Trump economy is tanking. GDP Q4 2019 expected 0.92%. Jobs have dried up.

Come back Obama, we miss you dearly.

The industries that Trump claimed to have saved, manufacturing, coal, and steel are all more depressed than they were before Trump 'saved' them.

Investment has dried up from 13+% to -1.5%.

Farmers are on Trumpian socialist welfare to save them from bankruptcy due to Donald Trump's trade war.

Could collapse of the US$ be next?

Donald Trump has no more tricks up his sleeve to get the economy on an uptick. The Chinese won't be helping him and they have a huge amount of money held in the US which could cause a severe economic disaster if they pulled the money out.

Unemployment in October jobs report not all good news (opinion) - CNN

... Real GDP growth has slowed this year from 2.9% to 1.9%. Personal consumption has slowed from 3.5% to 2.9%. Services have slowed from 3.4% to 1.7%. And gross private investment slowed from 13.7% to -1.5%.
These shifts are warning signs, especially considering that Q4 GDP growth may be lower still. As of now, the New York Fed Nowcast model is projecting 0.92% GDP growth for the fourth quarter, but this current projection will of course shift as the quarter unfolds.
you are really hoping for a collapse just because you hate the fucker?....

Correction. Trump supporters are hoping for a collapse to divert attention from his crimes and impeachment.
Come back Obama, we miss you dearly.

The industries that Trump claimed to have saved, manufacturing, coal, and steel are all more depressed than they were before Trump 'saved' them.

Investment has dried up from 13+% to -1.5%.

Farmers are on Trumpian socialist welfare to save them from bankruptcy due to Donald Trump's trade war.

Could collapse of the US$ be next?

Donald Trump has no more tricks up his sleeve to get the economy on an uptick. The Chinese won't be helping him and they have a huge amount of money held in the US which could cause a severe economic disaster if they pulled the money out.

Unemployment in October jobs report not all good news (opinion) - CNN

... Real GDP growth has slowed this year from 2.9% to 1.9%. Personal consumption has slowed from 3.5% to 2.9%. Services have slowed from 3.4% to 1.7%. And gross private investment slowed from 13.7% to -1.5%.
These shifts are warning signs, especially considering that Q4 GDP growth may be lower still. As of now, the New York Fed Nowcast model is projecting 0.92% GDP growth for the fourth quarter, but this current projection will of course shift as the quarter unfolds.

Ah yes, the recession talk again; been going on since Trump was elected.

When you read crap like this, and then consider the left denies the MSM is an extension of the Democrat party, you can't do anything but laugh. Funny thing though: When DumBama's job numbers came out, they were always revised down. When Trump took presidency, all his job numbers were revised up. But the MSM is not in bed with the Democrats.

I will say, I'm actually surprised at the video. Their report is unemployment rose because more people are getting back into the work market. That means labor participation rate is increasing which is a great thing. Locally, it was reported today that Ford is investing 900 million dollars in our Avon, Ohio plant. Apparently they don't feel this recession you speak of.

Avon Lake ‘fortunate and grateful’ to Ford for investing $900 million into Ohio Assembly Plant

Thank you Mr.President.
Come back Obama, we miss you dearly.

The industries that Trump claimed to have saved, manufacturing, coal, and steel are all more depressed than they were before Trump 'saved' them.

Investment has dried up from 13+% to -1.5%.

Farmers are on Trumpian socialist welfare to save them from bankruptcy due to Donald Trump's trade war.

Could collapse of the US$ be next?

Donald Trump has no more tricks up his sleeve to get the economy on an uptick. The Chinese won't be helping him and they have a huge amount of money held in the US which could cause a severe economic disaster if they pulled the money out.

Unemployment in October jobs report not all good news (opinion) - CNN

... Real GDP growth has slowed this year from 2.9% to 1.9%. Personal consumption has slowed from 3.5% to 2.9%. Services have slowed from 3.4% to 1.7%. And gross private investment slowed from 13.7% to -1.5%.
These shifts are warning signs, especially considering that Q4 GDP growth may be lower still. As of now, the New York Fed Nowcast model is projecting 0.92% GDP growth for the fourth quarter, but this current projection will of course shift as the quarter unfolds.
you are really hoping for a collapse just because you hate the fucker?....

Correction. Trump supporters are hoping for a collapse to divert attention from his crimes and impeachment.
Sooo stupid...

