Trump ends Michelle Obama's effort to fight child hood obesity.

The reason I will accept government in my old age is because I was forced to pay into government programs my entire life.

Back in my day as a kid, we didn't have government raise our children. We didn't have government deciding what they should or shouldn't eat. We had different people to do that. I forget what we called them was.......something like.....oh yes, they were called PARENTS!

Yes, it was the parents (not the government) that accepted responsibility for the heath of their children. If the parents thought their kid was getting overweight, they did something about it--not government.

Government does have a place in our society, but a small place. For instance if the only time a kid eats is in school, government should take that child away from the parents and charge them with endangerment. If the only time a kid eats is in school, it doesn't matter what the kid eats because you will never get fat on one meal a day. School should be a place for children to learn, not be a place that acts as surrogate parents.
You would use government to break up a family (where else have we heard that?) but not to aid in the correction of the situation. What if we were talking about cholera rather than childhood obesity? Would you insist that the folks effected turn away government help?

Like I said, government does have a small role in our country. But deciding what a kid should eat is not one of them. Eating is a personal decision. What a child eats is a parental decision. It's not a government decision.

Protecting children that are being mistreated at home is a government role because we all expect our government to protect children from abusive parents. That's because they have no choice but to be mistreated and have nowhere to go in most cases unless they run away from home.

You're not going to correct obesity at school. Most kids eat one meal in school and that isn't enough to turn a fat kid skinny. It's what they do outside of the school that helps treat their problem which again, is overseen by the parents. Thinking that school will change the physique of a child is as ridiculous as thinking somebody will turn away from McDonald's because they have the calorie count on their food items. It's nothing more than a "feel good" effort that accomplishes nothing.

"Folks, liberals measure success by intent. Conservatives measure success by results."
Rush Limbaugh
You would have a point if the schools were checking kids lunches and not allowing them to eat unhealthy foods... but they aren't doing that are they? No, they are just revamping the food that they serve to kids that buy school lunches. And guess what? If kids don't like it they can still bring In Their own lunches. This whole stripping of rights and deciding what we eat case you are trying to make is totally bogus.

Also do you really think quoting a guy like Rush, helps your credibility at all? Haha tell me. Is he's wrong or not?

We are talking about the federal government here. Not local, not county, not state, but the federal government. Now if you're confused about what the federal government is supposed to be in charge of, there is this document out there called the US Constitution. There it tells you the exact role our federal government has.
Ensuring domestic tranquility and promoting the general welfare. That's right up front.

What does that have to do with the federal government taking over school lunch menus?
This issue is just another example of how liberals think.
If a conservative doesn't like guns, they don't buy one. If a liberal doesn't like guns, they want government to ban them for everyone.
If a conservative doesn't like someone's opinion, they don't listen to that person. If a liberal doesn't like someone's opinion, they want the government to silence them.
If a conservative doesn't like what the school offers their kid for lunch, they pack their own. If a liberal doesn't like what the school offers their kid for lunch, they want the government to FORCE them to eat what they want them to eat.
You are always good for a laugh SJ. Thanks for that
Why do you even bother to comment if that's all you have?
That's exactly what I thought when I read your comment. I was just complimenting you on making a funny
You can't even address what I said, probably because you (and everyone else) knows it's true. You think you have a right to tell everyone else what to eat, drink, do, say, and think.
You would have a point if the schools were checking kids lunches and not allowing them to eat unhealthy foods...
They're working on it.
School Tells Parents Sack Lunches Not Allowed, Kids Must Eat What’s Served | Off The Grid News
This looks like it's happening at the state level. So are we for school choice or fed regulations?

My personal opinion is that banning outside food is way too far. I wouldn't support it

Thanks for the link
You would have a point if the schools were checking kids lunches and not allowing them to eat unhealthy foods...
They're working on it.
School Tells Parents Sack Lunches Not Allowed, Kids Must Eat What’s Served | Off The Grid News
This looks like it's happening at the state level. So are we for school choice or fed regulations?

