Trump ends Michelle Obama's effort to fight child hood obesity.

No need to defend ignorant and childish accusations. You're a joke. Come back when your ready to try and have an intelligent conversation.
An intelligent conversation to you is agreeing with everything you say. If you can't handle disagreement maybe you shouldn't enter into the conversation in the first place.
I love debate and often admit it when I am wrong. When was the last time you did that? You are just throwing blank attacks at me right now. But you are talking about Michelle Obamas 200 pound ass. Thats not intelligent nor is it an argument. It is petty and childish and they are your words.
You're full of shit, Slade3200. You haven't presented one damn argument in favor of letting an unqualified obese woman dictate our children's diet. If it was Melania Trump you would be attacking her qualifications and you know it, you hypocrite. You can't debate, you don't know how. You take the liberal position and throw out personal attacks at anybody who doesn't agree with you. You're incapable of discussing any issue objectively. Get lost.
That's funny SJ, when was the last time you stood up for a liberal idea or rep? When was the last time you admitted you were wrong about anything? I have plenty of examples written here in black and white were I've done it.

I'd welcome Melania to pick up where Michelle left off and continue the fight against childhood obesity. You can keep putting words in my mouth and dictating a false narrative to make you feel superior, but you aren't fooling anybody

The problem here is that these problems are not going to be solved at school. These are parenting issues.
I agree family life is the most important influencer for shaping young people. But regardless schools have and will continue to have a cafeteria and serve food. I don't see the problem in trying to make that food healthier. I don't see the problem with after school programs to encourage excercise and activity.
No, you dumb fuck. What makes her unqualified is the absence of a fucking degree or even proof of a basic knowledge of nutrition. Her big fat ass just gives her away. You think her only qualification should be is that she's Michelle Obama. Damn, you're pathetic.
Keep squirming, your own arguement is going to continue to shoot yourself in the foot. The fat man who is currently making the decisions is an ex football playing fratboy with a veterinarians degree who then cut the balls off dogs then served as governor. Damn, if that doesn't scream qualified to dictate the food for ol our children then I dont know what does!!!

Reality is Michelle was a spokesperson who brought attention and a spotlight to the issue. The actual food and execution was handled by professionals. So the health and fitness of that spokesperson isn't really that relevant, is it?!

You just keep getting dumber and dumber. Maybe you should go to bed.
Maybe you should drop out of this conversation because you've yet to make one valid point. In case you've forgotten, this thread is about Michelle Obama and her crusade to dictate how we raise our children and what to feed them. I understand you can't defend that but all your personal attacks won't make her any more qualified. But do keep rambling, it's very entertaining and fun as hell to laugh at.
I figured you respond that way after getting shit done twice. You're done
Still waiting for you to post something other than personal attacks. How about posting Michelle Obama's qualifications on nutrition? I'll wait but I sure as shit won't hold my breath.
My posts sprinkle personal attacks cause you are being rediculous but the guts of them are direct rebuttals of the silly points you are trying to make. Don't be a butt hurt snowflake.

I've addressed everything you are asking for... already said that professionals handle the menu and operations of the programs roll out and Michelle is a spokesperson that brings attention and PR to the issues at hand. So her college degree doesn't really matter. Are you gonna press Melania to see if her degree qualifies her to combat cyber bullying? Don't you see just a little irony in that?

For this issue, If qualifications and personal appearance are that important to you then you should be outraged at the current situation being handled by two fat boys with zero experience with health and fitness. Scroll up again and just look at the pictures
Well, it's easy to see that qualifications aren't very important to you but one more time, since you have trouble comprehending things. Trump is not trying to dictate what our children eat, Michelle Obama IS. I know you're using the only tactic you know (distraction and diversion) but the bottom line is that NOBODY (but you mindless liberals who need your masters to tell you how to live your lives) support Michelle Obama's attempts to force the American people to feed their kids what she thinks they should eat. And if you think the "professionals" handling the menu are qualified, think again. The menus I've seen coming from them are low calorie, low fat, low protein, and high carbohydrate. THAT, my friend is what causes type 2 diabetes, as well as high cholesterol. The government needs to stick to defending our borders and stay the hell out of our private lives. If YOU need them to tell YOU how to live, fine. But don't try to force your Nazi policies on everybody else (and our children).
Keep squirming, your own arguement is going to continue to shoot yourself in the foot. The fat man who is currently making the decisions is an ex football playing fratboy with a veterinarians degree who then cut the balls off dogs then served as governor. Damn, if that doesn't scream qualified to dictate the food for ol our children then I dont know what does!!!

