Trump ends Michelle Obama's effort to fight child hood obesity.

Type 2 diabetes is DIRECTLY related to obesity.

That is not completely true.

At its root is a genetic condition. If you do not have the genetic pattern for it, then, you will never develop type 2 diabetes, no matter what you do.

If you do have the pattern for it, then you may or may not develop type 2 diabetes. Being overweight significantly increases one's chances of developing it, as does a diet too high in simple carbohydrates, as does too sedentary a lifestyle. But none of these will cause you to develop type 2 diabetes, if you don't have the genetic pattern for it.

There is a nasty feedback between obesity and type 2 diabetes. Being overweight tends to aggravate the diabetes, and the diabetes tends to make one's body excessively inclined to store energy as fat rather than using it; hence the tendency for type 2 diabetics to be fat and sluggish. The fatter you get, the worse the diabetes becomes, and the worse the diabetes becomes, the more difficult it becomes to control one's weight.

But there's considerable variability in how different people are affected by it. I seem to be at one fringe, having type 2 diabetes, but having no trouble maintaining a healthy weight, and managing to be quite active. Most of my relatives, on my father's side, are very much otherwise, being much more typical of overweight, underactive type 2 diabetics. I suspect, but have never been examined or diagnosed for it, that I have some other condition, which, as a child, as a young adult, made me tend to be very thin and frail and hyperactive, which now is in some sort of balance again the tendency that my diabetes would otherwise have to make me fat and sluggish. Only since the onset of my diabetes have I ever been able to achieve a normal, healthy level of robustness.

Type 2 diabetes is directly related to blood insulin levels, aka sugar. … Sugar is stored in our fat cells.

And this is just plain wrong, and demonstrates a spectacular level of ignorance and misinformation about the subject.
Type 2 diabetes is DIRECTLY related to obesity.

That is not completely true.

At its root is a genetic condition. If you do not have the genetic pattern for it, then, you will never develop type 2 diabetes, no matter what you do.

If you do have the pattern for it, then you may or may not develop type 2 diabetes. Being overweight significantly increases one's chances of developing it, as does a diet too high in simple carbohydrates, as does too sedentary a lifestyle. But none of these will cause you to develop type 2 diabetes, if you don't have the genetic pattern for it.

There is a nasty feedback between obesity and type 2 diabetes. Being overweight tends to aggravate the diabetes, and the diabetes tends to make one's body excessively inclined to store energy as fat rather than using it; hence the tendency for type 2 diabetics to be fat and sluggish. The fatter you get, the worse the diabetes becomes, and the worse the diabetes becomes, the more difficult it becomes to control one's weight.

But there's considerable variability in how different people are affected by it. I seem to be at one fringe, having type 2 diabetes, but having no trouble maintaining a healthy weight, and managing to be quite active. Most of my relatives, on my father's side, are very much otherwise, being much more typical of overweight, underactive type 2 diabetics. I suspect, but have never been examined or diagnosed for it, that I have some other condition, which, as a child, as a young adult, made me tend to be very thin and frail and hyperactive, which now is in some sort of balance again the tendency that my diabetes would otherwise have to make me fat and sluggish. Only since the onset of my diabetes have I ever been able to achieve a normal, healthy level of robustness.

Type 2 diabetes is directly related to blood insulin levels, aka sugar. … Sugar is stored in our fat cells.

And this is just plain wrong, and demonstrates a spectacular level of ignorance and misinformation about the subject.

Yeah that's what they said about breast cancer too. Yet today 80% of the women that are diagnosed with breast cancer have no family history. 1 in 8 women will get breast cancer. Family genetics increases the risk of any disease--but it clearly doesn't mean if you don't have a family history of that disease, such as diabetes, that you won't get it.

Type 2 diabetes is directly related to obesity. In fact, you only need to be a few pounds overweight to be at risk. One man was 12 pounds overweight and diagnosed with it. If you're considered pre-diabetic you can actually lose 10%--15% of your body weight to get you out of that risk. Which means a diet of high protein--less simple carbs and more complex healthy carbohydrates that comes from vegetables. As one lady stated--do I want that piece of cake or do I want my foot.

It's not rocket science-- we have got a real health crisis in this country today. We can either ignore it, or educate people and our kids and grandchildren to those health risks--and feed them right--and it's not going to happen if we're feeding them junk in our schools.


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Most of the article deals with how nutritious the food is. No shit??? But the study was of only six schools. Did those same children have a stock of candy bars in their locker, or head to Burger King as soon as they left the school?
I'm sure some did, so what?

So what is that this is a lot of wasted money and time. Kids are going to eat what they want be it in school or outside of school. Kids and adults alike will eat food they enjoy, not food they hate just because it's good for them.

Several years ago our deer population got out of control, so the county hired professional hunters to thin the herd. Nearby communities were outraged that we would kill those beautiful animals in the park. To try and take some of the sting out of the necessary action, they announced that the venison will be donated to the homeless shelters. Guess what? The homeless refused to eat it. They had to throw all that meat out.

