Trump ends Michelle Obama's effort to fight child hood obesity.

American parents are dinner then dumb.....feed the kids mutton. it tastes good. To think I was born in this so called exceptional country....lmao at all of you.

I laugh at you to, you are funny. Thank you.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Really? Liberals don't want to ban handguns? Liberals didn't try to silence Rush Limbaugh? Liberals aren't trying to dictate what our kids eat in school?

Liberals don't deny reality, even in the face of overwhelming proof of what they are denying?
Forcing kids to eat crap food from the school cafeteria is exactly what should be avoided

And yet, that is exactly what you have been mindlessly, staunchly defending.
So your point is that if kids don't like the way it tastes then it is crap food so let's just say fuck it and give them Big Macs and potatos chips?

You're a freakin genius!

What's wrong with giving them a choice (along with the parents) and allow people to make their own decisions?
That's how it was done and standards were pretty low, food was crap, and problems arose so Michelle tried to do something about it. As a result schools have upped their game with providing healthier meals. Some schools have problems, for those schools the regulations are being lifted so they can make decisions on how to address the problems. That's how it's supposed to work.
This issue is just another example of how liberals think.
If a conservative doesn't like guns, they don't buy one. If a liberal doesn't like guns, they want government to ban them for everyone.
If a conservative doesn't like someone's opinion, they don't listen to that person. If a liberal doesn't like someone's opinion, they want the government to silence them.
If a conservative doesn't like what the school offers their kid for lunch, they pack their own. If a liberal doesn't like what the school offers their kid for lunch, they want the government to FORCE them to eat what they want them to eat.
You are always good for a laugh SJ. Thanks for that

What is funny about S.J.'s post? Is it not 100% accurate?
Of course it's not accurate... it's 100% unadulterated partisan bullshit. I dont know what kind of messed Kool aid y'all are drinking that makes you think that is reality
Really? Liberals don't want to ban handguns? Liberals didn't try to silence Rush Limbaugh? Liberals aren't trying to dictate what our kids eat in school?
No, No and No. some wingnuts perhaps but not most liberals
Do you think it appropriate for schools to teach about nutrition and food processing?

Yes I do because that's eduction; education all students benefit from.

Something I forgot to bring up during our discussion: Not all kids are fat and happy. Some have a metabolism that allows them to eat anything without gaining a pound. I have a friend like that. When we were beer drinking teens, we could finish off a 36 cut party tray pizza and he would eat most of it. We are still friends today, and he hasn't gained a pound.

Forcing those kids to eat crap food because of the fat kids is just unfair to them. I'm sure there are a lot of kids that eat what they want and are skinny as a rail, or burn it off with some sort of physical activity.
Forcing kids to eat crap food from the school cafeteria is exactly what should be avoided. From my reading on this program a lot of the crap food was replaced with more nutritious food. I read about many cases where the regulations were too tight and the schools struggled to put together an acceptable menu. Other schools experienced a lot of waste. So obviously those problems should be fixed. But you can't ignore the improvements to food quality that were made. And it's ok to give credit for some progress made in helping serve our school children more healthy food. If you are going to teach about nutrition in school then serve crap in the cafeterias, then what's the point?

By crap food I mean crap tasting food which is what those nutritious servings are. Kids don't want it. They were showing what those meals looked like on the internet, and I wouldn't feed those meals to a dog; not that the dog would eat them anyway.
So let's just serve them McDonalds and be done with it. Kids love it and it's cheap. Problem solved Raystyle right?!

You know, when I was a kid, those schools served the same innutritious foods that they served before Moochelle. Yet we didn't have an obesity problem. Can you explain that?

You see, if a problem arises, the most intelligent way to address the problem is look for changes that took place. What changed? Did the schools (since I was a child) start serving worse food? I don't think so. I remember buying pizza, hot dogs, chocolate cake, we had snack and pop vending machines in school. The food never changed--children changed.

How did children change? This wonderful internet, pay per view, computers, cell phones, video games, school busses that pick you up nearly at your door step and drop you off the same. That's what changed.

Ignore the obvious and blame it on the food. This is why we see liberalism as a total failure.
Back in your day food would expire in days, now its weeks. Know why? Because they are pumped with preservatives. That could be part of the problem so why not try and make it better. And your are totally right, TV and video games totally destroyed the physical activity levels of our kids and that is a major problem. That is why I would support after school programs where kids can play outside and exercise more. Live a more healthy lifestyle... with food and with activity.