Reality is Michelle was a spokesperson who brought attention and a spotlight to the issue. The actual food and execution was handled by professionals. So the health and fitness of that spokesperson isn't really that relevant, is it?!

You just keep getting dumber and dumber. Maybe you should go to bed.
Maybe you should drop out of this conversation because you've yet to make one valid point. In case you've forgotten, this thread is about Michelle Obama and her crusade to dictate how we raise our children and what to feed them. I understand you can't defend that but all your personal attacks won't make her any more qualified. But do keep rambling, it's very entertaining and fun as hell to laugh at.
I figured you respond that way after getting shit done twice. You're done
Still waiting for you to post something other than personal attacks. How about posting Michelle Obama's qualifications on nutrition? I'll wait but I sure as shit won't hold my breath.
My posts sprinkle personal attacks cause you are being rediculous but the guts of them are direct rebuttals of the silly points you are trying to make. Don't be a butt hurt snowflake.

I've addressed everything you are asking for... already said that professionals handle the menu and operations of the programs roll out and Michelle is a spokesperson that brings attention and PR to the issues at hand. So her college degree doesn't really matter. Are you gonna press Melania to see if her degree qualifies her to combat cyber bullying? Don't you see just a little irony in that?

For this issue, If qualifications and personal appearance are that important to you then you should be outraged at the current situation being handled by two fat boys with zero experience with health and fitness. Scroll up again and just look at the pictures
Well, it's easy to see that qualifications aren't very important to you but one more time, since you have trouble comprehending things. Trump is not trying to dictate what our children eat, Michelle Obama IS. I know you're using the only tactic you know (distraction and diversion) but the bottom line is that NOBODY (but you mindless liberals who need your masters to tell you how to live your lives) support Michelle Obama's attempts to force the American people to feed their kids what she thinks they should eat. And if you think the "professionals" handling the menu are qualified, think again. The menus I've seen coming from them are low calorie, low fat, low protein, and high carbohydrate. THAT, my friend is what causes type 2 diabetes, as well as high cholesterol. The government needs to stick to defending our borders and stay the hell out of our private lives. If YOU need them to tell YOU how to live, fine. But don't try to force your Nazi policies on everybody else (and our children).
What is Nazi about providing healthier food in our school cafeterias? They are public institutions. Whats wrong with you?
So let's get rid of the fight against childhood obesity while also gutting protection for pre-existing conditions. Perfect.
Maybe you should drop out of this conversation because you've yet to make one valid point. In case you've forgotten, this thread is about Michelle Obama and her crusade to dictate how we raise our children and what to feed them. I understand you can't defend that but all your personal attacks won't make her any more qualified. But do keep rambling, it's very entertaining and fun as hell to laugh at.
I figured you respond that way after getting shit done twice. You're done
Still waiting for you to post something other than personal attacks. How about posting Michelle Obama's qualifications on nutrition? I'll wait but I sure as shit won't hold my breath.
My posts sprinkle personal attacks cause you are being rediculous but the guts of them are direct rebuttals of the silly points you are trying to make. Don't be a butt hurt snowflake.

I've addressed everything you are asking for... already said that professionals handle the menu and operations of the programs roll out and Michelle is a spokesperson that brings attention and PR to the issues at hand. So her college degree doesn't really matter. Are you gonna press Melania to see if her degree qualifies her to combat cyber bullying? Don't you see just a little irony in that?

