Trump ends Michelle Obama's effort to fight child hood obesity.

The far leftists here are fat shaming like no tomorrow.

Who are you to tell that being fat is worse than not being fat?

Utterly racist behavior to condemn an entire group of people, innocent kids of all things!

You're condeming the kids to a life of obesity and health issues--not me. If Michelle Obama had made a program about exercise for children in school, and some dumbass Republican overruled it, you would be on here defending the Republican who did, as you are right now defending a Republican Senator from Kansas that basically threw out a bill to feed healthier foods in school to fight skyrockinig childhood obesity--(because he wanted to increase school lunch room PROFITS.)

Your comment: "Who are you to tell me that being fat is worse than not being fat?" This comment is without doubt is the most ignorant comment I have ever seen.


Not so. You fools make me laugh.

^look at the obese fat kid on the left:and then look at him today.
The far leftists here are fat shaming like no tomorrow.

Who are you to tell that being fat is worse than not being fat?

Utterly racist behavior to condemn an entire group of people, innocent kids of all things!

You're condeming the kids to a life of obesity and health issues--not me. If Michelle Obama had made a program about exercise for children in school, and some dumbass Republican overruled it, you would be on here defending the Republican who did, as you are right now defending a Republican Senator from Kansas that basically threw out a bill to feed healthier foods in school to fight skyrockinig childhood obesity--(because he wanted to increase school lunch room PROFITS.)

Your comment: "Who are you to tell me that being fat is worse than not being fat?" This comment is without doubt is the most ignorant comment I have ever seen.


No, actually you are FAT SHAMING THE KIDS. You are directly implying that being fat is worse than not being fat, you racist monster!

And according to Huff Post, that can literally break their small vulnerable hearts:

Fat Shaming Can Literally Break Your Heart | HuffPost

So, FUCK OFF, you child killer.

Sweet baby Jesus--Did your doctor EVER talk to you about weight issues--how they are directly related to sudden heart attacks--stroke, COPD, and Type 2 diabetes that is directly related to obesity. Or have you hung your own shingle on your fat shack--that being obese is great for your health?
Why are more children being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes? - Diabetes
Health Risks of Obesity


For those of you that are actually interested in obesity health issues--there are many programs on the Learning channel regarding this. One of the most fascinating is "My 600 pound life"--to get scared straight.

Today we have 2 devices that are gifts in the fight against obesity in this country. The first one is free and is on your peronal computer: where you can sign up--give your height and weight--and it will calculate where you should be in caloric intake to get to your goal weight. (You do not have to exercise to lose weight. 97% of your weight is related to what you're eating and how much you're eating. You don't have to give up on the food you love and all sweets--you just eat less of them. ) MFP has a million food database--including fast food and chain restaurants making it very simple to track your daily calorie intake, and exerise and calories burned (if you want to use that and plan on exercising.) This will also work on your I-phones and smart phones. The next one is FitBit that will actually sync with MFP for the steps you walk a day and other exercise you incorporate into your daily schedule--from mowing the yard to house cleaning. They range from $60 for the cheap one all the way up to $300 and have several different models to fit your budget and what you're doing. They even track your heart rate today.

Being fat or being obese is NOT O.K for your health. Unfortunately, overweight kids end up being obese adults. Early childhood education and proper eating habits will insure that they live healthier lives.
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The far leftists here are fat shaming like no tomorrow.

Who are you to tell that being fat is worse than not being fat?

Utterly racist behavior to condemn an entire group of people, innocent kids of all things!

You're condeming the kids to a life of obesity and health issues--not me. If Michelle Obama had made a program about exercise for children in school, and some dumbass Republican overruled it, you would be on here defending the Republican who did, as you are right now defending a Republican Senator from Kansas that basically threw out a bill to feed healthier foods in school to fight skyrockinig childhood obesity--(because he wanted to increase school lunch room PROFITS.)

Your comment: "Who are you to tell me that being fat is worse than not being fat?" This comment is without doubt is the most ignorant comment I have ever seen.


No, actually you are FAT SHAMING THE KIDS. You are directly implying that being fat is worse than not being fat, you racist monster!

And according to Huff Post, that can literally break their small vulnerable hearts:

Fat Shaming Can Literally Break Your Heart | HuffPost

So, FUCK OFF, you child killer.

