Trump Disparages Testing

so tell us, how much testing would be enough? Lets say I get tested this morning and test negative, then this afternoon I get coughed on in the grocery store and catch it. What good did the test do?
Enough that we can test ALL at risk people. That we can randomly test so we know where the virus is and where it is not.

Does it have a personal benefit to you? Is THAT the point?

It has SOME benefit to you...and more to the people you come in contact with. If you are tested and found to be infected but asymptomatic it SHOULD prevent your from infected 10-20 other people

It will tell doctors how to treat you when symptoms appear

And it is KNOWLEDGE. Without it we are blind to the enemy

How much more? A LOT more. A million tests a day? Maybe. Maybe more

We ARE supposedly the Greatest country on the planet. You seem to think we are something less than that

yeah sure, and when pigs fly pig shit will come down like rain.

We already have the capability to test everyone with symptoms and all at risk people. That is happening as we speak.

I really wish you lefties would stop the partisan bullshit and deal with reality. Trump will get reelected in November, nothing you can say or do will change that. So deal with that reality first.

Then deal with the reality that there is no way to test 330 million people every morning before they leave their homes.

Next, deal with the reality that this virus is no where near as bad and deadly as we were originally told. Sure, the old and sick are vulnerable to it, but those people are vulnerable to everything.

You are advocating that we destroy our economy and save China's because of a virus that has been way overplayed by our partisan media and the big pharma companies, the Chinese, and the WHO.

You don't have the capability to test all people nor are you doing it. Testing is a messy patchwork with many tests not working as advertized. Shortages in testing supplies compounds the problems.

If you were doing testing, the death count would not be continuing to climb. You now have over 1.1 million active cases and that number continues to rise. You do have close to 450,000 closed cases, but nearly a quarter of your closed cases have died - 91,000 people. 91,000 families are mourning loved ones. If even 20% of your active cases suffer the same fate, that another 200,000 Americans who will be dead by the 4th of July.

We are advocating that you pause your economy for a few months to save AMERICAN lives.

Did you advocate closing the economy for the annual flu, car wrecks, gang violence, cancer, polio, measles, bird flu, west nile, or how about abortion? Abortion kills more americans than any other cause of death and its mostly minority children. But you dont care about those lives, you only care about making the chinese virus a political issue so that you can put your corrupt dems in power in order to completely destroy the USA as a free representative republic. You make me sick.
Thats because you didnt read the article.
---> read it <----
An article about coronavirus written by a "top economist," whose answer to everything seems to be that the federal government should give people money?

It's state governors who are shutting down businesses for months, not Trump. So why why put our crashing economy on Trump? We needed a short lockdown, to "flatten the curve," and allow our hospitals to prepare for this virus, build up supplies, and educate the public how they can use mitigation practices to slow the spread of the virus. We did that, now let's get back to work, while those at risk know what they need to do to be safe.

This two-three, and in some cases even a four month lockdown, is not on Trump, it's on the state governors.
The reason governors had to act is because the president declined to act until March 16th. Because of that, the president is responsible for 60 percent of deaths. more than 94 thousand have died from this "democrat hoax".

Reopening is pointless when people are too afraid to meet in groups.
I guess his dismissing of those with comorbidity as somehow inconsequential escaped you.

When did that happen?
When did that happen?

When he posted it of course.

He is right. It’s not the be all and end all. Herd immunity is. Almost 1/4 our workforce is unemployed. Almost zero deaths for those under 59 and without a cormorbidity. Open the economy.
We didn't close the economy during the Hong Kong flu? Just as many deaths. Impacted older people more severely.

I never said we should ignore them. You did.
I never said we should ignore them. You did.
Except you did ignore them entirely.
You cited them as dying and then said to open up.

"Almost zero deaths for those under 59 and without a cormorbidity. Open the economy."

So, only those with comorbidities are dying but fuck em. Open anyway.