For this issue, If qualifications and personal appearance are that important to you then you should be outraged at the current situation being handled by two fat boys with zero experience with health and fitness. Scroll up again and just look at the pictures
Well, it's easy to see that qualifications aren't very important to you but one more time, since you have trouble comprehending things. Trump is not trying to dictate what our children eat, Michelle Obama IS. I know you're using the only tactic you know (distraction and diversion) but the bottom line is that NOBODY (but you mindless liberals who need your masters to tell you how to live your lives) support Michelle Obama's attempts to force the American people to feed their kids what she thinks they should eat. And if you think the "professionals" handling the menu are qualified, think again. The menus I've seen coming from them are low calorie, low fat, low protein, and high carbohydrate. THAT, my friend is what causes type 2 diabetes, as well as high cholesterol. The government needs to stick to defending our borders and stay the hell out of our private lives. If YOU need them to tell YOU how to live, fine. But don't try to force your Nazi policies on everybody else (and our children).
What is Nazi about providing healthier food in our school cafeterias? They are public institutions. Whats wrong with you?
"Healthy" in whose opinion? Yours? Michelle Obamas? The "professionals"? Do the children (or parents) have a choice between skim milk and whole milk?
It isn't up to the government to combat obesity. In this day in age, only a moron doesn't know that feeding your kids crap from birth isn't going cause weight issues.

It's shitty parenting plain and simple.
An intelligent conversation to you is agreeing with everything you say. If you can't handle disagreement maybe you shouldn't enter into the conversation in the first place.
I love debate and often admit it when I am wrong. When was the last time you did that? You are just throwing blank attacks at me right now. But you are talking about Michelle Obamas 200 pound ass. Thats not intelligent nor is it an argument. It is petty and childish and they are your words.
You're full of shit, Slade3200. You haven't presented one damn argument in favor of letting an unqualified obese woman dictate our children's diet. If it was Melania Trump you would be attacking her qualifications and you know it, you hypocrite. You can't debate, you don't know how. You take the liberal position and throw out personal attacks at anybody who doesn't agree with you. You're incapable of discussing any issue objectively. Get lost.
That's funny SJ, when was the last time you stood up for a liberal idea or rep? When was the last time you admitted you were wrong about anything? I have plenty of examples written here in black and white were I've done it.

I'd welcome Melania to pick up where Michelle left off and continue the fight against childhood obesity. You can keep putting words in my mouth and dictating a false narrative to make you feel superior, but you aren't fooling anybody

The problem here is that these problems are not going to be solved at school. These are parenting issues.
I agree family life is the most important influencer for shaping young people. But regardless schools have and will continue to have a cafeteria and serve food. I don't see the problem in trying to make that food healthier. I don't see the problem with after school programs to encourage excercise and activity.

I loved fish stick day with fries. That was one time, 5 times a week I ate crap. Breakfast and dinner was always home-cooked, from scratch and healthy.
An intelligent conversation to you is agreeing with everything you say. If you can't handle disagreement maybe you shouldn't enter into the conversation in the first place.
I love debate and often admit it when I am wrong. When was the last time you did that? You are just throwing blank attacks at me right now. But you are talking about Michelle Obamas 200 pound ass. Thats not intelligent nor is it an argument. It is petty and childish and they are your words.
You're full of shit, Slade3200. You haven't presented one damn argument in favor of letting an unqualified obese woman dictate our children's diet. If it was Melania Trump you would be attacking her qualifications and you know it, you hypocrite. You can't debate, you don't know how. You take the liberal position and throw out personal attacks at anybody who doesn't agree with you. You're incapable of discussing any issue objectively. Get lost.
That's funny SJ, when was the last time you stood up for a liberal idea or rep? When was the last time you admitted you were wrong about anything? I have plenty of examples written here in black and white were I've done it.

I'd welcome Melania to pick up where Michelle left off and continue the fight against childhood obesity. You can keep putting words in my mouth and dictating a false narrative to make you feel superior, but you aren't fooling anybody

The problem here is that these problems are not going to be solved at school. These are parenting issues.
I agree family life is the most important influencer for shaping young people. But regardless schools have and will continue to have a cafeteria and serve food. I don't see the problem in trying to make that food healthier. I don't see the problem with after school programs to encourage excercise and activity.