Sweet baby Jesus--Did your doctor EVER talk to you about weight issues--how they are directly related to sudden heart attacks--stroke, COPD, and Type 2 diabetes that is directly related to obesity. Or have you hung your own shingle on your fat shack--that being obese is great for your health?
Why are more children being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes? - Diabetes
Health Risks of Obesity


For those of you that are actually interested in obesity health issues--there are many programs on the Learning channel regarding this. One of the most fascinating is "My 600 pound life"--to get scared straight.

Today we have 2 devices that are gifts in the fight against obesity in this country. The first one is free and is on your peronal computer: where you can sign up--give your height and weight--and it will calculate where you should be in caloric intake to get to your goal weight. (You do not have to exercise to lose weight.) MFP has a million food database--including fast food and chain restaurants making it very simple to track your daily calorie intake, and exerise and calories burned (if you want to use that and plan on exercising.) This will also work on your I-phones and smart phones. The next one is FitBit that will actually sync with MFP for the steps you walk a day and other exercise you incorporate into your daily schedule--from mowing the yard to house cleaning. They range from $60 for the cheap one all the way up to $300 and have several different models to fit your budget and what you're doing. They even track your heart rate today.

Fat and being obese is NOT O.K for your health.

So you are saying that being fat is not ok.

I am not sure how one is able to live with the amount of racism you boast. This amount of racism is literally killing children as I already pointed out.
The far leftists here are fat shaming like no tomorrow.

Who are you to tell that being fat is worse than not being fat?

Utterly racist behavior to condemn an entire group of people, innocent kids of all things!

You're condeming the kids to a life of obesity and health issues--not me. If Michelle Obama had made a program about exercise for children in school, and some dumbass Republican overruled it, you would be on here defending the Republican who did, as you are right now defending a Republican Senator from Kansas that basically threw out a bill to feed healthier foods in school to fight skyrockinig childhood obesity--(because he wanted to increase school lunch room PROFITS.)

Your comment: "Who are you to tell me that being fat is worse than not being fat?" This comment is without doubt is the most ignorant comment I have ever seen.


No, actually you are FAT SHAMING THE KIDS. You are directly implying that being fat is worse than not being fat, you racist monster!

And according to Huff Post, that can literally break their small vulnerable hearts:

Fat Shaming Can Literally Break Your Heart | HuffPost

So, FUCK OFF, you child killer.

Sweet baby Jesus--Did your doctor EVER talk to you about weight issues--how they are directly related to sudden heart attacks--stroke, COPD, and Type 2 diabetes that is directly related to obesity. Or have you hung your own shingle on your fat shack--that being obese is great for your health?
Why are more children being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes? - Diabetes
Health Risks of Obesity


For those of you that are actually interested in obesity health issues--there are many programs on the Learning channel regarding this. One of the most fascinating is "My 600 pound life"--to get scared straight.

Today we have 2 devices that are gifts in the fight against obesity in this country. The first one is free and is on your peronal computer: where you can sign up--give your height and weight--and it will calculate where you should be in caloric intake to get to your goal weight. (You do not have to exercise to lose weight.) MFP has a million food database--including fast food and chain restaurants making it very simple to track your daily calorie intake, and exerise and calories burned (if you want to use that and plan on exercising.) This will also work on your I-phones and smart phones. The next one is FitBit that will actually sync with MFP for the steps you walk a day and other exercise you incorporate into your daily schedule--from mowing the yard to house cleaning. They range from $60 for the cheap one all the way up to $300 and have several different models to fit your budget and what you're doing. They even track your heart rate today.

Fat and being obese is NOT O.K for your health.

So you are saying that being fat is not ok.

I am not sure how one is able to live with the amount of racism you boast. This amount of racism is literally killing children as I already pointed out.

