Trump doesn't stand a chance in November

Many observers feel for a variety of reasons that Mike Bloomberg will become the nominee of the Democratic Party. Senile Biden is weakening as Bloomberg grows stronger. The party won't make the mistake of nominating an Independent socialist, and the progressive, Warren, is also losing support since she explained how free everything would be paid for. There are serious doubts the party will experiment at this crucial time with a female or gay candidate.

That leaves Mike Bloomberg.

If so, Trump has no chance once Americans compare the two, and Trump's forever loyal and uninformed base is not sufficient to carry him to the top.

Let's compare the two. Bloomberg made it on his own. Bloomberg was born at St. Elizabeth's Hospital, in Brighton, a neighborhood of Boston, Massachusetts, on February 14, 1942, to William Henry Bloomberg, a bookkeeper for a dairy company, and Charlotte (Rubens) Bloomberg. His family is Jewish. Bloomberg's paternal grandfather, Alexander "Elick" Bloomberg, was an immigrant from Russia. Bloomberg's maternal grandfather, Max Rubens, was an immigrant from what is present-day Belarus.

In 1973, Bloomberg became a general partner at Salomon Brothers, a large Wall Street investment bank, where he headed equity trading and, later, systems development. In 1981, Salomon Brothers was bought by Phibro Corporation, and Bloomberg was laid off from the investment bank. He was given no severance package, but owned $10 million worth of equity as a partner at the firm.

Using this money, Bloomberg, having designed in-house computerized financial systems for Salomon, went on to set up a company named Innovative Market Systems (IMS). Today, Bloomberg is worth $61.8 billion.

Trump's estimated net worth is $3.1 billion, and he was born with a silver spoon. All his wealth is inherited from his father, including consultants who keep the Trump organization profitable despite Trump's countless expensive mistakes. Lawyers are making a fortune off of Trump with his numerous bankruptcies and lawsuits.

Trump's Presidency is a disaster. He has done nothing for our booming economy except threaten it with high tariffs and a trade war with China. His domestic policy is nonexistent as he spends all his time protecting his friends from prosecutors. Six of his close associates face prison time, including his campaign manager and deputy campaign manager, along with his personal lawyer (Cohen) and former NSA. His foreign policy is catastrophic, creating a threat to our national security. He does not get along well with the leadership of our allies and friends while embracing autocrats like Putin, Kim, and Xi. Because of his obvious bias towards Israel, the U.S. has been thrown out of Middle East talks, replaced by Russia.

Bloomberg is honest to a fault. Indeed, as we speak, Bloomberg is being assaulted by some for his brutally honest statements of the past.

Compare this to Trump. We no longer can trust anything the President says. Think of that. Americans can't trust what their President says. Why? Three years after taking the oath of office, Trump has made more than 16,200 false or misleading claims — a milestone that would have been unthinkable when Fact Checker’s database was first created. The data analyzes, categorizes and tracks every suspect statement Trump has uttered.

No sitting President has ever faced a formidable opponent like Bloomberg, and Bloomberg is determined to unseat Trump. Whatever Trump does, Bloomberg will counter with 17 times the impact. This will be new to Trump who is used to getting his way as President. During the upcoming campaign, that will no longer be true.

Trump doesn't stand a chance.


Many observers feel for a variety of reasons that Mike Bloomberg will become the nominee of the Democratic Party. Senile Biden is weakening as Bloomberg grows stronger. The party won't make the mistake of nominating an Independent socialist, and the progressive, Warren, is also losing support since she explained how free everything would be paid for. There are serious doubts the party will experiment at this crucial time with a female or gay candidate.

That leaves Mike Bloomberg.

If so, Trump has no chance once Americans compare the two, and Trump's forever loyal and uninformed base is not sufficient to carry him to the top.

Let's compare the two. Bloomberg made it on his own. Bloomberg was born at St. Elizabeth's Hospital, in Brighton, a neighborhood of Boston, Massachusetts, on February 14, 1942, to William Henry Bloomberg, a bookkeeper for a dairy company, and Charlotte (Rubens) Bloomberg. His family is Jewish. Bloomberg's paternal grandfather, Alexander "Elick" Bloomberg, was an immigrant from Russia. Bloomberg's maternal grandfather, Max Rubens, was an immigrant from what is present-day Belarus.

In 1973, Bloomberg became a general partner at Salomon Brothers, a large Wall Street investment bank, where he headed equity trading and, later, systems development. In 1981, Salomon Brothers was bought by Phibro Corporation, and Bloomberg was laid off from the investment bank. He was given no severance package, but owned $10 million worth of equity as a partner at the firm.

