Trump Disparages Testing

Fauci isn't the be all, end all to this pandemic.
He's the sanest voice out there. Certainly better than a couple of doctors on the internet that run a clinic
There's a pretty simple, yet self-defeating, reason for Trump not to be promoting testing. Remember how he didn't want those folks on a cruise ship to leave the ship because it meant the number of COVID cases in the US would go up. He didn't give a shit about getting treatment for people or relieving their anxiety. He just saw higher numbers as bad for him.

So too with more testing. Would it save lives? Undoubtedly yes. Will it result in more confirmed cases? Yes. It's pretty clear what Capt. Clorox's misguided priorities are............even though more testing will ultimately lead to a safer, more sustainable re-opening of the economy.
He just SAID it the other day

"More tests...more cases" ..."Less tests less cases". The "cases" will still be there...we just won't KNOW it without tests
We already have the capability to test everyone with symptoms and all at risk people.

We do NOT have that capability...nor would it be enough if we did.
When all nursing home residents can be tested...when doctors and nurses can be tested once a week...and when we can test randomly in mass...THEN we'll have enough testing
And lastly the experts told us that the wearing of a mask is only for people who are infected with the virus to try and mitigate the chances of passing it on to people who are not infected. This is why Trump doesn't wear a mask, because he is not infected
And also because he does not approve of leading by example.
And his extremely fragile ego will not allow mask wearing, because that is for babies.
Strange days, it still is an individual right, who cares if he wears one or not? Seems only the liberals.

I am seeing a pattern through all of this. Liberals want to be taken care of from the cradle to the grave.
And, they like to be led around like sheep.
No. We are listening to the doctors and scientists and following their advice.

Trump is going with his gut. While massive, I'm not sure his gut has the education required to properly respond to a pandemic. He should listen to his experts.

He should LEAD, and stop acting like a petulant toddler.
It really does depend on which "scientists" and which "Doctors" you're willing to listen to.
I listen to Fauci and Birx. These are Trump's experts.

Has he fired them already?
Fauci and his predictions have been wrong nearly every single time.
Ask Trump why he hasn't fired him, I'm just glad that he doesn't listen to him that much.
I would have canned his ass
Yes, how lucky we are to have a President who uses tax $ to pay experts so he can ignore them.

And how wise to trot them out to advise the public when they are so obviously stupid, right?
Well, just disregard that Fauci has been wrong on nearly every one of his predictions.
I don't reward his failure like you do.
Fauci has the credentials. So does Birx. Trump is a moron with zero experience in the health field. You decide who you want to trust when dealing with a deadly new virus.

I think the modeling issue is just a basic lack of understanding on your part.

The models are based on certain, future, predicted behaviors. When those behaviors change (due to mitigation, or lack thereof), the modeling changes. It is a difficult concept for Trumpers to comprehend.
Whatever you say, professor. :auiqs.jpg:
Wrong again, bless your heart.

You don't have to be a professor to understand how modeling works. Maybe these links can help you. Although it seems like you have an aversion to knowledge, which puts you in the basket with all the other ignorant Trumpers.

COVID-19 model FAQs

How To Make Sense of All The COVID-19 Projections? A New Model Combines Them

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Professor, there are Doctors and scientists that have disagreed with your boy Fauci all along. Like Paul said, Fauci isn't the be all, end all to this pandemic.
So bite on that with your condescending attitude asshole. But, you're more than welcome to your opinion.....and that's all it is in the end, isn't it?

USA greatest country?
coronavirus response is like 3rd world country.
so you're basically a troll. You offer nothing to the conversation, you just shoot spitballs.

ComplainingComplaining that the United States' respond to this virus was like a third world country... and yet none of you people ever support your accusations with any kind of proof, all you have are spitballs just a bunch of nattering bobbleheads
And lastly the experts told us that the wearing of a mask is only for people who are infected with the virus to try and mitigate the chances of passing it on to people who are not infected. This is why Trump doesn't wear a mask, because he is not infected
And also because he does not approve of leading by example.
And his extremely fragile ego will not allow mask wearing, because that is for babies.
Strange days, it still is an individual right, who cares if he wears one or not? Seems only the liberals.

