Trump ends Michelle Obama's effort to fight child hood obesity.

Yeah, I can tell by her 200 lbs. ass.
move along child
A predictable response when you can't defend the self-appointed food czar who can't resist stuffing her own face with French fries.
No need to defend ignorant and childish accusations. You're a joke. Come back when your ready to try and have an intelligent conversation.
An intelligent conversation to you is agreeing with everything you say. If you can't handle disagreement maybe you shouldn't enter into the conversation in the first place.
I love debate and often admit it when I am wrong. When was the last time you did that? You are just throwing blank attacks at me right now. But you are talking about Michelle Obamas 200 pound ass. Thats not intelligent nor is it an argument. It is petty and childish and they are your words.
You're full of shit, Slade3200. You haven't presented one damn argument in favor of letting an unqualified obese woman dictate our children's diet. If it was Melania Trump you would be attacking her qualifications and you know it, you hypocrite. You can't debate, you don't know how. You take the liberal position and throw out personal attacks at anybody who doesn't agree with you. You're incapable of discussing any issue objectively. Get lost.
Yeah, Michelle Obama looks like a real nutrition and fitness expert. Let's put her in charge of deciding what our kids should eat. The DOG is in better shape than she is.


Post of pic of yourself and show us what a stud you are.

Or betterrace yet tell us the upside to childhood diabetes. Pockets full of Werthers Originals?
I'm not surprised an idiot like you would completely miss my point. I'M not the one trying to dictate what your kid eats. She IS. And not only is that fat ass hog obviously not qualified to advise ANYBODY on nutrition, even if she was, it's none of her f***ing business. Now do you get my point?

Yeah, you're a fat fatty who wants kids to be fat just like you. Other than that I don't see the defense of wanting kiss to eat shittier meals othe than you pretending it's being forced on them.
My God, where do they find you idiots? Please post a quote of me saying I want kids to be fat and eat "shitty meals". Is that really the best you morons can come up with? Damn, you people are pathetic.
move along child
A predictable response when you can't defend the self-appointed food czar who can't resist stuffing her own face with French fries.
No need to defend ignorant and childish accusations. You're a joke. Come back when your ready to try and have an intelligent conversation.
An intelligent conversation to you is agreeing with everything you say. If you can't handle disagreement maybe you shouldn't enter into the conversation in the first place.
I love debate and often admit it when I am wrong. When was the last time you did that? You are just throwing blank attacks at me right now. But you are talking about Michelle Obamas 200 pound ass. Thats not intelligent nor is it an argument. It is petty and childish and they are your words.
You're full of shit, Slade3200. You haven't presented one damn argument in favor of letting an unqualified obese woman dictate our children's diet. If it was Melania Trump you would be attacking her qualifications and you know it, you hypocrite. You can't debate, you don't know how. You take the liberal position and throw out personal attacks at anybody who doesn't agree with you. You're incapable of discussing any issue objectively. Get lost.
That's funny SJ, when was the last time you stood up for a liberal idea or rep? When was the last time you admitted you were wrong about anything? I have plenty of examples written here in black and white were I've done it.

I'd welcome Melania to pick up where Michelle left off and continue the fight against childhood obesity. You can keep putting words in my mouth and dictating a false narrative to make you feel superior, but you aren't fooling anybody
A predictable response when you can't defend the self-appointed food czar who can't resist stuffing her own face with French fries.
No need to defend ignorant and childish accusations. You're a joke. Come back when your ready to try and have an intelligent conversation.
An intelligent conversation to you is agreeing with everything you say. If you can't handle disagreement maybe you shouldn't enter into the conversation in the first place.
I love debate and often admit it when I am wrong. When was the last time you did that? You are just throwing blank attacks at me right now. But you are talking about Michelle Obamas 200 pound ass. Thats not intelligent nor is it an argument. It is petty and childish and they are your words.
You're full of shit, Slade3200. You haven't presented one damn argument in favor of letting an unqualified obese woman dictate our children's diet. If it was Melania Trump you would be attacking her qualifications and you know it, you hypocrite. You can't debate, you don't know how. You take the liberal position and throw out personal attacks at anybody who doesn't agree with you. You're incapable of discussing any issue objectively. Get lost.
That's funny SJ, when was the last time you stood up for a liberal idea or rep? When was the last time you admitted you were wrong about anything? I have plenty of examples written here in black and white were I've done it.