Using this money, Bloomberg, having designed in-house computerized financial systems for Salomon, went on to set up a company named Innovative Market Systems (IMS). Today, Bloomberg is worth $61.8 billion.

Trump's estimated net worth is $3.1 billion, and he was born with a silver spoon. All his wealth is inherited from his father, including consultants who keep the Trump organization profitable despite Trump's countless expensive mistakes. Lawyers are making a fortune off of Trump with his numerous bankruptcies and lawsuits.

Trump's Presidency is a disaster. He has done nothing for our booming economy except threaten it with high tariffs and a trade war with China. His domestic policy is nonexistent as he spends all his time protecting his friends from prosecutors. Six of his close associates face prison time, including his campaign manager and deputy campaign manager, along with his personal lawyer (Cohen) and former NSA. His foreign policy is catastrophic, creating a threat to our national security. He does not get along well with the leadership of our allies and friends while embracing autocrats like Putin, Kim, and Xi. Because of his obvious bias towards Israel, the U.S. has been thrown out of Middle East talks, replaced by Russia.

Bloomberg is honest to a fault. Indeed, as we speak, Bloomberg is being assaulted by some for his brutally honest statements of the past.

Compare this to Trump. We no longer can trust anything the President says. Think of that. Americans can't trust what their President says. Why? Three years after taking the oath of office, Trump has made more than 16,200 false or misleading claims — a milestone that would have been unthinkable when Fact Checker’s database was first created. The data analyzes, categorizes and tracks every suspect statement Trump has uttered.

No sitting President has ever faced a formidable opponent like Bloomberg, and Bloomberg is determined to unseat Trump. Whatever Trump does, Bloomberg will counter with 17 times the impact. This will be new to Trump who is used to getting his way as President. During the upcoming campaign, that will no longer be true.

Trump doesn't stand a chance.
So far, the only thing notable about Bloomberg is the enormous amount of money he is spending on ads, far more than all the other candidates combined, but he remains low in the voter polls.
Many observers feel for a variety of reasons that Mike Bloomberg will become the nominee of the Democratic Party. Senile Biden is weakening as Bloomberg grows stronger. The party won't make the mistake of nominating an Independent socialist, and the progressive, Warren, is also losing support since she explained how free everything would be paid for. There are serious doubts the party will experiment at this crucial time with a female or gay candidate.

That leaves Mike Bloomberg.

If so, Trump has no chance once Americans compare the two, and Trump's forever loyal and uninformed base is not sufficient to carry him to the top.

Let's compare the two. Bloomberg made it on his own. Bloomberg was born at St. Elizabeth's Hospital, in Brighton, a neighborhood of Boston, Massachusetts, on February 14, 1942, to William Henry Bloomberg, a bookkeeper for a dairy company, and Charlotte (Rubens) Bloomberg. His family is Jewish. Bloomberg's paternal grandfather, Alexander "Elick" Bloomberg, was an immigrant from Russia. Bloomberg's maternal grandfather, Max Rubens, was an immigrant from what is present-day Belarus.

In 1973, Bloomberg became a general partner at Salomon Brothers, a large Wall Street investment bank, where he headed equity trading and, later, systems development. In 1981, Salomon Brothers was bought by Phibro Corporation, and Bloomberg was laid off from the investment bank. He was given no severance package, but owned $10 million worth of equity as a partner at the firm.

Using this money, Bloomberg, having designed in-house computerized financial systems for Salomon, went on to set up a company named Innovative Market Systems (IMS). Today, Bloomberg is worth $61.8 billion.

Trump's estimated net worth is $3.1 billion, and he was born with a silver spoon. All his wealth is inherited from his father, including consultants who keep the Trump organization profitable despite Trump's countless expensive mistakes. Lawyers are making a fortune off of Trump with his numerous bankruptcies and lawsuits.

Trump's Presidency is a disaster. He has done nothing for our booming economy except threaten it with high tariffs and a trade war with China. His domestic policy is nonexistent as he spends all his time protecting his friends from prosecutors. Six of his close associates face prison time, including his campaign manager and deputy campaign manager, along with his personal lawyer (Cohen) and former NSA. His foreign policy is catastrophic, creating a threat to our national security. He does not get along well with the leadership of our allies and friends while embracing autocrats like Putin, Kim, and Xi. Because of his obvious bias towards Israel, the U.S. has been thrown out of Middle East talks, replaced by Russia.

