Trump ends Michelle Obama's effort to fight child hood obesity.

Parents should teach their kids good healthy eating habits, but it should also be reinforced in our public schools.
The government has no business on what a kid eats in school. Yes, it is up to the parents. NOT the government.

They shouldn't have changed the school menu's into choice menu's. It's not hard to figure out that if you offer a kid pizza or brownies over salad and fresh fruits and vegi's which one they're going to choose.

Back in the 1950's school lunches were great. I remember every Friday we got fried chicken with mashed potatos and gravy--but there was always a vegi with it. If you didn't want what was on the daily menu you went hungry--or brought your own lunch.

The reason school lunches are loosing profits, is because more and more mom's are packing lunches for their kids. They don't think Pizza and brownies is a good diet everyday.
The reason school lunches are loosing profits, is because more and more mom's are packing lunches for their kids. They don't think Pizza and brownies is a good diet everyday
You know why you and this whole topic is pissing me off?
Because you don't know what the fuck your talking about!

How Chicago Students Are Fighting Disgusting School Lunches

These kids are feed tv dinner meals, full of fillers, additives,
preservatives, by products, artificial flavors...crap

You think they're serving 100% white meat chicken,
lean beef, turkey breast, ham off the bone,...
what color is the sky on your planet?!

The schools, here in Chicago anyway, get additional funding,
for every child that signs up for the school lunch program.
My son would constantly be sent home with a form,
accompanied with a letter telling me the form had to be filled out.

Every time I tossed it in the garbage
because I didn't let him eat that crap,
he had breakfast before he left the house
and brought the lunch I made for him.

The shit was warmed up and stored in insulated coolers,
then stacked outside, along one side of the building
and brought into the classrooms at lunchtime!

And your rambling about sugar, fiber and carbs!
Are you fucking kidding me...that was e coli waiting to happen!

It wasn't until they sent home a letter,
threatening to withhold his report card,
that I marched my ass up to school!

The principle told me, even though my son
brought his own lunch, I still needed to fill out the paperwork
for the free lunch program because it brings in additional funding.
I agreed to fill out the forms IF he arranged for me
to receive SNAP benefits and got a medical card for us.

Needless to say, I was never hounded about those forms again!

With most families in the public school system,
receiving food stamps, there is no reason why,
the government should be providing free
breakfast and lunch for the students too.

They should be fed before they leave for school
and have a lunch sent with them to school...period!

The billions of dollars it cost to feed these kids in school
would be better spent on their educational programs!
Good information, I appreciate hearing first hand accounts rather than a bunch of politically motivated partisan assumptions that usually come pouring in on this board. It's a shame that the school lunches are so disgusting at your kids school. If that's how they are after a conscious effort to make them better and more healthy, can you imagine how bad they were before that? Perhaps there is still a ways to go to improve not only the nutrition but also the quality of the food.

Per your comment about kids bringing lunch to school. That would be great if all parents were willing to make them lunch or provide food for their children to make their own lunches. Unfortunately not all kids in our country are fortunate enough to have that luxury. I agree that it should be encouraged, but for those who do not have the resources I have no problem with our schools providing a healthy meal for our children.

Did you see those lunches??? I guess your idea of healthy foods and mine are completely different. Good Lord. Who would eat that stuff?
Parents should teach their kids good healthy eating habits, but it should also be reinforced in our public schools.
The government has no business on what a kid eats in school. Yes, it is up to the parents. NOT the government.

They shouldn't have changed the school menu's into choice menu's. It's not hard to figure out that if you offer a kid pizza or brownies over salad and fresh fruits and vegi's which one they're going to choose.

Back in the 1950's school lunches were great. I remember every Friday we got fried chicken with mashed potatos and gravy--but there was always a vegi with it. If you didn't want what was on the daily menu you went hungry--or brought your own lunch.

The reason school lunches are loosing profits, is because more and more mom's are packing lunches for their kids. They don't think Pizza and brownies is a good diet everyday.
The reason school lunches are loosing profits, is because more and more mom's are packing lunches for their kids. They don't think Pizza and brownies is a good diet everyday
You know why you and this whole topic is pissing me off?
Because you don't know what the fuck your talking about!

How Chicago Students Are Fighting Disgusting School Lunches

These kids are feed tv dinner meals, full of fillers, additives,
preservatives, by products, artificial flavors...crap

You think they're serving 100% white meat chicken,
lean beef, turkey breast, ham off the bone,...
what color is the sky on your planet?!