My personal opinion is that banning outside food is way too far. I wouldn't support it

Thanks for the link
Why not? It's right in line with everything you've been saying so far.
The reason I will accept government in my old age is because I was forced to pay into government programs my entire life.

Back in my day as a kid, we didn't have government raise our children. We didn't have government deciding what they should or shouldn't eat. We had different people to do that. I forget what we called them was.......something like.....oh yes, they were called PARENTS!

Yes, it was the parents (not the government) that accepted responsibility for the heath of their children. If the parents thought their kid was getting overweight, they did something about it--not government.

Government does have a place in our society, but a small place. For instance if the only time a kid eats is in school, government should take that child away from the parents and charge them with endangerment. If the only time a kid eats is in school, it doesn't matter what the kid eats because you will never get fat on one meal a day. School should be a place for children to learn, not be a place that acts as surrogate parents.
You would use government to break up a family (where else have we heard that?) but not to aid in the correction of the situation. What if we were talking about cholera rather than childhood obesity? Would you insist that the folks effected turn away government help?

Like I said, government does have a small role in our country. But deciding what a kid should eat is not one of them. Eating is a personal decision. What a child eats is a parental decision. It's not a government decision.

Protecting children that are being mistreated at home is a government role because we all expect our government to protect children from abusive parents. That's because they have no choice but to be mistreated and have nowhere to go in most cases unless they run away from home.

You're not going to correct obesity at school. Most kids eat one meal in school and that isn't enough to turn a fat kid skinny. It's what they do outside of the school that helps treat their problem which again, is overseen by the parents. Thinking that school will change the physique of a child is as ridiculous as thinking somebody will turn away from McDonald's because they have the calorie count on their food items. It's nothing more than a "feel good" effort that accomplishes nothing.

"Folks, liberals measure success by intent. Conservatives measure success by results."
Rush Limbaugh
You would have a point if the schools were checking kids lunches and not allowing them to eat unhealthy foods... but they aren't doing that are they? No, they are just revamping the food that they serve to kids that buy school lunches. And guess what? If kids don't like it they can still bring In Their own lunches. This whole stripping of rights and deciding what we eat case you are trying to make is totally bogus.

Also do you really think quoting a guy like Rush, helps your credibility at all? Haha tell me. Is he's wrong or not?

We are talking about the federal government here. Not local, not county, not state, but the federal government. Now if you're confused about what the federal government is supposed to be in charge of, there is this document out there called the US Constitution. There it tells you the exact role our federal government has.
Of course he is wrong. Anybody is going to measure success by both intent and results no matter what ideology. It just so happens that by nature liberals/progressive push for new innovative changes while conservatives fight to restrain those efforts. I actually like and appreciate the ying and yang. They balance each other

Like this school lunch program. Michelle did a great job bringing attention to the subject and did tremendous things to up the quality of food in our schools. It worked for many schools and students and has cause problems for some as well. I have no problem now loosening up some of the regulations so the problem areas can be resolved. I'm fine with giving more flexibility back to the schools. The end result is going to be better than where it started before her effort. If you were objective you would be able to see that.

What I see is a dog and pony show and the belief that all problems are solved by the federal government.

I found this report by NPR (so you can't call it a righty source) that states child illness related to obesity are still on the rise. This suggests that this school lunch thing is a total failure:

Obesity-Linked Diagnoses On The Rise Among Kids And Teens
You would have a point if the schools were checking kids lunches and not allowing them to eat unhealthy foods...
They're working on it.
School Tells Parents Sack Lunches Not Allowed, Kids Must Eat What’s Served | Off The Grid News
This looks like it's happening at the state level. So are we for school choice or fed regulations?

My personal opinion is that banning outside food is way too far. I wouldn't support it

Thanks for the link
Why not? It's right in line with everything you've been saying so far.
I guess you haven't really been listening then
You would use government to break up a family (where else have we heard that?) but not to aid in the correction of the situation. What if we were talking about cholera rather than childhood obesity? Would you insist that the folks effected turn away government help?