I'd welcome Melania to pick up where Michelle left off and continue the fight against childhood obesity. You can keep putting words in my mouth and dictating a false narrative to make you feel superior, but you aren't fooling anybody
Hey asshole, I have no problem with a KNOWLEDGEABLE and QUALIFIED person fighting against childhood obesity. I DO have a problem with an obese and UNQUALIFIED person pretending to be some kind of expert when all you have to do is look at her to know she has no business advising ANYBODY about nutrition. I would be against a Republican doing it too if they didn't know wtf they were doing (like Michelle). YOU, otoh, will defend anybody fucking around with our kid's health as long as it's a Democrat. You don't give a shit about the kids, you're just a sycophant who feels compelled to defend Michelle at any cost, even to your own credibility.
No need to defend ignorant and childish accusations. You're a joke. Come back when your ready to try and have an intelligent conversation.
An intelligent conversation to you is agreeing with everything you say. If you can't handle disagreement maybe you shouldn't enter into the conversation in the first place.
I love debate and often admit it when I am wrong. When was the last time you did that? You are just throwing blank attacks at me right now. But you are talking about Michelle Obamas 200 pound ass. Thats not intelligent nor is it an argument. It is petty and childish and they are your words.
You're full of shit, Slade3200. You haven't presented one damn argument in favor of letting an unqualified obese woman dictate our children's diet. If it was Melania Trump you would be attacking her qualifications and you know it, you hypocrite. You can't debate, you don't know how. You take the liberal position and throw out personal attacks at anybody who doesn't agree with you. You're incapable of discussing any issue objectively. Get lost.
That's funny SJ, when was the last time you stood up for a liberal idea or rep? When was the last time you admitted you were wrong about anything? I have plenty of examples written here in black and white were I've done it.

I'd welcome Melania to pick up where Michelle left off and continue the fight against childhood obesity. You can keep putting words in my mouth and dictating a false narrative to make you feel superior, but you aren't fooling anybody
Hey asshole, I have no problem with a KNOWLEDGEABLE and QUALIFIED person fighting against childhood obesity. I DO have a problem with an obese and UNQUALIFIED person pretending to be some kind of expert when all you have to do is look at her to know she has no business advising ANYBODY about nutrition. I would be against a Republican doing it too if they didn't know wtf they were doing (like Michelle). YOU, otoh, will defend anybody fucking around with our kid's health as long as it's a Democrat. You don't give a shit about the kids, you're just a sycophant who feels compelled to defend Michelle at any cost, even to your own credibility.
I'll defend anybody who uses their power and influence to try and help children. Only a shallow douchebag would take the opportunity to criticize her appearance and throw a pointless attack that has nothing to do with the situation. Now put on your helmet cause I'm about to make you look real stupid...

You somehow make the worthless point that for Michelle to make decisions about children's health she should be in shape and her "big ass" makes her unqualified.

So now we have Sonny Perdue calling the shots, an old fat guy, and then there's Trump, one of the most obese presidents in history who brags about how much fast food he eats... check the photos. Go ahead and feel stupid now. You definitely are.





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I'll defend anybody who uses their power and influence to try and help children.

Even when the alleged efforts to “help” end up harming, instead? Even when any sane, reasonable person, on giving some serious thought and understanding to what was proposed, could have easily predicted what the result would be?