Some people love venison, others hate it. Some people love green beans, others hate it. Some people love big macs, others wouldn't put one in their mouth. But you can't make decisions for people. We all have different tastes.
Nobody is making decisions for people. Just trying to provide healthier options for school lunches for our children. Don't get your panties in a wrinkle.
Yea, let's have everyone starve at school, because some parents choose to make their children as fat as possible. Obviously the school lunch is the issue here.

One more sore loser policy defeated, go Trump!
Well yeah...that way the libtards can whine that the children are "starving" and demand more SNAP money.

Coming from a Reich winger that doesn't have any reading comprehension skills, much less the attention span of gnat--your comment is of no surprise.
Neither are your cut and paste word walls of liberal propaganda.

There is nothing cut and paste about it dumbass--if you would scroll back up this page and look at comments--you might actually learn something today.


I did. Michelle Obama's food program wasted tax payers money on non edible bilge that she was trying to force down the throats of poor children. And the Libs expect the poor kids to be thankful for the slop.
How much did it cost the tax payers?

Most of the article deals with how nutritious the food is. No shit??? But the study was of only six schools. Did those same children have a stock of candy bars in their locker, or head to Burger King as soon as they left the school?
I'm sure some did, so what?

So what is that this is a lot of wasted money and time. Kids are going to eat what they want be it in school or outside of school. Kids and adults alike will eat food they enjoy, not food they hate just because it's good for them.

Several years ago our deer population got out of control, so the county hired professional hunters to thin the herd. Nearby communities were outraged that we would kill those beautiful animals in the park. To try and take some of the sting out of the necessary action, they announced that the venison will be donated to the homeless shelters. Guess what? The homeless refused to eat it. They had to throw all that meat out.

Some people love venison, others hate it. Some people love green beans, others hate it. Some people love big macs, others wouldn't put one in their mouth. But you can't make decisions for people. We all have different tastes.
Nobody is making decisions for people. Just trying to provide healthier options for school lunches for our children. Don't get your panties in a wrinkle.

You can't expect kids to know anything about nutrition. If you give them a choice--they're going to take the pizza. They're going to choose the cake, the donut & the candy, over protein and vegetables.

If you don't give it to them, they'll the eat the protein and vegetables. And they'll learn to like it and eventually they will prefer it over simple sugary carbs that are in processed whites.

Continually feeding them garbage in school is only going to lead to more obesity and more of them getting diagnosed with serious health issues.
Continually feeding them garbage in school is only going to lead to more obesity and more of them getting diagnosed with serious health issues.
Nobody is advocating feeding them garbage but parents should be the ones who determine what they eat. If the parents are ok with the tasteless diet Michelle Obama wants to force on them, fine. If not, they should be allowed to pack a lunch for them. Some school districts want to take that right away from the parents. That crosses the line, imo.

Most of the article deals with how nutritious the food is. No shit??? But the study was of only six schools. Did those same children have a stock of candy bars in their locker, or head to Burger King as soon as they left the school?
I'm sure some did, so what?

So what is that this is a lot of wasted money and time. Kids are going to eat what they want be it in school or outside of school. Kids and adults alike will eat food they enjoy, not food they hate just because it's good for them.

Several years ago our deer population got out of control, so the county hired professional hunters to thin the herd. Nearby communities were outraged that we would kill those beautiful animals in the park. To try and take some of the sting out of the necessary action, they announced that the venison will be donated to the homeless shelters. Guess what? The homeless refused to eat it. They had to throw all that meat out.

Some people love venison, others hate it. Some people love green beans, others hate it. Some people love big macs, others wouldn't put one in their mouth. But you can't make decisions for people. We all have different tastes.
Nobody is making decisions for people. Just trying to provide healthier options for school lunches for our children. Don't get your panties in a wrinkle.
here's a thought
get rid of the school lunch program and have kids bring their own lunch to school

it worked for generations
This adminstration just doesn't stop, nor does it care. Childhood obesity and Type 2 diabetes is skyrocketing in this country. Parents should teach their kids good healthy eating habits, but it should also be reinforced in our public schools.

WASHINGTON – After only six days on the job, Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue moved to stall one of former First Lady Michelle Obama’s signature accomplishments: stricter nutritional standards for school breakfasts and lunches, which feed more than 31 million children.

Speaking at Catoctin Elementary School in Leesburg, Virginia, on Monday with Sen. Pat Roberts, R-Kansas, and Patricia Montague of the School Nutrition Association, Perdue announced that his department would be slowing the implementation of aggressive standards on sodium, whole grains and sweetened milks that passed under the Obama administration.

“We know meals cannot be nutritious if they’re not consumed, if they’re thrown out,” Perdue told reporters after eating chicken nuggets and salad with a group of fifth graders. “We have to balance sodium and whole grain content with palatability.”

It was the second blow to the Obama administration’s nutritional legacy in less than a week. On Friday, the Food and Drug Administration signaled its intent to rewrite long-delayed menu-labeling rules passed as part of the Affordable Care Act. Republicans on the House Appropriations Committee also attached several nutrition-related riders to this week’s appropriations bill, including one that targeted voluntary industry sodium-reductions.

