Trump ends Michelle Obama's effort to fight child hood obesity.

The government has no business on what a kid eats in school. Yes, it is up to the parents. NOT the government.

They shouldn't have changed the school menu's into choice menu's. It's not hard to figure out that if you offer a kid pizza or brownies over salad and fresh fruits and vegi's which one they're going to choose.

Back in the 1950's school lunches were great. I remember every Friday we got fried chicken with mashed potatos and gravy--but there was always a vegi with it. If you didn't want what was on the daily menu you went hungry--or brought your own lunch.

The reason school lunches are loosing profits, is because more and more mom's are packing lunches for their kids. They don't think Pizza and brownies is a good diet everyday.

Michelle Obama didn't do our kids any favors as you seem to believe. Sure she changed the menus & what is available for the kids to eat, BUT THE KIDS AREN'T EATING IT. They are throwing those fruits & veggies away. So by the end of the day, those kids are starving and once they get home GORGE on whatever they have available at junk.
By starving & gorging they are worse off than they would be otherwise.
What makes you believe that? Have you seen evidence or are you just making assumptions?

I read the article........did you????

“We know meals cannot be nutritious if they’re not consumed, if they’re thrown out,” Perdue told reporters after eating chicken nuggets and salad with a group of fifth graders. “We have to balance sodium and whole grain content with palatability.”

But many cafeteria managers complained that the new requirements made lunches less appetizing to children and said they saw food waste grow...

It's also been in the news many a time about how kids aren't eating much of their lunches. Why??? because they don't like it. Also because kids will only eat what they are used to eating, so if they don't eat healthy at home they are less likely to eat healthy at school.

I also have kids in the public school system that can't stand alot of what the schools provide because it's not real food. It's all been pre-made & pre-packaged and in too small of portions. And my kids are on the other end of the weight scale & by NO means obese or even close. Son #3 will be 16 next month, he's 6'4 and weighs 145lbs and he eats ALL the time. He has a high metabolism and needs massive amounts of calories......the Obama lunch program doesn't provide it.
Son #2 is 5'9 and about the same weight, but he's not fat by any means. They have always been active and have plenty of food choices at home...both good & bad.

My kids have said they only receive like 4 chicken nuggets.....for teenage boys?? That is NOT enough protein for anyone. And even that is questionable since those nuggets are processed & pressed together.....not chunks of real meat. Burgers are about the same.....all with fillers & additives. My kids have NEVER been given pieces of real meat at school.

Schools best bet to help kids is to make sure they are active during recess or breaks or make sure they have PE class. That way they are burning off those calories they consume AND it's something the kids may choose to do at home as well.
Those are all statements from Perdue... Forgive me for being skeptical, but I think the situation deserves a little more vetting. I've had plenty of healthy food that tastes delicious. I don't see why they aren't making tweaks to the menu. Degrading the health, nutrition and quality of the food doesn't seem like a good solution.

I agree 100%. We have skyrocketing child obesity problem in this country--and good eating habits are taught at a young age. More and more teens are getting diagnosed with type 2 Diabetes--which is the fastest growing disease in this country today.

They shouldn't have changed the school menu's into choice menu's. It's not hard to figure out that if you offer a kid pizza or brownies over salad and fresh fruits and vegi's which one they're going to choose.

Back in the 1950's school lunches were great. I remember every Friday we got fried chicken with mashed potatos and gravy--but there was always a vegi with it. If you didn't want what was on the daily menu you went hungry--or brought your own lunch.

The reason school lunches are loosing profits, is because more and more mom's are packing lunches for their kids. They don't think Pizza and brownies is a good diet everyday.

Michelle Obama didn't do our kids any favors as you seem to believe. Sure she changed the menus & what is available for the kids to eat, BUT THE KIDS AREN'T EATING IT. They are throwing those fruits & veggies away. So by the end of the day, those kids are starving and once they get home GORGE on whatever they have available at junk.
By starving & gorging they are worse off than they would be otherwise.
What makes you believe that? Have you seen evidence or are you just making assumptions?

I read the article........did you????

“We know meals cannot be nutritious if they’re not consumed, if they’re thrown out,” Perdue told reporters after eating chicken nuggets and salad with a group of fifth graders. “We have to balance sodium and whole grain content with palatability.”

But many cafeteria managers complained that the new requirements made lunches less appetizing to children and said they saw food waste grow...