Bloomberg is honest to a fault. Indeed, as we speak, Bloomberg is being assaulted by some for his brutally honest statements of the past.

Compare this to Trump. We no longer can trust anything the President says. Think of that. Americans can't trust what their President says. Why? Three years after taking the oath of office, Trump has made more than 16,200 false or misleading claims — a milestone that would have been unthinkable when Fact Checker’s database was first created. The data analyzes, categorizes and tracks every suspect statement Trump has uttered.

No sitting President has ever faced a formidable opponent like Bloomberg, and Bloomberg is determined to unseat Trump. Whatever Trump does, Bloomberg will counter with 17 times the impact. This will be new to Trump who is used to getting his way as President. During the upcoming campaign, that will no longer be true.

Trump doesn't stand a chance.

Bloomie will need 2 boxes to stand up to Trump and Trump will kick them out from under him
We all know Trump has done little or nothing for our booming economy except threaten it with his high tariffs and a dangerous trade war with China. Our economy survived and after treading water for 20 months, from January 2018 to September 2019, it is now setting records again because Trump is backing down on his trade war.

Contrast that with the previous administration. Obama wrote, “Eleven years ago today, near the bottom of the worst recession in generations, I signed the Recovery Act, paving the way for more than a decade of economic growth and the longest streak of job creation in American history."

The Trump White House first responded with attack dog mentality, their usual tactic. “President Trump reversed every single failed Obama-era economic policy, and with it, reversed the floundering Obama/Biden economy,” Trump campaign national press secretary Kayleigh McEnany said. “Obama and Biden orchestrated the worst economic recovery in modern history.”

The unsupported hyperbole speaks for itself. It is how Trump operates

She added: “By contrast, though, deregulating, lowering taxes, and supporting free-market policies, President Trump has created the hottest economy on record, with unemployment hitting generational lows and all-time lows for African Americans, Hispanics, the disabled, veterans and many other hard-working Americans.”

McEnany tried to say something useful, but she working with a handicap, Trump. Deregulation merely reduced paperwork and nullified many regulations designed to protect our environment, which is of low priority with Trump. Congress lowered taxes. Congress wrote the entire law. Trump just signed the bill. What does "supporting free-market policies" mean? It means nothing other than the fact that Trump is a free market capitalist.

The rest of the press secretary's comments dealt with the results of a booming economy, not what Trump did. That is a popular tactic used by the Trump campaign national headquarters, confusing actions with results.

It fools Trump's base every time.
If Little Mickey seriously wants to prevent Hillary from being the nominee he'd best first check all his life insurance policies for suicide exclusions.
We all know Trump has done little or nothing for our booming economy except threaten it with his high tariffs and a dangerous trade war with China. Our economy survived and after treading water for 20 months, from January 2018 to September 2019, it is now setting records again because Trump is backing down on his trade war.

Contrast that with the previous administration. Obama wrote, “Eleven years ago today, near the bottom of the worst recession in generations, I signed the Recovery Act, paving the way for more than a decade of economic growth and the longest streak of job creation in American history."

The Trump White House first responded with attack dog mentality, their usual tactic. “President Trump reversed every single failed Obama-era economic policy, and with it, reversed the floundering Obama/Biden economy,” Trump campaign national press secretary Kayleigh McEnany said. “Obama and Biden orchestrated the worst economic recovery in modern history.”

The unsupported hyperbole speaks for itself. It is how Trump operates

She added: “By contrast, though, deregulating, lowering taxes, and supporting free-market policies, President Trump has created the hottest economy on record, with unemployment hitting generational lows and all-time lows for African Americans, Hispanics, the disabled, veterans and many other hard-working Americans.”

McEnany tried to say something useful, but she working with a handicap, Trump. Deregulation merely reduced paperwork and nullified many regulations designed to protect our environment, which is of low priority with Trump. Congress lowered taxes. Congress wrote the entire law. Trump just signed the bill. What does "supporting free-market policies" mean? It means nothing other than the fact that Trump is a free market capitalist.

The rest of the press secretary's comments dealt with the results of a booming economy, not what Trump did. That is a popular tactic used by the Trump campaign national headquarters, confusing actions with results.

It fools Trump's base every time.

Lets start with the Obama approach to jobs, globalism, and the US economy:

Then look at the Labor "Participation Rate" and note that Obama was losing jobs and Trump is bringing jobs back

Repatriated profits total $465 billion after Trump tax cuts - leaving $2.5 trillion overseas
"How it all plays out remains to be seen, but even without all the overseas profits returning home, the U.S. economy is booming."