Being fat is not O.K. for your health dumbass. If you want to live a life (restricted as to what you can do and can't do--and put your own life at risk) then that is your perogative. But it is not your perogative to get on this board and promote obesity onto others, by stating that being obese is O.K.. That's exactly what you're trying to do.
Being fat or being obese is NOT O.K for your health. Unfortunately, overweight kids end up being obese adults.
BS. Anybody can lose weight and get in shape if they want to do it. Most people just don't have the ambition and it's nobody's fault but their own if they don't.
Early childhood education and proper eating habits will insure that they live healthier lives.
Fine, but you don't have the right to force them to eat what you tell them to eat. It's none of your damn business.
You're full of shit, Slade3200. You haven't presented one damn argument in favor of letting an unqualified obese woman dictate our children's diet. If it was Melania Trump you would be attacking her qualifications and you know it, you hypocrite. You can't debate, you don't know how. You take the liberal position and throw out personal attacks at anybody who doesn't agree with you. You're incapable of discussing any issue objectively. Get lost.
That's funny SJ, when was the last time you stood up for a liberal idea or rep? When was the last time you admitted you were wrong about anything? I have plenty of examples written here in black and white were I've done it.

I'd welcome Melania to pick up where Michelle left off and continue the fight against childhood obesity. You can keep putting words in my mouth and dictating a false narrative to make you feel superior, but you aren't fooling anybody

The problem here is that these problems are not going to be solved at school. These are parenting issues.
I agree family life is the most important influencer for shaping young people. But regardless schools have and will continue to have a cafeteria and serve food. I don't see the problem in trying to make that food healthier. I don't see the problem with after school programs to encourage excercise and activity.

I loved fish stick day with fries. That was one time, 5 times a week I ate crap. Breakfast and dinner was always home-cooked, from scratch and healthy.
Weren't you a lucky kid. Shame that there are many children out there that don't have those luxuries.

Luxuries? What luxuries... we couldn't afford to eat out or eat fast food.
The far leftists here are fat shaming like no tomorrow.

Who are you to tell that being fat is worse than not being fat?

Utterly racist behavior to condemn an entire group of people, innocent kids of all things!

You're condeming the kids to a life of obesity and health issues--not me. If Michelle Obama had made a program about exercise for children in school, and some dumbass Republican overruled it, you would be on here defending the Republican who did, as you are right now defending a Republican Senator from Kansas that basically threw out a bill to feed healthier foods in school to fight skyrockinig childhood obesity--(because he wanted to increase school lunch room PROFITS.)

Your comment: "Who are you to tell me that being fat is worse than not being fat?" This comment is without doubt is the most ignorant comment I have ever seen.


No, actually you are FAT SHAMING THE KIDS. You are directly implying that being fat is worse than not being fat, you racist monster!

And according to Huff Post, that can literally break their small vulnerable hearts:

Fat Shaming Can Literally Break Your Heart | HuffPost

So, FUCK OFF, you child killer.

Sweet baby Jesus--Did your doctor EVER talk to you about weight issues--how they are directly related to sudden heart attacks--stroke, COPD, and Type 2 diabetes that is directly related to obesity. Or have you hung your own shingle on your fat shack--that being obese is great for your health?
Why are more children being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes? - Diabetes
Health Risks of Obesity


For those of you that are actually interested in obesity health issues--there are many programs on the Learning channel regarding this. One of the most fascinating is "My 600 pound life"--to get scared straight.

Today we have 2 devices that are gifts in the fight against obesity in this country. The first one is free and is on your peronal computer: where you can sign up--give your height and weight--and it will calculate where you should be in caloric intake to get to your goal weight. (You do not have to exercise to lose weight.) MFP has a million food database--including fast food and chain restaurants making it very simple to track your daily calorie intake, and exerise and calories burned (if you want to use that and plan on exercising.) This will also work on your I-phones and smart phones. The next one is FitBit that will actually sync with MFP for the steps you walk a day and other exercise you incorporate into your daily schedule--from mowing the yard to house cleaning. They range from $60 for the cheap one all the way up to $300 and have several different models to fit your budget and what you're doing. They even track your heart rate today.

Fat and being obese is NOT O.K for your health.

So you are saying that being fat is not ok.

I am not sure how one is able to live with the amount of racism you boast. This amount of racism is literally killing children as I already pointed out.

"Racism"? What race are you talking about?

Most of the article deals with how nutritious the food is. No shit??? But the study was of only six schools. Did those same children have a stock of candy bars in their locker, or head to Burger King as soon as they left the school?
I'm sure some did, so what?

So what is that this is a lot of wasted money and time. Kids are going to eat what they want be it in school or outside of school. Kids and adults alike will eat food they enjoy, not food they hate just because it's good for them.