Nearly 25 million Americans have an autoimmune disease, dope.
Open it up and they can isolate. It’s not an overly difficult concept. We can work and provide for those that cannot vs none of us working. Not sure what you don’t understand about that. When would you open it up? Never?
Open it up and they can isolate. It’s not an overly difficult concept. We can work and provide for those that cannot vs none of us working. Not sure what you don’t understand about that. When would you open it up? Never?
I'm not against opening. I'm against opening without a plan.
They can isolate?
Where's the plan for that?

we are already implementing the plan, test those with symptoms and isolate those who test positive. Let the rest of us go about our lives. If you are scared, wear a mask or stay home. simple.
Thats because you didnt read the article.
---> read it <----
An article about coronavirus written by a "top economist," whose answer to everything seems to be that the federal government should give people money?

It's state governors who are shutting down businesses for months, not Trump. So why why put our crashing economy on Trump? We needed a short lockdown, to "flatten the curve," and allow our hospitals to prepare for this virus, build up supplies, and educate the public how they can use mitigation practices to slow the spread of the virus. We did that, now let's get back to work, while those at risk know what they need to do to be safe.

This two-three, and in some cases even a four month lockdown, is not on Trump, it's on the state governors.
The reason governors had to act is because the president declined to act until March 16th. Because of that, the president is responsible for 60 percent of deaths. more than 94 thousand have died from this "democrat hoax".

Reopening is pointless when people are too afraid to meet in groups.

Trump is not responsible for the US deaths, nor is Putin responsible for the Russian deaths, or Merkel responsible for the German deaths. Only China is responsible, they created the virus and then released it on the world. They, and only they, are responsible.
Thats because you didnt read the article.
---> read it <----
An article about coronavirus written by a "top economist," whose answer to everything seems to be that the federal government should give people money?

It's state governors who are shutting down businesses for months, not Trump. So why why put our crashing economy on Trump? We needed a short lockdown, to "flatten the curve," and allow our hospitals to prepare for this virus, build up supplies, and educate the public how they can use mitigation practices to slow the spread of the virus. We did that, now let's get back to work, while those at risk know what they need to do to be safe.

This two-three, and in some cases even a four month lockdown, is not on Trump, it's on the state governors.
The reason governors had to act is because the president declined to act until March 16th. Because of that, the president is responsible for 60 percent of deaths. more than 94 thousand have died from this "democrat hoax".

Reopening is pointless when people are too afraid to meet in groups.
First death was February 29th. 55% of deaths are in nursing homes and mostly in Blue states of NY/NJ? Who failed to act? 100k died from the Hong Kong flu and we didn't shut down the economy.
It was the experts who told us just randomly testing everybody for the virus was not actually accomplishing very much because as I said A week later your tests are now invalid
Randomly testing has IMMENSE identifying who currently has the virus and where and how the virus is expanding or contracting. No expert has said differently.The President certainly believes in it ...for him and those around him anyway
The experts also told us the only real valid use of testing was trace testing, tracking down the people who came in contact with an infected person.
That's the most valuable aspect and it has IMMENSE value. It also tells YOU to get out of the public and tells your doctors for sure how to treat you.. How could you not possibly understand that?
And lastly the experts told us that the wearing of a mask is only for people who are infected with the virus to try and mitigate the chances of passing it on to people who are not infected. This is why Trump doesn't wear a mask, because he is not infected
Have you noticed that everyone AROUND Trump is wearing a mask? Because THEM wearing a mask protects HIM.

YOU wearing a mask protects ME But I get folks, like Trump, only care about protecting yourselves...
You wearing a mask only protects others if you are sick. Someone who isn't sick isn't protecting anyone by wearing a mask.
And you know your aren’t sick how exactly?
You realize you can have the virus for days and not know it... right?
If you don't know you are sick YOU ARE NOT SICK. According to chicom democrats you can have the virus forever and not know you are sick. If you are not sick, YOU ARE JUST NOT SICK.
Thats because you didnt read the article.
---> read it <----
An article about coronavirus written by a "top economist," whose answer to everything seems to be that the federal government should give people money?