So the bottom-line on the Trump economy goes something like this:
1. Deregulation means pipeline construction and the US is the top energy producer in the world. Cheap energy helps the US economy.
2. Repatriation of $500b from overseas means continued US growth, especially in manufacturing
3. Tariffs and renegotiated trade deals mean a level playing field and more US exports and jobs.
4. The southern wall and ICE deportations mean fewer illegals, less cheap labor, and more income for citizens.
5. The "war on drugs and gangs" means a healthier work force and higher productivity
6. The stock market and everyone's 401K's are growing meaning that the "wealth effect" helps the US economy, consumer confidence is at an all time high, and consumers are spending.
In a new Hill.TV/HarrisX American Barometer poll released Tuesday, an overwhelming majority of respondents, 76 percent, said they would not vote for a “socialist” political candidate, while only 24 percent of those polled said they would vote for a socialist candidate.

A new NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll asked Americans about their impression of socialism, 28% of adults said they have a favorable view, while 58% said they had an unfavorable one.

It is true the Sanders was leading in a poll conducted by the Wall Street Journal and NBC — but only among Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents when asked who they supported for the Democratic nomination. He had 27% support compared to Mike Bloomberg, Joe Biden and Sen. Elizabeth Warren, each with 14% support. And in a hypothetical matchup, he was narrowly ahead of President Donald Trump.

But two-thirds of all voters — Democrats plus everyone else — said they would be uncomfortable with a socialist President.

Sanders is leading in most polls of Democrats, and the highest approval rating I have seen is 31%. That means 69% of Democrats do not want Sanders as their candidate.
In a new Hill.TV/HarrisX American Barometer poll released Tuesday, an overwhelming majority of respondents, 76 percent, said they would not vote for a “socialist” political candidate, while only 24 percent of those polled said they would vote for a socialist candidate.

A new NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll asked Americans about their impression of socialism, 28% of adults said they have a favorable view, while 58% said they had an unfavorable one.

It is true the Sanders was leading in a poll conducted by the Wall Street Journal and NBC — but only among Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents when asked who they supported for the Democratic nomination. He had 27% support compared to Mike Bloomberg, Joe Biden and Sen. Elizabeth Warren, each with 14% support. And in a hypothetical matchup, he was narrowly ahead of President Donald Trump.

But two-thirds of all voters — Democrats plus everyone else — said they would be uncomfortable with a socialist President.

Sanders is leading in most polls of Democrats, and the highest approval rating I have seen is 31%. That means 69% of Democrats do not want Sanders as their candidate.
and you are the OP that claimed Trump doesn't have a chance to win in November? lol
Many observers feel for a variety of reasons that Mike Bloomberg will become the nominee of the Democratic Party. Senile Biden is weakening as Bloomberg grows stronger. The party won't make the mistake of nominating an Independent socialist, and the progressive, Warren, is also losing support since she explained how free everything would be paid for. There are serious doubts the party will experiment at this crucial time with a female or gay candidate.

That leaves Mike Bloomberg.

If so, Trump has no chance once Americans compare the two, and Trump's forever loyal and uninformed base is not sufficient to carry him to the top.

Let's compare the two. Bloomberg made it on his own. Bloomberg was born at St. Elizabeth's Hospital, in Brighton, a neighborhood of Boston, Massachusetts, on February 14, 1942, to William Henry Bloomberg, a bookkeeper for a dairy company, and Charlotte (Rubens) Bloomberg. His family is Jewish. Bloomberg's paternal grandfather, Alexander "Elick" Bloomberg, was an immigrant from Russia. Bloomberg's maternal grandfather, Max Rubens, was an immigrant from what is present-day Belarus.

In 1973, Bloomberg became a general partner at Salomon Brothers, a large Wall Street investment bank, where he headed equity trading and, later, systems development. In 1981, Salomon Brothers was bought by Phibro Corporation, and Bloomberg was laid off from the investment bank. He was given no severance package, but owned $10 million worth of equity as a partner at the firm.

Using this money, Bloomberg, having designed in-house computerized financial systems for Salomon, went on to set up a company named Innovative Market Systems (IMS). Today, Bloomberg is worth $61.8 billion.

Trump's estimated net worth is $3.1 billion, and he was born with a silver spoon. All his wealth is inherited from his father, including consultants who keep the Trump organization profitable despite Trump's countless expensive mistakes. Lawyers are making a fortune off of Trump with his numerous bankruptcies and lawsuits.

