Trump doesn't stand a chance in November

Many observers feel for a variety of reasons that Mike Bloomberg will become the nominee of the Democratic Party. Senile Biden is weakening as Bloomberg grows stronger. The party won't make the mistake of nominating an Independent socialist, and the progressive, Warren, is also losing support since she explained how free everything would be paid for. There are serious doubts the party will experiment at this crucial time with a female or gay candidate.

That leaves Mike Bloomberg.

If so, Trump has no chance once Americans compare the two, and Trump's forever loyal and uninformed base is not sufficient to carry him to the top.

Let's compare the two. Bloomberg made it on his own. Bloomberg was born at St. Elizabeth's Hospital, in Brighton, a neighborhood of Boston, Massachusetts, on February 14, 1942, to William Henry Bloomberg, a bookkeeper for a dairy company, and Charlotte (Rubens) Bloomberg. His family is Jewish. Bloomberg's paternal grandfather, Alexander "Elick" Bloomberg, was an immigrant from Russia. Bloomberg's maternal grandfather, Max Rubens, was an immigrant from what is present-day Belarus.

In 1973, Bloomberg became a general partner at Salomon Brothers, a large Wall Street investment bank, where he headed equity trading and, later, systems development. In 1981, Salomon Brothers was bought by Phibro Corporation, and Bloomberg was laid off from the investment bank. He was given no severance package, but owned $10 million worth of equity as a partner at the firm.

Using this money, Bloomberg, having designed in-house computerized financial systems for Salomon, went on to set up a company named Innovative Market Systems (IMS). Today, Bloomberg is worth $61.8 billion.

Trump's estimated net worth is $3.1 billion, and he was born with a silver spoon. All his wealth is inherited from his father, including consultants who keep the Trump organization profitable despite Trump's countless expensive mistakes. Lawyers are making a fortune off of Trump with his numerous bankruptcies and lawsuits.

Trump's Presidency is a disaster. He has done nothing for our booming economy except threaten it with high tariffs and a trade war with China. His domestic policy is nonexistent as he spends all his time protecting his friends from prosecutors. Six of his close associates face prison time, including his campaign manager and deputy campaign manager, along with his personal lawyer (Cohen) and former NSA. His foreign policy is catastrophic, creating a threat to our national security. He does not get along well with the leadership of our allies and friends while embracing autocrats like Putin, Kim, and Xi. Because of his obvious bias towards Israel, the U.S. has been thrown out of Middle East talks, replaced by Russia.

Bloomberg is honest to a fault. Indeed, as we speak, Bloomberg is being assaulted by some for his brutally honest statements of the past.

Compare this to Trump. We no longer can trust anything the President says. Think of that. Americans can't trust what their President says. Why? Three years after taking the oath of office, Trump has made more than 16,200 false or misleading claims — a milestone that would have been unthinkable when Fact Checker’s database was first created. The data analyzes, categorizes and tracks every suspect statement Trump has uttered.

No sitting President has ever faced a formidable opponent like Bloomberg, and Bloomberg is determined to unseat Trump. Whatever Trump does, Bloomberg will counter with 17 times the impact. This will be new to Trump who is used to getting his way as President. During the upcoming campaign, that will no longer be true.

Trump doesn't stand a chance.
he is yet another old fart who may die into his first if you vote for him you are voting for his VP....
I guess that is one way to get another Clinton presidency...
Trump is on track of ending the war in Afghanistan. If he does that Bloomie doesn't have a chance. Bloomie will forever be the guy that wants your soda, your salt and your guns.
Many observers feel for a variety of reasons that Mike Bloomberg will become the nominee of the Democratic Party. Senile Biden is weakening as Bloomberg grows stronger. The party won't make the mistake of nominating an Independent socialist, and the progressive, Warren, is also losing support since she explained how free everything would be paid for. There are serious doubts the party will experiment at this crucial time with a female or gay candidate.

That leaves Mike Bloomberg.

If so, Trump has no chance once Americans compare the two, and Trump's forever loyal and uninformed base is not sufficient to carry him to the top.

Let's compare the two. Bloomberg made it on his own. Bloomberg was born at St. Elizabeth's Hospital, in Brighton, a neighborhood of Boston, Massachusetts, on February 14, 1942, to William Henry Bloomberg, a bookkeeper for a dairy company, and Charlotte (Rubens) Bloomberg. His family is Jewish. Bloomberg's paternal grandfather, Alexander "Elick" Bloomberg, was an immigrant from Russia. Bloomberg's maternal grandfather, Max Rubens, was an immigrant from what is present-day Belarus.

In 1973, Bloomberg became a general partner at Salomon Brothers, a large Wall Street investment bank, where he headed equity trading and, later, systems development. In 1981, Salomon Brothers was bought by Phibro Corporation, and Bloomberg was laid off from the investment bank. He was given no severance package, but owned $10 million worth of equity as a partner at the firm.