It's also been in the news many a time about how kids aren't eating much of their lunches. Why??? because they don't like it. Also because kids will only eat what they are used to eating, so if they don't eat healthy at home they are less likely to eat healthy at school.

I also have kids in the public school system that can't stand alot of what the schools provide because it's not real food. It's all been pre-made & pre-packaged and in too small of portions. And my kids are on the other end of the weight scale & by NO means obese or even close. Son #3 will be 16 next month, he's 6'4 and weighs 145lbs and he eats ALL the time. He has a high metabolism and needs massive amounts of calories......the Obama lunch program doesn't provide it.
Son #2 is 5'9 and about the same weight, but he's not fat by any means. They have always been active and have plenty of food choices at home...both good & bad.

My kids have said they only receive like 4 chicken nuggets.....for teenage boys?? That is NOT enough protein for anyone. And even that is questionable since those nuggets are processed & pressed together.....not chunks of real meat. Burgers are about the same.....all with fillers & additives. My kids have NEVER been given pieces of real meat at school.

Schools best bet to help kids is to make sure they are active during recess or breaks or make sure they have PE class. That way they are burning off those calories they consume AND it's something the kids may choose to do at home as well.
Those are all statements from Perdue... Forgive me for being skeptical, but I think the situation deserves a little more vetting. I've had plenty of healthy food that tastes delicious. I don't see why they aren't making tweaks to the menu. Degrading the health, nutrition and quality of the food doesn't seem like a good solution.

As I'd said, it's also been in the news plenty of times since it's inception of how kids aren't eating their fruits & veggies but throwing them away. I also included my own kids experience with school lunches as well. Michelle's bright idea of nutrition really doesn't fit with reality. Sure I can agree with cutting out the vending machines with chips, candy & soda. That's all empty calories, fat & added sugar. but she didn't stop there.

I've raise 3 kids of my own, plus worked in daycare. Kids will eat what they need & what they are used to eating. What I'm trying to say here is that kids go thru stages of what they'll eat & how much at different stages of growth. It also depends on what the parents provide at mealtimes. If parents don't like broccoli or peas or bananas or???, more than likely the kids won't eat them either because they haven't been 'exposed' to those kinds of foods and are less likely to try them elsewhere.

Have you ever tried to get a 3 year old to eat more than a few tablespoons of ANYTHING??? Even when they are hungry? OR only give a teenaged boy a meal consisting of only 600 calories???? That wouldn't fill their big toe, much less fill their stomach & expected to last for a couple of hours.

I have young grandkids--and know what you're talking about regarding eating time. I have a grand daughter that prefers green beans, & her brother that can't get enough meat in him. These issues are fine.

It's when you incorporate to many processed empty calorie carbs into their diet--is when weight becomes a problem. Processed foods--like white bread--will turn into sugar in your body, and sugar is stored in fat cells. Making you fat. The potato is not bad unless you turn it into potato chips and french fries. Since they all turn into sugar in your body--it's a major insulin boost, and when you come down off of the insulin high usually about 30 minutes later--you're hungry again--making you eat more than you should. A soda like Coke has 8 teaspoons of sugar in it, and McDonalds large coke has a whopping 33 teaspoons of sugar in it--so imagine what that is doing to kids? Drink one and it's won't be long before you're ordering two double bacon cheeseburgers, to feed the hunger a coke created. I am not suggesting that we ban potato chips and french fries--Big Mac's, Whoppers and Pizza. They're fine in moderation--it's when you're eating them everyday that it becomes a serious problem.

Michell Obama rightfully was trying to scale back on all the processed wheat and transfats that schools were feeding the kids. The problem today, is that kids have too many choices for school lunch. Of course they're going to by pass the salad bar and head to the pizza bar. They may tell their parents they ate a salad but what parent would be stupid enough to believe that one?

The parents of fat kids are usually fat themselves. There's nothing that is going to change here, unless the parents get a grip on what they're doing to their kids, and themselves. They have a worse obesity rate than the kids do.


