Trump Drags Allies into Wiretap lie Controversy


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2011
In a Republic, actually
"Trump’s unproven allegation that his predecessor wiretapped Trump Tower in New York ahead of the election blazed a new path of political disruption Friday as he dragged two foreign allies into his increasingly thin argument that he is right.

Standing next to German Chancellor Angela Merkel at a White House news conference Friday afternoon, Trump declined to express regret for the accusation he tweeted nearly two weeks ago, despite some of the highest-ranking members of his own party saying they have seen no evidence that any such wiretapping occurred. Trump also passed on the opportunity to reject an unfounded report from a Fox News commentator asserting that British intelligence agents were involved in the alleged spying — even though White House officials had just assured livid British leaders that they would no longer promote the claim.
The international incidents cap nearly two weeks of surreal debate over the president’s apparently baseless accusation that Obama personally ordered the wiretapping of his Trump Tower campaign headquarters, consuming the time of not only White House staffers but also Congress, the Justice Department, the CIA and other intelligence agencies.”

Trump drags key foreign allies into controversy over unproven wiretap claims

Surreal indeed, as well as bizarre and ridiculous.

And there’s nothing to ‘debate,’ the notion that President Obama ‘wiretapped’ Trump Tower is just another Trump lie, along with the lie that British intelligence was involved.

How anyone in good faith can support or defend the likes of Trump remains a mystery.
"Trump’s unproven allegation that his predecessor wiretapped Trump Tower in New York ahead of the election blazed a new path of political disruption Friday as he dragged two foreign allies into his increasingly thin argument that he is right.

Standing next to German Chancellor Angela Merkel at a White House news conference Friday afternoon, Trump declined to express regret for the accusation he tweeted nearly two weeks ago, despite some of the highest-ranking members of his own party saying they have seen no evidence that any such wiretapping occurred. Trump also passed on the opportunity to reject an unfounded report from a Fox News commentator asserting that British intelligence agents were involved in the alleged spying — even though White House officials had just assured livid British leaders that they would no longer promote the claim.
The international incidents cap nearly two weeks of surreal debate over the president’s apparently baseless accusation that Obama personally ordered the wiretapping of his Trump Tower campaign headquarters, consuming the time of not only White House staffers but also Congress, the Justice Department, the CIA and other intelligence agencies.”

Trump drags key foreign allies into controversy over unproven wiretap claims

Surreal indeed, as well as bizarre and ridiculous.

And there’s nothing to ‘debate,’ the notion that President Obama ‘wiretapped’ Trump Tower is just another Trump lie, along with the lie that British intelligence was involved.

How anyone in good faith can support or defend the likes of Trump remains a mystery.

Yeah....and they also said Trump probably didn't pay any income taxes.......and see how that turned out for them...

You morons keep underestimating Trump...good......
Yeah....and they also said Trump probably didn't pay any income taxes.......and see how that turned out for them...

In a document from 2005 leaked by Donald Trump himself, in which he didn't even pay the full tax burden legally required.

Yeah....and they also said Trump probably didn't pay any income taxes.......and see how that turned out for them...

In a document from 2005 leaked by Donald Trump himself, in which he didn't even pay the full tax burden legally required.

You're a moron, if the exact same document said he didn't pay taxes. You would swear by it. Liberals have egg all over your face on this one.
"Trump’s unproven allegation that his predecessor wiretapped Trump Tower in New York ahead of the election blazed a new path of political disruption Friday as he dragged two foreign allies into his increasingly thin argument that he is right.

Standing next to German Chancellor Angela Merkel at a White House news conference Friday afternoon, Trump declined to express regret for the accusation he tweeted nearly two weeks ago, despite some of the highest-ranking members of his own party saying they have seen no evidence that any such wiretapping occurred. Trump also passed on the opportunity to reject an unfounded report from a Fox News commentator asserting that British intelligence agents were involved in the alleged spying — even though White House officials had just assured livid British leaders that they would no longer promote the claim.
The international incidents cap nearly two weeks of surreal debate over the president’s apparently baseless accusation that Obama personally ordered the wiretapping of his Trump Tower campaign headquarters, consuming the time of not only White House staffers but also Congress, the Justice Department, the CIA and other intelligence agencies.”