But you think the do nothing approach is going to work better. Not sure how... magic maybe?
This issue is just another example of how liberals think.
If a conservative doesn't like guns, they don't buy one. If a liberal doesn't like guns, they want government to ban them for everyone.
If a conservative doesn't like someone's opinion, they don't listen to that person. If a liberal doesn't like someone's opinion, they want the government to silence them.
If a conservative doesn't like what the school offers their kid for lunch, they pack their own. If a liberal doesn't like what the school offers their kid for lunch, they want the government to FORCE them to eat what they want them to eat.
You are always good for a laugh SJ. Thanks for that

What is funny about S.J.'s post? Is it not 100% accurate?
Of course it's not accurate... it's 100% unadulterated partisan bullshit. I dont know what kind of messed Kool aid y'all are drinking that makes you think that is reality
Really? Liberals don't want to ban handguns? Liberals didn't try to silence Rush Limbaugh? Liberals aren't trying to dictate what our kids eat in school?
No, No and No. some wingnuts perhaps but not most liberals
Deny all you want, everyone knows liberals have attempted all three of those things and many more as well.
REVEALED: Conspiracy To Destroy Rush Limbaugh Is Small, Organized, Deceptive [VIDEO]
Yes I do because that's eduction; education all students benefit from.

Something I forgot to bring up during our discussion: Not all kids are fat and happy. Some have a metabolism that allows them to eat anything without gaining a pound. I have a friend like that. When we were beer drinking teens, we could finish off a 36 cut party tray pizza and he would eat most of it. We are still friends today, and he hasn't gained a pound.

Forcing those kids to eat crap food because of the fat kids is just unfair to them. I'm sure there are a lot of kids that eat what they want and are skinny as a rail, or burn it off with some sort of physical activity.
Forcing kids to eat crap food from the school cafeteria is exactly what should be avoided. From my reading on this program a lot of the crap food was replaced with more nutritious food. I read about many cases where the regulations were too tight and the schools struggled to put together an acceptable menu. Other schools experienced a lot of waste. So obviously those problems should be fixed. But you can't ignore the improvements to food quality that were made. And it's ok to give credit for some progress made in helping serve our school children more healthy food. If you are going to teach about nutrition in school then serve crap in the cafeterias, then what's the point?

By crap food I mean crap tasting food which is what those nutritious servings are. Kids don't want it. They were showing what those meals looked like on the internet, and I wouldn't feed those meals to a dog; not that the dog would eat them anyway.
So let's just serve them McDonalds and be done with it. Kids love it and it's cheap. Problem solved Raystyle right?!

You know, when I was a kid, those schools served the same innutritious foods that they served before Moochelle. Yet we didn't have an obesity problem. Can you explain that?

You see, if a problem arises, the most intelligent way to address the problem is look for changes that took place. What changed? Did the schools (since I was a child) start serving worse food? I don't think so. I remember buying pizza, hot dogs, chocolate cake, we had snack and pop vending machines in school. The food never changed--children changed.

How did children change? This wonderful internet, pay per view, computers, cell phones, video games, school busses that pick you up nearly at your door step and drop you off the same. That's what changed.

Ignore the obvious and blame it on the food. This is why we see liberalism as a total failure.
Back in your day food would expire in days, now its weeks. Know why? Because they are pumped with preservatives. That could be part of the problem so why not try and make it better. And your are totally right, TV and video games totally destroyed the physical activity levels of our kids and that is a major problem. That is why I would support after school programs where kids can play outside and exercise more. Live a more healthy lifestyle... with food and with activity.

But you think the do nothing approach is going to work better. Not sure how... magic maybe?

What I think is that it won't produce any results. Mooochele also got her husband to force restaurants to put calorie count on all their food items. So businesses had to order new menus, change the menus in their drive thru and behind the counter, and for what? Did she actually think that nobody knew a big mac combo was not healthy or fattening? Did she think what would make one fat kid skinny?