If the parents aren't going to change--their kids won't change either. This action as stated in the article was for school lunch profits. I think there are many people in this country that are getting much wiser to what they're kids are eating at school--and will more than likely send their kids with packed lunches.
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Be a mom and dad, keep your family together, prepare your children's meals and watch what they eat. Life 101

Don't need Michelle supplanting herself into the family responsibility role
Even miss piggy knows that healthy = good and unhealthy = bad.
Then maybe she should set an example.
That's exactly what she did by her movement to fight childhood obesity. Pick a different fight dude. I know you hate everything Obama but don't go after efforts geared towards helping our kids.
Yeah, I can tell by her 200 lbs. ass.
move along child
A predictable response when you can't defend the self-appointed food czar who can't resist stuffing her own face with French fries.
Even miss piggy knows that healthy = good and unhealthy = bad.
Then maybe she should set an example.
That's exactly what she did by her movement to fight childhood obesity. Pick a different fight dude. I know you hate everything Obama but don't go after efforts geared towards helping our kids.
Yeah, I can tell by her 200 lbs. ass.
move along child
A predictable response when you can't defend the self-appointed food czar who can't resist stuffing her own face with French fries.
No need to defend ignorant and childish accusations. You're a joke. Come back when your ready to try and have an intelligent conversation.
Then maybe she should set an example.
That's exactly what she did by her movement to fight childhood obesity. Pick a different fight dude. I know you hate everything Obama but don't go after efforts geared towards helping our kids.
Yeah, I can tell by her 200 lbs. ass.
move along child
A predictable response when you can't defend the self-appointed food czar who can't resist stuffing her own face with French fries.
No need to defend ignorant and childish accusations. You're a joke. Come back when your ready to try and have an intelligent conversation.
An intelligent conversation to you is agreeing with everything you say. If you can't handle disagreement maybe you shouldn't enter into the conversation in the first place.
Be a mom and dad, keep your family together, prepare your children's meals and watch what they eat. Life 101

Don't need Michelle supplanting herself into the family responsibility role
Did you think she was trying to discourage the family interaction and make kids eat at school? Is that what you think is going on?
That's exactly what she did by her movement to fight childhood obesity. Pick a different fight dude. I know you hate everything Obama but don't go after efforts geared towards helping our kids.
Yeah, I can tell by her 200 lbs. ass.
move along child
A predictable response when you can't defend the self-appointed food czar who can't resist stuffing her own face with French fries.
No need to defend ignorant and childish accusations. You're a joke. Come back when your ready to try and have an intelligent conversation.
An intelligent conversation to you is agreeing with everything you say. If you can't handle disagreement maybe you shouldn't enter into the conversation in the first place.
I love debate and often admit it when I am wrong. When was the last time you did that? You are just throwing blank attacks at me right now. But you are talking about Michelle Obamas 200 pound ass. Thats not intelligent nor is it an argument. It is petty and childish and they are your words.
The parents of fat kids are usually fat themselves. There's nothing that is going to change here, unless the parents get a grip on what they're doing to their kids, and themselves. They have a worse obesity rate than the kids do.

This is generally true, but the school lunches aren't going to really make that much of a dent in the kids health or weight......if they go home to sit in front of their gadgets and eat more junk. It's easier and more acceptable even for the kids, for the schools to encourage more physical activity than to tinker with the food that is only provided 9 months of the year.

The hardest part is that many of those kids rely on those school lunches as their only meals. Kids do need more fat & calories to grow on, than what Michelle allowed in those changes. There is little point in trying to feed growing kids low fat, low sodium, low calories during the early hours of the day, then send them home to eat larger quantities of fat, sugar, etc in the evening before going to bed. You know darned well they probably aren't outside playing. They are inside, in front of the video games while their parents are in front of the TV.
BTW......while ya'all are sitting there indulging in your bitch fests........I'm going outside cause the sun is out :funnyface: So start DOING instead of preaching.

Later gators. :bye1:
Yeah, Michelle Obama looks like a real nutrition and fitness expert. Let's put her in charge of deciding what our kids should eat. The DOG is in better shape than she is.


Post of pic of yourself and show us what a stud you are.

Or betterrace yet tell us the upside to childhood diabetes. Pockets full of Werthers Originals?
I'm not surprised an idiot like you would completely miss my point. I'M not the one trying to dictate what your kid eats. She IS. And not only is that fat ass hog obviously not qualified to advise ANYBODY on nutrition, even if she was, it's none of her f***ing business. Now do you get my point?