Using this money, Bloomberg, having designed in-house computerized financial systems for Salomon, went on to set up a company named Innovative Market Systems (IMS). Today, Bloomberg is worth $61.8 billion.

Trump's estimated net worth is $3.1 billion, and he was born with a silver spoon. All his wealth is inherited from his father, including consultants who keep the Trump organization profitable despite Trump's countless expensive mistakes. Lawyers are making a fortune off of Trump with his numerous bankruptcies and lawsuits.

Trump's Presidency is a disaster. He has done nothing for our booming economy except threaten it with high tariffs and a trade war with China. His domestic policy is nonexistent as he spends all his time protecting his friends from prosecutors. Six of his close associates face prison time, including his campaign manager and deputy campaign manager, along with his personal lawyer (Cohen) and former NSA. His foreign policy is catastrophic, creating a threat to our national security. He does not get along well with the leadership of our allies and friends while embracing autocrats like Putin, Kim, and Xi. Because of his obvious bias towards Israel, the U.S. has been thrown out of Middle East talks, replaced by Russia.

Bloomberg is honest to a fault. Indeed, as we speak, Bloomberg is being assaulted by some for his brutally honest statements of the past.

Compare this to Trump. We no longer can trust anything the President says. Think of that. Americans can't trust what their President says. Why? Three years after taking the oath of office, Trump has made more than 16,200 false or misleading claims — a milestone that would have been unthinkable when Fact Checker’s database was first created. The data analyzes, categorizes and tracks every suspect statement Trump has uttered.

No sitting President has ever faced a formidable opponent like Bloomberg, and Bloomberg is determined to unseat Trump. Whatever Trump does, Bloomberg will counter with 17 times the impact. This will be new to Trump who is used to getting his way as President. During the upcoming campaign, that will no longer be true.

Trump doesn't stand a chance.
he is yet another old fart who may die into his first if you vote for him you are voting for his VP....
That would be Hillary. Yes, he's seriously considering Hillary
if she does i want to hear someone ask her if she took the job because she knows she would never be elected,so bloomberg dying means its all hers...

This would be a mistake of huge proportions. NO. Just NO. On either of them.
Dragonlady said:
Harry Dresden said:
if she does i want to hear someone ask her if she took the job because she knows she would never be elected,so bloomberg dying means its all hers...
This would be a mistake of huge proportions.
It Really Won't Matter Come Nov 3

Gitcha' Sum:
Hillary Clinton (2).jpg Hillary Clinton (1).jpg Hillary Clinton (3).jpg

Trump See Ya.jpg



Because they don't have any intention of protecting the American people! These people are about the GREATER GOOD, and if it means sacrificing you or one of your family members on their altar; to bad, so sad!

THAT is today's Left. You want them, go for it!
Many observers feel for a variety of reasons that Mike Bloomberg will become the nominee of the Democratic Party. Senile Biden is weakening as Bloomberg grows stronger. The party won't make the mistake of nominating an Independent socialist, and the progressive, Warren, is also losing support since she explained how free everything would be paid for. There are serious doubts the party will experiment at this crucial time with a female or gay candidate.

That leaves Mike Bloomberg.

If so, Trump has no chance once Americans compare the two, and Trump's forever loyal and uninformed base is not sufficient to carry him to the top.

Let's compare the two. Bloomberg made it on his own. Bloomberg was born at St. Elizabeth's Hospital, in Brighton, a neighborhood of Boston, Massachusetts, on February 14, 1942, to William Henry Bloomberg, a bookkeeper for a dairy company, and Charlotte (Rubens) Bloomberg. His family is Jewish. Bloomberg's paternal grandfather, Alexander "Elick" Bloomberg, was an immigrant from Russia. Bloomberg's maternal grandfather, Max Rubens, was an immigrant from what is present-day Belarus.

In 1973, Bloomberg became a general partner at Salomon Brothers, a large Wall Street investment bank, where he headed equity trading and, later, systems development. In 1981, Salomon Brothers was bought by Phibro Corporation, and Bloomberg was laid off from the investment bank. He was given no severance package, but owned $10 million worth of equity as a partner at the firm.

Using this money, Bloomberg, having designed in-house computerized financial systems for Salomon, went on to set up a company named Innovative Market Systems (IMS). Today, Bloomberg is worth $61.8 billion.

Trump's estimated net worth is $3.1 billion, and he was born with a silver spoon. All his wealth is inherited from his father, including consultants who keep the Trump organization profitable despite Trump's countless expensive mistakes. Lawyers are making a fortune off of Trump with his numerous bankruptcies and lawsuits.

Trump's Presidency is a disaster. He has done nothing for our booming economy except threaten it with high tariffs and a trade war with China. His domestic policy is nonexistent as he spends all his time protecting his friends from prosecutors. Six of his close associates face prison time, including his campaign manager and deputy campaign manager, along with his personal lawyer (Cohen) and former NSA. His foreign policy is catastrophic, creating a threat to our national security. He does not get along well with the leadership of our allies and friends while embracing autocrats like Putin, Kim, and Xi. Because of his obvious bias towards Israel, the U.S. has been thrown out of Middle East talks, replaced by Russia.