I am seeing a pattern through all of this. Liberals want to be taken care of from the cradle to the grave.
And, they like to be led around like sheep.
No. We are listening to the doctors and scientists and following their advice.

Trump is going with his gut. While massive, I'm not sure his gut has the education required to properly respond to a pandemic. He should listen to his experts.

He should LEAD, and stop acting like a petulant toddler.
It really does depend on which "scientists" and which "Doctors" you're willing to listen to.
I listen to Fauci and Birx. These are Trump's experts.

Has he fired them already?
Fauci and his predictions have been wrong nearly every single time.
Ask Trump why he hasn't fired him, I'm just glad that he doesn't listen to him that much.
I would have canned his ass
Yes, how lucky we are to have a President who uses tax $ to pay experts so he can ignore them.

And how wise to trot them out to advise the public when they are so obviously stupid, right?
Well, just disregard that Fauci has been wrong on nearly every one of his predictions.
I don't reward his failure like you do.
Fauci has the credentials. So does Birx. Trump is a moron with zero experience in the health field. You decide who you want to trust when dealing with a deadly new virus.

I think the modeling issue is just a basic lack of understanding on your part.

The models are based on certain, future, predicted behaviors. When those behaviors change (due to mitigation, or lack thereof), the modeling changes. It is a difficult concept for Trumpers to comprehend.
Whatever you say, professor. :auiqs.jpg:
Wrong again, bless your heart.

You don't have to be a professor to understand how modeling works. Maybe these links can help you. Although it seems like you have an aversion to knowledge, which puts you in the basket with all the other ignorant Trumpers.

COVID-19 model FAQs

How To Make Sense of All The COVID-19 Projections? A New Model Combines Them

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Professor, there are Doctors and scientists that have disagreed with your boy Fauci all along. Like Paul said, Fauci isn't the be all, end all to this pandemic.
So bite on that with your condescending attitude asshole. But, you're more than welcome to your opinion.....and that's all it is in the end, isn't it?

USA greatest country?
coronavirus response is like 3rd world country.
so you're basically a troll. You offer nothing to the conversation, you just shoot spitballs.

ComplainingComplaining that the United States' respond to this virus was like a third world country... and yet none of you people ever support your accusations with any kind of proof, all you have are spitballs just a bunch of nattering bobbleheads
Thats because you didnt read the article.
---> read it <----
Thats because you didnt read the article.
---> read it <----
An article about coronavirus written by a "top economist," whose answer to everything seems to be that the federal government should give people money?

It's state governors who are shutting down businesses for months, not Trump. So why why put our crashing economy on Trump? We needed a short lockdown, to "flatten the curve," and allow our hospitals to prepare for this virus, build up supplies, and educate the public how they can use mitigation practices to slow the spread of the virus. We did that, now let's get back to work, while those at risk know what they need to do to be safe.

This two-three, and in some cases even a four month lockdown, is not on Trump, it's on the state governors.
We elected Trump, not Fauci or Birx.
Exactly. You don't see Fauci or Birx taking the hit for being wrong again, and again, and again. They used a combination of hubris, and love of the TV cameras, and scant information to make sweeping speculative declarations to shut down our economy.

Curious how Fauci says he cannot recommend HCQ to treat the virus, because he says there is not sufficient empirical evidence available, but on the other hand he can predict millions of dead Americans will die, and that we must shutter businesses, even though.... there is no empirical evidence available.

For the past few months, Fauci and Birx have been busy telling the entire world what he all must and shall do, while lacking empirical evidence about the virus. These two doctors have lurched from one contradicting statement to another, and they never pause in their predictions and pronouncements.

That's always been the beauty of being a career bureaucrat, you are never held accountable for your errors, failings, or incompetence. However, the politicians who heeded their bad advice get pounded by the news media.
THAT is a blatant lie. There have been THOUSANDS under 59 that died and thousands more who will have lifelong medical issues because of this horror

"Almost zero deaths for those under 59," says and claims this poster. How many morons reading his post believe him?