Trump's Presidency is a disaster. He has done nothing for our booming economy except threaten it with high tariffs and a trade war with China. His domestic policy is nonexistent as he spends all his time protecting his friends from prosecutors. Six of his close associates face prison time, including his campaign manager and deputy campaign manager, along with his personal lawyer (Cohen) and former NSA. His foreign policy is catastrophic, creating a threat to our national security. He does not get along well with the leadership of our allies and friends while embracing autocrats like Putin, Kim, and Xi. Because of his obvious bias towards Israel, the U.S. has been thrown out of Middle East talks, replaced by Russia.

Bloomberg is honest to a fault. Indeed, as we speak, Bloomberg is being assaulted by some for his brutally honest statements of the past.

Compare this to Trump. We no longer can trust anything the President says. Think of that. Americans can't trust what their President says. Why? Three years after taking the oath of office, Trump has made more than 16,200 false or misleading claims — a milestone that would have been unthinkable when Fact Checker’s database was first created. The data analyzes, categorizes and tracks every suspect statement Trump has uttered.

No sitting President has ever faced a formidable opponent like Bloomberg, and Bloomberg is determined to unseat Trump. Whatever Trump does, Bloomberg will counter with 17 times the impact. This will be new to Trump who is used to getting his way as President. During the upcoming campaign, that will no longer be true.

Trump doesn't stand a chance.

You're right Trump doesn't stand even the slightest or remotest chance of losing. The Democrats are doing absolutely everything in their power to lose. They are bound and determined to lose and make absolutely sure that Donald Trump is reelected.
It looks like last night the Democrats did their level best to ensure that Trump is reelected in November.
Many observers feel for a variety of reasons that Mike Bloomberg will become the nominee of the Democratic Party. Senile Biden is weakening as Bloomberg grows stronger. The party won't make the mistake of nominating an Independent socialist, and the progressive, Warren, is also losing support since she explained how free everything would be paid for. There are serious doubts the party will experiment at this crucial time with a female or gay candidate.

That leaves Mike Bloomberg.

If so, Trump has no chance once Americans compare the two, and Trump's forever loyal and uninformed base is not sufficient to carry him to the top.

Let's compare the two. Bloomberg made it on his own. Bloomberg was born at St. Elizabeth's Hospital, in Brighton, a neighborhood of Boston, Massachusetts, on February 14, 1942, to William Henry Bloomberg, a bookkeeper for a dairy company, and Charlotte (Rubens) Bloomberg. His family is Jewish. Bloomberg's paternal grandfather, Alexander "Elick" Bloomberg, was an immigrant from Russia. Bloomberg's maternal grandfather, Max Rubens, was an immigrant from what is present-day Belarus.

In 1973, Bloomberg became a general partner at Salomon Brothers, a large Wall Street investment bank, where he headed equity trading and, later, systems development. In 1981, Salomon Brothers was bought by Phibro Corporation, and Bloomberg was laid off from the investment bank. He was given no severance package, but owned $10 million worth of equity as a partner at the firm.

Using this money, Bloomberg, having designed in-house computerized financial systems for Salomon, went on to set up a company named Innovative Market Systems (IMS). Today, Bloomberg is worth $61.8 billion.

Trump's estimated net worth is $3.1 billion, and he was born with a silver spoon. All his wealth is inherited from his father, including consultants who keep the Trump organization profitable despite Trump's countless expensive mistakes. Lawyers are making a fortune off of Trump with his numerous bankruptcies and lawsuits.

Trump's Presidency is a disaster. He has done nothing for our booming economy except threaten it with high tariffs and a trade war with China. His domestic policy is nonexistent as he spends all his time protecting his friends from prosecutors. Six of his close associates face prison time, including his campaign manager and deputy campaign manager, along with his personal lawyer (Cohen) and former NSA. His foreign policy is catastrophic, creating a threat to our national security. He does not get along well with the leadership of our allies and friends while embracing autocrats like Putin, Kim, and Xi. Because of his obvious bias towards Israel, the U.S. has been thrown out of Middle East talks, replaced by Russia.

Bloomberg is honest to a fault. Indeed, as we speak, Bloomberg is being assaulted by some for his brutally honest statements of the past.

Compare this to Trump. We no longer can trust anything the President says. Think of that. Americans can't trust what their President says. Why? Three years after taking the oath of office, Trump has made more than 16,200 false or misleading claims — a milestone that would have been unthinkable when Fact Checker’s database was first created. The data analyzes, categorizes and tracks every suspect statement Trump has uttered.