Bloomberg is honest to a fault. Indeed, as we speak, Bloomberg is being assaulted by some for his brutally honest statements of the past.

Compare this to Trump. We no longer can trust anything the President says. Think of that. Americans can't trust what their President says. Why? Three years after taking the oath of office, Trump has made more than 16,200 false or misleading claims — a milestone that would have been unthinkable when Fact Checker’s database was first created. The data analyzes, categorizes and tracks every suspect statement Trump has uttered.

No sitting President has ever faced a formidable opponent like Bloomberg, and Bloomberg is determined to unseat Trump. Whatever Trump does, Bloomberg will counter with 17 times the impact. This will be new to Trump who is used to getting his way as President. During the upcoming campaign, that will no longer be true.

Trump doesn't stand a chance.

You sound as idiotic as the Trump Tards who insist he can't lose in November.
Many observers feel for a variety of reasons that Mike Bloomberg will become the nominee of the Democratic Party. Senile Biden is weakening as Bloomberg grows stronger. The party won't make the mistake of nominating an Independent socialist, and the progressive, Warren, is also losing support since she explained how free everything would be paid for. There are serious doubts the party will experiment at this crucial time with a female or gay candidate.

That leaves Mike Bloomberg.

If so, Trump has no chance once Americans compare the two, and Trump's forever loyal and uninformed base is not sufficient to carry him to the top.

Let's compare the two. Bloomberg made it on his own. Bloomberg was born at St. Elizabeth's Hospital, in Brighton, a neighborhood of Boston, Massachusetts, on February 14, 1942, to William Henry Bloomberg, a bookkeeper for a dairy company, and Charlotte (Rubens) Bloomberg. His family is Jewish. Bloomberg's paternal grandfather, Alexander "Elick" Bloomberg, was an immigrant from Russia. Bloomberg's maternal grandfather, Max Rubens, was an immigrant from what is present-day Belarus.

In 1973, Bloomberg became a general partner at Salomon Brothers, a large Wall Street investment bank, where he headed equity trading and, later, systems development. In 1981, Salomon Brothers was bought by Phibro Corporation, and Bloomberg was laid off from the investment bank. He was given no severance package, but owned $10 million worth of equity as a partner at the firm.

Using this money, Bloomberg, having designed in-house computerized financial systems for Salomon, went on to set up a company named Innovative Market Systems (IMS). Today, Bloomberg is worth $61.8 billion.

Trump's estimated net worth is $3.1 billion, and he was born with a silver spoon. All his wealth is inherited from his father, including consultants who keep the Trump organization profitable despite Trump's countless expensive mistakes. Lawyers are making a fortune off of Trump with his numerous bankruptcies and lawsuits.

Trump's Presidency is a disaster. He has done nothing for our booming economy except threaten it with high tariffs and a trade war with China. His domestic policy is nonexistent as he spends all his time protecting his friends from prosecutors. Six of his close associates face prison time, including his campaign manager and deputy campaign manager, along with his personal lawyer (Cohen) and former NSA. His foreign policy is catastrophic, creating a threat to our national security. He does not get along well with the leadership of our allies and friends while embracing autocrats like Putin, Kim, and Xi. Because of his obvious bias towards Israel, the U.S. has been thrown out of Middle East talks, replaced by Russia.

Bloomberg is honest to a fault. Indeed, as we speak, Bloomberg is being assaulted by some for his brutally honest statements of the past.

Compare this to Trump. We no longer can trust anything the President says. Think of that. Americans can't trust what their President says. Why? Three years after taking the oath of office, Trump has made more than 16,200 false or misleading claims — a milestone that would have been unthinkable when Fact Checker’s database was first created. The data analyzes, categorizes and tracks every suspect statement Trump has uttered.

No sitting President has ever faced a formidable opponent like Bloomberg, and Bloomberg is determined to unseat Trump. Whatever Trump does, Bloomberg will counter with 17 times the impact. This will be new to Trump who is used to getting his way as President. During the upcoming campaign, that will no longer be true.

Trump doesn't stand a chance.

You sound as idiotic as the Trump Tards who insist he can't lose in November.

Put your money where your mouth is and make money.
Too scared to bet against Trump??
Don't blame you, he's a 5:1 prohibitive favorite to win.

Donald Trump -170
Bernie Sanders +375
Mike Bloomberg +500
Joe Biden +850
Pete Buttigieg +2000

So who do you bet the ranch on??? Pick a democrat now or watch the meltdown without a bet.
Many observers feel for a variety of reasons that Mike Bloomberg will become the nominee of the Democratic Party. Senile Biden is weakening as Bloomberg grows stronger. The party won't make the mistake of nominating an Independent socialist, and the progressive, Warren, is also losing support since she explained how free everything would be paid for. There are serious doubts the party will experiment at this crucial time with a female or gay candidate.