It's state governors who are shutting down businesses for months, not Trump. So why why put our crashing economy on Trump? We needed a short lockdown, to "flatten the curve," and allow our hospitals to prepare for this virus, build up supplies, and educate the public how they can use mitigation practices to slow the spread of the virus. We did that, now let's get back to work, while those at risk know what they need to do to be safe.

This two-three, and in some cases even a four month lockdown, is not on Trump, it's on the state governors.
The reason governors had to act is because the president declined to act until March 16th. Because of that, the president is responsible for 60 percent of deaths. more than 94 thousand have died from this "democrat hoax".

Reopening is pointless when people are too afraid to meet in groups.
People are afraid to meet in groups? Really? The evidence is against you, you know. If people are afraid to meet in groups there is no need to stop anything from reopening.
that stock footage on news casts of testing shows the tester compromising the test and or possibly spreading the virus to what might be a non infected person being tested? She accidentally in being careless twisted around and palmed the swab before returning it to a proper position to administer to the person in their car. Like I said, a perfectly healthy person risks themselves with the test unless done themselves at home. I told you about that small town that infected all the people tested by such type of carelessness. You also risk purposeful infection, so how sure are you of morality these days when you pull up with a political or religious statement on your car knowing TDS has infected far more people then Covid-19? *L*
Trump is all about Dear Leader Happy Talk Hour, but doesn't want to face the grim realities that will be uncovered with truly comprehensive testing.
The reason no country in the world is testing everyone is because the tests aren't completely reliable and there aren't enough tests to do everyone. It's stupid to harp about something that we lead the world in but that's what Democrats and their MSM co conspirators always do. The whole world is looking to see what Trump does next since he has become the foremost leader in the response. Right now Trump has put every state in a position to recover but it seems the Democrat run states are doing their best to fail so they can blame that on Trump. The Democrat party offers absolutely no hope for recovery. They'll keep doing stupid shit like harping about Trump using hydroxychloroquine while Trump works hard to push for a vaccine and cure. This country would fail under Democrat leadership.
and yet there you are...a trump base member...falling for all his bs? do you believe this is a hoax that will disappear by magic in november? why does the upper class have all the tests they need? why does trump refuse to wear a mask and continue to project hoaxes "lock her up" "drain the swamps"

trump doesnt care that 93 k are do realize that?
and yet there you are...a trump base member...falling for all his bs? do you believe this is a hoax that will disappear by magic in november? why does the upper class have all the tests they need? why does trump refuse to wear a mask and continue to project hoaxes "lock her up" "drain the swamps"

trump doesnt care that 93 k are do realize that?
You don't know really know much about it, do you realize that?
I'm not against opening. I'm against opening without a plan.
They can isolate?
Where's the plan for that?
There is a plan. We open and we don't ever close because that would be bad for the economy.
Post the plan for the 25 million peope with autimmune disease to isolate, liar.
Do they get to continue on unemployment despite not returning to work when offered?
I guess his dismissing of those with comorbidity as somehow inconsequential escaped you.

When did that happen?
When did that happen?

When he posted it of course.

He is right. It’s not the be all and end all. Herd immunity is. Almost 1/4 our workforce is unemployed. Almost zero deaths for those under 59 and without a cormorbidity. Open the economy.
We didn't close the economy during the Hong Kong flu? Just as many deaths. Impacted older people more severely.

I never said we should ignore them. You did.
I never said we should ignore them. You did.
Except you did ignore them entirely.
You cited them as dying and then said to open up.

"Almost zero deaths for those under 59 and without a cormorbidity. Open the economy."

So, only those with comorbidities are dying but fuck em. Open anyway.