But the meals are not healthier? Did you see those meals? They are cheaper is all.
An intelligent conversation to you is agreeing with everything you say. If you can't handle disagreement maybe you shouldn't enter into the conversation in the first place.
I love debate and often admit it when I am wrong. When was the last time you did that? You are just throwing blank attacks at me right now. But you are talking about Michelle Obamas 200 pound ass. Thats not intelligent nor is it an argument. It is petty and childish and they are your words.
You're full of shit, Slade3200. You haven't presented one damn argument in favor of letting an unqualified obese woman dictate our children's diet. If it was Melania Trump you would be attacking her qualifications and you know it, you hypocrite. You can't debate, you don't know how. You take the liberal position and throw out personal attacks at anybody who doesn't agree with you. You're incapable of discussing any issue objectively. Get lost.
That's funny SJ, when was the last time you stood up for a liberal idea or rep? When was the last time you admitted you were wrong about anything? I have plenty of examples written here in black and white were I've done it.

I'd welcome Melania to pick up where Michelle left off and continue the fight against childhood obesity. You can keep putting words in my mouth and dictating a false narrative to make you feel superior, but you aren't fooling anybody

The problem here is that these problems are not going to be solved at school. These are parenting issues.
I agree family life is the most important influencer for shaping young people. But regardless schools have and will continue to have a cafeteria and serve food. I don't see the problem in trying to make that food healthier. I don't see the problem with after school programs to encourage excercise and activity.

Don't you yet realize that everything the government gets involved in turns into poo?
Maybe you should drop out of this conversation because you've yet to make one valid point. In case you've forgotten, this thread is about Michelle Obama and her crusade to dictate how we raise our children and what to feed them. I understand you can't defend that but all your personal attacks won't make her any more qualified. But do keep rambling, it's very entertaining and fun as hell to laugh at.
I figured you respond that way after getting shit done twice. You're done
Still waiting for you to post something other than personal attacks. How about posting Michelle Obama's qualifications on nutrition? I'll wait but I sure as shit won't hold my breath.
My posts sprinkle personal attacks cause you are being rediculous but the guts of them are direct rebuttals of the silly points you are trying to make. Don't be a butt hurt snowflake.

I've addressed everything you are asking for... already said that professionals handle the menu and operations of the programs roll out and Michelle is a spokesperson that brings attention and PR to the issues at hand. So her college degree doesn't really matter. Are you gonna press Melania to see if her degree qualifies her to combat cyber bullying? Don't you see just a little irony in that?

For this issue, If qualifications and personal appearance are that important to you then you should be outraged at the current situation being handled by two fat boys with zero experience with health and fitness. Scroll up again and just look at the pictures
Well, it's easy to see that qualifications aren't very important to you but one more time, since you have trouble comprehending things. Trump is not trying to dictate what our children eat, Michelle Obama IS. I know you're using the only tactic you know (distraction and diversion) but the bottom line is that NOBODY (but you mindless liberals who need your masters to tell you how to live your lives) support Michelle Obama's attempts to force the American people to feed their kids what she thinks they should eat. And if you think the "professionals" handling the menu are qualified, think again. The menus I've seen coming from them are low calorie, low fat, low protein, and high carbohydrate. THAT, my friend is what causes type 2 diabetes, as well as high cholesterol. The government needs to stick to defending our borders and stay the hell out of our private lives. If YOU need them to tell YOU how to live, fine. But don't try to force your Nazi policies on everybody else (and our children).
What is Nazi about providing healthier food in our school cafeterias? They are public institutions. Whats wrong with you?
How healthy is the food that's going to get thrown out?
I figured you respond that way after getting shit done twice. You're done
Still waiting for you to post something other than personal attacks. How about posting Michelle Obama's qualifications on nutrition? I'll wait but I sure as shit won't hold my breath.
My posts sprinkle personal attacks cause you are being rediculous but the guts of them are direct rebuttals of the silly points you are trying to make. Don't be a butt hurt snowflake.