Like I said, government does have a small role in our country. But deciding what a kid should eat is not one of them. Eating is a personal decision. What a child eats is a parental decision. It's not a government decision.

Protecting children that are being mistreated at home is a government role because we all expect our government to protect children from abusive parents. That's because they have no choice but to be mistreated and have nowhere to go in most cases unless they run away from home.

You're not going to correct obesity at school. Most kids eat one meal in school and that isn't enough to turn a fat kid skinny. It's what they do outside of the school that helps treat their problem which again, is overseen by the parents. Thinking that school will change the physique of a child is as ridiculous as thinking somebody will turn away from McDonald's because they have the calorie count on their food items. It's nothing more than a "feel good" effort that accomplishes nothing.

"Folks, liberals measure success by intent. Conservatives measure success by results."
Rush Limbaugh
You would have a point if the schools were checking kids lunches and not allowing them to eat unhealthy foods... but they aren't doing that are they? No, they are just revamping the food that they serve to kids that buy school lunches. And guess what? If kids don't like it they can still bring In Their own lunches. This whole stripping of rights and deciding what we eat case you are trying to make is totally bogus.

Also do you really think quoting a guy like Rush, helps your credibility at all? Haha tell me. Is he's wrong or not?

We are talking about the federal government here. Not local, not county, not state, but the federal government. Now if you're confused about what the federal government is supposed to be in charge of, there is this document out there called the US Constitution. There it tells you the exact role our federal government has.
Of course he is wrong. Anybody is going to measure success by both intent and results no matter what ideology. It just so happens that by nature liberals/progressive push for new innovative changes while conservatives fight to restrain those efforts. I actually like and appreciate the ying and yang. They balance each other

Like this school lunch program. Michelle did a great job bringing attention to the subject and did tremendous things to up the quality of food in our schools. It worked for many schools and students and has cause problems for some as well. I have no problem now loosening up some of the regulations so the problem areas can be resolved. I'm fine with giving more flexibility back to the schools. The end result is going to be better than where it started before her effort. If you were objective you would be able to see that.

What I see is a dog and pony show and the belief that all problems are solved by the federal government.

I found this report by NPR (so you can't call it a righty source) that states child illness related to obesity are still on the rise. This suggests that this school lunch thing is a total failure:

Obesity-Linked Diagnoses On The Rise Among Kids And Teens
That's a shame. What do you suggest we do about it?
This issue is just another example of how liberals think.
If a conservative doesn't like guns, they don't buy one. If a liberal doesn't like guns, they want government to ban them for everyone.
If a conservative doesn't like someone's opinion, they don't listen to that person. If a liberal doesn't like someone's opinion, they want the government to silence them.
If a conservative doesn't like what the school offers their kid for lunch, they pack their own. If a liberal doesn't like what the school offers their kid for lunch, they want the government to FORCE them to eat what they want them to eat.
You are always good for a laugh SJ. Thanks for that

What is funny about S.J.'s post? Is it not 100% accurate?
This issue is just another example of how liberals think.
If a conservative doesn't like guns, they don't buy one. If a liberal doesn't like guns, they want government to ban them for everyone.
If a conservative doesn't like someone's opinion, they don't listen to that person. If a liberal doesn't like someone's opinion, they want the government to silence them.
If a conservative doesn't like what the school offers their kid for lunch, they pack their own. If a liberal doesn't like what the school offers their kid for lunch, they want the government to FORCE them to eat what they want them to eat.
You are always good for a laugh SJ. Thanks for that

What is funny about S.J.'s post? Is it not 100% accurate?
Of course it's not accurate... it's 100% unadulterated partisan bullshit. I dont know what kind of messed Kool aid y'all are drinking that makes you think that is reality
Like I said, government does have a small role in our country. But deciding what a kid should eat is not one of them. Eating is a personal decision. What a child eats is a parental decision. It's not a government decision.