“I feel that we have made such progress in schools meals over the past five years,” said Miriam Nelson, a public health researcher who helped advise Michelle Obama’s nutrition initiatives. “This progress has contributed to reversing the trend in childhood obesity rates nationwide . . . We want to continue the progress we have made.”

School lunches have seen a radical makeover in the past five years. Since 2012, when the nutrition rules mandated by the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act went into effect, cafeterias have had to slash the amount of calories, trans-fats, sodium and refined grains in their foods, replacing cafeteria staples like conventional pizza with salt-reduced, whole-grain versions. They are also required to serve fruit, a variety of vegetables, and low-fat or fat-free milk.
Trump ends Michelle Obama’s plan to fight childhood obesity – The Denver Post

Here is what the next generation of kindergardners will look like.

Who Gives a fucking shit? The federal government fucks everything up they touch… fact

Who Gives a fucking shit? The GOP Corporate Capitalism and Conservative government fucks everything up they touch… fact
Ol Thunder thighs, hooked on ribs and KFC. Do as I say and not as I do. Aside from that, the only thing that will stop childhood obesity is parents doing a better job of feeding them.
She gives them carrots while she slathers the barbecue sauce on her honey glazed baby backs.
You can tell that flat chested fat assed slut has never missed a meal.
Melania and Ivanka Trump use to be flat chested until Trump demanded they get breast augmentation.

Most of the article deals with how nutritious the food is. No shit??? But the study was of only six schools. Did those same children have a stock of candy bars in their locker, or head to Burger King as soon as they left the school?
I'm sure some did, so what?

So what is that this is a lot of wasted money and time. Kids are going to eat what they want be it in school or outside of school. Kids and adults alike will eat food they enjoy, not food they hate just because it's good for them.

Several years ago our deer population got out of control, so the county hired professional hunters to thin the herd. Nearby communities were outraged that we would kill those beautiful animals in the park. To try and take some of the sting out of the necessary action, they announced that the venison will be donated to the homeless shelters. Guess what? The homeless refused to eat it. They had to throw all that meat out.

Some people love venison, others hate it. Some people love green beans, others hate it. Some people love big macs, others wouldn't put one in their mouth. But you can't make decisions for people. We all have different tastes.
Nobody is making decisions for people. Just trying to provide healthier options for school lunches for our children. Don't get your panties in a wrinkle.

You can't expect kids to know anything about nutrition. If you give them a choice--they're going to take the pizza. They're going to choose the cake, the donut & the candy, over protein and vegetables.

If you don't give it to them, they'll the eat the protein and vegetables. And they'll learn to like it and eventually they will prefer it over simple sugary carbs that are in processed whites.

Continually feeding them garbage in school is only going to lead to more obesity and more of them getting diagnosed with serious health issues.

There are plenty of stories out there of kids either not buying lunch or throwing Moocheles lunches away. Kids got fatter because they just went to their lockers and grabbed a couple of snickers bars instead of eating mashed potatoes and fried chicken like they do at home.

The only way you're going to force anybody to eat what they don't want is if you starve them to death. But even if you were able to do that, they will just double down on less nutritious food when they leave school.

Democrat politicians are control freaks, but there are some things they can't control. Anytime you use the words "force" and "government" in the same paragraph, look out, because somebody or some people are about to lose liberty.

Most of the article deals with how nutritious the food is. No shit??? But the study was of only six schools. Did those same children have a stock of candy bars in their locker, or head to Burger King as soon as they left the school?
I'm sure some did, so what?

So what is that this is a lot of wasted money and time. Kids are going to eat what they want be it in school or outside of school. Kids and adults alike will eat food they enjoy, not food they hate just because it's good for them.

Several years ago our deer population got out of control, so the county hired professional hunters to thin the herd. Nearby communities were outraged that we would kill those beautiful animals in the park. To try and take some of the sting out of the necessary action, they announced that the venison will be donated to the homeless shelters. Guess what? The homeless refused to eat it. They had to throw all that meat out.

Some people love venison, others hate it. Some people love green beans, others hate it. Some people love big macs, others wouldn't put one in their mouth. But you can't make decisions for people. We all have different tastes.
Nobody is making decisions for people. Just trying to provide healthier options for school lunches for our children. Don't get your panties in a wrinkle.

Oh, so what you're saying is you think Moochele offered choice? Better read more on the program. She had vending machines removed from schools. She eliminated what are considered unhealthy food from the cafeteria. There are no options. Eat crappy tasting food, don't eat at all, or bring your own food with you.
So kids can eat what their parents let them eat. Good. Porker Obama has no business telling anyone what to do.
Kids always ate crap. I did when I was a kid. But why obesity today that we didn't have years ago? Because we didn't text our friends, we went over their house. We didn't have group chat, we rode our bikes to the school and had personal chats. We didn't have video games, we played baseball, basketball, and again, you had to walk, run or ride your bike to the places where you enjoyed those games.

True, there is a lot more consumption of fast food these days with both parents working, but the larger problem of obesity is exercise. When I was in school, I had to walk a few miles to catch the bus. More and more, school busses drive right up to the door to pick your kid up and drop them off at the end of the day.

So true! We were walking, riding a bike or playing outside four or five hours a day. I'd have a big dinner and before bed, I'd have a pint of ice cream with a package of frozen strawberries. We had recess during the school day along with PE.