The schools, here in Chicago anyway, get additional funding,
for every child that signs up for the school lunch program.
My son would constantly be sent home with a form,
accompanied with a letter telling me the form had to be filled out.

Every time I tossed it in the garbage
because I didn't let him eat that crap,
he had breakfast before he left the house
and brought the lunch I made for him.

The shit was warmed up and stored in insulated coolers,
then stacked outside, along one side of the building
and brought into the classrooms at lunchtime!

And your rambling about sugar, fiber and carbs!
Are you fucking kidding me...that was e coli waiting to happen!

It wasn't until they sent home a letter,
threatening to withhold his report card,
that I marched my ass up to school!

The principle told me, even though my son
brought his own lunch, I still needed to fill out the paperwork
for the free lunch program because it brings in additional funding.
I agreed to fill out the forms IF he arranged for me
to receive SNAP benefits and got a medical card for us.

Needless to say, I was never hounded about those forms again!

With most families in the public school system,
receiving food stamps, there is no reason why,
the government should be providing free
breakfast and lunch for the students too.

They should be fed before they leave for school
and have a lunch sent with them to school...period!

The billions of dollars it cost to feed these kids in school
would be better spent on their educational programs!
Good information, I appreciate hearing first hand accounts rather than a bunch of politically motivated partisan assumptions that usually come pouring in on this board. It's a shame that the school lunches are so disgusting at your kids school. If that's how they are after a conscious effort to make them better and more healthy, can you imagine how bad they were before that? Perhaps there is still a ways to go to improve not only the nutrition but also the quality of the food.

Per your comment about kids bringing lunch to school. That would be great if all parents were willing to make them lunch or provide food for their children to make their own lunches. Unfortunately not all kids in our country are fortunate enough to have that luxury. I agree that it should be encouraged, but for those who do not have the resources I have no problem with our schools providing a healthy meal for our children.

Did you see those lunches??? I guess your idea of healthy foods and mine are completely different. Good Lord. Who would eat that stuff?

That's the reason school lunch rooms are losing money. It's what they serve--the (everyday pizza place.) You can make food taste good--and it can still be healthy--but you sure as hell don't use transfat's--a lot of white food processing and more fat--when you can do healthy at the same cost.
This adminstration just doesn't stop, nor does it care. Childhood obesity and Type 2 diabetes is skyrocketing in this country. Parents should teach their kids good healthy eating habits, but it should also be reinforced in our public schools.

WASHINGTON – After only six days on the job, Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue moved to stall one of former First Lady Michelle Obama’s signature accomplishments: stricter nutritional standards for school breakfasts and lunches, which feed more than 31 million children.

Speaking at Catoctin Elementary School in Leesburg, Virginia, on Monday with Sen. Pat Roberts, R-Kansas, and Patricia Montague of the School Nutrition Association, Perdue announced that his department would be slowing the implementation of aggressive standards on sodium, whole grains and sweetened milks that passed under the Obama administration.

“We know meals cannot be nutritious if they’re not consumed, if they’re thrown out,” Perdue told reporters after eating chicken nuggets and salad with a group of fifth graders. “We have to balance sodium and whole grain content with palatability.”

It was the second blow to the Obama administration’s nutritional legacy in less than a week. On Friday, the Food and Drug Administration signaled its intent to rewrite long-delayed menu-labeling rules passed as part of the Affordable Care Act. Republicans on the House Appropriations Committee also attached several nutrition-related riders to this week’s appropriations bill, including one that targeted voluntary industry sodium-reductions.

“I feel that we have made such progress in schools meals over the past five years,” said Miriam Nelson, a public health researcher who helped advise Michelle Obama’s nutrition initiatives. “This progress has contributed to reversing the trend in childhood obesity rates nationwide . . . We want to continue the progress we have made.”

School lunches have seen a radical makeover in the past five years. Since 2012, when the nutrition rules mandated by the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act went into effect, cafeterias have had to slash the amount of calories, trans-fats, sodium and refined grains in their foods, replacing cafeteria staples like conventional pizza with salt-reduced, whole-grain versions. They are also required to serve fruit, a variety of vegetables, and low-fat or fat-free milk.
Trump ends Michelle Obama’s plan to fight childhood obesity – The Denver Post

Here is what the next generation of kindergardners will look like.

