling their fellow Americans it was perfectly safe to go on cruise ships and meet together in large social gatherings, like the Chinese New Year celebration.

It wasn't until the end of March before the CDC was forced to admit to Trump that they had not been replenishing the National Stockpile with PPE and ventilators, and that the CDC could not perform enough tests for the virus, without help from the private sector. So Trump was forced to address the CDC's shortcomings by ordering the FDA to change their rules to allow manufacturers to make masks, ventilators, and virus test kits.

1) Policy for Diagnostic Tests for Coronavirus Disease-2019 during the Public Health Emergency

2) Face masks in national stockpile have not been substantially replenished since 2009

3) Federal officials repeatedly warned that US hospitals lacked enough ventilators

4) FDA Relaxes Rules To Allow for More Ventilators, Finally

So no, Trump was not just siting round ignoring the virus. If anything, the so called experts in the CDC, NIH etc... were the ones not taking the virus seriously, forcing Trump to have to clean up their mess in April.
He's the president of the United States that's why above all people in the nation he's the one that were most concerned with protecting so don't turn into some kind of a partisan just because the president of the United States happens to be a Republican

His life has less value and priority than mine, my family and friends. Heck, I'd put the lives of certain strangers above that of a public servant like Prezzie (I'm)Peach(Ed). The political party he shills for is irrelevant.
Trump is right, too much testing is a bad thing. When states release their statistics and there's a spike, liberals freak out.

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