I've addressed everything you are asking for... already said that professionals handle the menu and operations of the programs roll out and Michelle is a spokesperson that brings attention and PR to the issues at hand. So her college degree doesn't really matter. Are you gonna press Melania to see if her degree qualifies her to combat cyber bullying? Don't you see just a little irony in that?

For this issue, If qualifications and personal appearance are that important to you then you should be outraged at the current situation being handled by two fat boys with zero experience with health and fitness. Scroll up again and just look at the pictures
Well, it's easy to see that qualifications aren't very important to you but one more time, since you have trouble comprehending things. Trump is not trying to dictate what our children eat, Michelle Obama IS. I know you're using the only tactic you know (distraction and diversion) but the bottom line is that NOBODY (but you mindless liberals who need your masters to tell you how to live your lives) support Michelle Obama's attempts to force the American people to feed their kids what she thinks they should eat. And if you think the "professionals" handling the menu are qualified, think again. The menus I've seen coming from them are low calorie, low fat, low protein, and high carbohydrate. THAT, my friend is what causes type 2 diabetes, as well as high cholesterol. The government needs to stick to defending our borders and stay the hell out of our private lives. If YOU need them to tell YOU how to live, fine. But don't try to force your Nazi policies on everybody else (and our children).
What is Nazi about providing healthier food in our school cafeterias? They are public institutions. Whats wrong with you?
"Healthy" in whose opinion? Yours? Michelle Obamas? The "professionals"? Do the children (or parents) have a choice between skim milk and whole milk?
Healthy in the best way that our science and knowledge can tell us. I never said Michelles plan was perfect, of course there are ways to improve it. It should always be improved. I never even said that Trumps roll backs were a bad thing. I actually think they make sense as they only apply to schools who are having hardships with the current menu options.

My only points are that Michelle did a good thing working on childhood obesity and trying to make food options at our schools more healthy. I hope Trump and Sonny can continue to improve the program... The last point I want to make is that you are a dumbshit and have presented so many rediculous points in this discussion you should spend a few minutes in the corner reflecting on what you've done. That's it.
I love debate and often admit it when I am wrong. When was the last time you did that? You are just throwing blank attacks at me right now. But you are talking about Michelle Obamas 200 pound ass. Thats not intelligent nor is it an argument. It is petty and childish and they are your words.
You're full of shit, Slade3200. You haven't presented one damn argument in favor of letting an unqualified obese woman dictate our children's diet. If it was Melania Trump you would be attacking her qualifications and you know it, you hypocrite. You can't debate, you don't know how. You take the liberal position and throw out personal attacks at anybody who doesn't agree with you. You're incapable of discussing any issue objectively. Get lost.
That's funny SJ, when was the last time you stood up for a liberal idea or rep? When was the last time you admitted you were wrong about anything? I have plenty of examples written here in black and white were I've done it.

I'd welcome Melania to pick up where Michelle left off and continue the fight against childhood obesity. You can keep putting words in my mouth and dictating a false narrative to make you feel superior, but you aren't fooling anybody

The problem here is that these problems are not going to be solved at school. These are parenting issues.
I agree family life is the most important influencer for shaping young people. But regardless schools have and will continue to have a cafeteria and serve food. I don't see the problem in trying to make that food healthier. I don't see the problem with after school programs to encourage excercise and activity.

I loved fish stick day with fries. That was one time, 5 times a week I ate crap. Breakfast and dinner was always home-cooked, from scratch and healthy.
Weren't you a lucky kid. Shame that there are many children out there that don't have those luxuries.
I love debate and often admit it when I am wrong. When was the last time you did that? You are just throwing blank attacks at me right now. But you are talking about Michelle Obamas 200 pound ass. Thats not intelligent nor is it an argument. It is petty and childish and they are your words.
You're full of shit, Slade3200. You haven't presented one damn argument in favor of letting an unqualified obese woman dictate our children's diet. If it was Melania Trump you would be attacking her qualifications and you know it, you hypocrite. You can't debate, you don't know how. You take the liberal position and throw out personal attacks at anybody who doesn't agree with you. You're incapable of discussing any issue objectively. Get lost.
That's funny SJ, when was the last time you stood up for a liberal idea or rep? When was the last time you admitted you were wrong about anything? I have plenty of examples written here in black and white were I've done it.