*snip photo*

he is doing what his uneducated white trash base wants.... which is stick a finger in the eye of the black president and anyone of the 52% of voters who voted for him (unlike the 3 million fewer people who voted for the orange one than his opponent). it makes him feel like he has bigger...... hands
Parents should teach their kids good healthy eating habits, but it should also be reinforced in our public schools.
The government has no business on what a kid eats in school. Yes, it is up to the parents. NOT the government.

They shouldn't have changed the school menu's into choice menu's. It's not hard to figure out that if you offer a kid pizza or brownies over salad and fresh fruits and vegi's which one they're going to choose.

Back in the 1950's school lunches were great. I remember every Friday we got fried chicken with mashed potatos and gravy--but there was always a vegi with it. If you didn't want what was on the daily menu you went hungry--or brought your own lunch.

The reason school lunches are loosing profits, is because more and more mom's are packing lunches for their kids. They don't think Pizza and brownies is a good diet everyday.
The reason school lunches are loosing profits, is because more and more mom's are packing lunches for their kids. They don't think Pizza and brownies is a good diet everyday
You know why you and this whole topic is pissing me off?
Because you don't know what the fuck your talking about!

How Chicago Students Are Fighting Disgusting School Lunches

These kids are feed tv dinner meals, full of fillers, additives,
preservatives, by products, artificial flavors...crap

You think they're serving 100% white meat chicken,
lean beef, turkey breast, ham off the bone,...
what color is the sky on your planet?!

The schools, here in Chicago anyway, get additional funding,
for every child that signs up for the school lunch program.
My son would constantly be sent home with a form,
accompanied with a letter telling me the form had to be filled out.

Every time I tossed it in the garbage
because I didn't let him eat that crap,
he had breakfast before he left the house
and brought the lunch I made for him.

The shit was warmed up and stored in insulated coolers,
then stacked outside, along one side of the building
and brought into the classrooms at lunchtime!

And your rambling about sugar, fiber and carbs!
Are you fucking kidding me...that was e coli waiting to happen!

It wasn't until they sent home a letter,
threatening to withhold his report card,
that I marched my ass up to school!

The principle told me, even though my son
brought his own lunch, I still needed to fill out the paperwork
for the free lunch program because it brings in additional funding.
I agreed to fill out the forms IF he arranged for me
to receive SNAP benefits and got a medical card for us.

Needless to say, I was never hounded about those forms again!

With most families in the public school system,
receiving food stamps, there is no reason why,
the government should be providing free
breakfast and lunch for the students too.

They should be fed before they leave for school
and have a lunch sent with them to school...period!

The billions of dollars it cost to feed these kids in school
would be better spent on their educational programs!
Good information, I appreciate hearing first hand accounts rather than a bunch of politically motivated partisan assumptions that usually come pouring in on this board. It's a shame that the school lunches are so disgusting at your kids school. If that's how they are after a conscious effort to make them better and more healthy, can you imagine how bad they were before that? Perhaps there is still a ways to go to improve not only the nutrition but also the quality of the food.

Per your comment about kids bringing lunch to school. That would be great if all parents were willing to make them lunch or provide food for their children to make their own lunches. Unfortunately not all kids in our country are fortunate enough to have that luxury. I agree that it should be encouraged, but for those who do not have the resources I have no problem with our schools providing a healthy meal for our children.

Did you see those lunches??? I guess your idea of healthy foods and mine are completely different. Good Lord. Who would eat that stuff?

did *you* see those lunches? or only what the rightwingnuts pretended?
This adminstration just doesn't stop, nor does it care. Childhood obesity and Type 2 diabetes is skyrocketing in this country. Parents should teach their kids good healthy eating habits, but it should also be reinforced in our public schools.

WASHINGTON – After only six days on the job, Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue moved to stall one of former First Lady Michelle Obama’s signature accomplishments: stricter nutritional standards for school breakfasts and lunches, which feed more than 31 million children.

Speaking at Catoctin Elementary School in Leesburg, Virginia, on Monday with Sen. Pat Roberts, R-Kansas, and Patricia Montague of the School Nutrition Association, Perdue announced that his department would be slowing the implementation of aggressive standards on sodium, whole grains and sweetened milks that passed under the Obama administration.

“We know meals cannot be nutritious if they’re not consumed, if they’re thrown out,” Perdue told reporters after eating chicken nuggets and salad with a group of fifth graders. “We have to balance sodium and whole grain content with palatability.”