Yeah, you're a fat fatty who wants kids to be fat just like you. Other than that I don't see the defense of wanting kiss to eat shittier meals othe than you pretending it's being forced on them.
The hardest part is that many of those kids rely on those school lunches as their only meals. Kids do need more fat & calories to grow on, than what Michelle allowed in those changes. There is little point in trying to feed growing kids low fat, low sodium, low calories during the early hours of the day, then send them home to eat larger quantities of fat, sugar, etc in the evening before going to bed. You know darned well they probably aren't outside playing. They are inside, in front of the video games while their parents are in front of the TV.

The problem is they need to make meals customized for the kids, instead of a generalized plan. As you said, some kids rely on the school lunch for most of their daily nutrition, while others it's just something to hold them over before going home to binge on fat sugar, and empty calories. They should have meals catered to the needs of the individual. Some need to lose weight, some need to gain weight. You can't feed both of them the same.
Be a mom and dad, keep your family together, prepare your children's meals and watch what they eat. Life 101

Don't need Michelle supplanting herself into the family responsibility role

Sweet Baby Jesus she was NOT sup-planting herself into the family responsibility--she trying to correct the schools--not stupid fat parents. Do you have any reading comprehension skills?
The parents of fat kids are usually fat themselves. There's nothing that is going to change here, unless the parents get a grip on what they're doing to their kids, and themselves. They have a worse obesity rate than the kids do.

This is generally true, but the school lunches aren't going to really make that much of a dent in the kids health or weight......if they go home to sit in front of their gadgets and eat more junk. It's easier and more acceptable even for the kids, for the schools to encourage more physical activity than to tinker with the food that is only provided 9 months of the year.

The hardest part is that many of those kids rely on those school lunches as their only meals. Kids do need more fat & calories to grow on, than what Michelle allowed in those changes. There is little point in trying to feed growing kids low fat, low sodium, low calories during the early hours of the day, then send them home to eat larger quantities of fat, sugar, etc in the evening before going to bed. You know darned well they probably aren't outside playing. They are inside, in front of the video games while their parents are in front of the TV.

Think about that for a second. If you're eating junk at school--processed white's--it is going to make you ravenous by the time you're out of school. White processed pizza dough will turn into sugar in your body. Kids will get a major boost of insulin from that then 30 minutes later they'll be hungry--and fatigued over it. Sugar will be absorbed in your fat cells.. If you're eating meat (protein) complex carbohydrates at school for lunch--you'll probably make it until dinner. Your blood sugar will not spike because the food you ate will keep you from getting hungry or fatigued.

97% of anyone's weight results with what people are putting in their mouths. You can maintain and even lose weight without exercising, albeit exercise is great. Kids should get a lot more exercise than what they're getting now.

We're not talkiing about Michelle Obama taking away calories--it was her attempt to make those calories healthier calories--via protein and complex carbohydrates--and something that would stay with kids so they didn't overeat they're daily caloric consumption--which is why there is an childhood obesity problem today. Not all calories are the same.

It's pretty simple--what's going to keep you fuller with long lasting energy? 8 ozs. of top sirloin steak or 8 oz. of sugar?
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The problem is they need to make meals customized for the kids, instead of a generalized plan. As you said, some kids rely on the school lunch for most of their daily nutrition, while others it's just something to hold them over before going home to binge on fat sugar, and empty calories. They should have meals catered to the needs of the individual. Some need to lose weight, some need to gain weight. You can't feed both of them the same.

In a way, this points to the reason that the great men who founded this nation wanted the federal government to be so limited in scope, with more power and responsibility at the more localized levels of government. The more you hand such matters over to a large, distant, nationwide government, the less you'll get any response to the different needs of individuals, and the more you'll get a “one size fits all” policy that ends up not really fitting anyone. And the greater the potential for rampant corruption and incompetence, as we have clearly see in this instance of putting an unqualified, unaccountable national bureaucrat in charge of this matter.
Stupid people always irritate the crap out of me. You should know that by now. If you don't know that we have got a skyrocking obesity problem in this country, and are not addressing it,
Yeah, I know what you mean, cuz you sure are irritating!

When I was a kid, we were outside playing...
we didn't have video games and internet.

When I was a kid, people weren't afraid
to let their kids out to play

When I was a kid, mothers were at home fixing dinner

Stop blaming Trump and using addiction as an excuse
for the consequences of our choices!

Remember the good times before liberals banned dodgeball and red rover?

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