Trump ends Michelle Obama's effort to fight child hood obesity.

What is Nazi about providing healthier food in our school cafeterias? They are public institutions. Whats wrong with you?
How healthy is the food that's going to get thrown out?
If kids aren't eating the food and there is a lot of waste then work on the menu options. There is plenty of good tasting healthy food out there. Why are you all so quick to point the finger instead of trying to help fix the problems?
Trump is giving schools the option to offer more/other choices. Options that weren't available after Michelle decided to dictate what could be served.

Let's face it.... her school lunch program was a total failure.
Why was it a total failure? What data tells you that?
Pics were already posted. Comments by students were also shared.
Here's another pic that offers some insight into what kids think of her lunch program.....

Hold on, let me go take a picture of a garbage can thats got clean plates in it so I can present my evidence
How did Michelle's efforts work out?
It ended with kids going hungry, millions wasted, and tons of crap being thrown out.

It was just another obama failure that President Trump had to fix.
Not quite drama queen. I'm sure some schools had problems but others had successes. Glad somebody in our leadership gave a shit and worked to make a difference for our kids
Is the Michelle Obama-approved school lunch initiative working?
I'm also glad we finally have someone in leadership who gives a shit. Kids can now be offered a lunch they can eat and enjoy.
The menus I've seen coming from them are low calorie, low fat, low protein, and high carbohydrate. THAT, my friend is what causes type 2 diabetes, as well as high cholesterol.

Actually, type 2 diabetes is caused by a genetic defect—one that is rampant on my father's side of my family. He had it, all his brothers had it, his father had it, and now, my brother and I have it.

If you don't have the genetic pattern, then you will never develop type 2 diabetes, no matter what you eat or how you otherwise care for yourself or fail to do so.
What is Nazi about providing healthier food in our school cafeterias? They are public institutions. Whats wrong with you?

You keep speaking of “providing healthier food in our school cafeterias” as if that's what Mrs. Obama's policies achieved, and that that is what the Trump Administration now opposes. That's nonsense, and you know it. At best, it is what Mrs. Obama claimed to want to achieve, but in fact, her policies had very much the opposite effect, harming the very children that she purported to want to help.
The last point I want to make is that you are a dumbshit and have presented so many rediculous points in this discussion you should spend a few minutes in the corner reflecting on what you've done. That's it.
That's the ONLY point you want to make and you failed at that one too. PS, learn how to spell ridiculous if you don't want to look ridiculous.
What is Nazi about providing healthier food in our school cafeterias? They are public institutions. Whats wrong with you?

You keep speaking of “providing healthier food in our school cafeterias” as if that's what Mrs. Obama's policies achieved, and that that is what the Trump Administration now opposes. That's nonsense, and you know it. At best, it is what Mrs. Obama claimed to want to achieve, but in fact, her policies had very much the opposite effect, harming the very children that she purported to want to help.
You're full of shit. Her program may have had problems in some areas but it also had many successes.

Is the Michelle Obama-approved school lunch initiative working?

I also never said that Trumps program was that bad. I actually think it is a fair approach as they are only making adjustments for the schools that are having trouble with the program. Not all schools. I'm fine with that.
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The menus I've seen coming from them are low calorie, low fat, low protein, and high carbohydrate. THAT, my friend is what causes type 2 diabetes, as well as high cholesterol.

Actually, type 2 diabetes is caused by a genetic defect—one that is rampant on my father's side of my family. He had it, all his brothers had it, his father had it, and now, my brother and I have it.

If you don't have the genetic pattern, then you will never develop type 2 diabetes, no matter what you eat or how you otherwise care for yourself or fail to do so.
Who told you that?
Why do liberals want the government to control every aspect of their lives? Do they not know how to act like adults and take responsibility for their own lives?
Yeah, Michelle Obama looks like a real nutrition and fitness expert. Let's put her in charge of deciding what our kids should eat. The DOG is in better shape than she is.


Cheap and childish attack. Her effort was honorable, but da

Oh the irony, when you take a look at Trump, who must be pushing 260+ pounds, and would make a good poster child for the Michelin man, Mr stay-puff, or the Goodyear blimp.

Equally childish attack. Congrats lefties never let you down.

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Why do liberals want the government to control every aspect of their lives? Do they not know how to act like adults and take responsibility for their own lives?

Believe it or not, liberals feel like the founders created our federal government TO control the lives of people in this country. Having a cradle-to-grave government erases a lot of personal responsibility in your life. It leaves you with less choices. Less choices means less freedom.
The menus I've seen coming from them are low calorie, low fat, low protein, and high carbohydrate. THAT, my friend is what causes type 2 diabetes, as well as high cholesterol.

Actually, type 2 diabetes is caused by a genetic defect—one that is rampant on my father's side of my family. He had it, all his brothers had it, his father had it, and now, my brother and I have it.

If you don't have the genetic pattern, then you will never develop type 2 diabetes, no matter what you eat or how you otherwise care for yourself or fail to do so.

I would have to disagree with you there. I'm type 2 and we have no diabetes in the family. But for much of my life, I was either thin or built. During the time I discovered it, I was eating well and exercising with weights. My sister has always had weight problems--especially when she was younger, and never had a sugar problem.

I do agree with you that it has little to do with diet though. From what I understand, real diabetes is caused by cells killing off each other in the pancreas. Type 1 can be controlled with weight, but less of diet.
Not quite drama queen. I'm sure some schools had problems but others had successes. Glad somebody in our leadership gave a shit and worked to make a difference for our kids

Right, because how in the world did we survive without federal government looking over our shoulders every minute of every day? Then when liberals get full power of the government back some day, they will force grocery stores to remove all sugar items so they can control what adults eat too! What a paradise we will live in.
It isn't up to the government to combat obesity. In this day in age, only a moron doesn't know that feeding your kids crap from birth isn't going cause weight issues.

It's shitty parenting plain and simple.

Kids always ate crap. I did when I was a kid. But why obesity today that we didn't have years ago? Because we didn't text our friends, we went over their house. We didn't have group chat, we rode our bikes to the school and had personal chats. We didn't have video games, we played baseball, basketball, and again, you had to walk, run or ride your bike to the places where you enjoyed those games.

True, there is a lot more consumption of fast food these days with both parents working, but the larger problem of obesity is exercise. When I was in school, I had to walk a few miles to catch the bus. More and more, school busses drive right up to the door to pick your kid up and drop them off at the end of the day.

Most of the article deals with how nutritious the food is. No shit??? But the study was of only six schools. Did those same children have a stock of candy bars in their locker, or head to Burger King as soon as they left the school?
I'm sure some did, so what?

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