It was the second blow to the Obama administration’s nutritional legacy in less than a week. On Friday, the Food and Drug Administration signaled its intent to rewrite long-delayed menu-labeling rules passed as part of the Affordable Care Act. Republicans on the House Appropriations Committee also attached several nutrition-related riders to this week’s appropriations bill, including one that targeted voluntary industry sodium-reductions.

“I feel that we have made such progress in schools meals over the past five years,” said Miriam Nelson, a public health researcher who helped advise Michelle Obama’s nutrition initiatives. “This progress has contributed to reversing the trend in childhood obesity rates nationwide . . . We want to continue the progress we have made.”

School lunches have seen a radical makeover in the past five years. Since 2012, when the nutrition rules mandated by the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act went into effect, cafeterias have had to slash the amount of calories, trans-fats, sodium and refined grains in their foods, replacing cafeteria staples like conventional pizza with salt-reduced, whole-grain versions. They are also required to serve fruit, a variety of vegetables, and low-fat or fat-free milk.
Trump ends Michelle Obama’s plan to fight childhood obesity – The Denver Post

Here is what the next generation of kindergardners will look like.

Well, look at him. He want's company.
I went the entire public school system and NEVER consumed anything from the cafeteria. Why kind of lazy shit relies on a school to feed them? That said, the obesity we see today is a result of fat, retarded, welfare fucks fucking and getting free medical to pay for the 9 month result of their drunk fuck. It is called DNA.
This adminstration just doesn't stop, nor does it care. Childhood obesity and Type 2 diabetes is skyrocketing in this country. Parents should teach their kids good healthy eating habits, but it should also be reinforced in our public schools.

WASHINGTON – After only six days on the job, Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue moved to stall one of former First Lady Michelle Obama’s signature accomplishments: stricter nutritional standards for school breakfasts and lunches, which feed more than 31 million children.

Speaking at Catoctin Elementary School in Leesburg, Virginia, on Monday with Sen. Pat Roberts, R-Kansas, and Patricia Montague of the School Nutrition Association, Perdue announced that his department would be slowing the implementation of aggressive standards on sodium, whole grains and sweetened milks that passed under the Obama administration.

“We know meals cannot be nutritious if they’re not consumed, if they’re thrown out,” Perdue told reporters after eating chicken nuggets and salad with a group of fifth graders. “We have to balance sodium and whole grain content with palatability.”

It was the second blow to the Obama administration’s nutritional legacy in less than a week. On Friday, the Food and Drug Administration signaled its intent to rewrite long-delayed menu-labeling rules passed as part of the Affordable Care Act. Republicans on the House Appropriations Committee also attached several nutrition-related riders to this week’s appropriations bill, including one that targeted voluntary industry sodium-reductions.

“I feel that we have made such progress in schools meals over the past five years,” said Miriam Nelson, a public health researcher who helped advise Michelle Obama’s nutrition initiatives. “This progress has contributed to reversing the trend in childhood obesity rates nationwide . . . We want to continue the progress we have made.”

School lunches have seen a radical makeover in the past five years. Since 2012, when the nutrition rules mandated by the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act went into effect, cafeterias have had to slash the amount of calories, trans-fats, sodium and refined grains in their foods, replacing cafeteria staples like conventional pizza with salt-reduced, whole-grain versions. They are also required to serve fruit, a variety of vegetables, and low-fat or fat-free milk.
Trump ends Michelle Obama’s plan to fight childhood obesity – The Denver Post

Here is what the next generation of kindergardners will look like.


Never saw Barron's daddy doing this! Wow outta left field so to speak! LOL
Parents should teach their kids good healthy eating habits, but it should also be reinforced in our public schools.
The government has no business on what a kid eats in school. Yes, it is up to the parents. NOT the government.

They shouldn't have changed the school menu's into choice menu's. It's not hard to figure out that if you offer a kid pizza or brownies over salad and fresh fruits and vegi's which one they're going to choose.

Back in the 1950's school lunches were great. I remember every Friday we got fried chicken with mashed potatos and gravy--but there was always a vegi with it. If you didn't want what was on the daily menu you went hungry--or brought your own lunch.

The reason school lunches are loosing profits, is because more and more mom's are packing lunches for their kids. They don't think Pizza and brownies is a good diet everyday.

Michelle Obama didn't do our kids any favors as you seem to believe. Sure she changed the menus & what is available for the kids to eat, BUT THE KIDS AREN'T EATING IT. They are throwing those fruits & veggies away. So by the end of the day, those kids are starving and once they get home GORGE on whatever they have available at junk.
By starving & gorging they are worse off than they would be otherwise.
What makes you believe that? Have you seen evidence or are you just making assumptions?