When this idea of hers was first introduced, most everybody on the right said what a failure it was going to be. We predicted correctly. So it cost businesses and schools God knows how much money, and it was only a hunch that it might work. What did the Obama's care, it's not their money they have to spend. How many years did people laugh about Mrs Reagan with her "Just say no" program? That was stupid as well, but it didn't cost taxpayers or businesses anything.
That's how it was done and standards were pretty low, food was crap, and problems arose so Michelle tried to do something about it. As a result schools have upped their game with providing healthier meals. Some schools have problems, for those schools the regulations are being lifted so they can make decisions on how to address the problems. That's how it's supposed to work.

Wait a minute, what problem arose because of what the school served for lunch? There is no evidence or correlation of that. It's one meal a day, and no matter what that meal is, it's not going to make a difference between being fat and being trim.

Why do we eat and over eat? Because we are trying to satisfy a desire. So you don't give a kid choice on what to eat and everything served still leaves that kid with the same desire. So once out of school, he stops at Burger King or at the convenience store and buys five peanut butter cups. Her program might be making things worse.

Did you ever try to eat healthy all the time or go on a diet? I have, and you are never full. You can eat a salad the size of a punch bowl and still be hungry. When you are constantly hungry, it's very difficult to concentrate because you are so focused on that hunger. Not a good thing when kids are in school trying to learn something.
Most of the article deals with how nutritious the food is. No shit??? But the study was of only six schools. Did those same children have a stock of candy bars in their locker, or head to Burger King as soon as they left the school?
I'm sure some did, so what?

So what is that this is a lot of wasted money and time. Kids are going to eat what they want be it in school or outside of school. Kids and adults alike will eat food they enjoy, not food they hate just because it's good for them.

Several years ago our deer population got out of control, so the county hired professional hunters to thin the herd. Nearby communities were outraged that we would kill those beautiful animals in the park. To try and take some of the sting out of the necessary action, they announced that the venison will be donated to the homeless shelters. Guess what? The homeless refused to eat it. They had to throw all that meat out.

Some people love venison, others hate it. Some people love green beans, others hate it. Some people love big macs, others wouldn't put one in their mouth. But you can't make decisions for people. We all have different tastes.
Nobody is making decisions for people. Just trying to provide healthier options for school lunches for our children. Don't get your panties in a wrinkle.
here's a thought
get rid of the school lunch program and have kids bring their own lunch to school

it worked for generations
That's a nice little Fuck You to the poor kids whose parents don't give a shit about them. I guess that's just something else you want them to deal with, right? Fuck em

poor kids can bring lunch to school too you know

When I was in grade school I made my own bologna sandwich to bring to school
The problem here is that these problems are not going to be solved at school. These are parenting issues.
I agree family life is the most important influencer for shaping young people. But regardless schools have and will continue to have a cafeteria and serve food. I don't see the problem in trying to make that food healthier. I don't see the problem with after school programs to encourage excercise and activity.

I loved fish stick day with fries. That was one time, 5 times a week I ate crap. Breakfast and dinner was always home-cooked, from scratch and healthy.
Weren't you a lucky kid. Shame that there are many children out there that don't have those luxuries.

Luxuries? What luxuries... we couldn't afford to eat out or eat fast food.
The luxury of having a mother who would cook you two healthy home cooked meals a day. What, you think all kids have that?

you assume a lot don't you

My mother was a complete wacko manic depressive and I have been taking care of myself since I was about 8 years old. I still managed to have a sandwich for lunch every day
I'm not denying there was waste. Not sure what you are WOWing about. Just asking for you to back up your claims with numbers. Im curious how much more was spent with this program

Much more was spent, worse is al the food ending up in the trash bins.
Parents should decide what their kids eat and parents should get them out of the house.

Play ball. Ride a bike. Don't spend all day on the computer playing video games.

Hell when I was a kid we got home from school, grabbed the ball, the bats, gloves and hit the sand lot to play ball.

We rode our bikes all over. No one stayed in the house watching TV. It wasn't allowed.

We went home when Mom's started yelling it was time for supper. No one went hungry and we all had plenty of exercise. Not like todays fat, lazy kids.
When we moved to the country when I was a kid most of us boys took our .22s with us so we could hunt after school.
Try taking a rifle to school now.
Times have changed.
The 'First Tranny' with his straightened 'whitey hair' is a fascist who thought he could shove his ideas down kid children's throats instead of edible food.
Forcing kids to eat crap food from the school cafeteria is exactly what should be avoided. From my reading on this program a lot of the crap food was replaced with more nutritious food. I read about many cases where the regulations were too tight and the schools struggled to put together an acceptable menu. Other schools experienced a lot of waste. So obviously those problems should be fixed. But you can't ignore the improvements to food quality that were made. And it's ok to give credit for some progress made in helping serve our school children more healthy food. If you are going to teach about nutrition in school then serve crap in the cafeterias, then what's the point?