That's one of the problems with LIbEralism—one of the defining clichés about it—that you will judge a policy, not by its actual outcome, not by what any rational analysis would predict it would do, but by what it is claimed to be intended to do. You judge Mrs.Obama's Great Leap Forward by what she claimed its intent was, rather than by the disastrous results that it produced; and on that basis, you'd advocate and defend further exercises of the same futile idiocy.
I'll defend anybody who uses their power and influence to try and help children.

Even when the alleged efforts to “help” end up harming, instead? Even when any sane, reasonable person, on giving some serious thought and understanding to what was proposed, could have easily predicted what the result would be?

That's one of the problems with LIbEralism—one of the defining clichés about it—that you will judge a policy, not by its actual outcome, not by what any rational analysis would predict it would do, but by what it is claimed to be intended to do. You judge Mrs.Obama's Great Leap Forward by what she claimed its intent was, rather than by the disastrous results that it produced; and on that basis, you'd advocate and defend further exercises of the same futile idiocy.
What were the disasterous results?
I'll defend anybody who uses their power and influence to try and help children.

Even when the alleged efforts to “help” end up harming, instead? Even when any sane, reasonable person, on giving some serious thought and understanding to what was proposed, could have easily predicted what the result would be?

That's one of the problems with LIbEralism—one of the defining clichés about it—that you will judge a policy, not by its actual outcome, not by what any rational analysis would predict it would do, but by what it is claimed to be intended to do. You judge Mrs.Obama's Great Leap Forward by what she claimed its intent was, rather than by the disastrous results that it produced; and on that basis, you'd advocate and defend further exercises of the same futile idiocy.
What were the disasterous results?

Pigs got to eat very expensive food...

Well, perhaps they didn't end up as fat, that is, if the food was good enough even for them.
Without question, the former First Lady caused the waste of more food and money in our government schools than anyone in history. Such a tragedy!
You somehow make the worthless point that for Michelle to make decisions about children's health she should be in shape and her "big ass" makes her unqualified.
No, you dumb fuck. What makes her unqualified is the absence of a fucking degree or even proof of a basic knowledge of nutrition. Her big fat ass just gives her away. You think her only qualification should be is that she's Michelle Obama. Damn, you're pathetic.
You somehow make the worthless point that for Michelle to make decisions about children's health she should be in shape and her "big ass" makes her unqualified.
No, you dumb fuck. What makes her unqualified is the absence of a fucking degree or even proof of a basic knowledge of nutrition. Her big fat ass just gives her away. You think her only qualification should be is that she's Michelle Obama. Damn, you're pathetic.
Keep squirming, your own arguement is going to continue to shoot yourself in the foot. The fat man who is currently making the decisions is an ex football playing fratboy with a veterinarians degree who then cut the balls off dogs then served as governor. Damn, if that doesn't scream qualified to dictate the food for ol our children then I dont know what does!!!

Reality is Michelle was a spokesperson who brought attention and a spotlight to the issue. The actual food and execution was handled by professionals. So the health and fitness of that spokesperson isn't really that relevant, is it?!

You just keep getting dumber and dumber. Maybe you should go to bed.
The parents of fat kids are usually fat themselves. There's nothing that is going to change here, unless the parents get a grip on what they're doing to their kids, and themselves. They have a worse obesity rate than the kids do.

This is generally true, but the school lunches aren't going to really make that much of a dent in the kids health or weight......if they go home to sit in front of their gadgets and eat more junk. It's easier and more acceptable even for the kids, for the schools to encourage more physical activity than to tinker with the food that is only provided 9 months of the year.

The hardest part is that many of those kids rely on those school lunches as their only meals. Kids do need more fat & calories to grow on, than what Michelle allowed in those changes. There is little point in trying to feed growing kids low fat, low sodium, low calories during the early hours of the day, then send them home to eat larger quantities of fat, sugar, etc in the evening before going to bed. You know darned well they probably aren't outside playing. They are inside, in front of the video games while their parents are in front of the TV.