I read the article........did you????

“We know meals cannot be nutritious if they’re not consumed, if they’re thrown out,” Perdue told reporters after eating chicken nuggets and salad with a group of fifth graders. “We have to balance sodium and whole grain content with palatability.”

But many cafeteria managers complained that the new requirements made lunches less appetizing to children and said they saw food waste grow...

It's also been in the news many a time about how kids aren't eating much of their lunches. Why??? because they don't like it. Also because kids will only eat what they are used to eating, so if they don't eat healthy at home they are less likely to eat healthy at school.

I also have kids in the public school system that can't stand alot of what the schools provide because it's not real food. It's all been pre-made & pre-packaged and in too small of portions. And my kids are on the other end of the weight scale & by NO means obese or even close. Son #3 will be 16 next month, he's 6'4 and weighs 145lbs and he eats ALL the time. He has a high metabolism and needs massive amounts of calories......the Obama lunch program doesn't provide it.
Son #2 is 5'9 and about the same weight, but he's not fat by any means. They have always been active and have plenty of food choices at home...both good & bad.

My kids have said they only receive like 4 chicken nuggets.....for teenage boys?? That is NOT enough protein for anyone. And even that is questionable since those nuggets are processed & pressed together.....not chunks of real meat. Burgers are about the same.....all with fillers & additives. My kids have NEVER been given pieces of real meat at school.

Schools best bet to help kids is to make sure they are active during recess or breaks or make sure they have PE class. That way they are burning off those calories they consume AND it's something the kids may choose to do at home as well.
Thank you for this thread that perfectly illustrates the true purpose behind Moochelle's racket...

Which consisted of getting MORE money for school programs based on the *fact* that school children everywhere are starving...

Then withholding food based on the *fact* that school children everywhere are obese.

Perfect commie logic.
It could be in schools like when I was a kid, when food was prepared you ate what was made, or did without...There were times when my pre-depression era grandparents would put that unfinished food in the fridge and it was given to you at the next meal for you to finish....There wasn't any waste, because they had to live in a period when there was little money and food...
This adminstration just doesn't stop, nor does it care. Childhood obesity and Type 2 diabetes is skyrocketing in this country. Parents should teach their kids good healthy eating habits, but it should also be reinforced in our public schools.

WASHINGTON – After only six days on the job, Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue moved to stall one of former First Lady Michelle Obama’s signature accomplishments: stricter nutritional standards for school breakfasts and lunches, which feed more than 31 million children.

Speaking at Catoctin Elementary School in Leesburg, Virginia, on Monday with Sen. Pat Roberts, R-Kansas, and Patricia Montague of the School Nutrition Association, Perdue announced that his department would be slowing the implementation of aggressive standards on sodium, whole grains and sweetened milks that passed under the Obama administration.

“We know meals cannot be nutritious if they’re not consumed, if they’re thrown out,” Perdue told reporters after eating chicken nuggets and salad with a group of fifth graders. “We have to balance sodium and whole grain content with palatability.”

It was the second blow to the Obama administration’s nutritional legacy in less than a week. On Friday, the Food and Drug Administration signaled its intent to rewrite long-delayed menu-labeling rules passed as part of the Affordable Care Act. Republicans on the House Appropriations Committee also attached several nutrition-related riders to this week’s appropriations bill, including one that targeted voluntary industry sodium-reductions.

“I feel that we have made such progress in schools meals over the past five years,” said Miriam Nelson, a public health researcher who helped advise Michelle Obama’s nutrition initiatives. “This progress has contributed to reversing the trend in childhood obesity rates nationwide . . . We want to continue the progress we have made.”

School lunches have seen a radical makeover in the past five years. Since 2012, when the nutrition rules mandated by the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act went into effect, cafeterias have had to slash the amount of calories, trans-fats, sodium and refined grains in their foods, replacing cafeteria staples like conventional pizza with salt-reduced, whole-grain versions. They are also required to serve fruit, a variety of vegetables, and low-fat or fat-free milk.
Trump ends Michelle Obama’s plan to fight childhood obesity – The Denver Post

Here is what the next generation of kindergardners will look like.

Who Gives a fucking shit? The federal government fucks everything up they touch… fact
Parents should teach their kids good healthy eating habits, but it should also be reinforced in our public schools.
The government has no business on what a kid eats in school. Yes, it is up to the parents. NOT the government.