Several years ago our deer population got out of control, so the county hired professional hunters to thin the herd. Nearby communities were outraged that we would kill those beautiful animals in the park. To try and take some of the sting out of the necessary action, they announced that the venison will be donated to the homeless shelters. Guess what? The homeless refused to eat it. They had to throw all that meat out.

Some people love venison, others hate it. Some people love green beans, others hate it. Some people love big macs, others wouldn't put one in their mouth. But you can't make decisions for people. We all have different tastes.
Nobody is making decisions for people. Just trying to provide healthier options for school lunches for our children. Don't get your panties in a wrinkle.

Oh, so what you're saying is you think Moochele offered choice? Better read more on the program. She had vending machines removed from schools. She eliminated what are considered unhealthy food from the cafeteria. There are no options. Eat crappy tasting food, don't eat at all, or bring your own food with you.
Ok, Michelle Obama showed kids how to eat healthy and Melania Trump will show little conservative girls how to become a stripper, take their clothes off, get hired to work as high end escort girls and how to become porn models.
What does it say about the Right Wingers here at USMBand the nation at large? Rather than justifying the ending of a program to combat childhood obesity with rational reasons, these knuckleheads use the issue as a platform to attack the for,era First Lay.

It's as if they were unaware of the hazards of obesity. It's as if their priorities are scoring cheap and irrelevant political points instead of showing any concern or awareness of the ultimate costs of childhood obesity.

What do you folks really believe? Writing off the future of children is the cost of doing political business in this new Dark Age of American civic comportment?
What does it say about the Right Wingers here at USMBand the nation at large?

It says we want government out of our lives. It says we want government out of our children's lives. We want government out of our families lives.

Rather than justifying the ending of a program to combat childhood obesity with rational reasons, these knuckleheads use the issue as a platform to attack the for,era First Lay.

We don't have to justify anything to anybody. We won--you lost. Elections have consequences.

It's as if they were unaware of the hazards of obesity. It's as if their priorities are scoring cheap and irrelevant political points instead of showing any concern or awareness of the ultimate costs of childhood obesity.

You're not going to make fat kids skinny with this stupid feel good program. It's a waste of time and money. Are you so foolish enough to believe that the cause of obesity is what kids eat in school? If that were the case, they would get fat during the school year and come back skinny after summer vacation. That doesn't happen.

What do you folks really believe? Writing off the future of children is the cost of doing political business in this new Dark Age of American civic comportment?

The future of our children does not depend on some bored lady in the White House that can get her husband to implement her ideas. Americans elected Barack, not Mooochele.
What does it say about the Right Wingers here at USMBand the nation at large?

It says we want government out of our lives. It says we want government out of our children's lives. We want government out of our families lives.

Rather than justifying the ending of a program to combat childhood obesity with rational reasons, these knuckleheads use the issue as a platform to attack the for,era First Lay.

We don't have to justify anything to anybody. We won--you lost. Elections have consequences.

It's as if they were unaware of the hazards of obesity. It's as if their priorities are scoring cheap and irrelevant political points instead of showing any concern or awareness of the ultimate costs of childhood obesity.

You're not going to make fat kids skinny with this stupid feel good program. It's a waste of time and money. Are you so foolish enough to believe that the cause of obesity is what kids eat in school? If that were the case, they would get fat during the school year and come back skinny after summer vacation. That doesn't happen.

What do you folks really believe? Writing off the future of children is the cost of doing political business in this new Dark Age of American civic comportment?

The future of our children does not depend on some bored lady in the White House that can get her husband to implement her ideas. Americans elected Barack, not Mooochele.
Proving my point. You want government out of your life, but you will accept government in your old age. You claim elections have consequences, but you are not willing to own the consequence of childhood obesity.

You say that childhood obesity has nothing to do with what is fed in schools while ignoring the fact that many children get their only meals at school. And then you again use this issue to attack the former First Lady.

So, you have shown precisely what I was writing about. An unconcerned, largely ignorant attitude more concerned, as sports fans are, with winning rather than leading.

Most of the article deals with how nutritious the food is. No shit??? But the study was of only six schools. Did those same children have a stock of candy bars in their locker, or head to Burger King as soon as they left the school?
I'm sure some did, so what?