I guess cormorbidity was too big of a word for you two geniuses huh
I guess cormorbidity was too big of a word for you two geniuses huh
I guess his dismissing of those with comorbidity as somehow inconsequential escaped you.

"If we didn't as much testing we would have very few cases. It's common sense"

No Mr. President...the cases would still be there...we just wouldn't know who had it. THAT is common sense
He is right. It’s not the be all and end all. Herd immunity is. Almost 1/4 our workforce is unemployed. Almost zero deaths for those under 59 and without a cormorbidity. Open the economy.
"Almost zero deaths for those under 59," says and claims this poster. How many morons reading his post believe him?
What part of "and without a cormorbidity." do you not understand?
What part of "and without a cormorbidity." do you not understand?
What part of "with a comorbidity" makes them expendable?
THAT is common sense
Common sense is if we tested everyone we would find a mortality rate so low that the left would be voted out of office for ruining our economy over such a miniscule mortality rate.

THAT is your common sense
Common sense is if we tested everyone we would find a mortality rate so low that the left would be voted out of office for ruining our economy over such a miniscule mortality rate.

THAT is your common sense
Common sense tells us that 10k a week dying is not in any way as insignificant as you are suggesting.
More tests are a bad thing. The more tests we have, more people will test positive for Covid. When those numbers go up, certain people (liberals) freak out and they will demand America be shut down for even longer.
^ "just let them die"
Overrated? This from a President who gets tested every DAY
He's the president. He is not cowering in a basement like his opponent.
He actually is. He's completely insulated and gets tested daily..and oh yea...everyone but him wears a protect HIM
You come across as someone with some 'issues'. Did that bad Scout leader do something bad to you?
Seek some help pal.
Fauci isn't the be all, end all to this pandemic.
He's the sanest voice out there. Certainly better than a couple of doctors on the internet that run a clinic
There's a pretty simple, yet self-defeating, reason for Trump not to be promoting testing. Remember how he didn't want those folks on a cruise ship to leave the ship because it meant the number of COVID cases in the US would go up. He didn't give a shit about getting treatment for people or relieving their anxiety. He just saw higher numbers as bad for him.

So too with more testing. Would it save lives? Undoubtedly yes. Will it result in more confirmed cases? Yes. It's pretty clear what Capt. Clorox's misguided priorities are............even though more testing will ultimately lead to a safer, more sustainable re-opening of the economy.
He just SAID it the other day

"More tests...more cases" ..."Less tests less cases". The "cases" will still be there...we just won't KNOW it without tests
We already have the capability to test everyone with symptoms and all at risk people.

We do NOT have that capability...nor would it be enough if we did.
When all nursing home residents can be tested...when doctors and nurses can be tested once a week...and when we can test randomly in mass...THEN we'll have enough testing
Here's a good idea: Let's put Cuomo in charge of all the nation's nursing care homes.
It was the experts who told us just randomly testing everybody for the virus was not actually accomplishing very much because as I said A week later your tests are now invalid
Randomly testing has IMMENSE identifying who currently has the virus and where and how the virus is expanding or contracting. No expert has said differently.The President certainly believes in it ...for him and those around him anyway
The experts also told us the only real valid use of testing was trace testing, tracking down the people who came in contact with an infected person.
That's the most valuable aspect and it has IMMENSE value. It also tells YOU to get out of the public and tells your doctors for sure how to treat you.. How could you not possibly understand that?
And lastly the experts told us that the wearing of a mask is only for people who are infected with the virus to try and mitigate the chances of passing it on to people who are not infected. This is why Trump doesn't wear a mask, because he is not infected
Have you noticed that everyone AROUND Trump is wearing a mask? Because THEM wearing a mask protects HIM.

YOU wearing a mask protects ME But I get folks, like Trump, only care about protecting yourselves...
You wearing a mask only protects others if you are sick. Someone who isn't sick isn't protecting anyone by wearing a mask.
You got to admit who silly it looks for Trump to say testing is overrated when he is testing anyone that comes anywhere close to him on a daily basis.