By crap food I mean crap tasting food which is what those nutritious servings are. Kids don't want it. They were showing what those meals looked like on the internet, and I wouldn't feed those meals to a dog; not that the dog would eat them anyway.
So let's just serve them McDonalds and be done with it. Kids love it and it's cheap. Problem solved Raystyle right?!

You know, when I was a kid, those schools served the same innutritious foods that they served before Moochelle. Yet we didn't have an obesity problem. Can you explain that?

You see, if a problem arises, the most intelligent way to address the problem is look for changes that took place. What changed? Did the schools (since I was a child) start serving worse food? I don't think so. I remember buying pizza, hot dogs, chocolate cake, we had snack and pop vending machines in school. The food never changed--children changed.

How did children change? This wonderful internet, pay per view, computers, cell phones, video games, school busses that pick you up nearly at your door step and drop you off the same. That's what changed.

Ignore the obvious and blame it on the food. This is why we see liberalism as a total failure.
Back in your day food would expire in days, now its weeks. Know why? Because they are pumped with preservatives. That could be part of the problem so why not try and make it better. And your are totally right, TV and video games totally destroyed the physical activity levels of our kids and that is a major problem. That is why I would support after school programs where kids can play outside and exercise more. Live a more healthy lifestyle... with food and with activity.

But you think the do nothing approach is going to work better. Not sure how... magic maybe?

What I think is that it won't produce any results. Mooochele also got her husband to force restaurants to put calorie count on all their food items. So businesses had to order new menus, change the menus in their drive thru and behind the counter, and for what? Did she actually think that nobody knew a big mac combo was not healthy or fattening? Did she think what would make one fat kid skinny?

When this idea of hers was first introduced, most everybody on the right said what a failure it was going to be. We predicted correctly. So it cost businesses and schools God knows how much money, and it was only a hunch that it might work. What did the Obama's care, it's not their money they have to spend. How many years did people laugh about Mrs Reagan with her "Just say no" program? That was stupid as well, but it didn't cost taxpayers or businesses anything.
I for one like seeing the calorie counters on the menus. Helps the consumer be better informed about what they are purchasing.

And I don't see Michelle's programs as a flop either, how can providing healthier meals for children be a bad thing? That's what it did, it's got some wrinkles that need ironing out but it did a lot of good. Trump apparently doesn't see it as a total flop either or he'd shut it down, which is not the case.
That's how it was done and standards were pretty low, food was crap, and problems arose so Michelle tried to do something about it. As a result schools have upped their game with providing healthier meals. Some schools have problems, for those schools the regulations are being lifted so they can make decisions on how to address the problems. That's how it's supposed to work.

Wait a minute, what problem arose because of what the school served for lunch? There is no evidence or correlation of that. It's one meal a day, and no matter what that meal is, it's not going to make a difference between being fat and being trim.

Why do we eat and over eat? Because we are trying to satisfy a desire. So you don't give a kid choice on what to eat and everything served still leaves that kid with the same desire. So once out of school, he stops at Burger King or at the convenience store and buys five peanut butter cups. Her program might be making things worse.

Did you ever try to eat healthy all the time or go on a diet? I have, and you are never full. You can eat a salad the size of a punch bowl and still be hungry. When you are constantly hungry, it's very difficult to concentrate because you are so focused on that hunger. Not a good thing when kids are in school trying to learn something.
Dude, listen to yourself... really take a step back and really think about what you are saying. There is an obesity problem in this country. Diet and physical activity are the two main factors. You don't want to give kids in school healthy meals because you think it drives them to go to Burger King? So you just want to throw in the towel? Come on, get real
By crap food I mean crap tasting food which is what those nutritious servings are. Kids don't want it. They were showing what those meals looked like on the internet, and I wouldn't feed those meals to a dog; not that the dog would eat them anyway.
So let's just serve them McDonalds and be done with it. Kids love it and it's cheap. Problem solved Raystyle right?!