Nearly 25 million Americans have an autoimmune disease, dope.
Open it up and they can isolate. It’s not an overly difficult concept. We can work and provide for those that cannot vs none of us working. Not sure what you don’t understand about that. When would you open it up? Never?
Open it up and they can isolate. It’s not an overly difficult concept. We can work and provide for those that cannot vs none of us working. Not sure what you don’t understand about that. When would you open it up? Never?
I'm not against opening. I'm against opening without a plan.
They can isolate?
Where's the plan for that?

we are already implementing the plan, test those with symptoms and isolate those who test positive. Let the rest of us go about our lives. If you are scared, wear a mask or stay home. simple.
Liar. There is no plan for those people.
I guess his dismissing of those with comorbidity as somehow inconsequential escaped you.

When did that happen?
When did that happen?

When he posted it of course.

He is right. It’s not the be all and end all. Herd immunity is. Almost 1/4 our workforce is unemployed. Almost zero deaths for those under 59 and without a cormorbidity. Open the economy.
We didn't close the economy during the Hong Kong flu? Just as many deaths. Impacted older people more severely.

I never said we should ignore them. You did.
I never said we should ignore them. You did.
Except you did ignore them entirely.
You cited them as dying and then said to open up.

"Almost zero deaths for those under 59 and without a cormorbidity. Open the economy."

So, only those with comorbidities are dying but fuck em. Open anyway.

Nearly 25 million Americans have an autoimmune disease, dope.
Open it up and they can isolate. It’s not an overly difficult concept. We can work and provide for those that cannot vs none of us working. Not sure what you don’t understand about that. When would you open it up? Never?
Open it up and they can isolate. It’s not an overly difficult concept. We can work and provide for those that cannot vs none of us working. Not sure what you don’t understand about that. When would you open it up? Never?
I'm not against opening. I'm against opening without a plan.
They can isolate?
Where's the plan for that?

we are already implementing the plan, test those with symptoms and isolate those who test positive. Let the rest of us go about our lives. If you are scared, wear a mask or stay home. simple.
Liar. There is no plan for those people.
Why do they need a plan? They are grown men and women? Nursing homes are private businesses and should set up their own plans. Only liar around here is you.
I guess his dismissing of those with comorbidity as somehow inconsequential escaped you.

When did that happen?
When did that happen?

When he posted it of course.

He is right. It’s not the be all and end all. Herd immunity is. Almost 1/4 our workforce is unemployed. Almost zero deaths for those under 59 and without a cormorbidity. Open the economy.
We didn't close the economy during the Hong Kong flu? Just as many deaths. Impacted older people more severely.

I never said we should ignore them. You did.
I never said we should ignore them. You did.
Except you did ignore them entirely.
You cited them as dying and then said to open up.

"Almost zero deaths for those under 59 and without a cormorbidity. Open the economy."

So, only those with comorbidities are dying but fuck em. Open anyway.

Nearly 25 million Americans have an autoimmune disease, dope.
Open it up and they can isolate. It’s not an overly difficult concept. We can work and provide for those that cannot vs none of us working. Not sure what you don’t understand about that. When would you open it up? Never?
Open it up and they can isolate. It’s not an overly difficult concept. We can work and provide for those that cannot vs none of us working. Not sure what you don’t understand about that. When would you open it up? Never?
I'm not against opening. I'm against opening without a plan.
They can isolate?
Where's the plan for that?

we are already implementing the plan, test those with symptoms and isolate those who test positive. Let the rest of us go about our lives. If you are scared, wear a mask or stay home. simple.
Liar. There is no plan for those people.
Why do they need a plan? They are grown men and women? Nursing homes are private businesses and should set up their own plans. Only liar around here is you.

I'm not talking about nursing homes, dope.
Im talking about the 25 million Americans with autoimmune disease because they're at an increased risk of death. Like I said. There is no plan.

Can people at risk due to immuno disease remain in isolation and retain their unemployment despite being called back to work?

Who the fuck knows? :dunno:

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