Trump ends Michelle Obama's effort to fight child hood obesity.

Stats man, I'd like to see what the costs were and how much extra it cost the tax payers. You made the claim so please show me your figures

Are you in a totally different world? Have you not seen any news show or headline in the past five or six years?


“We throw away a ton of food. If we cut up 20 pounds of cucumbers, we guess that 17 pounds get thrown away. I’ve watched kids take their cup of vegetables or fruit they’re required to take and just throw it away. A football player isn’t getting full on seven chicken nuggets, and a lot of our students who play sports are here till 6:30 p.m. The kids can buy extra food, but a lot of kids can’t afford to.”


Canton Central School Business Manager Judy A. Rienback agrees that the new lunches are not working. She says that, ever since the healthier school meals were implemented at the start of the 2013-14 school year, lunch sales have dropped 10 percent. “Our purchase costs haven’t fallen. What we serve now tends to cost more,” she said.

There’s no question that something must change, since child obesity rates are soaring. Clearly, the answer is not the food we are providing children at school, however.

Students Throw Away 85 Percent of Vegetables: Michelle Obama’s Lunch Program Dismal Failure


New Mexico ranch takes 5 tons of kids' cafeteria castaways
Published: 04/02/2015 at 10:13 AM

First lady Michelle Obama – who’s been under fire for years for her lunch menu mandates at schools – may have found a new home for her foods of choice: an animal farm in New Mexico.

New Mexico’s Galloping Grace Youth Ranch is taking fruit and vegetable castoffs from schools in the Rio Rancho area in the range of five tons a week, EAG News reported. As a result, pigs, goats and chickens are happy.
Read more at Michelle Obama lunches find favor with farm pigs
I'm not denying there was waste. Not sure what you are WOWing about. Just asking for you to back up your claims with numbers. Im curious how much more was spent with this program
American parents are dinner then dumb.....feed the kids mutton. it tastes good. To think I was born in this so called exceptional country....lmao at all of you.
What I see is a dog and pony show and the belief that all problems are solved by the federal government.

I found this report by NPR (so you can't call it a righty source) that states child illness related to obesity are still on the rise. This suggests that this school lunch thing is a total failure:

Obesity-Linked Diagnoses On The Rise Among Kids And Teens
That's a shame. What do you suggest we do about it?

There is not much we can do about it. Obesity is not a social disease that we can control. Personally however, I wouldn't let my kid text and play video games all day long. If they were gaining weight, they would either have to lose weight on their own or no more electronic entertainment until they do.
So your solution is cut programs and do nothing?

That's correct. It's not my (or societies) problem. As far as I can research, I found no conclusion whether Moochelle's program produced any results; I doubt they did, but I was looking for non-partisan studies to support my suspicions.
Do you think it appropriate for schools to teach about nutrition and food processing?

Yes I do because that's eduction; education all students benefit from.

Something I forgot to bring up during our discussion: Not all kids are fat and happy. Some have a metabolism that allows them to eat anything without gaining a pound. I have a friend like that. When we were beer drinking teens, we could finish off a 36 cut party tray pizza and he would eat most of it. We are still friends today, and he hasn't gained a pound.

Forcing those kids to eat crap food because of the fat kids is just unfair to them. I'm sure there are a lot of kids that eat what they want and are skinny as a rail, or burn it off with some sort of physical activity.
That's a shame. What do you suggest we do about it?

There is not much we can do about it. Obesity is not a social disease that we can control. Personally however, I wouldn't let my kid text and play video games all day long. If they were gaining weight, they would either have to lose weight on their own or no more electronic entertainment until they do.
So your solution is cut programs and do nothing?

That's correct. It's not my (or societies) problem. As far as I can research, I found no conclusion whether Moochelle's program produced any results; I doubt they did, but I was looking for non-partisan studies to support my suspicions.
Do you think it appropriate for schools to teach about nutrition and food processing?

Yes I do because that's eduction; education all students benefit from.

Something I forgot to bring up during our discussion: Not all kids are fat and happy. Some have a metabolism that allows them to eat anything without gaining a pound. I have a friend like that. When we were beer drinking teens, we could finish off a 36 cut party tray pizza and he would eat most of it. We are still friends today, and he hasn't gained a pound.

Forcing those kids to eat crap food because of the fat kids is just unfair to them. I'm sure there are a lot of kids that eat what they want and are skinny as a rail, or burn it off with some sort of physical activity.
Forcing kids to eat crap food from the school cafeteria is exactly what should be avoided. From my reading on this program a lot of the crap food was replaced with more nutritious food. I read about many cases where the regulations were too tight and the schools struggled to put together an acceptable menu. Other schools experienced a lot of waste. So obviously those problems should be fixed. But you can't ignore the improvements to food quality that were made. And it's ok to give credit for some progress made in helping serve our school children more healthy food. If you are going to teach about nutrition in school then serve crap in the cafeterias, then what's the point?
There is not much we can do about it. Obesity is not a social disease that we can control. Personally however, I wouldn't let my kid text and play video games all day long. If they were gaining weight, they would either have to lose weight on their own or no more electronic entertainment until they do.
So your solution is cut programs and do nothing?

That's correct. It's not my (or societies) problem. As far as I can research, I found no conclusion whether Moochelle's program produced any results; I doubt they did, but I was looking for non-partisan studies to support my suspicions.
Do you think it appropriate for schools to teach about nutrition and food processing?

Yes I do because that's eduction; education all students benefit from.

Something I forgot to bring up during our discussion: Not all kids are fat and happy. Some have a metabolism that allows them to eat anything without gaining a pound. I have a friend like that. When we were beer drinking teens, we could finish off a 36 cut party tray pizza and he would eat most of it. We are still friends today, and he hasn't gained a pound.