In the summer time, the only time you spent at home was lunch and dinner. The rest of the time you were out with neighbors and friends playing physical games. In fact, mom had to threaten you to get back in the house come sundown. You didn't want to stop.

Today, a professional baseball player can't understand what's going on in the dugout unless he's fluent in Spanish. It's not an invasion, but our American kids were not raised playing baseball to realize their talents. They played baseball on their video games.

If there is one way I was blessed from God, it's being on earth now to see technology and all it's benefits. However, it's unfortunate to see all it's disadvantages at the same time. Kids don't have to be forced to eat lettuce and broccoli, they need to get outside and burn off more calories than they take in like we used to do.

I agree I grew up in the 50's myself. You're entertainment was playing outside. Kids need a lot more exercise than they're getting today. No one is arguing that and Michelle Obama was also promoting that. But we also didn't eat pizza for lunch everyday. Mom cooked, there was no such thing as fast food.

Times have changed and we have to adjust to these times. We need to make certain that kids are getting an education on which foods are heatlhy and which ones are nothing more than empty calories. And actually change school menu's to where they can eat what they're learning.

Type 2 diabetes is the fastest growing disease in this country today, especially with adults, and now we're seeing it in kids & teens. Ignoring this health crisis is not a solution. The new agriculture Secretary from Kansas is not addressing this issue--he is adding to problem. As stated in the article he is much more concerned with lunch room profits. They'll make a lot more money if they just give them donuts, cakes and candy for lunch. The body reaction to white processed foods is exactly the same.

"In type 2 diabetes, once known as "adult-onset" diabetes, the body becomes resistant to the effects of insulin or doesn't make enough insulin, according to the Mayo Clinic.

Doctors have made major progress in treating type 1 diabetes and preventing complications, Ludwig says. But children who develop type 2 diabetes face serious risks, which are compounded by the fact that most are already obese. Together, obesity and diabetes increase their lifetime risk of heart attacks, strokes, kidney failure, blindness and amputations.

Diabetes affects 25.8 million people of all ages in the USA, or about 8.3% of the population, according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, part of the National Institutes of Health."

Diabetes rates skyrocket in kids and teens

If you read the ongoing discussions, you'd realize that diabetes is not directly related to what you eat.

I was raised on home cooked food. Fast food was a treat we had once or twice a year. when I turned 25, I became a victim of diabetes.

You can have sugar problems because of obesity, pregnancy, or age, but that's different than your pancreas breaking down. Food doesn't cause that; at least that we know of.

Kids being forced to eat what they have no desire to eat only amplifies the problem. They will carry candy bars for lunch instead of salads. They will wait until the end of the day to hit McDonald's on the way home with friends. Believe it or not, you can't force people into eating what they don't want to eat.

What kind of food one eats is less the problem than exercise. I'm a landlord and I've seen this first hand. When the weather turns nice in spring, my younger tenants stay inside. They don't open up the windows. They don't go outside to interact with neighbors or my other tenants. Their entertainment is entirely within their four walls.

My older tenants are much different. We gather outside to BS or just enjoy the weather. We wash or vacuum out our cars. My tenants with pets bring them outside and walk them around. Our windows are open and we spend much of our day outside. My younger tenants? The only time you see them is when they walk from their apartment to their cars.

We don't have a food problem--we have an exercise problem.

Type 2 diabetes is DIRECTLY related to obesity. Type 1 diabetes is not. Read the article.
Diabetes rates skyrocket in kids and teens

You do not need to exercise to maintain your weight, or even lose weight. 97% of your weight is related to what you're putting in your mouth. Albeit--that exercise is great, and kids need a lot more than what they're getting today. If you really remember the 1950's adults did not exercise--yet they were thin.

An average 10 year old today is 10-15 pounds heavier than a 10 year old coming out of the 1950's. Which means when they're 20--they're going to be 20-25 pounds heavier that their counterpart from the 1950's, when they're 30 they're going to be 40 -45 pounds heavier than their counterpart in the 1950's etc. etc. etc.

Type 2 diabetes is directly related to blood insulin levels, aka sugar. You get a short burst of energy--then you're fatigued and hungry again--and then you will overeat to satitate the hunger you got from the sugar. A simple can of Coke is 8 teaspoons of sugar, and large Coke at McDonalds is a whopping 33 teaspoons of sugar. Drink one, and it won't be long before you're ordering 2 double bacon cheeseburgers to feed the sugar you just drank. Sugar is stored in our fat cells.

Back in the 1950's you didn't have bakery's in the stores--if you wanted cake you waited until the next birthday party and or you had to make your own. We didn't have all these sugary choices and white processed foods available to us at our fingertips.

It's very simple: What's is going to keep you fuller with longer lasting energy? An 8 oz. top sirloin steak or 8 oz's of sugar.

Michelle Obama was trying to change school menu's to more protein as is found in the steak, and less sugary white processed foods, by substituting the white processed with whole grains and more vegetables. There is nothing wrong with that, and it was a great idea that is now gone--because we have a Senator from Kansas, aka the agriculture secretary that is more concerned about lunch room profits.