Trump drags key foreign allies into controversy over unproven wiretap claims

Surreal indeed, as well as bizarre and ridiculous.

And there’s nothing to ‘debate,’ the notion that President Obama ‘wiretapped’ Trump Tower is just another Trump lie, along with the lie that British intelligence was involved.

How anyone in good faith can support or defend the likes of Trump remains a mystery.
. You like using that word wire tap don't you ? The word also infers to surveillance, ease dropping, investigation, and other such methods or speak that can be used. Like Trump said "wire tapping" was in quotes, but of course libs with an agenda ignore these things because it doesn't fit with their narratives. You have proven yourself to be a lib with an agenda. Sorry it's not going so well for you.
Yeah....and they also said Trump probably didn't pay any income taxes.......and see how that turned out for them...

In a document from 2005 leaked by Donald Trump himself, in which he didn't even pay the full tax burden legally required.

. Wait, now y'all said he didn't pay anything right ? What does this picture you presented tell us ?
"Trump’s unproven allegation that his predecessor wiretapped Trump Tower in New York ahead of the election blazed a new path of political disruption Friday as he dragged two foreign allies into his increasingly thin argument that he is right.

Standing next to German Chancellor Angela Merkel at a White House news conference Friday afternoon, Trump declined to express regret for the accusation he tweeted nearly two weeks ago, despite some of the highest-ranking members of his own party saying they have seen no evidence that any such wiretapping occurred. Trump also passed on the opportunity to reject an unfounded report from a Fox News commentator asserting that British intelligence agents were involved in the alleged spying — even though White House officials had just assured livid British leaders that they would no longer promote the claim.
The international incidents cap nearly two weeks of surreal debate over the president’s apparently baseless accusation that Obama personally ordered the wiretapping of his Trump Tower campaign headquarters, consuming the time of not only White House staffers but also Congress, the Justice Department, the CIA and other intelligence agencies.”

Trump drags key foreign allies into controversy over unproven wiretap claims

Surreal indeed, as well as bizarre and ridiculous.

And there’s nothing to ‘debate,’ the notion that President Obama ‘wiretapped’ Trump Tower is just another Trump lie, along with the lie that British intelligence was involved.

How anyone in good faith can support or defend the likes of Trump remains a mystery.
You can't prove it's a lie though, can you? Because if you could you would. Instead YOU continue to lie and distort.
Our compulsive liar and chief is hiding something. We need to have a peek behind the curtain to see what's really going on.
Jump the fence at the white house and walk right in, I'm sure you'll get the welcome you want.
"Trump’s unproven allegation that his predecessor wiretapped Trump Tower in New York ahead of the election blazed a new path of political disruption Friday as he dragged two foreign allies into his increasingly thin argument that he is right.

Standing next to German Chancellor Angela Merkel at a White House news conference Friday afternoon, Trump declined to express regret for the accusation he tweeted nearly two weeks ago, despite some of the highest-ranking members of his own party saying they have seen no evidence that any such wiretapping occurred. Trump also passed on the opportunity to reject an unfounded report from a Fox News commentator asserting that British intelligence agents were involved in the alleged spying — even though White House officials had just assured livid British leaders that they would no longer promote the claim.
The international incidents cap nearly two weeks of surreal debate over the president’s apparently baseless accusation that Obama personally ordered the wiretapping of his Trump Tower campaign headquarters, consuming the time of not only White House staffers but also Congress, the Justice Department, the CIA and other intelligence agencies.”

Trump drags key foreign allies into controversy over unproven wiretap claims

Surreal indeed, as well as bizarre and ridiculous.

And there’s nothing to ‘debate,’ the notion that President Obama ‘wiretapped’ Trump Tower is just another Trump lie, along with the lie that British intelligence was involved.

How anyone in good faith can support or defend the likes of Trump remains a mystery.


Did the New York Times already tell us Trump was ‘wiretapped’? | New York Post
Our compulsive liar and chief is hiding something. We need to have a peek behind the curtain to see what's really going on.
. What was Hillary hiding when she bleached bit or destroyed 33,000 emails ? Matters not to you liberals because it's all about vengence for Hillary.
"Trump’s unproven allegation that his predecessor wiretapped Trump Tower in New York ahead of the election blazed a new path of political disruption Friday as he dragged two foreign allies into his increasingly thin argument that he is right.