So what is that this is a lot of wasted money and time. Kids are going to eat what they want be it in school or outside of school. Kids and adults alike will eat food they enjoy, not food they hate just because it's good for them.

Several years ago our deer population got out of control, so the county hired professional hunters to thin the herd. Nearby communities were outraged that we would kill those beautiful animals in the park. To try and take some of the sting out of the necessary action, they announced that the venison will be donated to the homeless shelters. Guess what? The homeless refused to eat it. They had to throw all that meat out.

Some people love venison, others hate it. Some people love green beans, others hate it. Some people love big macs, others wouldn't put one in their mouth. But you can't make decisions for people. We all have different tastes.
Nobody is making decisions for people. Just trying to provide healthier options for school lunches for our children. Don't get your panties in a wrinkle.
here's a thought
get rid of the school lunch program and have kids bring their own lunch to school

it worked for generations
That's a nice little Fuck You to the poor kids whose parents don't give a shit about them. I guess that's just something else you want them to deal with, right? Fuck em

Most of the article deals with how nutritious the food is. No shit??? But the study was of only six schools. Did those same children have a stock of candy bars in their locker, or head to Burger King as soon as they left the school?
I'm sure some did, so what?

So what is that this is a lot of wasted money and time. Kids are going to eat what they want be it in school or outside of school. Kids and adults alike will eat food they enjoy, not food they hate just because it's good for them.

Several years ago our deer population got out of control, so the county hired professional hunters to thin the herd. Nearby communities were outraged that we would kill those beautiful animals in the park. To try and take some of the sting out of the necessary action, they announced that the venison will be donated to the homeless shelters. Guess what? The homeless refused to eat it. They had to throw all that meat out.

Some people love venison, others hate it. Some people love green beans, others hate it. Some people love big macs, others wouldn't put one in their mouth. But you can't make decisions for people. We all have different tastes.
Nobody is making decisions for people. Just trying to provide healthier options for school lunches for our children. Don't get your panties in a wrinkle.

Oh, so what you're saying is you think Moochele offered choice? Better read more on the program. She had vending machines removed from schools. She eliminated what are considered unhealthy food from the cafeteria. There are no options. Eat crappy tasting food, don't eat at all, or bring your own food with you.
Youre right ray, let's bring back the vending machines and pump our kids full of coke and hohos. Fuck it, they can eat healthy at home if they want
I agree I grew up in the 50's myself. You're entertainment was playing outside. Kids need a lot more exercise than they're getting today. No one is arguing that and Michelle Obama was also promoting that. But we also didn't eat pizza for lunch everyday. Mom cooked, there was no such thing as fast food.

Times have changed and we have to adjust to these times. We need to make certain that kids are getting an education on which foods are heatlhy and which ones are nothing more than empty calories. And actually change school menu's to where they can eat what they're learning.

Type 2 diabetes is the fastest growing disease in this country today, especially with adults, and now we're seeing it in kids & teens. Ignoring this health crisis is not a solution. The new agriculture Secretary from Kansas is not addressing this issue--he is adding to problem. As stated in the article he is much more concerned with lunch room profits. They'll make a lot more money if they just give them donuts, cakes and candy for lunch. The body reaction to white processed foods is exactly the same.

"In type 2 diabetes, once known as "adult-onset" diabetes, the body becomes resistant to the effects of insulin or doesn't make enough insulin, according to the Mayo Clinic.

Doctors have made major progress in treating type 1 diabetes and preventing complications, Ludwig says. But children who develop type 2 diabetes face serious risks, which are compounded by the fact that most are already obese. Together, obesity and diabetes increase their lifetime risk of heart attacks, strokes, kidney failure, blindness and amputations.

Diabetes affects 25.8 million people of all ages in the USA, or about 8.3% of the population, according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, part of the National Institutes of Health."

Diabetes rates skyrocket in kids and teens

If you read the ongoing discussions, you'd realize that diabetes is not directly related to what you eat.

I was raised on home cooked food. Fast food was a treat we had once or twice a year. when I turned 25, I became a victim of diabetes.

You can have sugar problems because of obesity, pregnancy, or age, but that's different than your pancreas breaking down. Food doesn't cause that; at least that we know of.

Kids being forced to eat what they have no desire to eat only amplifies the problem. They will carry candy bars for lunch instead of salads. They will wait until the end of the day to hit McDonald's on the way home with friends. Believe it or not, you can't force people into eating what they don't want to eat.