Right, kids are eating steak in school.

Post all the articles you like, I'll stick with my specialist at the Cleveland Clinic and rely on his advice.
So true! We were walking, riding a bike or playing outside four or five hours a day. I'd have a big dinner and before bed, I'd have a pint of ice cream with a package of frozen strawberries. We had recess during the school day along with PE.

In the summer time, the only time you spent at home was lunch and dinner. The rest of the time you were out with neighbors and friends playing physical games. In fact, mom had to threaten you to get back in the house come sundown. You didn't want to stop.

Today, a professional baseball player can't understand what's going on in the dugout unless he's fluent in Spanish. It's not an invasion, but our American kids were not raised playing baseball to realize their talents. They played baseball on their video games.

If there is one way I was blessed from God, it's being on earth now to see technology and all it's benefits. However, it's unfortunate to see all it's disadvantages at the same time. Kids don't have to be forced to eat lettuce and broccoli, they need to get outside and burn off more calories than they take in like we used to do.

I agree I grew up in the 50's myself. You're entertainment was playing outside. Kids need a lot more exercise than they're getting today. No one is arguing that and Michelle Obama was also promoting that. But we also didn't eat pizza for lunch everyday. Mom cooked, there was no such thing as fast food.

Times have changed and we have to adjust to these times. We need to make certain that kids are getting an education on which foods are heatlhy and which ones are nothing more than empty calories. And actually change school menu's to where they can eat what they're learning.

Type 2 diabetes is the fastest growing disease in this country today, especially with adults, and now we're seeing it in kids & teens. Ignoring this health crisis is not a solution. The new agriculture Secretary from Kansas is not addressing this issue--he is adding to problem. As stated in the article he is much more concerned with lunch room profits. They'll make a lot more money if they just give them donuts, cakes and candy for lunch. The body reaction to white processed foods is exactly the same.

"In type 2 diabetes, once known as "adult-onset" diabetes, the body becomes resistant to the effects of insulin or doesn't make enough insulin, according to the Mayo Clinic.

Doctors have made major progress in treating type 1 diabetes and preventing complications, Ludwig says. But children who develop type 2 diabetes face serious risks, which are compounded by the fact that most are already obese. Together, obesity and diabetes increase their lifetime risk of heart attacks, strokes, kidney failure, blindness and amputations.

Diabetes affects 25.8 million people of all ages in the USA, or about 8.3% of the population, according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, part of the National Institutes of Health."

Diabetes rates skyrocket in kids and teens

If you read the ongoing discussions, you'd realize that diabetes is not directly related to what you eat.

I was raised on home cooked food. Fast food was a treat we had once or twice a year. when I turned 25, I became a victim of diabetes.

You can have sugar problems because of obesity, pregnancy, or age, but that's different than your pancreas breaking down. Food doesn't cause that; at least that we know of.

Kids being forced to eat what they have no desire to eat only amplifies the problem. They will carry candy bars for lunch instead of salads. They will wait until the end of the day to hit McDonald's on the way home with friends. Believe it or not, you can't force people into eating what they don't want to eat.

What kind of food one eats is less the problem than exercise. I'm a landlord and I've seen this first hand. When the weather turns nice in spring, my younger tenants stay inside. They don't open up the windows. They don't go outside to interact with neighbors or my other tenants. Their entertainment is entirely within their four walls.

My older tenants are much different. We gather outside to BS or just enjoy the weather. We wash or vacuum out our cars. My tenants with pets bring them outside and walk them around. Our windows are open and we spend much of our day outside. My younger tenants? The only time you see them is when they walk from their apartment to their cars.

We don't have a food problem--we have an exercise problem.

Type 2 diabetes is DIRECTLY related to obesity. Type 1 diabetes is not. Read the article.
Diabetes rates skyrocket in kids and teens

You do not need to exercise to maintain your weight, or even lose weight. 97% of your weight is related to what you're putting in your mouth. Albeit--that exercise is great, and kids need a lot more than what they're getting today. If you really remember the 1950's adults did not exercise--yet they were thin.

An average 10 year old today is 10-15 pounds heavier than a 10 year old coming out of the 1950's. Which means when they're 20--they're going to be 20-25 pounds heavier that their counterpart from the 1950's, when they're 30 they're going to be 40 -45 pounds heavier than their counterpart in the 1950's etc. etc. etc.

Type 2 diabetes is directly related to blood insulin levels, aka sugar. You get a short burst of energy--then you're fatigued and hungry again--and then you will overeat to satitate the hunger you got from the sugar. A simple can of Coke is 8 teaspoons of sugar, and large Coke at McDonalds is a whopping 33 teaspoons of sugar. Drink one, and it won't be long before you're ordering 2 double bacon cheeseburgers to feed the sugar you just drank. Sugar is stored in our fat cells.

Back in the 1950's you didn't have bakery's in the stores--if you wanted cake you waited until the next birthday party and or you had to make your own. We didn't have all these sugary choices and white processed foods available to us at our fingertips.

It's very simple: What's is going to keep you fuller with longer lasting energy? An 8 oz. top sirloin steak or 8 oz's of sugar.

