Trump Does Patton


Sep 23, 2010
This morning’s post mortem tells me the fireworks that were missing in the first debate, and every previous presidential debate, went off like sky rockets last night:

Trump had the chance to bury Hillary Clinton once and for all and he blew it. Now, he has to play catchup until election day. My only hope is that Trump finally realizes that every moderator will be worse than Holt —— Martha Raddatz, Anderson Cooper and Chris Wallace.


I cannot imagine Democrats giving up their edge in presidential debates. In 2012, Candy Crowley and Martha Raddatz were so crooked they made the Chicago Black Sox look good.

Sleeping Was Better

The Donald did better than catchup last night —— he pounded Hillary and the media into the dirt from whence they sprang:

Trump received a question from Radditz about his proposal for a temporary ban on Muslim immigration:


“The Muslim ban is something that, in some form, has morphed into extreme vetting,” Trump explained.

Radditz interrupted, “And why did it morph into that? Answer the question. …”

“Why do you side with her?” Trump asked the purportedly unbiased moderator. “You interrupt me all the time. Why don’t you interrupt her?”

Radditz replied, “Would you please explain whether or not the Muslim ban still stands?”

“It’s called extreme vetting,” Trump said.​

I doubt if Trump’s guest were shown to the viewing public; nevertheless, this bombshell was worth the price of admission:

Trump’s guests included Bill Clinton rape accuser Juanita Broaddrick along with Clinton accusers Paula Jones and Kathleen Willey. They joined Kathy Shelton, a woman whose alleged rapist was defended by Hillary in 1975.​

Trump launches rape bomb on Hillary at debate
Posted By -NO AUTHOR- On 10/09/2016 @ 3:35 pm

Trump launches rape bomb on Hillary at debate

The best of all began earlier in the day:


Paula Jones, Kathy Shelton, Donald Trump, Juanita Broaddrick, Kathleen Willey

TRUMP PUNKED THE PRESS: Told Reporters They Were Going to Pre-Debate Presser, Walked in on Clinton Rape Victims!
Jim Hoft Oct 9th, 2016 7:10 pm

TRUMP PUNKED THE PRESS: Told Reporters They Were Going to Pre-Debate Presser, Walked in on Clinton Rape Victims!

All things considered, you gotta love The Donald when he does General Patton on the media.
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