What kind of food one eats is less the problem than exercise. I'm a landlord and I've seen this first hand. When the weather turns nice in spring, my younger tenants stay inside. They don't open up the windows. They don't go outside to interact with neighbors or my other tenants. Their entertainment is entirely within their four walls.

My older tenants are much different. We gather outside to BS or just enjoy the weather. We wash or vacuum out our cars. My tenants with pets bring them outside and walk them around. Our windows are open and we spend much of our day outside. My younger tenants? The only time you see them is when they walk from their apartment to their cars.

We don't have a food problem--we have an exercise problem.

Type 2 diabetes is DIRECTLY related to obesity. Type 1 diabetes is not. Read the article.
Diabetes rates skyrocket in kids and teens

You do not need to exercise to maintain your weight, or even lose weight. 97% of your weight is related to what you're putting in your mouth. Albeit--that exercise is great, and kids need a lot more than what they're getting today. If you really remember the 1950's adults did not exercise--yet they were thin.

An average 10 year old today is 10-15 pounds heavier than a 10 year old coming out of the 1950's. Which means when they're 20--they're going to be 20-25 pounds heavier that their counterpart from the 1950's, when they're 30 they're going to be 40 -45 pounds heavier than their counterpart in the 1950's etc. etc. etc.

Type 2 diabetes is directly related to blood insulin levels, aka sugar. You get a short burst of energy--then you're fatigued and hungry again--and then you will overeat to satitate the hunger you got from the sugar. A simple can of Coke is 8 teaspoons of sugar, and large Coke at McDonalds is a whopping 33 teaspoons of sugar. Drink one, and it won't be long before you're ordering 2 double bacon cheeseburgers to feed the sugar you just drank. Sugar is stored in our fat cells.

Back in the 1950's you didn't have bakery's in the stores--if you wanted cake you waited until the next birthday party and or you had to make your own. We didn't have all these sugary choices and white processed foods available to us at our fingertips.

It's very simple: What's is going to keep you fuller with longer lasting energy? An 8 oz. top sirloin steak or 8 oz's of sugar.

Michelle Obama was trying to change school menu's to more protein as is found in the steak, and less sugary white processed foods, by substituting the white processed with whole grains and more vegetables. There is nothing wrong with that, and it was a great idea that is now gone--because we have a Senator from Kansas, aka the agriculture secretary that is more concerned about lunch room profits.

Right, kids are eating steak in school.

Post all the articles you like, I'll stick with my specialist at the Cleveland Clinic and rely on his advice.

You're just defending your own ignorance right now. You have link after link that shows the risk of poor eating habits, & obesity in this country. It has been explained with charts and links throughout this thread and you're still in denial--arguing against each point.

You don't know the difference nor sources for protein, fat, & carbohydrates--and you have made that more than evident in each and everyone of your comments. You don't want to know the difference.

You don't know the difference between good calories and bad ones, and you don't want to know the difference. I'll doubt you even know how many calories you're supposed to be eating each day to maintain a healthy BMI and I'll bet my last nickle you don't care. I have a fairly good idea of what you probably look like. People who continually argue against good eating habits--are usually ones that are in denial of their own. And as they say--"misery loves company."




If anybody wants any of that information, they can look it up right here on the internet. I could G.A.S. less about what people eat. It's none of my business OR YOURS what they eat. If you want to eat salads ten times a week, go for it, but don't tell others what to eat because you made their eating habits a concern of yours.

Liberalism is about taking joy away from other people because they are miserable themselves. You people feel you are entitled to tell everybody else how to live: what to eat, what to smoke, what to drink, what taxes they should (or should not) be paying, what news channels outlets they should not be watching, how they should vote........

For crying out loud, show me one debate by our founders where the subject was if the federal government should be responsible for telling people how to eat. It's ridiculous already.
yoire. It really this stupid are you Ray? Just stretching to mak another anti Obamas argument?

Public Schools provide lunches and snacks for our children. They are not telling people how to eat, but they have the responsibility to decide what options they serve our kids. Not offering sodas and twinkies and greesy fat soaked food is a responsible choice. I don't see any reason for you to bitch about it. If some of the menu choices aren't working out at certain schools and food is getting wasted then there is no problem with changing the menu around. You're bitching just to bitch and it's getting old
That's funny SJ, when was the last time you stood up for a liberal idea or rep? When was the last time you admitted you were wrong about anything? I have plenty of examples written here in black and white were I've done it.