What's even dumber are democrats that believe you and take you seriously.

We are the last people to pray for pain for America, but we see democrats do it every day.
Come back Obama, we miss you dearly.

The industries that Trump claimed to have saved, manufacturing, coal, and steel are all more depressed than they were before Trump 'saved' them.

Investment has dried up from 13+% to -1.5%.

Farmers are on Trumpian socialist welfare to save them from bankruptcy due to Donald Trump's trade war.

Could collapse of the US$ be next?

Donald Trump has no more tricks up his sleeve to get the economy on an uptick. The Chinese won't be helping him and they have a huge amount of money held in the US which could cause a severe economic disaster if they pulled the money out.

Unemployment in October jobs report not all good news (opinion) - CNN

... Real GDP growth has slowed this year from 2.9% to 1.9%. Personal consumption has slowed from 3.5% to 2.9%. Services have slowed from 3.4% to 1.7%. And gross private investment slowed from 13.7% to -1.5%.
These shifts are warning signs, especially considering that Q4 GDP growth may be lower still. As of now, the New York Fed Nowcast model is projecting 0.92% GDP growth for the fourth quarter, but this current projection will of course shift as the quarter unfolds.
you are really hoping for a collapse just because you hate the fucker?....

Correction. Trump supporters are hoping for a collapse to divert attention from his crimes and impeachment.

No, Democrats are hoping this phony impeachment brings down our success.
You have to be dead not to get at least a 100 job offers

Bear with me, please. Hamburger flippers?

Hamburger flippers?? I think you are confusing job creation under Hussein instead of Trump:

The Trump Manufacturing Jobs Boom: 10 Times Obama's Over 21 Months

That damn magic wand again.......

Barry never told anyone that all those "shovel-ready jobs" were really just flipping burger patties and digging dirt!
Come back Obama, we miss you dearly.

The industries that Trump claimed to have saved, manufacturing, coal, and steel are all more depressed than they were before Trump 'saved' them.

Investment has dried up from 13+% to -1.5%.

Farmers are on Trumpian socialist welfare to save them from bankruptcy due to Donald Trump's trade war.

Could collapse of the US$ be next?

Donald Trump has no more tricks up his sleeve to get the economy on an uptick. The Chinese won't be helping him and they have a huge amount of money held in the US which could cause a severe economic disaster if they pulled the money out.

Unemployment in October jobs report not all good news (opinion) - CNN

... Real GDP growth has slowed this year from 2.9% to 1.9%. Personal consumption has slowed from 3.5% to 2.9%. Services have slowed from 3.4% to 1.7%. And gross private investment slowed from 13.7% to -1.5%.
These shifts are warning signs, especially considering that Q4 GDP growth may be lower still. As of now, the New York Fed Nowcast model is projecting 0.92% GDP growth for the fourth quarter, but this current projection will of course shift as the quarter unfolds.
you are really hoping for a collapse just because you hate the fucker?....

Correction. Trump supporters are hoping for a collapse to divert attention from his crimes and impeachment.

No, Democrats are hoping this phony impeachment brings down our success.

What success? Despite the tax cuts and lowered interest rates, the Trump economy is still tanking.

Farmers have become welfare recipients thanks to Comrade Trump's socialist policies.
Come back Obama, we miss you dearly.

The industries that Trump claimed to have saved, manufacturing, coal, and steel are all more depressed than they were before Trump 'saved' them.

Investment has dried up from 13+% to -1.5%.

Farmers are on Trumpian socialist welfare to save them from bankruptcy due to Donald Trump's trade war.

Could collapse of the US$ be next?

Donald Trump has no more tricks up his sleeve to get the economy on an uptick. The Chinese won't be helping him and they have a huge amount of money held in the US which could cause a severe economic disaster if they pulled the money out.

Unemployment in October jobs report not all good news (opinion) - CNN

... Real GDP growth has slowed this year from 2.9% to 1.9%. Personal consumption has slowed from 3.5% to 2.9%. Services have slowed from 3.4% to 1.7%. And gross private investment slowed from 13.7% to -1.5%.
These shifts are warning signs, especially considering that Q4 GDP growth may be lower still. As of now, the New York Fed Nowcast model is projecting 0.92% GDP growth for the fourth quarter, but this current projection will of course shift as the quarter unfolds.
you are really hoping for a collapse just because you hate the fucker?....

Correction. Trump supporters are hoping for a collapse to divert attention from his crimes and impeachment.