It seems very hypocritical.
Trump also has secret service trained to take a bullet for him. President has different rules than the rest of us. Durr....
It was the experts who told us just randomly testing everybody for the virus was not actually accomplishing very much because as I said A week later your tests are now invalid
Randomly testing has IMMENSE identifying who currently has the virus and where and how the virus is expanding or contracting. No expert has said differently.The President certainly believes in it ...for him and those around him anyway
The experts also told us the only real valid use of testing was trace testing, tracking down the people who came in contact with an infected person.
That's the most valuable aspect and it has IMMENSE value. It also tells YOU to get out of the public and tells your doctors for sure how to treat you.. How could you not possibly understand that?
And lastly the experts told us that the wearing of a mask is only for people who are infected with the virus to try and mitigate the chances of passing it on to people who are not infected. This is why Trump doesn't wear a mask, because he is not infected
Have you noticed that everyone AROUND Trump is wearing a mask? Because THEM wearing a mask protects HIM.

YOU wearing a mask protects ME But I get folks, like Trump, only care about protecting yourselves...
You wearing a mask only protects others if you are sick. Someone who isn't sick isn't protecting anyone by wearing a mask.
That reminds me. Recently the press was caught taking off their masks after a Trump press conference, once the cameras were turned off. and it's not the first time the fake hate-Trump media media have been caught with their masks off once the cameras were turned off.

It was the experts who told us just randomly testing everybody for the virus was not actually accomplishing very much because as I said A week later your tests are now invalid
Randomly testing has IMMENSE identifying who currently has the virus and where and how the virus is expanding or contracting. No expert has said differently.The President certainly believes in it ...for him and those around him anyway
The experts also told us the only real valid use of testing was trace testing, tracking down the people who came in contact with an infected person.
That's the most valuable aspect and it has IMMENSE value. It also tells YOU to get out of the public and tells your doctors for sure how to treat you.. How could you not possibly understand that?
And lastly the experts told us that the wearing of a mask is only for people who are infected with the virus to try and mitigate the chances of passing it on to people who are not infected. This is why Trump doesn't wear a mask, because he is not infected
Have you noticed that everyone AROUND Trump is wearing a mask? Because THEM wearing a mask protects HIM.

YOU wearing a mask protects ME But I get folks, like Trump, only care about protecting yourselves...
You wearing a mask only protects others if you are sick. Someone who isn't sick isn't protecting anyone by wearing a mask.
You wearing a mask only protects others if you are sick. Someone who isn't sick isn't protecting anyone by wearing a mask.
When does one become aware that they might be sick? Are they contagious before that time?
It was the experts who told us just randomly testing everybody for the virus was not actually accomplishing very much because as I said A week later your tests are now invalid
Randomly testing has IMMENSE identifying who currently has the virus and where and how the virus is expanding or contracting. No expert has said differently.The President certainly believes in it ...for him and those around him anyway
The experts also told us the only real valid use of testing was trace testing, tracking down the people who came in contact with an infected person.
That's the most valuable aspect and it has IMMENSE value. It also tells YOU to get out of the public and tells your doctors for sure how to treat you.. How could you not possibly understand that?
And lastly the experts told us that the wearing of a mask is only for people who are infected with the virus to try and mitigate the chances of passing it on to people who are not infected. This is why Trump doesn't wear a mask, because he is not infected
Have you noticed that everyone AROUND Trump is wearing a mask? Because THEM wearing a mask protects HIM.

YOU wearing a mask protects ME But I get folks, like Trump, only care about protecting yourselves...
You wearing a mask only protects others if you are sick. Someone who isn't sick isn't protecting anyone by wearing a mask.
And you know your aren’t sick how exactly?
You realize you can have the virus for days and not know it... right?
You got to admit who silly it looks for Trump to say testing is overrated when he is testing anyone that comes anywhere close to him on a daily basis.

It seems very hypocritical.
Trump also has secret service trained to take a bullet for him. President has different rules than the rest of us. Durr....
Well, almost every recent president has had attempts on his life, so it’s far more rational. Furthermore, people can and do hire private security to protect them so it’s not something that the president is denying to others.

In reality, it’s just another example of Trump being an elitist.

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