They shouldn't have changed the school menu's into choice menu's. It's not hard to figure out that if you offer a kid pizza or brownies over salad and fresh fruits and vegi's which one they're going to choose.

Back in the 1950's school lunches were great. I remember every Friday we got fried chicken with mashed potatos and gravy--but there was always a vegi with it. If you didn't want what was on the daily menu you went hungry--or brought your own lunch.

The reason school lunches are loosing profits, is because more and more mom's are packing lunches for their kids. They don't think Pizza and brownies is a good diet everyday.
The reason school lunches are loosing profits, is because more and more mom's are packing lunches for their kids. They don't think Pizza and brownies is a good diet everyday
You know why you and this whole topic is pissing me off?
Because you don't know what the fuck your talking about!

How Chicago Students Are Fighting Disgusting School Lunches

These kids are feed tv dinner meals, full of fillers, additives,
preservatives, by products, artificial flavors...crap

You think they're serving 100% white meat chicken,
lean beef, turkey breast, ham off the bone,...
what color is the sky on your planet?!

The schools, here in Chicago anyway, get additional funding,
for every child that signs up for the school lunch program.
My son would constantly be sent home with a form,
accompanied with a letter telling me the form had to be filled out.

Every time I tossed it in the garbage
because I didn't let him eat that crap,
he had breakfast before he left the house
and brought the lunch I made for him.

The shit was warmed up and stored in insulated coolers,
then stacked outside, along one side of the building
and brought into the classrooms at lunchtime!

And your rambling about sugar, fiber and carbs!
Are you fucking kidding me...that was e coli waiting to happen!

It wasn't until they sent home a letter,
threatening to withhold his report card,
that I marched my ass up to school!

The principle told me, even though my son
brought his own lunch, I still needed to fill out the paperwork
for the free lunch program because it brings in additional funding.
I agreed to fill out the forms IF he arranged for me
to receive SNAP benefits and got a medical card for us.

Needless to say, I was never hounded about those forms again!

With most families in the public school system,
receiving food stamps, there is no reason why,
the government should be providing free
breakfast and lunch for the students too.

They should be fed before they leave for school
and have a lunch sent with them to school...period!

The billions of dollars it cost to feed these kids in school
would be better spent on their educational programs!
Good information, I appreciate hearing first hand accounts rather than a bunch of politically motivated partisan assumptions that usually come pouring in on this board. It's a shame that the school lunches are so disgusting at your kids school. If that's how they are after a conscious effort to make them better and more healthy, can you imagine how bad they were before that? Perhaps there is still a ways to go to improve not only the nutrition but also the quality of the food.

Per your comment about kids bringing lunch to school. That would be great if all parents were willing to make them lunch or provide food for their children to make their own lunches. Unfortunately not all kids in our country are fortunate enough to have that luxury. I agree that it should be encouraged, but for those who do not have the resources I have no problem with our schools providing a healthy meal for our children.

Did you see those lunches??? I guess your idea of healthy foods and mine are completely different. Good Lord. Who would eat that stuff?
I did not see them. Do you have a link? Are you thinking these recent moves are going to make the lunches healthier or more nutritious than they currently are? I think Vice did a piece on this, they usually do a good job getting in depth, I'll try and look it up.
How Big Food Corporations Watered Down Michelle Obama’s ‘Let’s Move’ Campaign

Michelle Obama sold her soul to sugar lobbyist and soda lobbyist.
High Sugar diet is by faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar the greatest food related threat to American youth and she completely removed all references to it after sugar lobbyist complained about her attacking soda and sugary foods at the beginning of the Obama administration.
She is a sell out.
Yeah, Michelle Obama looks like a real nutrition and fitness expert. Let's put her in charge of deciding what our kids should eat. The DOG is in better shape than she is.


Post of pic of yourself and show us what a stud you are.

Or betterrace yet tell us the upside to childhood diabetes. Pockets full of Werthers Originals?
The government has no business on what a kid eats in school. Yes, it is up to the parents. NOT the government.

They shouldn't have changed the school menu's into choice menu's. It's not hard to figure out that if you offer a kid pizza or brownies over salad and fresh fruits and vegi's which one they're going to choose.

Back in the 1950's school lunches were great. I remember every Friday we got fried chicken with mashed potatos and gravy--but there was always a vegi with it. If you didn't want what was on the daily menu you went hungry--or brought your own lunch.