No, Democrats are hoping this phony impeachment brings down our success.

What success? Despite the tax cuts and lowered interest rates, the Trump economy is still tanking.

Farmers have become welfare recipients thanks to Comrade Trump's socialist policies.
And even the NEW YORK TIMES..kicks this commie propagandist in her pussy!

Job Market Shows Resilience, Quieting Recession Fears
The economy added 128,000 jobs in October, a figure that would have been higher without the General Motors strike and other factors.

Job Market Shows Resilience, Quieting Recession Fears
Come back Obama, we miss you dearly.

The industries that Trump claimed to have saved, manufacturing, coal, and steel are all more depressed than they were before Trump 'saved' them.

Investment has dried up from 13+% to -1.5%.

Farmers are on Trumpian socialist welfare to save them from bankruptcy due to Donald Trump's trade war.

Trump always called job announcement figures fake. There is no reason to believe this is still not the case.

Could collapse of the US$ be next?

Donald Trump has no more tricks up his sleeve to get the economy on an uptick. The Chinese won't be helping him and they have a huge amount of money held in the US which could cause a severe economic disaster if they pulled the money out.

Unemployment in October jobs report not all good news (opinion) - CNN
you are really hoping for a collapse just because you hate the fucker?....

Correction. Trump supporters are hoping for a collapse to divert attention from his crimes and impeachment.

No, Democrats are hoping this phony impeachment brings down our success.

What success? Despite the tax cuts and lowered interest rates, the Trump economy is still tanking.

Farmers have become welfare recipients thanks to Comrade Trump's socialist policies.

And even the NEW YORK TIMES..kicks this commie propagandist in her pussy!

Job Market Shows Resilience, Quieting Recession Fears
The economy added 128,000 jobs in October, a figure that would have been higher without the General Motors strike and other factors.

Job Market Shows Resilience, Quieting Recession Fears

That's less than the monthly population growth rate factored by the 60% participation rate which is ~131,000 per month.

Donald Trump loves commies more than he loves US uneducated Trump supporters.

Donald Trump always denounced job numbers as fake before he was elected.
you are really hoping for a collapse just because you hate the fucker?....

Correction. Trump supporters are hoping for a collapse to divert attention from his crimes and impeachment.

No, Democrats are hoping this phony impeachment brings down our success.

What success? Despite the tax cuts and lowered interest rates, the Trump economy is still tanking.

Farmers have become welfare recipients thanks to Comrade Trump's socialist policies.

And even the NEW YORK TIMES..kicks this commie propagandist in her pussy!

Job Market Shows Resilience, Quieting Recession Fears
The economy added 128,000 jobs in October, a figure that would have been higher without the General Motors strike and other factors.

Job Market Shows Resilience, Quieting Recession Fears

That's less than the monthly population growth rate factored by the 60% participation rate which is ~131,000 per month.

Donald Trump loves commies more than he loves US uneducated Trump supporters.
Donald Trump believes that "BLACK, HISPANIC, YOUTH, ASIAN, AND WOMEN" are unAmerican.
Yep, I've been hearing about this from various sources.
Yep, me too...

CNN, MSNBC, NY Times and all the other Democrat Party media arms have been saying it for almost 3 years.

And the stock market crash was imminent right after the election, according to the same America-Haters...

Sorry, Charlie... Your wet-dream of American misery is as premature as you usually are.
LOL, this thread is a retread from 2017, it was wrong then and its still wrong. Trump's economy is not anywhere negative growth, let alone two consecutive quarters of negative growth that is the definition of a "recession". Trump's economy keeps rolling, and the democrats hate him for it.

Here are more famous predictors that were and are still WRONG

And The Hits Just Kept Coming: The Greatest (False) Predictions Of 2017
And The Hits Just Kept Coming: The Greatest (False) Predictions Of 2017 | Investor's Business Daily

Donald Trump's first gift to the world will be another financial crisis." Headline in the U.K. Independent. "(He) gives every impression that he will soon be hustling America — and possibly the entire world — in the direction of another catastrophic financial crisis." Same article.

"I have no stocks. I advise people not to invest in the stock market, not now. Way too dangerous." Film maker Michael Moore, August, 2017.

"It really does now look like President Donald J. Trump, and markets are plunging. When might we expect them to recover? A first-pass answer is never… So we are very probably looking at a global recession, with no end in sight." Paul Krugman of the New York Times the day after the election.