Think about that for a second. If you're eating junk at school--processed white's--it is going to make you ravenous by the time you're out of school. White processed pizza dough will turn into sugar in your body. Kids will get a major boost of insulin from that then 30 minutes later they'll be hungry--and fatigued over it. Sugar will be absorbed in your fat cells.. If you're eating meat (protein) complex carbohydrates at school for lunch--you'll probably make it until dinner. Your blood sugar will not spike because the food you ate will keep you from getting hungry or fatigued.

97% of anyone's weight results with what people are putting in their mouths. You can maintain and even lose weight without exercising, albeit exercise is great. Kids should get a lot more exercise than what they're getting now.

We're not talkiing about Michelle Obama taking away calories--it was her attempt to make those calories healthier calories--via protein and complex carbohydrates--and something that would stay with kids so they didn't overeat they're daily caloric consumption--which is why there is an childhood obesity problem today. Not all calories are the same.

It's pretty simple--what's going to keep you fuller with long lasting energy? 8 ozs. of top sirloin steak or 8 oz. of sugar?

Since when have public schools ever provided 8oz top sirloin?????? Or even a REAL hamburger made with 100% ground beef? Or grilled chicken breast? Their idea of a meat protein is processed, chopped, minced & formed with fillers & additives.....that's not real meat or real protein. It's not too bad for the kids to eat IF they have better options at home.
The milk served is what? Low fat or skimmed? Believe it or not, animal fats are GOOD FOR YOU and especially kids. They need whole milk. Also, bodies need a certain level of sodium/salt......even my mother who had Congestive Heart Failure and Diabetes and had to be on a strict diet including low sodium, was allowed up to 2000mg per day. Yes I know all about diets & nutrition, I was her caregiver & had to cook her meals.

I remember in school when they actually cooked the food in the cafeteria and we got REAL food, not processed reheated crap with fillers. That had good nutrition, but not the stuff they serve today.

Inactivity makes for loss of muscle, no matter what you eat. Muscle burns more calories (good or bad).....the more active those muscles the more they burn fat. It's not just what you put in your mouth that makes a difference...physical activity is also important....but also mind, body & spirit that make up total health.

It's lifestyle choices of diet, activity level, positive outlook, faith in something to recharge your soul......all of these things make up the total picture. Your princess Michelle only picked on the food, and went with the latest nutrition craze of the day without a full picture of true nutrition for kids and not addressing overall health.
You somehow make the worthless point that for Michelle to make decisions about children's health she should be in shape and her "big ass" makes her unqualified.
No, you dumb fuck. What makes her unqualified is the absence of a fucking degree or even proof of a basic knowledge of nutrition. Her big fat ass just gives her away. You think her only qualification should be is that she's Michelle Obama. Damn, you're pathetic.
Keep squirming, your own arguement is going to continue to shoot yourself in the foot. The fat man who is currently making the decisions is an ex football playing fratboy with a veterinarians degree who then cut the balls off dogs then served as governor. Damn, if that doesn't scream qualified to dictate the food for ol our children then I dont know what does!!!

Reality is Michelle was a spokesperson who brought attention and a spotlight to the issue. The actual food and execution was handled by professionals. So the health and fitness of that spokesperson isn't really that relevant, is it?!

You just keep getting dumber and dumber. Maybe you should go to bed.
Maybe you should drop out of this conversation because you've yet to make one valid point. In case you've forgotten, this thread is about Michelle Obama and her crusade to dictate how we raise our children and what to feed them. I understand you can't defend that but all your personal attacks won't make her any more qualified. But do keep rambling, it's very entertaining and fun as hell to laugh at.
You somehow make the worthless point that for Michelle to make decisions about children's health she should be in shape and her "big ass" makes her unqualified.
No, you dumb fuck. What makes her unqualified is the absence of a fucking degree or even proof of a basic knowledge of nutrition. Her big fat ass just gives her away. You think her only qualification should be is that she's Michelle Obama. Damn, you're pathetic.
Keep squirming, your own arguement is going to continue to shoot yourself in the foot. The fat man who is currently making the decisions is an ex football playing fratboy with a veterinarians degree who then cut the balls off dogs then served as governor. Damn, if that doesn't scream qualified to dictate the food for ol our children then I dont know what does!!!