That leaves Mike Bloomberg.

If so, Trump has no chance once Americans compare the two, and Trump's forever loyal and uninformed base is not sufficient to carry him to the top.

Let's compare the two. Bloomberg made it on his own. Bloomberg was born at St. Elizabeth's Hospital, in Brighton, a neighborhood of Boston, Massachusetts, on February 14, 1942, to William Henry Bloomberg, a bookkeeper for a dairy company, and Charlotte (Rubens) Bloomberg. His family is Jewish. Bloomberg's paternal grandfather, Alexander "Elick" Bloomberg, was an immigrant from Russia. Bloomberg's maternal grandfather, Max Rubens, was an immigrant from what is present-day Belarus.

In 1973, Bloomberg became a general partner at Salomon Brothers, a large Wall Street investment bank, where he headed equity trading and, later, systems development. In 1981, Salomon Brothers was bought by Phibro Corporation, and Bloomberg was laid off from the investment bank. He was given no severance package, but owned $10 million worth of equity as a partner at the firm.

Using this money, Bloomberg, having designed in-house computerized financial systems for Salomon, went on to set up a company named Innovative Market Systems (IMS). Today, Bloomberg is worth $61.8 billion.

Trump's estimated net worth is $3.1 billion, and he was born with a silver spoon. All his wealth is inherited from his father, including consultants who keep the Trump organization profitable despite Trump's countless expensive mistakes. Lawyers are making a fortune off of Trump with his numerous bankruptcies and lawsuits.

Trump's Presidency is a disaster. He has done nothing for our booming economy except threaten it with high tariffs and a trade war with China. His domestic policy is nonexistent as he spends all his time protecting his friends from prosecutors. Six of his close associates face prison time, including his campaign manager and deputy campaign manager, along with his personal lawyer (Cohen) and former NSA. His foreign policy is catastrophic, creating a threat to our national security. He does not get along well with the leadership of our allies and friends while embracing autocrats like Putin, Kim, and Xi. Because of his obvious bias towards Israel, the U.S. has been thrown out of Middle East talks, replaced by Russia.

Bloomberg is honest to a fault. Indeed, as we speak, Bloomberg is being assaulted by some for his brutally honest statements of the past.

Compare this to Trump. We no longer can trust anything the President says. Think of that. Americans can't trust what their President says. Why? Three years after taking the oath of office, Trump has made more than 16,200 false or misleading claims — a milestone that would have been unthinkable when Fact Checker’s database was first created. The data analyzes, categorizes and tracks every suspect statement Trump has uttered.

No sitting President has ever faced a formidable opponent like Bloomberg, and Bloomberg is determined to unseat Trump. Whatever Trump does, Bloomberg will counter with 17 times the impact. This will be new to Trump who is used to getting his way as President. During the upcoming campaign, that will no longer be true.

Trump doesn't stand a chance.
You're delusional.
Many observers feel for a variety of reasons that Mike Bloomberg will become the nominee of the Democratic Party. Senile Biden is weakening as Bloomberg grows stronger. The party won't make the mistake of nominating an Independent socialist, and the progressive, Warren, is also losing support since she explained how free everything would be paid for. There are serious doubts the party will experiment at this crucial time with a female or gay candidate.

That leaves Mike Bloomberg.

If so, Trump has no chance once Americans compare the two, and Trump's forever loyal and uninformed base is not sufficient to carry him to the top.

Let's compare the two. Bloomberg made it on his own. Bloomberg was born at St. Elizabeth's Hospital, in Brighton, a neighborhood of Boston, Massachusetts, on February 14, 1942, to William Henry Bloomberg, a bookkeeper for a dairy company, and Charlotte (Rubens) Bloomberg. His family is Jewish. Bloomberg's paternal grandfather, Alexander "Elick" Bloomberg, was an immigrant from Russia. Bloomberg's maternal grandfather, Max Rubens, was an immigrant from what is present-day Belarus.

In 1973, Bloomberg became a general partner at Salomon Brothers, a large Wall Street investment bank, where he headed equity trading and, later, systems development. In 1981, Salomon Brothers was bought by Phibro Corporation, and Bloomberg was laid off from the investment bank. He was given no severance package, but owned $10 million worth of equity as a partner at the firm.

Using this money, Bloomberg, having designed in-house computerized financial systems for Salomon, went on to set up a company named Innovative Market Systems (IMS). Today, Bloomberg is worth $61.8 billion.

Trump's estimated net worth is $3.1 billion, and he was born with a silver spoon. All his wealth is inherited from his father, including consultants who keep the Trump organization profitable despite Trump's countless expensive mistakes. Lawyers are making a fortune off of Trump with his numerous bankruptcies and lawsuits.