You know, when I was a kid, those schools served the same innutritious foods that they served before Moochelle. Yet we didn't have an obesity problem. Can you explain that?

You see, if a problem arises, the most intelligent way to address the problem is look for changes that took place. What changed? Did the schools (since I was a child) start serving worse food? I don't think so. I remember buying pizza, hot dogs, chocolate cake, we had snack and pop vending machines in school. The food never changed--children changed.

How did children change? This wonderful internet, pay per view, computers, cell phones, video games, school busses that pick you up nearly at your door step and drop you off the same. That's what changed.

Ignore the obvious and blame it on the food. This is why we see liberalism as a total failure.
Back in your day food would expire in days, now its weeks. Know why? Because they are pumped with preservatives. That could be part of the problem so why not try and make it better. And your are totally right, TV and video games totally destroyed the physical activity levels of our kids and that is a major problem. That is why I would support after school programs where kids can play outside and exercise more. Live a more healthy lifestyle... with food and with activity.

But you think the do nothing approach is going to work better. Not sure how... magic maybe?

What I think is that it won't produce any results. Mooochele also got her husband to force restaurants to put calorie count on all their food items. So businesses had to order new menus, change the menus in their drive thru and behind the counter, and for what? Did she actually think that nobody knew a big mac combo was not healthy or fattening? Did she think what would make one fat kid skinny?

When this idea of hers was first introduced, most everybody on the right said what a failure it was going to be. We predicted correctly. So it cost businesses and schools God knows how much money, and it was only a hunch that it might work. What did the Obama's care, it's not their money they have to spend. How many years did people laugh about Mrs Reagan with her "Just say no" program? That was stupid as well, but it didn't cost taxpayers or businesses anything.
I for one like seeing the calorie counters on the menus. Helps the consumer be better informed about what they are purchasing.

And I don't see Michelle's programs as a flop either, how can providing healthier meals for children be a bad thing? That's what it did, it's got some wrinkles that need ironing out but it did a lot of good. Trump apparently doesn't see it as a total flop either or he'd shut it down, which is not the case.

Not yet, but if there are no additional costs, I don't see why he would shut it down unless there were a lot of people making the request for him to shut it down.

How can providing healthier meals be a bad thing? I just noted several reasons why: kids will not eat anything which means they go hungry throughout the school day; kids will opt to bring even less healthier food to school like chips and candy bars instead of eating real food; kids will be running to fast food restaurants after school.
I agree family life is the most important influencer for shaping young people. But regardless schools have and will continue to have a cafeteria and serve food. I don't see the problem in trying to make that food healthier. I don't see the problem with after school programs to encourage excercise and activity.

I loved fish stick day with fries. That was one time, 5 times a week I ate crap. Breakfast and dinner was always home-cooked, from scratch and healthy.
Weren't you a lucky kid. Shame that there are many children out there that don't have those luxuries.

Luxuries? What luxuries... we couldn't afford to eat out or eat fast food.
The luxury of having a mother who would cook you two healthy home cooked meals a day. What, you think all kids have that?

you assume a lot don't you

My mother was a complete wacko manic depressive and I have been taking care of myself since I was about 8 years old. I still managed to have a sandwich for lunch every day
Sorry to hear that about your mom and good for you for taking care of yourself. But I'm not sure what point you are trying to make. You want to shut down the school cafeterias? If not then you are kind of making my point. The schools should serve good healthy food and if kids don't like it they can bring in their bologna sandwhich
That's how it was done and standards were pretty low, food was crap, and problems arose so Michelle tried to do something about it. As a result schools have upped their game with providing healthier meals. Some schools have problems, for those schools the regulations are being lifted so they can make decisions on how to address the problems. That's how it's supposed to work.

Wait a minute, what problem arose because of what the school served for lunch? There is no evidence or correlation of that. It's one meal a day, and no matter what that meal is, it's not going to make a difference between being fat and being trim.

Why do we eat and over eat? Because we are trying to satisfy a desire. So you don't give a kid choice on what to eat and everything served still leaves that kid with the same desire. So once out of school, he stops at Burger King or at the convenience store and buys five peanut butter cups. Her program might be making things worse.