I'd welcome Melania to pick up where Michelle left off and continue the fight against childhood obesity. You can keep putting words in my mouth and dictating a false narrative to make you feel superior, but you aren't fooling anybody

The problem here is that these problems are not going to be solved at school. These are parenting issues.
I agree family life is the most important influencer for shaping young people. But regardless schools have and will continue to have a cafeteria and serve food. I don't see the problem in trying to make that food healthier. I don't see the problem with after school programs to encourage excercise and activity.

I loved fish stick day with fries. That was one time, 5 times a week I ate crap. Breakfast and dinner was always home-cooked, from scratch and healthy.
Weren't you a lucky kid. Shame that there are many children out there that don't have those luxuries.

Luxuries? What luxuries... we couldn't afford to eat out or eat fast food.
The luxury of having a mother who would cook you two healthy home cooked meals a day. What, you think all kids have that?
What does it say about the Right Wingers here at USMBand the nation at large?

It says we want government out of our lives. It says we want government out of our children's lives. We want government out of our families lives.

Rather than justifying the ending of a program to combat childhood obesity with rational reasons, these knuckleheads use the issue as a platform to attack the for,era First Lay.

We don't have to justify anything to anybody. We won--you lost. Elections have consequences.

It's as if they were unaware of the hazards of obesity. It's as if their priorities are scoring cheap and irrelevant political points instead of showing any concern or awareness of the ultimate costs of childhood obesity.

You're not going to make fat kids skinny with this stupid feel good program. It's a waste of time and money. Are you so foolish enough to believe that the cause of obesity is what kids eat in school? If that were the case, they would get fat during the school year and come back skinny after summer vacation. That doesn't happen.

What do you folks really believe? Writing off the future of children is the cost of doing political business in this new Dark Age of American civic comportment?

The future of our children does not depend on some bored lady in the White House that can get her husband to implement her ideas. Americans elected Barack, not Mooochele.
Proving my point. You want government out of your life, but you will accept government in your old age. You claim elections have consequences, but you are not willing to own the consequence of childhood obesity.

You say that childhood obesity has nothing to do with what is fed in schools while ignoring the fact that many children get their only meals at school. And then you again use this issue to attack the former First Lady.

So, you have shown precisely what I was writing about. An unconcerned, largely ignorant attitude more concerned, as sports fans are, with winning rather than leading.

The reason I will accept government in my old age is because I was forced to pay into government programs my entire life.

Back in my day as a kid, we didn't have government raise our children. We didn't have government deciding what they should or shouldn't eat. We had different people to do that. I forget what we called them was.......something like.....oh yes, they were called PARENTS!

Yes, it was the parents (not the government) that accepted responsibility for the heath of their children. If the parents thought their kid was getting overweight, they did something about it--not government.

Government does have a place in our society, but a small place. For instance if the only time a kid eats is in school, government should take that child away from the parents and charge them with endangerment. If the only time a kid eats is in school, it doesn't matter what the kid eats because you will never get fat on one meal a day. School should be a place for children to learn, not be a place that acts as surrogate parents.
If you read the ongoing discussions, you'd realize that diabetes is not directly related to what you eat.

I was raised on home cooked food. Fast food was a treat we had once or twice a year. when I turned 25, I became a victim of diabetes.

You can have sugar problems because of obesity, pregnancy, or age, but that's different than your pancreas breaking down. Food doesn't cause that; at least that we know of.

Kids being forced to eat what they have no desire to eat only amplifies the problem. They will carry candy bars for lunch instead of salads. They will wait until the end of the day to hit McDonald's on the way home with friends. Believe it or not, you can't force people into eating what they don't want to eat.

What kind of food one eats is less the problem than exercise. I'm a landlord and I've seen this first hand. When the weather turns nice in spring, my younger tenants stay inside. They don't open up the windows. They don't go outside to interact with neighbors or my other tenants. Their entertainment is entirely within their four walls.