I'd welcome Melania to pick up where Michelle left off and continue the fight against childhood obesity. You can keep putting words in my mouth and dictating a false narrative to make you feel superior, but you aren't fooling anybody

The problem here is that these problems are not going to be solved at school. These are parenting issues.
I agree family life is the most important influencer for shaping young people. But regardless schools have and will continue to have a cafeteria and serve food. I don't see the problem in trying to make that food healthier. I don't see the problem with after school programs to encourage excercise and activity.

But the meals are not healthier? Did you see those meals? They are cheaper is all.
I didn't see that... If the meals were not made healthier then I hope changes are made to help with that issue. I don't think your information is correct though.
I figured you respond that way after getting shit done twice. You're done
Still waiting for you to post something other than personal attacks. How about posting Michelle Obama's qualifications on nutrition? I'll wait but I sure as shit won't hold my breath.
My posts sprinkle personal attacks cause you are being rediculous but the guts of them are direct rebuttals of the silly points you are trying to make. Don't be a butt hurt snowflake.

I've addressed everything you are asking for... already said that professionals handle the menu and operations of the programs roll out and Michelle is a spokesperson that brings attention and PR to the issues at hand. So her college degree doesn't really matter. Are you gonna press Melania to see if her degree qualifies her to combat cyber bullying? Don't you see just a little irony in that?

For this issue, If qualifications and personal appearance are that important to you then you should be outraged at the current situation being handled by two fat boys with zero experience with health and fitness. Scroll up again and just look at the pictures
Well, it's easy to see that qualifications aren't very important to you but one more time, since you have trouble comprehending things. Trump is not trying to dictate what our children eat, Michelle Obama IS. I know you're using the only tactic you know (distraction and diversion) but the bottom line is that NOBODY (but you mindless liberals who need your masters to tell you how to live your lives) support Michelle Obama's attempts to force the American people to feed their kids what she thinks they should eat. And if you think the "professionals" handling the menu are qualified, think again. The menus I've seen coming from them are low calorie, low fat, low protein, and high carbohydrate. THAT, my friend is what causes type 2 diabetes, as well as high cholesterol. The government needs to stick to defending our borders and stay the hell out of our private lives. If YOU need them to tell YOU how to live, fine. But don't try to force your Nazi policies on everybody else (and our children).
What is Nazi about providing healthier food in our school cafeterias? They are public institutions. Whats wrong with you?
How healthy is the food that's going to get thrown out?
If kids aren't eating the food and there is a lot of waste then work on the menu options. There is plenty of good tasting healthy food out there. Why are you all so quick to point the finger instead of trying to help fix the problems?
Still waiting for you to post something other than personal attacks. How about posting Michelle Obama's qualifications on nutrition? I'll wait but I sure as shit won't hold my breath.
My posts sprinkle personal attacks cause you are being rediculous but the guts of them are direct rebuttals of the silly points you are trying to make. Don't be a butt hurt snowflake.

I've addressed everything you are asking for... already said that professionals handle the menu and operations of the programs roll out and Michelle is a spokesperson that brings attention and PR to the issues at hand. So her college degree doesn't really matter. Are you gonna press Melania to see if her degree qualifies her to combat cyber bullying? Don't you see just a little irony in that?

For this issue, If qualifications and personal appearance are that important to you then you should be outraged at the current situation being handled by two fat boys with zero experience with health and fitness. Scroll up again and just look at the pictures
Well, it's easy to see that qualifications aren't very important to you but one more time, since you have trouble comprehending things. Trump is not trying to dictate what our children eat, Michelle Obama IS. I know you're using the only tactic you know (distraction and diversion) but the bottom line is that NOBODY (but you mindless liberals who need your masters to tell you how to live your lives) support Michelle Obama's attempts to force the American people to feed their kids what she thinks they should eat. And if you think the "professionals" handling the menu are qualified, think again. The menus I've seen coming from them are low calorie, low fat, low protein, and high carbohydrate. THAT, my friend is what causes type 2 diabetes, as well as high cholesterol. The government needs to stick to defending our borders and stay the hell out of our private lives. If YOU need them to tell YOU how to live, fine. But don't try to force your Nazi policies on everybody else (and our children).
What is Nazi about providing healthier food in our school cafeterias? They are public institutions. Whats wrong with you?
How healthy is the food that's going to get thrown out?
If kids aren't eating the food and there is a lot of waste then work on the menu options. There is plenty of good tasting healthy food out there. Why are you all so quick to point the finger instead of trying to help fix the problems?
Trump is giving schools the option to offer more/other choices. Options that weren't available after Michelle decided to dictate what could be served.