Reality is Michelle was a spokesperson who brought attention and a spotlight to the issue. The actual food and execution was handled by professionals. So the health and fitness of that spokesperson isn't really that relevant, is it?!

You just keep getting dumber and dumber. Maybe you should go to bed.
Maybe you should drop out of this conversation because you've yet to make one valid point. In case you've forgotten, this thread is about Michelle Obama and her crusade to dictate how we raise our children and what to feed them. I understand you can't defend that but all your personal attacks won't make her any more qualified. But do keep rambling, it's very entertaining and fun as hell to laugh at.
I figured you respond that way after getting shit done twice. You're done
You somehow make the worthless point that for Michelle to make decisions about children's health she should be in shape and her "big ass" makes her unqualified.
No, you dumb fuck. What makes her unqualified is the absence of a fucking degree or even proof of a basic knowledge of nutrition. Her big fat ass just gives her away. You think her only qualification should be is that she's Michelle Obama. Damn, you're pathetic.
Keep squirming, your own arguement is going to continue to shoot yourself in the foot. The fat man who is currently making the decisions is an ex football playing fratboy with a veterinarians degree who then cut the balls off dogs then served as governor. Damn, if that doesn't scream qualified to dictate the food for ol our children then I dont know what does!!!

Reality is Michelle was a spokesperson who brought attention and a spotlight to the issue. The actual food and execution was handled by professionals. So the health and fitness of that spokesperson isn't really that relevant, is it?!

You just keep getting dumber and dumber. Maybe you should go to bed.
Maybe you should drop out of this conversation because you've yet to make one valid point. In case you've forgotten, this thread is about Michelle Obama and her crusade to dictate how we raise our children and what to feed them. I understand you can't defend that but all your personal attacks won't make her any more qualified. But do keep rambling, it's very entertaining and fun as hell to laugh at.
I figured you respond that way after getting shit done twice. You're done
Still waiting for you to post something other than personal attacks. How about posting Michelle Obama's qualifications on nutrition? I'll wait but I sure as shit won't hold my breath.
A predictable response when you can't defend the self-appointed food czar who can't resist stuffing her own face with French fries.
No need to defend ignorant and childish accusations. You're a joke. Come back when your ready to try and have an intelligent conversation.
An intelligent conversation to you is agreeing with everything you say. If you can't handle disagreement maybe you shouldn't enter into the conversation in the first place.
I love debate and often admit it when I am wrong. When was the last time you did that? You are just throwing blank attacks at me right now. But you are talking about Michelle Obamas 200 pound ass. Thats not intelligent nor is it an argument. It is petty and childish and they are your words.
You're full of shit, Slade3200. You haven't presented one damn argument in favor of letting an unqualified obese woman dictate our children's diet. If it was Melania Trump you would be attacking her qualifications and you know it, you hypocrite. You can't debate, you don't know how. You take the liberal position and throw out personal attacks at anybody who doesn't agree with you. You're incapable of discussing any issue objectively. Get lost.
That's funny SJ, when was the last time you stood up for a liberal idea or rep? When was the last time you admitted you were wrong about anything? I have plenty of examples written here in black and white were I've done it.