Trump's Presidency is a disaster. He has done nothing for our booming economy except threaten it with high tariffs and a trade war with China. His domestic policy is nonexistent as he spends all his time protecting his friends from prosecutors. Six of his close associates face prison time, including his campaign manager and deputy campaign manager, along with his personal lawyer (Cohen) and former NSA. His foreign policy is catastrophic, creating a threat to our national security. He does not get along well with the leadership of our allies and friends while embracing autocrats like Putin, Kim, and Xi. Because of his obvious bias towards Israel, the U.S. has been thrown out of Middle East talks, replaced by Russia.

Bloomberg is honest to a fault. Indeed, as we speak, Bloomberg is being assaulted by some for his brutally honest statements of the past.

Compare this to Trump. We no longer can trust anything the President says. Think of that. Americans can't trust what their President says. Why? Three years after taking the oath of office, Trump has made more than 16,200 false or misleading claims — a milestone that would have been unthinkable when Fact Checker’s database was first created. The data analyzes, categorizes and tracks every suspect statement Trump has uttered.

No sitting President has ever faced a formidable opponent like Bloomberg, and Bloomberg is determined to unseat Trump. Whatever Trump does, Bloomberg will counter with 17 times the impact. This will be new to Trump who is used to getting his way as President. During the upcoming campaign, that will no longer be true.

Trump doesn't stand a chance.

So the Dem’s best chance is to recruit a former Republican who used “racist” methods to lower crime in New York?
Many observers feel for a variety of reasons that Mike Bloomberg will become the nominee of the Democratic Party. Senile Biden is weakening as Bloomberg grows stronger. The party won't make the mistake of nominating an Independent socialist, and the progressive, Warren, is also losing support since she explained how free everything would be paid for. There are serious doubts the party will experiment at this crucial time with a female or gay candidate.

That leaves Mike Bloomberg.

If so, Trump has no chance once Americans compare the two, and Trump's forever loyal and uninformed base is not sufficient to carry him to the top.

Let's compare the two. Bloomberg made it on his own. Bloomberg was born at St. Elizabeth's Hospital, in Brighton, a neighborhood of Boston, Massachusetts, on February 14, 1942, to William Henry Bloomberg, a bookkeeper for a dairy company, and Charlotte (Rubens) Bloomberg. His family is Jewish. Bloomberg's paternal grandfather, Alexander "Elick" Bloomberg, was an immigrant from Russia. Bloomberg's maternal grandfather, Max Rubens, was an immigrant from what is present-day Belarus.

In 1973, Bloomberg became a general partner at Salomon Brothers, a large Wall Street investment bank, where he headed equity trading and, later, systems development. In 1981, Salomon Brothers was bought by Phibro Corporation, and Bloomberg was laid off from the investment bank. He was given no severance package, but owned $10 million worth of equity as a partner at the firm.

Using this money, Bloomberg, having designed in-house computerized financial systems for Salomon, went on to set up a company named Innovative Market Systems (IMS). Today, Bloomberg is worth $61.8 billion.

Trump's estimated net worth is $3.1 billion, and he was born with a silver spoon. All his wealth is inherited from his father, including consultants who keep the Trump organization profitable despite Trump's countless expensive mistakes. Lawyers are making a fortune off of Trump with his numerous bankruptcies and lawsuits.

Trump's Presidency is a disaster. He has done nothing for our booming economy except threaten it with high tariffs and a trade war with China. His domestic policy is nonexistent as he spends all his time protecting his friends from prosecutors. Six of his close associates face prison time, including his campaign manager and deputy campaign manager, along with his personal lawyer (Cohen) and former NSA. His foreign policy is catastrophic, creating a threat to our national security. He does not get along well with the leadership of our allies and friends while embracing autocrats like Putin, Kim, and Xi. Because of his obvious bias towards Israel, the U.S. has been thrown out of Middle East talks, replaced by Russia.

Bloomberg is honest to a fault. Indeed, as we speak, Bloomberg is being assaulted by some for his brutally honest statements of the past.

Compare this to Trump. We no longer can trust anything the President says. Think of that. Americans can't trust what their President says. Why? Three years after taking the oath of office, Trump has made more than 16,200 false or misleading claims — a milestone that would have been unthinkable when Fact Checker’s database was first created. The data analyzes, categorizes and tracks every suspect statement Trump has uttered.

No sitting President has ever faced a formidable opponent like Bloomberg, and Bloomberg is determined to unseat Trump. Whatever Trump does, Bloomberg will counter with 17 times the impact. This will be new to Trump who is used to getting his way as President. During the upcoming campaign, that will no longer be true.

Trump doesn't stand a chance.

So the Dem’s best chance is to recruit a former Republican who used “racist” methods to lower crime in New York?
Not wanting to see black bodies lying in the street makes him a racist?
Many observers feel for a variety of reasons that Mike Bloomberg will become the nominee of the Democratic Party. Senile Biden is weakening as Bloomberg grows stronger. The party won't make the mistake of nominating an Independent socialist, and the progressive, Warren, is also losing support since she explained how free everything would be paid for. There are serious doubts the party will experiment at this crucial time with a female or gay candidate.