Michelle Obama was trying to change school menu's to more protein as is found in the steak, and less sugary white processed foods, by substituting the white processed with whole grains and more vegetables. There is nothing wrong with that, and it was a great idea that is now gone--because we have a Senator from Kansas, aka the agriculture secretary that is more concerned about lunch room profits.

Right, kids are eating steak in school.

Post all the articles you like, I'll stick with my specialist at the Cleveland Clinic and rely on his advice.

You're just defending your own ignorance right now. You have link after link that shows the risk of poor eating habits, & obesity in this country. It has been explained with charts and links throughout this thread and you're still in denial--arguing against each point.

You don't know the difference nor sources for protein, fat, & carbohydrates--and you have made that more than evident in each and everyone of your comments. You don't want to know the difference.

You don't know the difference between good calories and bad ones, and you don't want to know the difference. I'll doubt you even know how many calories you're supposed to be eating each day to maintain a healthy BMI and I'll bet my last nickle you don't care. I have a fairly good idea of what you probably look like. People who continually argue against good eating habits--are usually ones that are in denial of their own. And as they say--"misery loves company."



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In the summer time, the only time you spent at home was lunch and dinner. The rest of the time you were out with neighbors and friends playing physical games. In fact, mom had to threaten you to get back in the house come sundown. You didn't want to stop.

Today, a professional baseball player can't understand what's going on in the dugout unless he's fluent in Spanish. It's not an invasion, but our American kids were not raised playing baseball to realize their talents. They played baseball on their video games.

If there is one way I was blessed from God, it's being on earth now to see technology and all it's benefits. However, it's unfortunate to see all it's disadvantages at the same time. Kids don't have to be forced to eat lettuce and broccoli, they need to get outside and burn off more calories than they take in like we used to do.

I agree I grew up in the 50's myself. You're entertainment was playing outside. Kids need a lot more exercise than they're getting today. No one is arguing that and Michelle Obama was also promoting that. But we also didn't eat pizza for lunch everyday. Mom cooked, there was no such thing as fast food.

Times have changed and we have to adjust to these times. We need to make certain that kids are getting an education on which foods are heatlhy and which ones are nothing more than empty calories. And actually change school menu's to where they can eat what they're learning.

Type 2 diabetes is the fastest growing disease in this country today, especially with adults, and now we're seeing it in kids & teens. Ignoring this health crisis is not a solution. The new agriculture Secretary from Kansas is not addressing this issue--he is adding to problem. As stated in the article he is much more concerned with lunch room profits. They'll make a lot more money if they just give them donuts, cakes and candy for lunch. The body reaction to white processed foods is exactly the same.

"In type 2 diabetes, once known as "adult-onset" diabetes, the body becomes resistant to the effects of insulin or doesn't make enough insulin, according to the Mayo Clinic.

Doctors have made major progress in treating type 1 diabetes and preventing complications, Ludwig says. But children who develop type 2 diabetes face serious risks, which are compounded by the fact that most are already obese. Together, obesity and diabetes increase their lifetime risk of heart attacks, strokes, kidney failure, blindness and amputations.

Diabetes affects 25.8 million people of all ages in the USA, or about 8.3% of the population, according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, part of the National Institutes of Health."

Diabetes rates skyrocket in kids and teens

If you read the ongoing discussions, you'd realize that diabetes is not directly related to what you eat.

I was raised on home cooked food. Fast food was a treat we had once or twice a year. when I turned 25, I became a victim of diabetes.

You can have sugar problems because of obesity, pregnancy, or age, but that's different than your pancreas breaking down. Food doesn't cause that; at least that we know of.

Kids being forced to eat what they have no desire to eat only amplifies the problem. They will carry candy bars for lunch instead of salads. They will wait until the end of the day to hit McDonald's on the way home with friends. Believe it or not, you can't force people into eating what they don't want to eat.

What kind of food one eats is less the problem than exercise. I'm a landlord and I've seen this first hand. When the weather turns nice in spring, my younger tenants stay inside. They don't open up the windows. They don't go outside to interact with neighbors or my other tenants. Their entertainment is entirely within their four walls.

My older tenants are much different. We gather outside to BS or just enjoy the weather. We wash or vacuum out our cars. My tenants with pets bring them outside and walk them around. Our windows are open and we spend much of our day outside. My younger tenants? The only time you see them is when they walk from their apartment to their cars.

We don't have a food problem--we have an exercise problem.

Type 2 diabetes is DIRECTLY related to obesity. Type 1 diabetes is not. Read the article.
Diabetes rates skyrocket in kids and teens

You do not need to exercise to maintain your weight, or even lose weight. 97% of your weight is related to what you're putting in your mouth. Albeit--that exercise is great, and kids need a lot more than what they're getting today. If you really remember the 1950's adults did not exercise--yet they were thin.

An average 10 year old today is 10-15 pounds heavier than a 10 year old coming out of the 1950's. Which means when they're 20--they're going to be 20-25 pounds heavier that their counterpart from the 1950's, when they're 30 they're going to be 40 -45 pounds heavier than their counterpart in the 1950's etc. etc. etc.

