Trump economy: U.S. jobless claims hit 45 year low !!

172 million Americans are not working

Some Trump economy
But of course Dims and their media only want to talk about pictures of Trump's daughter sitting on his lap.

US Jobless Claims Hit 45-Year Low As Labor Market Tightens

Washington: New claims for US unemployment benefits fell to their lowest level in nearly 45 years last week, a fresh sign of the increasingly tight American labor market, according to weekly data released Thursday.

The figures, though volatile, follow a Federal Reserve survey showing businesses nationwide face mounting difficulties filling job openings as the supply of available workers dwindles amid record low unemployment.

US Jobless Claims Hit 45-Year Low As Labor Market Tightens

A continuation of the trends that started under Obama. This is the reason why companies like Walmart are raising wages not tax cuts.
Hussein Obama cut the corporate tax rate!? Damn who knew! I wish I could be as dumb as liberals are...then no one would expect much from me. :D
Fat Donnie has over 50% not employed

Republicans celebrate
But of course Dims and their media only want to talk about pictures of Trump's daughter sitting on his lap.

US Jobless Claims Hit 45-Year Low As Labor Market Tightens

Washington: New claims for US unemployment benefits fell to their lowest level in nearly 45 years last week, a fresh sign of the increasingly tight American labor market, according to weekly data released Thursday.

The figures, though volatile, follow a Federal Reserve survey showing businesses nationwide face mounting difficulties filling job openings as the supply of available workers dwindles amid record low unemployment.

US Jobless Claims Hit 45-Year Low As Labor Market Tightens

Trump didn't do this. So....

Oh yeah, he also claims to have defeated ISIS with 2,000 US troops on the ground and a few bombs. Fuck the Kurds fighting, fuck the Russians bombing, fuck the Syrians fighting, fuck the Iraqis fighting. Fuck everyone, it was Trump that done it. In fact he's taking credit for things done before he was president.

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