No sitting President has ever faced a formidable opponent like Bloomberg, and Bloomberg is determined to unseat Trump. Whatever Trump does, Bloomberg will counter with 17 times the impact. This will be new to Trump who is used to getting his way as President. During the upcoming campaign, that will no longer be true.

Trump doesn't stand a chance.

You're right Trump doesn't stand even the slightest or remotest chance of losing. The Democrats are doing absolutely everything in their power to lose. They are bound and determined to lose and make absolutely sure that Donald Trump is reelected.

The Democrats seem to be snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.
Many observers feel for a variety of reasons that Mike Bloomberg will become the nominee of the Democratic Party. Senile Biden is weakening as Bloomberg grows stronger. The party won't make the mistake of nominating an Independent socialist, and the progressive, Warren, is also losing support since she explained how free everything would be paid for. There are serious doubts the party will experiment at this crucial time with a female or gay candidate.

That leaves Mike Bloomberg.

If so, Trump has no chance once Americans compare the two, and Trump's forever loyal and uninformed base is not sufficient to carry him to the top.

Let's compare the two. Bloomberg made it on his own. Bloomberg was born at St. Elizabeth's Hospital, in Brighton, a neighborhood of Boston, Massachusetts, on February 14, 1942, to William Henry Bloomberg, a bookkeeper for a dairy company, and Charlotte (Rubens) Bloomberg. His family is Jewish. Bloomberg's paternal grandfather, Alexander "Elick" Bloomberg, was an immigrant from Russia. Bloomberg's maternal grandfather, Max Rubens, was an immigrant from what is present-day Belarus.

In 1973, Bloomberg became a general partner at Salomon Brothers, a large Wall Street investment bank, where he headed equity trading and, later, systems development. In 1981, Salomon Brothers was bought by Phibro Corporation, and Bloomberg was laid off from the investment bank. He was given no severance package, but owned $10 million worth of equity as a partner at the firm.

Using this money, Bloomberg, having designed in-house computerized financial systems for Salomon, went on to set up a company named Innovative Market Systems (IMS). Today, Bloomberg is worth $61.8 billion.

Trump's estimated net worth is $3.1 billion, and he was born with a silver spoon. All his wealth is inherited from his father, including consultants who keep the Trump organization profitable despite Trump's countless expensive mistakes. Lawyers are making a fortune off of Trump with his numerous bankruptcies and lawsuits.

Trump's Presidency is a disaster. He has done nothing for our booming economy except threaten it with high tariffs and a trade war with China. His domestic policy is nonexistent as he spends all his time protecting his friends from prosecutors. Six of his close associates face prison time, including his campaign manager and deputy campaign manager, along with his personal lawyer (Cohen) and former NSA. His foreign policy is catastrophic, creating a threat to our national security. He does not get along well with the leadership of our allies and friends while embracing autocrats like Putin, Kim, and Xi. Because of his obvious bias towards Israel, the U.S. has been thrown out of Middle East talks, replaced by Russia.

Bloomberg is honest to a fault. Indeed, as we speak, Bloomberg is being assaulted by some for his brutally honest statements of the past.

Compare this to Trump. We no longer can trust anything the President says. Think of that. Americans can't trust what their President says. Why? Three years after taking the oath of office, Trump has made more than 16,200 false or misleading claims — a milestone that would have been unthinkable when Fact Checker’s database was first created. The data analyzes, categorizes and tracks every suspect statement Trump has uttered.

No sitting President has ever faced a formidable opponent like Bloomberg, and Bloomberg is determined to unseat Trump. Whatever Trump does, Bloomberg will counter with 17 times the impact. This will be new to Trump who is used to getting his way as President. During the upcoming campaign, that will no longer be true.

Trump doesn't stand a chance.
"Trump doesn't stand a chance" Where have I heard that before?
Many observers feel for a variety of reasons that Mike Bloomberg will become the nominee of the Democratic Party. Senile Biden is weakening as Bloomberg grows stronger. The party won't make the mistake of nominating an Independent socialist, and the progressive, Warren, is also losing support since she explained how free everything would be paid for. There are serious doubts the party will experiment at this crucial time with a female or gay candidate.

That leaves Mike Bloomberg.

If so, Trump has no chance once Americans compare the two, and Trump's forever loyal and uninformed base is not sufficient to carry him to the top.