Protecting children that are being mistreated at home is a government role because we all expect our government to protect children from abusive parents. That's because they have no choice but to be mistreated and have nowhere to go in most cases unless they run away from home.

You're not going to correct obesity at school. Most kids eat one meal in school and that isn't enough to turn a fat kid skinny. It's what they do outside of the school that helps treat their problem which again, is overseen by the parents. Thinking that school will change the physique of a child is as ridiculous as thinking somebody will turn away from McDonald's because they have the calorie count on their food items. It's nothing more than a "feel good" effort that accomplishes nothing.

"Folks, liberals measure success by intent. Conservatives measure success by results."
Rush Limbaugh
You would have a point if the schools were checking kids lunches and not allowing them to eat unhealthy foods... but they aren't doing that are they? No, they are just revamping the food that they serve to kids that buy school lunches. And guess what? If kids don't like it they can still bring In Their own lunches. This whole stripping of rights and deciding what we eat case you are trying to make is totally bogus.

Also do you really think quoting a guy like Rush, helps your credibility at all? Haha tell me. Is he's wrong or not?

We are talking about the federal government here. Not local, not county, not state, but the federal government. Now if you're confused about what the federal government is supposed to be in charge of, there is this document out there called the US Constitution. There it tells you the exact role our federal government has.
Of course he is wrong. Anybody is going to measure success by both intent and results no matter what ideology. It just so happens that by nature liberals/progressive push for new innovative changes while conservatives fight to restrain those efforts. I actually like and appreciate the ying and yang. They balance each other

Like this school lunch program. Michelle did a great job bringing attention to the subject and did tremendous things to up the quality of food in our schools. It worked for many schools and students and has cause problems for some as well. I have no problem now loosening up some of the regulations so the problem areas can be resolved. I'm fine with giving more flexibility back to the schools. The end result is going to be better than where it started before her effort. If you were objective you would be able to see that.

What I see is a dog and pony show and the belief that all problems are solved by the federal government.

I found this report by NPR (so you can't call it a righty source) that states child illness related to obesity are still on the rise. This suggests that this school lunch thing is a total failure:

Obesity-Linked Diagnoses On The Rise Among Kids And Teens
That's a shame. What do you suggest we do about it?

There is not much we can do about it. Obesity is not a social disease that we can control. Personally however, I wouldn't let my kid text and play video games all day long. If they were gaining weight, they would either have to lose weight on their own or no more electronic entertainment until they do.
Like I said, government does have a small role in our country. But deciding what a kid should eat is not one of them. Eating is a personal decision. What a child eats is a parental decision. It's not a government decision.

Protecting children that are being mistreated at home is a government role because we all expect our government to protect children from abusive parents. That's because they have no choice but to be mistreated and have nowhere to go in most cases unless they run away from home.

You're not going to correct obesity at school. Most kids eat one meal in school and that isn't enough to turn a fat kid skinny. It's what they do outside of the school that helps treat their problem which again, is overseen by the parents. Thinking that school will change the physique of a child is as ridiculous as thinking somebody will turn away from McDonald's because they have the calorie count on their food items. It's nothing more than a "feel good" effort that accomplishes nothing.

"Folks, liberals measure success by intent. Conservatives measure success by results."
Rush Limbaugh
You would have a point if the schools were checking kids lunches and not allowing them to eat unhealthy foods... but they aren't doing that are they? No, they are just revamping the food that they serve to kids that buy school lunches. And guess what? If kids don't like it they can still bring In Their own lunches. This whole stripping of rights and deciding what we eat case you are trying to make is totally bogus.

Also do you really think quoting a guy like Rush, helps your credibility at all? Haha tell me. Is he's wrong or not?