No Hidden Agenda: Get News From A Pro-Free Market, Pro-Growth Perspective
"Trump's domestic policies would lead to recession." Former GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney, March 2016.

"If Trump wins we should expect a big markdown in expected future earnings for a wide range of stocks — and a likely crash in the broader market (if Trump becomes president)." Eric Zitzewitz, former chief economist at the IMF, November 2016.

"Under Trump, I would expect a protracted recession to begin within 18 months. The damage would be felt far beyond the United States." Former Clinton and Obama chief economist Larry Summers, June 2016.

"Trump would likely cause the stock market to crash and plunge the world into recession." Simon Johnson, MIT economics professor, in The New York Times, November 2016.

"Citigroup: A Trump Victory in November Could Cause a Global Recession", Bloomberg Financial News headline, August 2016.

"I have never seen an election in which the markets have so strong of a view as to what was good and bad about the outcome. And what you saw was the markets rallying yesterday because of the FBI thing on Sunday. And the reason I mention this particularly is if the likely event happens and Trump wins you will see a market crash of historic proportions, I think…The markets are terrified of him." Steve Rattner, MSNBC economics guru and former Obama Car Czar, October, 2016.

"Wall Street is set up for a major crash if Donald Trump shocks the world on Election Day and wins the White House. New research out on Friday suggests that financial markets strongly prefer a Hillary Clinton presidency and could react with panicked selling should Trump defy the polls and deliver a shocking upset on Nov. 8." Ben White, Politico, October 2016.

And finally, and most unambiguously:

"A President Trump Could Destroy the World Economy", headline of Washington Post editorial, October 2016.
Come back Obama, we miss you dearly.

The industries that Trump claimed to have saved, manufacturing, coal, and steel are all more depressed than they were before Trump 'saved' them.

Investment has dried up from 13+% to -1.5%.

Farmers are on Trumpian socialist welfare to save them from bankruptcy due to Donald Trump's trade war.

Could collapse of the US$ be next?

Donald Trump has no more tricks up his sleeve to get the economy on an uptick. The Chinese won't be helping him and they have a huge amount of money held in the US which could cause a severe economic disaster if they pulled the money out.

Unemployment in October jobs report not all good news (opinion) - CNN

... Real GDP growth has slowed this year from 2.9% to 1.9%. Personal consumption has slowed from 3.5% to 2.9%. Services have slowed from 3.4% to 1.7%. And gross private investment slowed from 13.7% to -1.5%.
These shifts are warning signs, especially considering that Q4 GDP growth may be lower still. As of now, the New York Fed Nowcast model is projecting 0.92% GDP growth for the fourth quarter, but this current projection will of course shift as the quarter unfolds.
you are really hoping for a collapse just because you hate the fucker?....

Correction. Trump supporters are hoping for a collapse to divert attention from his crimes and impeachment.
can you prove that or is that what you think?...
Come back Obama, we miss you dearly.

The industries that Trump claimed to have saved, manufacturing, coal, and steel are all more depressed than they were before Trump 'saved' them.

Investment has dried up from 13+% to -1.5%.

Farmers are on Trumpian socialist welfare to save them from bankruptcy due to Donald Trump's trade war.

Could collapse of the US$ be next?

Donald Trump has no more tricks up his sleeve to get the economy on an uptick. The Chinese won't be helping him and they have a huge amount of money held in the US which could cause a severe economic disaster if they pulled the money out.

Unemployment in October jobs report not all good news (opinion) - CNN

... Real GDP growth has slowed this year from 2.9% to 1.9%. Personal consumption has slowed from 3.5% to 2.9%. Services have slowed from 3.4% to 1.7%. And gross private investment slowed from 13.7% to -1.5%.
These shifts are warning signs, especially considering that Q4 GDP growth may be lower still. As of now, the New York Fed Nowcast model is projecting 0.92% GDP growth for the fourth quarter, but this current projection will of course shift as the quarter unfolds.
you are really hoping for a collapse just because you hate the fucker?....

Correction. Trump supporters are hoping for a collapse to divert attention from his crimes and impeachment.

No, Democrats are hoping this phony impeachment brings down our success.

What success? Despite the tax cuts and lowered interest rates, the Trump economy is still tanking.

Farmers have become welfare recipients thanks to Comrade Trump's socialist policies.

When the fuck haven't they propaganda tool?


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