Let's compare the two. Bloomberg made it on his own. Bloomberg was born at St. Elizabeth's Hospital, in Brighton, a neighborhood of Boston, Massachusetts, on February 14, 1942, to William Henry Bloomberg, a bookkeeper for a dairy company, and Charlotte (Rubens) Bloomberg. His family is Jewish. Bloomberg's paternal grandfather, Alexander "Elick" Bloomberg, was an immigrant from Russia. Bloomberg's maternal grandfather, Max Rubens, was an immigrant from what is present-day Belarus.

In 1973, Bloomberg became a general partner at Salomon Brothers, a large Wall Street investment bank, where he headed equity trading and, later, systems development. In 1981, Salomon Brothers was bought by Phibro Corporation, and Bloomberg was laid off from the investment bank. He was given no severance package, but owned $10 million worth of equity as a partner at the firm.

Using this money, Bloomberg, having designed in-house computerized financial systems for Salomon, went on to set up a company named Innovative Market Systems (IMS). Today, Bloomberg is worth $61.8 billion.

Trump's estimated net worth is $3.1 billion, and he was born with a silver spoon. All his wealth is inherited from his father, including consultants who keep the Trump organization profitable despite Trump's countless expensive mistakes. Lawyers are making a fortune off of Trump with his numerous bankruptcies and lawsuits.

Trump's Presidency is a disaster. He has done nothing for our booming economy except threaten it with high tariffs and a trade war with China. His domestic policy is nonexistent as he spends all his time protecting his friends from prosecutors. Six of his close associates face prison time, including his campaign manager and deputy campaign manager, along with his personal lawyer (Cohen) and former NSA. His foreign policy is catastrophic, creating a threat to our national security. He does not get along well with the leadership of our allies and friends while embracing autocrats like Putin, Kim, and Xi. Because of his obvious bias towards Israel, the U.S. has been thrown out of Middle East talks, replaced by Russia.

Bloomberg is honest to a fault. Indeed, as we speak, Bloomberg is being assaulted by some for his brutally honest statements of the past.

Compare this to Trump. We no longer can trust anything the President says. Think of that. Americans can't trust what their President says. Why? Three years after taking the oath of office, Trump has made more than 16,200 false or misleading claims — a milestone that would have been unthinkable when Fact Checker’s database was first created. The data analyzes, categorizes and tracks every suspect statement Trump has uttered.

No sitting President has ever faced a formidable opponent like Bloomberg, and Bloomberg is determined to unseat Trump. Whatever Trump does, Bloomberg will counter with 17 times the impact. This will be new to Trump who is used to getting his way as President. During the upcoming campaign, that will no longer be true.

Trump doesn't stand a chance.

You're right Trump doesn't stand even the slightest or remotest chance of losing. The Democrats are doing absolutely everything in their power to lose. They are bound and determined to lose and make absolutely sure that Donald Trump is reelected.

The Democrats seem to be snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.
You're only fooling yourself if you thought anyone in the democrat clown car had a chance to win
Many observers feel for a variety of reasons that Mike Bloomberg will become the nominee of the Democratic Party. Senile Biden is weakening as Bloomberg grows stronger. The party won't make the mistake of nominating an Independent socialist, and the progressive, Warren, is also losing support since she explained how free everything would be paid for. There are serious doubts the party will experiment at this crucial time with a female or gay candidate.

That leaves Mike Bloomberg.

If so, Trump has no chance once Americans compare the two, and Trump's forever loyal and uninformed base is not sufficient to carry him to the top.

Let's compare the two. Bloomberg made it on his own. Bloomberg was born at St. Elizabeth's Hospital, in Brighton, a neighborhood of Boston, Massachusetts, on February 14, 1942, to William Henry Bloomberg, a bookkeeper for a dairy company, and Charlotte (Rubens) Bloomberg. His family is Jewish. Bloomberg's paternal grandfather, Alexander "Elick" Bloomberg, was an immigrant from Russia. Bloomberg's maternal grandfather, Max Rubens, was an immigrant from what is present-day Belarus.

In 1973, Bloomberg became a general partner at Salomon Brothers, a large Wall Street investment bank, where he headed equity trading and, later, systems development. In 1981, Salomon Brothers was bought by Phibro Corporation, and Bloomberg was laid off from the investment bank. He was given no severance package, but owned $10 million worth of equity as a partner at the firm.

Using this money, Bloomberg, having designed in-house computerized financial systems for Salomon, went on to set up a company named Innovative Market Systems (IMS). Today, Bloomberg is worth $61.8 billion.