Let's face it.... her school lunch program was a total failure.
My posts sprinkle personal attacks cause you are being rediculous but the guts of them are direct rebuttals of the silly points you are trying to make. Don't be a butt hurt snowflake.

I've addressed everything you are asking for... already said that professionals handle the menu and operations of the programs roll out and Michelle is a spokesperson that brings attention and PR to the issues at hand. So her college degree doesn't really matter. Are you gonna press Melania to see if her degree qualifies her to combat cyber bullying? Don't you see just a little irony in that?

For this issue, If qualifications and personal appearance are that important to you then you should be outraged at the current situation being handled by two fat boys with zero experience with health and fitness. Scroll up again and just look at the pictures
Well, it's easy to see that qualifications aren't very important to you but one more time, since you have trouble comprehending things. Trump is not trying to dictate what our children eat, Michelle Obama IS. I know you're using the only tactic you know (distraction and diversion) but the bottom line is that NOBODY (but you mindless liberals who need your masters to tell you how to live your lives) support Michelle Obama's attempts to force the American people to feed their kids what she thinks they should eat. And if you think the "professionals" handling the menu are qualified, think again. The menus I've seen coming from them are low calorie, low fat, low protein, and high carbohydrate. THAT, my friend is what causes type 2 diabetes, as well as high cholesterol. The government needs to stick to defending our borders and stay the hell out of our private lives. If YOU need them to tell YOU how to live, fine. But don't try to force your Nazi policies on everybody else (and our children).
What is Nazi about providing healthier food in our school cafeterias? They are public institutions. Whats wrong with you?
How healthy is the food that's going to get thrown out?
If kids aren't eating the food and there is a lot of waste then work on the menu options. There is plenty of good tasting healthy food out there. Why are you all so quick to point the finger instead of trying to help fix the problems?
Trump is giving schools the option to offer more/other choices. Options that weren't available after Michelle decided to dictate what could be served.

Let's face it.... her school lunch program was a total failure.
Why was it a total failure? What data tells you that?
Well, it's easy to see that qualifications aren't very important to you but one more time, since you have trouble comprehending things. Trump is not trying to dictate what our children eat, Michelle Obama IS. I know you're using the only tactic you know (distraction and diversion) but the bottom line is that NOBODY (but you mindless liberals who need your masters to tell you how to live your lives) support Michelle Obama's attempts to force the American people to feed their kids what she thinks they should eat. And if you think the "professionals" handling the menu are qualified, think again. The menus I've seen coming from them are low calorie, low fat, low protein, and high carbohydrate. THAT, my friend is what causes type 2 diabetes, as well as high cholesterol. The government needs to stick to defending our borders and stay the hell out of our private lives. If YOU need them to tell YOU how to live, fine. But don't try to force your Nazi policies on everybody else (and our children).
What is Nazi about providing healthier food in our school cafeterias? They are public institutions. Whats wrong with you?
How healthy is the food that's going to get thrown out?
If kids aren't eating the food and there is a lot of waste then work on the menu options. There is plenty of good tasting healthy food out there. Why are you all so quick to point the finger instead of trying to help fix the problems?
Trump is giving schools the option to offer more/other choices. Options that weren't available after Michelle decided to dictate what could be served.

Let's face it.... her school lunch program was a total failure.
Why was it a total failure? What data tells you that?
Pics were already posted. Comments by students were also shared.
Here's another pic that offers some insight into what kids think of her lunch program.....


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