My older tenants are much different. We gather outside to BS or just enjoy the weather. We wash or vacuum out our cars. My tenants with pets bring them outside and walk them around. Our windows are open and we spend much of our day outside. My younger tenants? The only time you see them is when they walk from their apartment to their cars.

We don't have a food problem--we have an exercise problem.

Type 2 diabetes is DIRECTLY related to obesity. Type 1 diabetes is not. Read the article.
Diabetes rates skyrocket in kids and teens

You do not need to exercise to maintain your weight, or even lose weight. 97% of your weight is related to what you're putting in your mouth. Albeit--that exercise is great, and kids need a lot more than what they're getting today. If you really remember the 1950's adults did not exercise--yet they were thin.

An average 10 year old today is 10-15 pounds heavier than a 10 year old coming out of the 1950's. Which means when they're 20--they're going to be 20-25 pounds heavier that their counterpart from the 1950's, when they're 30 they're going to be 40 -45 pounds heavier than their counterpart in the 1950's etc. etc. etc.

Type 2 diabetes is directly related to blood insulin levels, aka sugar. You get a short burst of energy--then you're fatigued and hungry again--and then you will overeat to satitate the hunger you got from the sugar. A simple can of Coke is 8 teaspoons of sugar, and large Coke at McDonalds is a whopping 33 teaspoons of sugar. Drink one, and it won't be long before you're ordering 2 double bacon cheeseburgers to feed the sugar you just drank. Sugar is stored in our fat cells.

Back in the 1950's you didn't have bakery's in the stores--if you wanted cake you waited until the next birthday party and or you had to make your own. We didn't have all these sugary choices and white processed foods available to us at our fingertips.

It's very simple: What's is going to keep you fuller with longer lasting energy? An 8 oz. top sirloin steak or 8 oz's of sugar.

Michelle Obama was trying to change school menu's to more protein as is found in the steak, and less sugary white processed foods, by substituting the white processed with whole grains and more vegetables. There is nothing wrong with that, and it was a great idea that is now gone--because we have a Senator from Kansas, aka the agriculture secretary that is more concerned about lunch room profits.

Right, kids are eating steak in school.

Post all the articles you like, I'll stick with my specialist at the Cleveland Clinic and rely on his advice.

You're just defending your own ignorance right now. You have link after link that shows the risk of poor eating habits, & obesity in this country. It has been explained with charts and links throughout this thread and you're still in denial--arguing against each point.

You don't know the difference nor sources for protein, fat, & carbohydrates--and you have made that more than evident in each and everyone of your comments. You don't want to know the difference.

You don't know the difference between good calories and bad ones, and you don't want to know the difference. I'll doubt you even know how many calories you're supposed to be eating each day to maintain a healthy BMI and I'll bet my last nickle you don't care. I have a fairly good idea of what you probably look like. People who continually argue against good eating habits--are usually ones that are in denial of their own. And as they say--"misery loves company."




If anybody wants any of that information, they can look it up right here on the internet. I could G.A.S. less about what people eat. It's none of my business OR YOURS what they eat. If you want to eat salads ten times a week, go for it, but don't tell others what to eat because you made their eating habits a concern of yours.

Liberalism is about taking joy away from other people because they are miserable themselves. You people feel you are entitled to tell everybody else how to live: what to eat, what to smoke, what to drink, what taxes they should (or should not) be paying, what news channels outlets they should not be watching, how they should vote........

For crying out loud, show me one debate by our founders where the subject was if the federal government should be responsible for telling people how to eat. It's ridiculous already.
yoire. It really this stupid are you Ray? Just stretching to mak another anti Obamas argument?

Public Schools provide lunches and snacks for our children. They are not telling people how to eat, but they have the responsibility to decide what options they serve our kids. Not offering sodas and twinkies and greesy fat soaked food is a responsible choice. I don't see any reason for you to bitch about it. If some of the menu choices aren't working out at certain schools and food is getting wasted then there is no problem with changing the menu around. You're bitching just to bitch and it's getting old

No, I'm bitching because government is way to involved in our personal lives. Cradle-to-grave government is totally un-American. Our founders never envisioned that, and they certainly wouldn't allow that if they were alive today.

If public schools have the responsibility to decide on what's on the menu, why did Moochelle stick her fat ass in the picture? Yes, let the school decide what to serve because the schools are controlled by the school board, and the board is controlled by the parents the way it should be.

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