We are talking about the federal government here. Not local, not county, not state, but the federal government. Now if you're confused about what the federal government is supposed to be in charge of, there is this document out there called the US Constitution. There it tells you the exact role our federal government has.
Of course he is wrong. Anybody is going to measure success by both intent and results no matter what ideology. It just so happens that by nature liberals/progressive push for new innovative changes while conservatives fight to restrain those efforts. I actually like and appreciate the ying and yang. They balance each other

Like this school lunch program. Michelle did a great job bringing attention to the subject and did tremendous things to up the quality of food in our schools. It worked for many schools and students and has cause problems for some as well. I have no problem now loosening up some of the regulations so the problem areas can be resolved. I'm fine with giving more flexibility back to the schools. The end result is going to be better than where it started before her effort. If you were objective you would be able to see that.

What I see is a dog and pony show and the belief that all problems are solved by the federal government.

I found this report by NPR (so you can't call it a righty source) that states child illness related to obesity are still on the rise. This suggests that this school lunch thing is a total failure:

Obesity-Linked Diagnoses On The Rise Among Kids And Teens
That's a shame. What do you suggest we do about it?
Let them drink Coca Cola. After all, Coke is paying the schools a royalty for the privilege.
The Government Accountability Office (GAO) released a wide-ranging audit of the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act nutrition standards last week, finding 48 out of 50 states faced challenges complying with Mrs. Obama’s Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act.

The new standards led to kids throwing out their fruits and vegetables, student boycotts, higher lunch costs, and odd food pairings such as “cheese stick with shrimp” in order for schools to comply with the complicated rules.

The National School Lunch Program saw a sharp decline in participation once the healthy standards went into effect during the 2012-2013 school year. A total of 1,086,000 students stopped buying school lunch, after participation had increased steadily for nearly a decade.

1M kids stop school lunch due to Michelle Obama’s standards
You would have a point if the schools were checking kids lunches and not allowing them to eat unhealthy foods... but they aren't doing that are they? No, they are just revamping the food that they serve to kids that buy school lunches. And guess what? If kids don't like it they can still bring In Their own lunches. This whole stripping of rights and deciding what we eat case you are trying to make is totally bogus.

Also do you really think quoting a guy like Rush, helps your credibility at all? Haha tell me. Is he's wrong or not?

We are talking about the federal government here. Not local, not county, not state, but the federal government. Now if you're confused about what the federal government is supposed to be in charge of, there is this document out there called the US Constitution. There it tells you the exact role our federal government has.
Of course he is wrong. Anybody is going to measure success by both intent and results no matter what ideology. It just so happens that by nature liberals/progressive push for new innovative changes while conservatives fight to restrain those efforts. I actually like and appreciate the ying and yang. They balance each other

Like this school lunch program. Michelle did a great job bringing attention to the subject and did tremendous things to up the quality of food in our schools. It worked for many schools and students and has cause problems for some as well. I have no problem now loosening up some of the regulations so the problem areas can be resolved. I'm fine with giving more flexibility back to the schools. The end result is going to be better than where it started before her effort. If you were objective you would be able to see that.

What I see is a dog and pony show and the belief that all problems are solved by the federal government.

I found this report by NPR (so you can't call it a righty source) that states child illness related to obesity are still on the rise. This suggests that this school lunch thing is a total failure:

Obesity-Linked Diagnoses On The Rise Among Kids And Teens
That's a shame. What do you suggest we do about it?

There is not much we can do about it. Obesity is not a social disease that we can control. Personally however, I wouldn't let my kid text and play video games all day long. If they were gaining weight, they would either have to lose weight on their own or no more electronic entertainment until they do.
So your solution is cut programs and do nothing? tell me. Is he's wrong or not?

We are talking about the federal government here. Not local, not county, not state, but the federal government. Now if you're confused about what the federal government is supposed to be in charge of, there is this document out there called the US Constitution. There it tells you the exact role our federal government has.
Of course he is wrong. Anybody is going to measure success by both intent and results no matter what ideology. It just so happens that by nature liberals/progressive push for new innovative changes while conservatives fight to restrain those efforts. I actually like and appreciate the ying and yang. They balance each other

Like this school lunch program. Michelle did a great job bringing attention to the subject and did tremendous things to up the quality of food in our schools. It worked for many schools and students and has cause problems for some as well. I have no problem now loosening up some of the regulations so the problem areas can be resolved. I'm fine with giving more flexibility back to the schools. The end result is going to be better than where it started before her effort. If you were objective you would be able to see that.