Type 2 diabetes is directly related to blood insulin levels, aka sugar. You get a short burst of energy--then you're fatigued and hungry again--and then you will overeat to satitate the hunger you got from the sugar. A simple can of Coke is 8 teaspoons of sugar, and large Coke at McDonalds is a whopping 33 teaspoons of sugar. Drink one, and it won't be long before you're ordering 2 double bacon cheeseburgers to feed the sugar you just drank. Sugar is stored in our fat cells.

Back in the 1950's you didn't have bakery's in the stores--if you wanted cake you waited until the next birthday party and or you had to make your own. We didn't have all these sugary choices and white processed foods available to us at our fingertips.

It's very simple: What's is going to keep you fuller with longer lasting energy? An 8 oz. top sirloin steak or 8 oz's of sugar.

Michelle Obama was trying to change school menu's to more protein as is found in the steak, and less sugary white processed foods, by substituting the white processed with whole grains and more vegetables. There is nothing wrong with that, and it was a great idea that is now gone--because we have a Senator from Kansas, aka the agriculture secretary that is more concerned about lunch room profits.

Right, kids are eating steak in school.

Post all the articles you like, I'll stick with my specialist at the Cleveland Clinic and rely on his advice.

You're just defending your own ignorance right now. You have link after link that shows the risk of poor eating habits, & obesity in this country. It has been explained with charts and links throughout this thread and you're still in denial--arguing against each point.

You don't know the difference nor sources for protein, fat, & carbohydrates--and you have made that more than evident in each and everyone of your comments. You don't want to know the difference.

You don't know the difference between good calories and bad ones, and you don't want to know the difference. I have a fairly good idea of what you probably look like. People who continually argue against good eating habits--are usually ones that are in denial of their own.



You worship at the alter of fake news, don't you?
The far leftists here are fat shaming like no tomorrow.

Who are you to tell that being fat is worse than not being fat?

Utterly racist behavior to condemn an entire group of people, innocent kids of all things!
I'm fat and it doesn't bother me. The only think mildly embarrassing is when we go out to eat or something and my wife has to unload the fork lift we have to carry around.
The far leftists here are fat shaming like no tomorrow.

Who are you to tell that being fat is worse than not being fat?

Utterly racist behavior to condemn an entire group of people, innocent kids of all things!

You're condeming the kids to a life of obesity and health issues--not me. If Michelle Obama had made a program about exercise for children in school, and some dumbass Republican overruled it, you would be on here defending the Republican who did, as you are right now defending a Republican Senator from Kansas that basically threw out a bill to feed healthier foods in school to fight skyrockinig childhood obesity.--( Simply because he wanted to increase school lunch room PROFITS.)

Your comment: "Who are you to tell me that being fat is worse than not being fat?" This comment is without doubt is the most ignorant comment I have ever seen.


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In the summer time, the only time you spent at home was lunch and dinner. The rest of the time you were out with neighbors and friends playing physical games. In fact, mom had to threaten you to get back in the house come sundown. You didn't want to stop.

Today, a professional baseball player can't understand what's going on in the dugout unless he's fluent in Spanish. It's not an invasion, but our American kids were not raised playing baseball to realize their talents. They played baseball on their video games.

If there is one way I was blessed from God, it's being on earth now to see technology and all it's benefits. However, it's unfortunate to see all it's disadvantages at the same time. Kids don't have to be forced to eat lettuce and broccoli, they need to get outside and burn off more calories than they take in like we used to do.

I agree I grew up in the 50's myself. You're entertainment was playing outside. Kids need a lot more exercise than they're getting today. No one is arguing that and Michelle Obama was also promoting that. But we also didn't eat pizza for lunch everyday. Mom cooked, there was no such thing as fast food.

Times have changed and we have to adjust to these times. We need to make certain that kids are getting an education on which foods are heatlhy and which ones are nothing more than empty calories. And actually change school menu's to where they can eat what they're learning.

Type 2 diabetes is the fastest growing disease in this country today, especially with adults, and now we're seeing it in kids & teens. Ignoring this health crisis is not a solution. The new agriculture Secretary from Kansas is not addressing this issue--he is adding to problem. As stated in the article he is much more concerned with lunch room profits. They'll make a lot more money if they just give them donuts, cakes and candy for lunch. The body reaction to white processed foods is exactly the same.

"In type 2 diabetes, once known as "adult-onset" diabetes, the body becomes resistant to the effects of insulin or doesn't make enough insulin, according to the Mayo Clinic.

Doctors have made major progress in treating type 1 diabetes and preventing complications, Ludwig says. But children who develop type 2 diabetes face serious risks, which are compounded by the fact that most are already obese. Together, obesity and diabetes increase their lifetime risk of heart attacks, strokes, kidney failure, blindness and amputations.

Diabetes affects 25.8 million people of all ages in the USA, or about 8.3% of the population, according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, part of the National Institutes of Health."

Diabetes rates skyrocket in kids and teens

If you read the ongoing discussions, you'd realize that diabetes is not directly related to what you eat.

I was raised on home cooked food. Fast food was a treat we had once or twice a year. when I turned 25, I became a victim of diabetes.