The reason school lunches are loosing profits, is because more and more mom's are packing lunches for their kids. They don't think Pizza and brownies is a good diet everyday.
The reason school lunches are loosing profits, is because more and more mom's are packing lunches for their kids. They don't think Pizza and brownies is a good diet everyday
You know why you and this whole topic is pissing me off?
Because you don't know what the fuck your talking about!

How Chicago Students Are Fighting Disgusting School Lunches

These kids are feed tv dinner meals, full of fillers, additives,
preservatives, by products, artificial flavors...crap

You think they're serving 100% white meat chicken,
lean beef, turkey breast, ham off the bone,...
what color is the sky on your planet?!

The schools, here in Chicago anyway, get additional funding,
for every child that signs up for the school lunch program.
My son would constantly be sent home with a form,
accompanied with a letter telling me the form had to be filled out.

Every time I tossed it in the garbage
because I didn't let him eat that crap,
he had breakfast before he left the house
and brought the lunch I made for him.

The shit was warmed up and stored in insulated coolers,
then stacked outside, along one side of the building
and brought into the classrooms at lunchtime!

And your rambling about sugar, fiber and carbs!
Are you fucking kidding me...that was e coli waiting to happen!

It wasn't until they sent home a letter,
threatening to withhold his report card,
that I marched my ass up to school!

The principle told me, even though my son
brought his own lunch, I still needed to fill out the paperwork
for the free lunch program because it brings in additional funding.
I agreed to fill out the forms IF he arranged for me
to receive SNAP benefits and got a medical card for us.

Needless to say, I was never hounded about those forms again!

With most families in the public school system,
receiving food stamps, there is no reason why,
the government should be providing free
breakfast and lunch for the students too.

They should be fed before they leave for school
and have a lunch sent with them to school...period!

The billions of dollars it cost to feed these kids in school
would be better spent on their educational programs!
Good information, I appreciate hearing first hand accounts rather than a bunch of politically motivated partisan assumptions that usually come pouring in on this board. It's a shame that the school lunches are so disgusting at your kids school. If that's how they are after a conscious effort to make them better and more healthy, can you imagine how bad they were before that? Perhaps there is still a ways to go to improve not only the nutrition but also the quality of the food.

Per your comment about kids bringing lunch to school. That would be great if all parents were willing to make them lunch or provide food for their children to make their own lunches. Unfortunately not all kids in our country are fortunate enough to have that luxury. I agree that it should be encouraged, but for those who do not have the resources I have no problem with our schools providing a healthy meal for our children.

Did you see those lunches??? I guess your idea of healthy foods and mine are completely different. Good Lord. Who would eat that stuff?
I did not see them. Do you have a link? Are you thinking these recent moves are going to make the lunches healthier or more nutritious than they currently are? I think Vice did a piece on this, they usually do a good job getting in depth, I'll try and look it up.

From what I am reading in this article this Republican Senator from Kansas (whom now in charge of the agriculture department) is supposedly concerned that school lunch rooms aren't making the "PROFIT" that he thinks they should be making--because he thinks the FOOD tastes bad. Meaning the Pizza that these kids get everyday. So he wants to cut back on healthy--when Michelle Obama went after transfats--wanted more whole grains--fruit & vegi's in school lunch rooms. I believe they were making the Pizza with whole grain crust.

It's really the mothers in this country that don't like the idea of giving their kids Pizza everyday--and allowing them a choice in school lunch rooms. So like my daughter does--she packs a lunch everyday for her two kids. (I mean whatever happened to Peanut Butter & Jelly sandwiches?)

Regardless, once mothers find out about this more will jump on board and start sending their kids to school with packed lunches. It wasn't long ago we had to get rid of vending machines in schools, that were packed full of candy, pastry and soda pop.
Thank you for this thread that perfectly illustrates the true purpose behind Moochelle's racket...

Which consisted of getting MORE money for school programs based on the *fact* that school children everywhere are starving...

Then withholding food based on the *fact* that school children everywhere are obese.

Perfect commie logic.

true enough. Thing is, kids need plenty of calories. Their minds & bodies are still growing. What they really need to be healthy & not overweight is EXCERCISE and activity.
I went the entire public school system and NEVER consumed anything from the cafeteria. Why kind of lazy shit relies on a school to feed them? That said, the obesity we see today is a result of fat, retarded, welfare fucks fucking and getting free medical to pay for the 9 month result of their drunk fuck. It is called DNA.
Did you really call children who's parents don't provide them food for lunch "lazy shit"?! There are plenty of children in this situation you douchebag
Parents should teach their kids good healthy eating habits, but it should also be reinforced in our public schools.
The government has no business on what a kid eats in school. Yes, it is up to the parents. NOT the government.