That leaves Mike Bloomberg.

If so, Trump has no chance once Americans compare the two, and Trump's forever loyal and uninformed base is not sufficient to carry him to the top.

Let's compare the two. Bloomberg made it on his own. Bloomberg was born at St. Elizabeth's Hospital, in Brighton, a neighborhood of Boston, Massachusetts, on February 14, 1942, to William Henry Bloomberg, a bookkeeper for a dairy company, and Charlotte (Rubens) Bloomberg. His family is Jewish. Bloomberg's paternal grandfather, Alexander "Elick" Bloomberg, was an immigrant from Russia. Bloomberg's maternal grandfather, Max Rubens, was an immigrant from what is present-day Belarus.

In 1973, Bloomberg became a general partner at Salomon Brothers, a large Wall Street investment bank, where he headed equity trading and, later, systems development. In 1981, Salomon Brothers was bought by Phibro Corporation, and Bloomberg was laid off from the investment bank. He was given no severance package, but owned $10 million worth of equity as a partner at the firm.

Using this money, Bloomberg, having designed in-house computerized financial systems for Salomon, went on to set up a company named Innovative Market Systems (IMS). Today, Bloomberg is worth $61.8 billion.

Trump's estimated net worth is $3.1 billion, and he was born with a silver spoon. All his wealth is inherited from his father, including consultants who keep the Trump organization profitable despite Trump's countless expensive mistakes. Lawyers are making a fortune off of Trump with his numerous bankruptcies and lawsuits.

Trump's Presidency is a disaster. He has done nothing for our booming economy except threaten it with high tariffs and a trade war with China. His domestic policy is nonexistent as he spends all his time protecting his friends from prosecutors. Six of his close associates face prison time, including his campaign manager and deputy campaign manager, along with his personal lawyer (Cohen) and former NSA. His foreign policy is catastrophic, creating a threat to our national security. He does not get along well with the leadership of our allies and friends while embracing autocrats like Putin, Kim, and Xi. Because of his obvious bias towards Israel, the U.S. has been thrown out of Middle East talks, replaced by Russia.

Bloomberg is honest to a fault. Indeed, as we speak, Bloomberg is being assaulted by some for his brutally honest statements of the past.

Compare this to Trump. We no longer can trust anything the President says. Think of that. Americans can't trust what their President says. Why? Three years after taking the oath of office, Trump has made more than 16,200 false or misleading claims — a milestone that would have been unthinkable when Fact Checker’s database was first created. The data analyzes, categorizes and tracks every suspect statement Trump has uttered.

No sitting President has ever faced a formidable opponent like Bloomberg, and Bloomberg is determined to unseat Trump. Whatever Trump does, Bloomberg will counter with 17 times the impact. This will be new to Trump who is used to getting his way as President. During the upcoming campaign, that will no longer be true.

Trump doesn't stand a chance.

So the Dem’s best chance is to recruit a former Republican who used “racist” methods to lower crime in New York?
Not wanting to see black bodies lying in the street makes him a racist?
Not in my book, but the left thinks “stop and frisk” used mainly against blacks is, as well as concentrating cops in minority areas.

Bloomberg has had to denounce his former “racist” tactics and pretend he is a reformed man.
Many observers feel for a variety of reasons that Mike Bloomberg will become the nominee of the Democratic Party. Senile Biden is weakening as Bloomberg grows stronger. The party won't make the mistake of nominating an Independent socialist, and the progressive, Warren, is also losing support since she explained how free everything would be paid for. There are serious doubts the party will experiment at this crucial time with a female or gay candidate.

That leaves Mike Bloomberg.

If so, Trump has no chance once Americans compare the two, and Trump's forever loyal and uninformed base is not sufficient to carry him to the top.

Let's compare the two. Bloomberg made it on his own. Bloomberg was born at St. Elizabeth's Hospital, in Brighton, a neighborhood of Boston, Massachusetts, on February 14, 1942, to William Henry Bloomberg, a bookkeeper for a dairy company, and Charlotte (Rubens) Bloomberg. His family is Jewish. Bloomberg's paternal grandfather, Alexander "Elick" Bloomberg, was an immigrant from Russia. Bloomberg's maternal grandfather, Max Rubens, was an immigrant from what is present-day Belarus.

In 1973, Bloomberg became a general partner at Salomon Brothers, a large Wall Street investment bank, where he headed equity trading and, later, systems development. In 1981, Salomon Brothers was bought by Phibro Corporation, and Bloomberg was laid off from the investment bank. He was given no severance package, but owned $10 million worth of equity as a partner at the firm.

Using this money, Bloomberg, having designed in-house computerized financial systems for Salomon, went on to set up a company named Innovative Market Systems (IMS). Today, Bloomberg is worth $61.8 billion.

Trump's estimated net worth is $3.1 billion, and he was born with a silver spoon. All his wealth is inherited from his father, including consultants who keep the Trump organization profitable despite Trump's countless expensive mistakes. Lawyers are making a fortune off of Trump with his numerous bankruptcies and lawsuits.