You can have sugar problems because of obesity, pregnancy, or age, but that's different than your pancreas breaking down. Food doesn't cause that; at least that we know of.

Kids being forced to eat what they have no desire to eat only amplifies the problem. They will carry candy bars for lunch instead of salads. They will wait until the end of the day to hit McDonald's on the way home with friends. Believe it or not, you can't force people into eating what they don't want to eat.

What kind of food one eats is less the problem than exercise. I'm a landlord and I've seen this first hand. When the weather turns nice in spring, my younger tenants stay inside. They don't open up the windows. They don't go outside to interact with neighbors or my other tenants. Their entertainment is entirely within their four walls.

My older tenants are much different. We gather outside to BS or just enjoy the weather. We wash or vacuum out our cars. My tenants with pets bring them outside and walk them around. Our windows are open and we spend much of our day outside. My younger tenants? The only time you see them is when they walk from their apartment to their cars.

We don't have a food problem--we have an exercise problem.

Type 2 diabetes is DIRECTLY related to obesity. Type 1 diabetes is not. Read the article.
Diabetes rates skyrocket in kids and teens

You do not need to exercise to maintain your weight, or even lose weight. 97% of your weight is related to what you're putting in your mouth. Albeit--that exercise is great, and kids need a lot more than what they're getting today. If you really remember the 1950's adults did not exercise--yet they were thin.

An average 10 year old today is 10-15 pounds heavier than a 10 year old coming out of the 1950's. Which means when they're 20--they're going to be 20-25 pounds heavier that their counterpart from the 1950's, when they're 30 they're going to be 40 -45 pounds heavier than their counterpart in the 1950's etc. etc. etc.

Type 2 diabetes is directly related to blood insulin levels, aka sugar. You get a short burst of energy--then you're fatigued and hungry again--and then you will overeat to satitate the hunger you got from the sugar. A simple can of Coke is 8 teaspoons of sugar, and large Coke at McDonalds is a whopping 33 teaspoons of sugar. Drink one, and it won't be long before you're ordering 2 double bacon cheeseburgers to feed the sugar you just drank. Sugar is stored in our fat cells.

Back in the 1950's you didn't have bakery's in the stores--if you wanted cake you waited until the next birthday party and or you had to make your own. We didn't have all these sugary choices and white processed foods available to us at our fingertips.

It's very simple: What's is going to keep you fuller with longer lasting energy? An 8 oz. top sirloin steak or 8 oz's of sugar.

Michelle Obama was trying to change school menu's to more protein as is found in the steak, and less sugary white processed foods, by substituting the white processed with whole grains and more vegetables. There is nothing wrong with that, and it was a great idea that is now gone--because we have a Senator from Kansas, aka the agriculture secretary that is more concerned about lunch room profits.

Right, kids are eating steak in school.

Post all the articles you like, I'll stick with my specialist at the Cleveland Clinic and rely on his advice.

You're just defending your own ignorance right now. You have link after link that shows the risk of poor eating habits, & obesity in this country. It has been explained with charts and links throughout this thread and you're still in denial--arguing against each point.

You don't know the difference nor sources for protein, fat, & carbohydrates--and you have made that more than evident in each and everyone of your comments. You don't want to know the difference.

You don't know the difference between good calories and bad ones, and you don't want to know the difference. I'll doubt you even know how many calories you're supposed to be eating each day to maintain a healthy BMI and I'll bet my last nickle you don't care. I have a fairly good idea of what you probably look like. People who continually argue against good eating habits--are usually ones that are in denial of their own. And as they say--"misery loves company."




If anybody wants any of that information, they can look it up right here on the internet. I could G.A.S. less about what people eat. It's none of my business OR YOURS what they eat. If you want to eat salads ten times a week, go for it, but don't tell others what to eat because you made their eating habits a concern of yours.

Liberalism is about taking joy away from other people because they are miserable themselves. You people feel you are entitled to tell everybody else how to live: what to eat, what to smoke, what to drink, what taxes they should (or should not) be paying, what news channels outlets they should not be watching, how they should vote........

For crying out loud, show me one debate by our founders where the subject was if the federal government should be responsible for telling people how to eat. It's ridiculous already.
The far leftists here are fat shaming like no tomorrow.

Who are you to tell that being fat is worse than not being fat?

Utterly racist behavior to condemn an entire group of people, innocent kids of all things!

You're condeming the kids to a life of obesity and health issues--not me. If Michelle Obama had made a program about exercise for children in school, and some dumbass Republican overruled it, you would be on here defending the Republican who did, as you are right now defending a Republican Senator from Kansas that basically threw out a bill to feed healthier foods in school to fight skyrockinig childhood obesity--(because he wanted to increase school lunch room PROFITS.)

Your comment: "Who are you to tell me that being fat is worse than not being fat?" This comment is without doubt is the most ignorant comment I have ever seen.


No, actually you are FAT SHAMING THE KIDS. You are directly implying that being fat is worse than not being fat, you racist monster!

And according to Huff Post, that can literally break their small vulnerable hearts:

Fat Shaming Can Literally Break Your Heart | HuffPost

So, FUCK OFF, you child killer.

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