They shouldn't have changed the school menu's into choice menu's. It's not hard to figure out that if you offer a kid pizza or brownies over salad and fresh fruits and vegi's which one they're going to choose.

Back in the 1950's school lunches were great. I remember every Friday we got fried chicken with mashed potatos and gravy--but there was always a vegi with it. If you didn't want what was on the daily menu you went hungry--or brought your own lunch.

The reason school lunches are loosing profits, is because more and more mom's are packing lunches for their kids. They don't think Pizza and brownies is a good diet everyday.

Michelle Obama didn't do our kids any favors as you seem to believe. Sure she changed the menus & what is available for the kids to eat, BUT THE KIDS AREN'T EATING IT. They are throwing those fruits & veggies away. So by the end of the day, those kids are starving and once they get home GORGE on whatever they have available at junk.
By starving & gorging they are worse off than they would be otherwise.
What makes you believe that? Have you seen evidence or are you just making assumptions?

I read the article........did you????

“We know meals cannot be nutritious if they’re not consumed, if they’re thrown out,” Perdue told reporters after eating chicken nuggets and salad with a group of fifth graders. “We have to balance sodium and whole grain content with palatability.”

But many cafeteria managers complained that the new requirements made lunches less appetizing to children and said they saw food waste grow...

It's also been in the news many a time about how kids aren't eating much of their lunches. Why??? because they don't like it. Also because kids will only eat what they are used to eating, so if they don't eat healthy at home they are less likely to eat healthy at school.

I also have kids in the public school system that can't stand alot of what the schools provide because it's not real food. It's all been pre-made & pre-packaged and in too small of portions. And my kids are on the other end of the weight scale & by NO means obese or even close. Son #3 will be 16 next month, he's 6'4 and weighs 145lbs and he eats ALL the time. He has a high metabolism and needs massive amounts of calories......the Obama lunch program doesn't provide it.
Son #2 is 5'9 and about the same weight, but he's not fat by any means. They have always been active and have plenty of food choices at home...both good & bad.

My kids have said they only receive like 4 chicken nuggets.....for teenage boys?? That is NOT enough protein for anyone. And even that is questionable since those nuggets are processed & pressed together.....not chunks of real meat. Burgers are about the same.....all with fillers & additives. My kids have NEVER been given pieces of real meat at school.

Schools best bet to help kids is to make sure they are active during recess or breaks or make sure they have PE class. That way they are burning off those calories they consume AND it's something the kids may choose to do at home as well.
Those are all statements from Perdue... Forgive me for being skeptical, but I think the situation deserves a little more vetting. I've had plenty of healthy food that tastes delicious. I don't see why they aren't making tweaks to the menu. Degrading the health, nutrition and quality of the food doesn't seem like a good solution.
Thank you for this thread that perfectly illustrates the true purpose behind Moochelle's racket...

Which consisted of getting MORE money for school programs based on the *fact* that school children everywhere are starving...

Then withholding food based on the *fact* that school children everywhere are obese.

Perfect commie logic.

true enough. Thing is, kids need plenty of calories. Their minds & bodies are still growing. What they really need to be healthy & not overweight is EXCERCISE and activity.

Diet is about 80% of being fit. Not the other way around.
I agree that if they have too many POOR choices, they will choose poorly, but they could do a lot better with those lunches. Good grief, those were very unappetizing and disgusting. Nobody would want to eat that slop except the dog.

They did a terrible job with this. Now some kids probably aren't eating lunch at all but just throwing it away.
As usual, liberals have to deal with the unintended consequences of their actions. :rolleyes:

And, as usual, the LIbErals will never take responsibility for these consequences of their own bad policies, but will instead try to blame those who opposed them, and condemn those who are not acting to correct the harm.

I should correct this to say that EVERYBODY has to deal with the unintended consequences of liberal policies.

The reality is that LIbErals will not deal with it, other than to piously try to take credit for what they claim their policies were intended to achieve, while blaming the abject failure of these policies on those who tried to stop them and who are trying to undo the damage that these policies have cause.

LIbErals just make messes, and then blame and condemn those who try to clean up their messes.
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