What I see is a dog and pony show and the belief that all problems are solved by the federal government.

I found this report by NPR (so you can't call it a righty source) that states child illness related to obesity are still on the rise. This suggests that this school lunch thing is a total failure:

Obesity-Linked Diagnoses On The Rise Among Kids And Teens
That's a shame. What do you suggest we do about it?

There is not much we can do about it. Obesity is not a social disease that we can control. Personally however, I wouldn't let my kid text and play video games all day long. If they were gaining weight, they would either have to lose weight on their own or no more electronic entertainment until they do.
So your solution is cut programs and do nothing?

That's correct. It's not my (or societies) problem. As far as I can research, I found no conclusion whether Moochelle's program produced any results; I doubt they did, but I was looking for non-partisan studies to support my suspicions.
Of course he is wrong. Anybody is going to measure success by both intent and results no matter what ideology. It just so happens that by nature liberals/progressive push for new innovative changes while conservatives fight to restrain those efforts. I actually like and appreciate the ying and yang. They balance each other

Like this school lunch program. Michelle did a great job bringing attention to the subject and did tremendous things to up the quality of food in our schools. It worked for many schools and students and has cause problems for some as well. I have no problem now loosening up some of the regulations so the problem areas can be resolved. I'm fine with giving more flexibility back to the schools. The end result is going to be better than where it started before her effort. If you were objective you would be able to see that.

What I see is a dog and pony show and the belief that all problems are solved by the federal government.

I found this report by NPR (so you can't call it a righty source) that states child illness related to obesity are still on the rise. This suggests that this school lunch thing is a total failure:

Obesity-Linked Diagnoses On The Rise Among Kids And Teens
That's a shame. What do you suggest we do about it?

There is not much we can do about it. Obesity is not a social disease that we can control. Personally however, I wouldn't let my kid text and play video games all day long. If they were gaining weight, they would either have to lose weight on their own or no more electronic entertainment until they do.
So your solution is cut programs and do nothing?

That's correct. It's not my (or societies) problem. As far as I can research, I found no conclusion whether Moochelle's program produced any results; I doubt they did, but I was looking for non-partisan studies to support my suspicions.
Do you think it appropriate for schools to teach about nutrition and food processing?
Stats man, I'd like to see what the costs were and how much extra it cost the tax payers. You made the claim so please show me your figures

Are you in a totally different world? Have you not seen any news show or headline in the past five or six years?


“We throw away a ton of food. If we cut up 20 pounds of cucumbers, we guess that 17 pounds get thrown away. I’ve watched kids take their cup of vegetables or fruit they’re required to take and just throw it away. A football player isn’t getting full on seven chicken nuggets, and a lot of our students who play sports are here till 6:30 p.m. The kids can buy extra food, but a lot of kids can’t afford to.”


Canton Central School Business Manager Judy A. Rienback agrees that the new lunches are not working. She says that, ever since the healthier school meals were implemented at the start of the 2013-14 school year, lunch sales have dropped 10 percent. “Our purchase costs haven’t fallen. What we serve now tends to cost more,” she said.

There’s no question that something must change, since child obesity rates are soaring. Clearly, the answer is not the food we are providing children at school, however.

Students Throw Away 85 Percent of Vegetables: Michelle Obama’s Lunch Program Dismal Failure


New Mexico ranch takes 5 tons of kids' cafeteria castaways
Published: 04/02/2015 at 10:13 AM

First lady Michelle Obama – who’s been under fire for years for her lunch menu mandates at schools – may have found a new home for her foods of choice: an animal farm in New Mexico.

New Mexico’s Galloping Grace Youth Ranch is taking fruit and vegetable castoffs from schools in the Rio Rancho area in the range of five tons a week, EAG News reported. As a result, pigs, goats and chickens are happy.
Read more at Michelle Obama lunches find favor with farm pigs

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