Trump's Presidency is a disaster. He has done nothing for our booming economy except threaten it with high tariffs and a trade war with China. His domestic policy is nonexistent as he spends all his time protecting his friends from prosecutors. Six of his close associates face prison time, including his campaign manager and deputy campaign manager, along with his personal lawyer (Cohen) and former NSA. His foreign policy is catastrophic, creating a threat to our national security. He does not get along well with the leadership of our allies and friends while embracing autocrats like Putin, Kim, and Xi. Because of his obvious bias towards Israel, the U.S. has been thrown out of Middle East talks, replaced by Russia.

Bloomberg is honest to a fault. Indeed, as we speak, Bloomberg is being assaulted by some for his brutally honest statements of the past.

Compare this to Trump. We no longer can trust anything the President says. Think of that. Americans can't trust what their President says. Why? Three years after taking the oath of office, Trump has made more than 16,200 false or misleading claims — a milestone that would have been unthinkable when Fact Checker’s database was first created. The data analyzes, categorizes and tracks every suspect statement Trump has uttered.

No sitting President has ever faced a formidable opponent like Bloomberg, and Bloomberg is determined to unseat Trump. Whatever Trump does, Bloomberg will counter with 17 times the impact. This will be new to Trump who is used to getting his way as President. During the upcoming campaign, that will no longer be true.

Trump doesn't stand a chance.

So the Dem’s best chance is to recruit a former Republican who used “racist” methods to lower crime in New York?
Not wanting to see black bodies lying in the street makes him a racist?
Not in my book, but the left thinks “stop and frisk” used mainly against blacks is, as well as concentrating cops in minority areas.

Bloomberg has had to denounce his former “racist” tactics and pretend he is a reformed man.
I`m left and I don`t think that at all and I`m sure the friends and families of kids who were gunned down wish the shooter had been stopped and frisked. Bottom line....not all lefties and/or blacks think the same things.
Many observers feel for a variety of reasons that Mike Bloomberg will become the nominee of the Democratic Party. Senile Biden is weakening as Bloomberg grows stronger. The party won't make the mistake of nominating an Independent socialist, and the progressive, Warren, is also losing support since she explained how free everything would be paid for. There are serious doubts the party will experiment at this crucial time with a female or gay candidate.

That leaves Mike Bloomberg.

If so, Trump has no chance once Americans compare the two, and Trump's forever loyal and uninformed base is not sufficient to carry him to the top.

Let's compare the two. Bloomberg made it on his own. Bloomberg was born at St. Elizabeth's Hospital, in Brighton, a neighborhood of Boston, Massachusetts, on February 14, 1942, to William Henry Bloomberg, a bookkeeper for a dairy company, and Charlotte (Rubens) Bloomberg. His family is Jewish. Bloomberg's paternal grandfather, Alexander "Elick" Bloomberg, was an immigrant from Russia. Bloomberg's maternal grandfather, Max Rubens, was an immigrant from what is present-day Belarus.

In 1973, Bloomberg became a general partner at Salomon Brothers, a large Wall Street investment bank, where he headed equity trading and, later, systems development. In 1981, Salomon Brothers was bought by Phibro Corporation, and Bloomberg was laid off from the investment bank. He was given no severance package, but owned $10 million worth of equity as a partner at the firm.

Using this money, Bloomberg, having designed in-house computerized financial systems for Salomon, went on to set up a company named Innovative Market Systems (IMS). Today, Bloomberg is worth $61.8 billion.

Trump's estimated net worth is $3.1 billion, and he was born with a silver spoon. All his wealth is inherited from his father, including consultants who keep the Trump organization profitable despite Trump's countless expensive mistakes. Lawyers are making a fortune off of Trump with his numerous bankruptcies and lawsuits.

Trump's Presidency is a disaster. He has done nothing for our booming economy except threaten it with high tariffs and a trade war with China. His domestic policy is nonexistent as he spends all his time protecting his friends from prosecutors. Six of his close associates face prison time, including his campaign manager and deputy campaign manager, along with his personal lawyer (Cohen) and former NSA. His foreign policy is catastrophic, creating a threat to our national security. He does not get along well with the leadership of our allies and friends while embracing autocrats like Putin, Kim, and Xi. Because of his obvious bias towards Israel, the U.S. has been thrown out of Middle East talks, replaced by Russia.

Bloomberg is honest to a fault. Indeed, as we speak, Bloomberg is being assaulted by some for his brutally honest statements of the past.

Compare this to Trump. We no longer can trust anything the President says. Think of that. Americans can't trust what their President says. Why? Three years after taking the oath of office, Trump has made more than 16,200 false or misleading claims — a milestone that would have been unthinkable when Fact Checker’s database was first created. The data analyzes, categorizes and tracks every suspect statement Trump has uttered.