Standing next to German Chancellor Angela Merkel at a White House news conference Friday afternoon, Trump declined to express regret for the accusation he tweeted nearly two weeks ago, despite some of the highest-ranking members of his own party saying they have seen no evidence that any such wiretapping occurred. Trump also passed on the opportunity to reject an unfounded report from a Fox News commentator asserting that British intelligence agents were involved in the alleged spying — even though White House officials had just assured livid British leaders that they would no longer promote the claim.
The international incidents cap nearly two weeks of surreal debate over the president’s apparently baseless accusation that Obama personally ordered the wiretapping of his Trump Tower campaign headquarters, consuming the time of not only White House staffers but also Congress, the Justice Department, the CIA and other intelligence agencies.”

Trump drags key foreign allies into controversy over unproven wiretap claims

Surreal indeed, as well as bizarre and ridiculous.

And there’s nothing to ‘debate,’ the notion that President Obama ‘wiretapped’ Trump Tower is just another Trump lie, along with the lie that British intelligence was involved.

How anyone in good faith can support or defend the likes of Trump remains a mystery.

Yeah....and they also said Trump probably didn't pay any income taxes.......and see how that turned out for them...

You morons keep underestimating Trump...good......
So in other have , like trump absolutely no proof of any wiretapping, right????
Regarding the wiretapping hullabaloo I think we must give serious consideration to whether it was deliberately executed political 'strategery'. For months, pre & post election the mainstream media has been shrilly been trumpeting the 'Russia hack / election' accusations. So lets look at this systematically. 1 media lends it journalistic credibility on suppositions without concrete Congressional finding evidence. The former Obama admin. with V Jarrett is heading up an anti Trump machine to save his legacy / mitigate Trump's agenda changes. So if Trump throws out the 'tapping' bomb there is a convoluted paper trail through the FISA Court that takes time, never mind the veracity of that for now. The mere accusation is powerful in and of its self on turning the tables on the media. Their journalistic integrity must be called into question if they fully embraced the Russia hacking with its supposition and conjecture & then turn on a dime with a parallel claim from Trump; with Congressional inquiry still in progress and a tangible FISA court trail to follow.

This serves to castigate the media in the light of 'lap dogs', hacks for the Democratic Party. To change their tune when ideological tables are turned and Obama admin is the target, damages their credibility if they do not similarly cover the ongoing process of TT tapping. Duplicity is already plainly apparent to all in the way they approach this 'tables turned' news story. In the end Obama Admin and the mainstream media are likely to be damaged more than trump. My guess is that the Trump admin is playing this out quite well and we're likely to see enough evidence uncovered via. a FISA trail. I mean actually... wouldn't it be rather hard for Congress NOT to find overreach in some capacity here? At the very least Trump trots out the Samsung TV in the break room in the janitors locker room and he's got enough to spin an Obama era spying story, designed to augment the 'unsuccessful phone tapping attempt on TT'.
"Trump’s unproven allegation that his predecessor wiretapped Trump Tower in New York ahead of the election blazed a new path of political disruption Friday as he dragged two foreign allies into his increasingly thin argument that he is right.

Standing next to German Chancellor Angela Merkel at a White House news conference Friday afternoon, Trump declined to express regret for the accusation he tweeted nearly two weeks ago, despite some of the highest-ranking members of his own party saying they have seen no evidence that any such wiretapping occurred. Trump also passed on the opportunity to reject an unfounded report from a Fox News commentator asserting that British intelligence agents were involved in the alleged spying — even though White House officials had just assured livid British leaders that they would no longer promote the claim.
The international incidents cap nearly two weeks of surreal debate over the president’s apparently baseless accusation that Obama personally ordered the wiretapping of his Trump Tower campaign headquarters, consuming the time of not only White House staffers but also Congress, the Justice Department, the CIA and other intelligence agencies.”

Trump drags key foreign allies into controversy over unproven wiretap claims

Surreal indeed, as well as bizarre and ridiculous.