I'd welcome Melania to pick up where Michelle left off and continue the fight against childhood obesity. You can keep putting words in my mouth and dictating a false narrative to make you feel superior, but you aren't fooling anybody

The problem here is that these problems are not going to be solved at school. These are parenting issues.
I do find it a little funny how upset the liberals get when you say anything negative or criticize the Obamas though. Lol. No, Michelle Obama is PERFECT. She is the BEST person in the whole world, and smart too, and pretty and thin. :D ROFL!
No need to defend ignorant and childish accusations. You're a joke. Come back when your ready to try and have an intelligent conversation.
An intelligent conversation to you is agreeing with everything you say. If you can't handle disagreement maybe you shouldn't enter into the conversation in the first place.
I love debate and often admit it when I am wrong. When was the last time you did that? You are just throwing blank attacks at me right now. But you are talking about Michelle Obamas 200 pound ass. Thats not intelligent nor is it an argument. It is petty and childish and they are your words.
You're full of shit, Slade3200. You haven't presented one damn argument in favor of letting an unqualified obese woman dictate our children's diet. If it was Melania Trump you would be attacking her qualifications and you know it, you hypocrite. You can't debate, you don't know how. You take the liberal position and throw out personal attacks at anybody who doesn't agree with you. You're incapable of discussing any issue objectively. Get lost.
That's funny SJ, when was the last time you stood up for a liberal idea or rep? When was the last time you admitted you were wrong about anything? I have plenty of examples written here in black and white were I've done it.

I'd welcome Melania to pick up where Michelle left off and continue the fight against childhood obesity. You can keep putting words in my mouth and dictating a false narrative to make you feel superior, but you aren't fooling anybody

The problem here is that these problems are not going to be solved at school. These are parenting issues.


But there is the problem of many kids don't have parents that are able or willing to effectively deal with those issues for whatever reasoning. Drugs, abuse, single parent, finances, work schedules and on and on.......even those who are uninformed & don't really know or understand 'healthy lifestyle &/or nutrition basics' and how they differ from kids to adults.
Anyone here remember the movie Wall-E? Am I the only one that could see the blatant reference to todays modern society of how lazy & fat the people were? Because they didn't do anything for themselves, relying on computers & robots and couldn't even stand on their own two feet much less walk more than a few steps?

just sayin.....
You somehow make the worthless point that for Michelle to make decisions about children's health she should be in shape and her "big ass" makes her unqualified.
No, you dumb fuck. What makes her unqualified is the absence of a fucking degree or even proof of a basic knowledge of nutrition. Her big fat ass just gives her away. You think her only qualification should be is that she's Michelle Obama. Damn, you're pathetic.
Keep squirming, your own arguement is going to continue to shoot yourself in the foot. The fat man who is currently making the decisions is an ex football playing fratboy with a veterinarians degree who then cut the balls off dogs then served as governor. Damn, if that doesn't scream qualified to dictate the food for ol our children then I dont know what does!!!

Reality is Michelle was a spokesperson who brought attention and a spotlight to the issue. The actual food and execution was handled by professionals. So the health and fitness of that spokesperson isn't really that relevant, is it?!

You just keep getting dumber and dumber. Maybe you should go to bed.
Maybe you should drop out of this conversation because you've yet to make one valid point. In case you've forgotten, this thread is about Michelle Obama and her crusade to dictate how we raise our children and what to feed them. I understand you can't defend that but all your personal attacks won't make her any more qualified. But do keep rambling, it's very entertaining and fun as hell to laugh at.
I figured you respond that way after getting shit done twice. You're done
Still waiting for you to post something other than personal attacks. How about posting Michelle Obama's qualifications on nutrition? I'll wait but I sure as shit won't hold my breath.
My posts sprinkle personal attacks cause you are being rediculous but the guts of them are direct rebuttals of the silly points you are trying to make. Don't be a butt hurt snowflake.

I've addressed everything you are asking for... already said that professionals handle the menu and operations of the programs roll out and Michelle is a spokesperson that brings attention and PR to the issues at hand. So her college degree doesn't really matter. Are you gonna press Melania to see if her degree qualifies her to combat cyber bullying? Don't you see just a little irony in that?

For this issue, If qualifications and personal appearance are that important to you then you should be outraged at the current situation being handled by two fat boys with zero experience with health and fitness. Scroll up again and just look at the pictures
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