Did you ever try to eat healthy all the time or go on a diet? I have, and you are never full. You can eat a salad the size of a punch bowl and still be hungry. When you are constantly hungry, it's very difficult to concentrate because you are so focused on that hunger. Not a good thing when kids are in school trying to learn something.
Dude, listen to yourself... really take a step back and really think about what you are saying. There is an obesity problem in this country. Diet and physical activity are the two main factors. You don't want to give kids in school healthy meals because you think it drives them to go to Burger King? So you just want to throw in the towel? Come on, get real

Yes, that's exactly what I want. If they want to have some healthy foods, that's fine, but don't eliminate real food because of it.

So let's just serve them McDonalds and be done with it. Kids love it and it's cheap. Problem solved Raystyle right?!

You know, when I was a kid, those schools served the same innutritious foods that they served before Moochelle. Yet we didn't have an obesity problem. Can you explain that?

You see, if a problem arises, the most intelligent way to address the problem is look for changes that took place. What changed? Did the schools (since I was a child) start serving worse food? I don't think so. I remember buying pizza, hot dogs, chocolate cake, we had snack and pop vending machines in school. The food never changed--children changed.

How did children change? This wonderful internet, pay per view, computers, cell phones, video games, school busses that pick you up nearly at your door step and drop you off the same. That's what changed.

Ignore the obvious and blame it on the food. This is why we see liberalism as a total failure.
Back in your day food would expire in days, now its weeks. Know why? Because they are pumped with preservatives. That could be part of the problem so why not try and make it better. And your are totally right, TV and video games totally destroyed the physical activity levels of our kids and that is a major problem. That is why I would support after school programs where kids can play outside and exercise more. Live a more healthy lifestyle... with food and with activity.

But you think the do nothing approach is going to work better. Not sure how... magic maybe?

What I think is that it won't produce any results. Mooochele also got her husband to force restaurants to put calorie count on all their food items. So businesses had to order new menus, change the menus in their drive thru and behind the counter, and for what? Did she actually think that nobody knew a big mac combo was not healthy or fattening? Did she think what would make one fat kid skinny?

When this idea of hers was first introduced, most everybody on the right said what a failure it was going to be. We predicted correctly. So it cost businesses and schools God knows how much money, and it was only a hunch that it might work. What did the Obama's care, it's not their money they have to spend. How many years did people laugh about Mrs Reagan with her "Just say no" program? That was stupid as well, but it didn't cost taxpayers or businesses anything.
I for one like seeing the calorie counters on the menus. Helps the consumer be better informed about what they are purchasing.

And I don't see Michelle's programs as a flop either, how can providing healthier meals for children be a bad thing? That's what it did, it's got some wrinkles that need ironing out but it did a lot of good. Trump apparently doesn't see it as a total flop either or he'd shut it down, which is not the case.

Not yet, but if there are no additional costs, I don't see why he would shut it down unless there were a lot of people making the request for him to shut it down.

How can providing healthier meals be a bad thing? I just noted several reasons why: kids will not eat anything which means they go hungry throughout the school day; kids will opt to bring even less healthier food to school like chips and candy bars instead of eating real food; kids will be running to fast food restaurants after school.
Sorry man that is just stupid logic. There is plenty of healthy food that tastes good and if kids aren't eating a prticular item then it can be replaced by something else. Like I said, there are always some wrinkles that need to be ironed out.
You know, when I was a kid, those schools served the same innutritious foods that they served before Moochelle. Yet we didn't have an obesity problem. Can you explain that?

You see, if a problem arises, the most intelligent way to address the problem is look for changes that took place. What changed? Did the schools (since I was a child) start serving worse food? I don't think so. I remember buying pizza, hot dogs, chocolate cake, we had snack and pop vending machines in school. The food never changed--children changed.

How did children change? This wonderful internet, pay per view, computers, cell phones, video games, school busses that pick you up nearly at your door step and drop you off the same. That's what changed.

Ignore the obvious and blame it on the food. This is why we see liberalism as a total failure.
Back in your day food would expire in days, now its weeks. Know why? Because they are pumped with preservatives. That could be part of the problem so why not try and make it better. And your are totally right, TV and video games totally destroyed the physical activity levels of our kids and that is a major problem. That is why I would support after school programs where kids can play outside and exercise more. Live a more healthy lifestyle... with food and with activity.

But you think the do nothing approach is going to work better. Not sure how... magic maybe?