No sitting President has ever faced a formidable opponent like Bloomberg, and Bloomberg is determined to unseat Trump. Whatever Trump does, Bloomberg will counter with 17 times the impact. This will be new to Trump who is used to getting his way as President. During the upcoming campaign, that will no longer be true.

Trump doesn't stand a chance.
Good because he didn't stand a chance in 2016 either.
Trump's Presidency is a disaster. He has done nothing for our booming economy ...

How can you talk about Trump's booming economy in the same sentence as talking about Trump not doing anything for it? This sounds kinda like an oxymoron...
Many observers feel for a variety of reasons that Mike Bloomberg will become the nominee of the Democratic Party. Senile Biden is weakening as Bloomberg grows stronger. The party won't make the mistake of nominating an Independent socialist, and the progressive, Warren, is also losing support since she explained how free everything would be paid for. There are serious doubts the party will experiment at this crucial time with a female or gay candidate.

That leaves Mike Bloomberg.

If so, Trump has no chance once Americans compare the two, and Trump's forever loyal and uninformed base is not sufficient to carry him to the top.

Let's compare the two. Bloomberg made it on his own. Bloomberg was born at St. Elizabeth's Hospital, in Brighton, a neighborhood of Boston, Massachusetts, on February 14, 1942, to William Henry Bloomberg, a bookkeeper for a dairy company, and Charlotte (Rubens) Bloomberg. His family is Jewish. Bloomberg's paternal grandfather, Alexander "Elick" Bloomberg, was an immigrant from Russia. Bloomberg's maternal grandfather, Max Rubens, was an immigrant from what is present-day Belarus.

In 1973, Bloomberg became a general partner at Salomon Brothers, a large Wall Street investment bank, where he headed equity trading and, later, systems development. In 1981, Salomon Brothers was bought by Phibro Corporation, and Bloomberg was laid off from the investment bank. He was given no severance package, but owned $10 million worth of equity as a partner at the firm.

Using this money, Bloomberg, having designed in-house computerized financial systems for Salomon, went on to set up a company named Innovative Market Systems (IMS). Today, Bloomberg is worth $61.8 billion.

Trump's estimated net worth is $3.1 billion, and he was born with a silver spoon. All his wealth is inherited from his father, including consultants who keep the Trump organization profitable despite Trump's countless expensive mistakes. Lawyers are making a fortune off of Trump with his numerous bankruptcies and lawsuits.

Trump's Presidency is a disaster. He has done nothing for our booming economy except threaten it with high tariffs and a trade war with China. His domestic policy is nonexistent as he spends all his time protecting his friends from prosecutors. Six of his close associates face prison time, including his campaign manager and deputy campaign manager, along with his personal lawyer (Cohen) and former NSA. His foreign policy is catastrophic, creating a threat to our national security. He does not get along well with the leadership of our allies and friends while embracing autocrats like Putin, Kim, and Xi. Because of his obvious bias towards Israel, the U.S. has been thrown out of Middle East talks, replaced by Russia.

Bloomberg is honest to a fault. Indeed, as we speak, Bloomberg is being assaulted by some for his brutally honest statements of the past.

Compare this to Trump. We no longer can trust anything the President says. Think of that. Americans can't trust what their President says. Why? Three years after taking the oath of office, Trump has made more than 16,200 false or misleading claims — a milestone that would have been unthinkable when Fact Checker’s database was first created. The data analyzes, categorizes and tracks every suspect statement Trump has uttered.

No sitting President has ever faced a formidable opponent like Bloomberg, and Bloomberg is determined to unseat Trump. Whatever Trump does, Bloomberg will counter with 17 times the impact. This will be new to Trump who is used to getting his way as President. During the upcoming campaign, that will no longer be true.

Trump doesn't stand a chance.
The year...………..2016...……….the competing candidates...…..the "unbeatable Hillary Clinton"...……..her opponent...…..some bombastic reality TV star with NO CHANCE of winning!
She should win a million to one!!!
He's a joke (cue laughter)!
Election night......He's got no chance (cue snickers!).
End of election night.....incredulous looks at the Electoral figure.....sad faces....tears.....HOW COULD THIS BE????!!!........cue more tears.
Videos start appearing: Woman on her knees, eyes closes, head facing the sky.....screams in horror! Another video...woman looks tearfully at the camera and screams:
How can this happen!!! You (enter your preferred expletive here) better fix this!!! I'm going to kill myself!!! (disappointingly she's still alive).
You are so convinced that he will win. A lot of blacks aren't that impressed with his sham apology regarding "stop and frisk" and housing statements, the stop and frisk, which he did for 12 years, without apology and is only saying he's sorry now, to win blacks votes.
Bloomberg is a classic Sociopath and many people see through his crap.
Add to this, more and more Democrats are switching to the old saying goes: "It's the economy, stupid." Plus, they have been watching how the left has been behaving for three years now and are frankly, embarrassed and see how the left is drifting towards the Marxist-Leninist ideology and they don't want that.
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