Trump's estimated net worth is $3.1 billion, and he was born with a silver spoon. All his wealth is inherited from his father, including consultants who keep the Trump organization profitable despite Trump's countless expensive mistakes. Lawyers are making a fortune off of Trump with his numerous bankruptcies and lawsuits.

Trump's Presidency is a disaster. He has done nothing for our booming economy except threaten it with high tariffs and a trade war with China. His domestic policy is nonexistent as he spends all his time protecting his friends from prosecutors. Six of his close associates face prison time, including his campaign manager and deputy campaign manager, along with his personal lawyer (Cohen) and former NSA. His foreign policy is catastrophic, creating a threat to our national security. He does not get along well with the leadership of our allies and friends while embracing autocrats like Putin, Kim, and Xi. Because of his obvious bias towards Israel, the U.S. has been thrown out of Middle East talks, replaced by Russia.

Bloomberg is honest to a fault. Indeed, as we speak, Bloomberg is being assaulted by some for his brutally honest statements of the past.

Compare this to Trump. We no longer can trust anything the President says. Think of that. Americans can't trust what their President says. Why? Three years after taking the oath of office, Trump has made more than 16,200 false or misleading claims — a milestone that would have been unthinkable when Fact Checker’s database was first created. The data analyzes, categorizes and tracks every suspect statement Trump has uttered.

No sitting President has ever faced a formidable opponent like Bloomberg, and Bloomberg is determined to unseat Trump. Whatever Trump does, Bloomberg will counter with 17 times the impact. This will be new to Trump who is used to getting his way as President. During the upcoming campaign, that will no longer be true.

Trump doesn't stand a chance.

You're right Trump doesn't stand even the slightest or remotest chance of losing. The Democrats are doing absolutely everything in their power to lose. They are bound and determined to lose and make absolutely sure that Donald Trump is reelected.

The Democrats seem to be snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

I don't think the jaws of victory are even in the same hemisphere as the Democrats today.
The New York Post reports, "President Trump on Sunday accused Rep. Adam Schiff of leaking intelligence that Russia is trying to interfere in the 2020 presidential election to help Bernie Sanders.

“They ought to investigate Adam Schiff for leaking that intelligence,” the president told reporters, adding that he hadn’t been briefed on any Russian meddling on Sanders’ behalf." :290968001256257790-final:

In other words, Trump didn't want the American people to know about the threat posed by Russia to our Presidential election.

In other words, Trump is placing the blame on Schiff for Russia's threat to our Presidential election.

Trump is an embarrassment to our entire country. The American people know more about what is going on than Trump.
In other words, Trump didn't want the American people to know about the threat posed by Russia to our Presidential election.

In other words, Trump is placing the blame on Schiff for Russia's threat to our Presidential election.

Trump is an embarrassment to our entire country. The American people know more about what is going on than Trump.

“Nice deflection, Mr. President. But your false claims fool no one. You welcomed Russian help in 2016, tried to coerce Ukraine’s help in 2019, and won’t protect our elections in 2020. Now you fired your intel chief for briefing Congress about it. You’ve betrayed America. Again,” Schiff responded.
The New York Post reports, "President Trump on Sunday accused Rep. Adam Schiff of leaking intelligence that Russia is trying to interfere in the 2020 presidential election to help Bernie Sanders.

“They ought to investigate Adam Schiff for leaking that intelligence,” the president told reporters, adding that he hadn’t been briefed on any Russian meddling on Sanders’ behalf." :290968001256257790-final:

In other words, Trump didn't want the American people to know about the threat posed by Russia to our Presidential election.

In other words, Trump is placing the blame on Schiff for Russia's threat to our Presidential election.

Trump is an embarrassment to our entire country. The American people know more about what is going on than Trump.

In other words, Trump didn't want the American people to know about the threat posed by Russia to our Presidential election.

Are Russian memes going to flip your vote to Trump......again?
In other words, Trump didn't want the American people to know about the threat posed by Russia to our Presidential election.

In other words, Trump is placing the blame on Schiff for Russia's threat to our Presidential election.

Trump is an embarrassment to our entire country. The American people know more about what is going on than Trump.

“Nice deflection, Mr. President. But your false claims fool no one. You welcomed Russian help in 2016, tried to coerce Ukraine’s help in 2019, and won’t protect our elections in 2020. Now you fired your intel chief for briefing Congress about it. You’ve betrayed America. Again,” Schiff responded.

You welcomed Russian help in 2016,

How did he "welcome Russian help"?

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