What I think is that it won't produce any results. Mooochele also got her husband to force restaurants to put calorie count on all their food items. So businesses had to order new menus, change the menus in their drive thru and behind the counter, and for what? Did she actually think that nobody knew a big mac combo was not healthy or fattening? Did she think what would make one fat kid skinny?

When this idea of hers was first introduced, most everybody on the right said what a failure it was going to be. We predicted correctly. So it cost businesses and schools God knows how much money, and it was only a hunch that it might work. What did the Obama's care, it's not their money they have to spend. How many years did people laugh about Mrs Reagan with her "Just say no" program? That was stupid as well, but it didn't cost taxpayers or businesses anything.
I for one like seeing the calorie counters on the menus. Helps the consumer be better informed about what they are purchasing.

And I don't see Michelle's programs as a flop either, how can providing healthier meals for children be a bad thing? That's what it did, it's got some wrinkles that need ironing out but it did a lot of good. Trump apparently doesn't see it as a total flop either or he'd shut it down, which is not the case.

Not yet, but if there are no additional costs, I don't see why he would shut it down unless there were a lot of people making the request for him to shut it down.

How can providing healthier meals be a bad thing? I just noted several reasons why: kids will not eat anything which means they go hungry throughout the school day; kids will opt to bring even less healthier food to school like chips and candy bars instead of eating real food; kids will be running to fast food restaurants after school.
Sorry man that is just stupid logic. There is plenty of healthy food that tastes good and if kids aren't eating a prticular item then it can be replaced by something else. Like I said, there are always some wrinkles that need to be ironed out.

Replace terrible tasting food with other terrible tasting food? I don't think that will work--especially on kids.

You don't get people to lose weight by force, you get people to lose weight by their own desire to lose weight. I'm sure kids still make fun of other kids for things like being fat. Once they reach age and want to start having personal relationships, they will try to improve their appearance to attract the opposite sex without anybody forcing them to.
Back in your day food would expire in days, now its weeks. Know why? Because they are pumped with preservatives. That could be part of the problem so why not try and make it better. And your are totally right, TV and video games totally destroyed the physical activity levels of our kids and that is a major problem. That is why I would support after school programs where kids can play outside and exercise more. Live a more healthy lifestyle... with food and with activity.

But you think the do nothing approach is going to work better. Not sure how... magic maybe?

What I think is that it won't produce any results. Mooochele also got her husband to force restaurants to put calorie count on all their food items. So businesses had to order new menus, change the menus in their drive thru and behind the counter, and for what? Did she actually think that nobody knew a big mac combo was not healthy or fattening? Did she think what would make one fat kid skinny?

When this idea of hers was first introduced, most everybody on the right said what a failure it was going to be. We predicted correctly. So it cost businesses and schools God knows how much money, and it was only a hunch that it might work. What did the Obama's care, it's not their money they have to spend. How many years did people laugh about Mrs Reagan with her "Just say no" program? That was stupid as well, but it didn't cost taxpayers or businesses anything.
I for one like seeing the calorie counters on the menus. Helps the consumer be better informed about what they are purchasing.

And I don't see Michelle's programs as a flop either, how can providing healthier meals for children be a bad thing? That's what it did, it's got some wrinkles that need ironing out but it did a lot of good. Trump apparently doesn't see it as a total flop either or he'd shut it down, which is not the case.

Not yet, but if there are no additional costs, I don't see why he would shut it down unless there were a lot of people making the request for him to shut it down.

How can providing healthier meals be a bad thing? I just noted several reasons why: kids will not eat anything which means they go hungry throughout the school day; kids will opt to bring even less healthier food to school like chips and candy bars instead of eating real food; kids will be running to fast food restaurants after school.
Sorry man that is just stupid logic. There is plenty of healthy food that tastes good and if kids aren't eating a prticular item then it can be replaced by something else. Like I said, there are always some wrinkles that need to be ironed out.

Replace terrible tasting food with other terrible tasting food? I don't think that will work--especially on kids.

You don't get people to lose weight by force, you get people to lose weight by their own desire to lose weight. I'm sure kids still make fun of other kids for things like being fat. Once they reach age and want to start having personal relationships, they will try to improve their appearance to attract the opposite sex without anybody forcing them to.
You're hopeless Ray, but youre entitled to have your opinion as short sighted as it may be.

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