And there’s nothing to ‘debate,’ the notion that President Obama ‘wiretapped’ Trump Tower is just another Trump lie, along with the lie that British intelligence was involved.

How anyone in good faith can support or defend the likes of Trump remains a mystery.

Yeah....and they also said Trump probably didn't pay any income taxes.......and see how that turned out for them...

You morons keep underestimating Trump...good......
So in other have , like trump absolutely no proof of any wiretapping, right????

You don't know what Trump has......remember...all you assholes said he didn't pay any taxes....which was why he was hiding his tax were absolutely certain of that.......until we saw his actual tax return....

Keep thinking he is an only helps him win....
"Trump’s unproven allegation that his predecessor wiretapped Trump Tower in New York ahead of the election blazed a new path of political disruption Friday as he dragged two foreign allies into his increasingly thin argument that he is right.

Standing next to German Chancellor Angela Merkel at a White House news conference Friday afternoon, Trump declined to express regret for the accusation he tweeted nearly two weeks ago, despite some of the highest-ranking members of his own party saying they have seen no evidence that any such wiretapping occurred. Trump also passed on the opportunity to reject an unfounded report from a Fox News commentator asserting that British intelligence agents were involved in the alleged spying — even though White House officials had just assured livid British leaders that they would no longer promote the claim.
The international incidents cap nearly two weeks of surreal debate over the president’s apparently baseless accusation that Obama personally ordered the wiretapping of his Trump Tower campaign headquarters, consuming the time of not only White House staffers but also Congress, the Justice Department, the CIA and other intelligence agencies.”

Trump drags key foreign allies into controversy over unproven wiretap claims

Surreal indeed, as well as bizarre and ridiculous.

And there’s nothing to ‘debate,’ the notion that President Obama ‘wiretapped’ Trump Tower is just another Trump lie, along with the lie that British intelligence was involved.

How anyone in good faith can support or defend the likes of Trump remains a mystery.

You were not present for the debate on the 4th circuit ruling.......I wonder why?
"Trump’s unproven allegation that his predecessor wiretapped Trump Tower in New York ahead of the election blazed a new path of political disruption Friday as he dragged two foreign allies into his increasingly thin argument that he is right.

Standing next to German Chancellor Angela Merkel at a White House news conference Friday afternoon, Trump declined to express regret for the accusation he tweeted nearly two weeks ago, despite some of the highest-ranking members of his own party saying they have seen no evidence that any such wiretapping occurred. Trump also passed on the opportunity to reject an unfounded report from a Fox News commentator asserting that British intelligence agents were involved in the alleged spying — even though White House officials had just assured livid British leaders that they would no longer promote the claim.
The international incidents cap nearly two weeks of surreal debate over the president’s apparently baseless accusation that Obama personally ordered the wiretapping of his Trump Tower campaign headquarters, consuming the time of not only White House staffers but also Congress, the Justice Department, the CIA and other intelligence agencies.”

Trump drags key foreign allies into controversy over unproven wiretap claims

Surreal indeed, as well as bizarre and ridiculous.

And there’s nothing to ‘debate,’ the notion that President Obama ‘wiretapped’ Trump Tower is just another Trump lie, along with the lie that British intelligence was involved.

How anyone in good faith can support or defend the likes of Trump remains a mystery.

Yeah....and they also said Trump probably didn't pay any income taxes.......and see how that turned out for them...

You morons keep underestimating Trump...good......
So in other have , like trump absolutely no proof of any wiretapping, right????

You don't know what Trump has......remember...all you assholes said he didn't pay any taxes....which was why he was hiding his tax were absolutely certain of that.......until we saw his actual tax return....

Keep thinking he is an only helps him win....
Once again you attempt to deflect from the facts...the argument of the lost.
trump has nothing, if he did it would have been submitted for investigation or evidence already...
He instructed his lap dogs to try to intimidate investigators and break protocol by demanding that officials not put out the fact that no evidence exists that substantiate his lie.
So the deflection ploy is really stale...he has no evidence and is not man enough to admit his lie or apologize for his ignorant and slanderous remarks based on another stupid assed right wing opinion piece.

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