Forcing those kids to eat crap food because of the fat kids is just unfair to them. I'm sure there are a lot of kids that eat what they want and are skinny as a rail, or burn it off with some sort of physical activity.
Forcing kids to eat crap food from the school cafeteria is exactly what should be avoided. From my reading on this program a lot of the crap food was replaced with more nutritious food. I read about many cases where the regulations were too tight and the schools struggled to put together an acceptable menu. Other schools experienced a lot of waste. So obviously those problems should be fixed. But you can't ignore the improvements to food quality that were made. And it's ok to give credit for some progress made in helping serve our school children more healthy food. If you are going to teach about nutrition in school then serve crap in the cafeterias, then what's the point?

By crap food I mean crap tasting food which is what those nutritious servings are. Kids don't want it. They were showing what those meals looked like on the internet, and I wouldn't feed those meals to a dog; not that the dog would eat them anyway.
Just dead em McDonald's since most American parents are not bright enuff to see that stuff is not real healthy. But hey it tastes good to kids.
So your solution is cut programs and do nothing?

That's correct. It's not my (or societies) problem. As far as I can research, I found no conclusion whether Moochelle's program produced any results; I doubt they did, but I was looking for non-partisan studies to support my suspicions.
Do you think it appropriate for schools to teach about nutrition and food processing?

Yes I do because that's eduction; education all students benefit from.

Something I forgot to bring up during our discussion: Not all kids are fat and happy. Some have a metabolism that allows them to eat anything without gaining a pound. I have a friend like that. When we were beer drinking teens, we could finish off a 36 cut party tray pizza and he would eat most of it. We are still friends today, and he hasn't gained a pound.

Forcing those kids to eat crap food because of the fat kids is just unfair to them. I'm sure there are a lot of kids that eat what they want and are skinny as a rail, or burn it off with some sort of physical activity.
Forcing kids to eat crap food from the school cafeteria is exactly what should be avoided. From my reading on this program a lot of the crap food was replaced with more nutritious food. I read about many cases where the regulations were too tight and the schools struggled to put together an acceptable menu. Other schools experienced a lot of waste. So obviously those problems should be fixed. But you can't ignore the improvements to food quality that were made. And it's ok to give credit for some progress made in helping serve our school children more healthy food. If you are going to teach about nutrition in school then serve crap in the cafeterias, then what's the point?

By crap food I mean crap tasting food which is what those nutritious servings are. Kids don't want it. They were showing what those meals looked like on the internet, and I wouldn't feed those meals to a dog; not that the dog would eat them anyway.
So let's just serve them McDonalds and be done with it. Kids love it and it's cheap. Problem solved Raystyle right?!
American parents are dinner then dumb.....feed the kids mutton. it tastes good. To think I was born in this so called exceptional country....lmao at all of you.

In what language was that supposed to be? Most of the individual words look like English, but the way that they are combined does not appear to convey any coherent meaning.
" of course huffington post defends this crap" you say? You obviously didn't read the article did you Bobby? Beware of the fake news and try reading more than just the headline! Haha
American parents accept McDonald's and chic folk crap as good testing plus healthy. This nation is full of be it. I am calling America out.
Forcing kids to eat crap food from the school cafeteria is exactly what should be avoided

And yet, that is exactly what you have been mindlessly, staunchly defending.
So your point is that if kids don't like the way it tastes then it is crap food so let's just say fuck it and give them Big Macs and potatos chips?

You're a freakin genius!

What's wrong with giving them a choice (along with the parents) and allow people to make their own decisions?
This issue is just another example of how liberals think.
If a conservative doesn't like guns, they don't buy one. If a liberal doesn't like guns, they want government to ban them for everyone.
If a conservative doesn't like someone's opinion, they don't listen to that person. If a liberal doesn't like someone's opinion, they want the government to silence them.
If a conservative doesn't like what the school offers their kid for lunch, they pack their own. If a liberal doesn't like what the school offers their kid for lunch, they want the government to FORCE them to eat what they want them to eat.
You are always good for a laugh SJ. Thanks for that

What is funny about S.J.'s post? Is it not 100% accurate?
Of course it's not accurate... it's 100% unadulterated partisan bullshit. I dont know what kind of messed Kool aid y'all are drinking that makes you think that is reality
Really? Liberals don't want to ban handguns? Liberals didn't try to silence Rush Limbaugh? Liberals aren't trying to dictate what our kids eat in school?
That's correct. It's not my (or societies) problem. As far as I can research, I found no conclusion whether Moochelle's program produced any results; I doubt they did, but I was looking for non-partisan studies to support my suspicions.
Do you think it appropriate for schools to teach about nutrition and food processing?

Yes I do because that's eduction; education all students benefit from.

Something I forgot to bring up during our discussion: Not all kids are fat and happy. Some have a metabolism that allows them to eat anything without gaining a pound. I have a friend like that. When we were beer drinking teens, we could finish off a 36 cut party tray pizza and he would eat most of it. We are still friends today, and he hasn't gained a pound.

Forcing those kids to eat crap food because of the fat kids is just unfair to them. I'm sure there are a lot of kids that eat what they want and are skinny as a rail, or burn it off with some sort of physical activity.
Forcing kids to eat crap food from the school cafeteria is exactly what should be avoided. From my reading on this program a lot of the crap food was replaced with more nutritious food. I read about many cases where the regulations were too tight and the schools struggled to put together an acceptable menu. Other schools experienced a lot of waste. So obviously those problems should be fixed. But you can't ignore the improvements to food quality that were made. And it's ok to give credit for some progress made in helping serve our school children more healthy food. If you are going to teach about nutrition in school then serve crap in the cafeterias, then what's the point?

By crap food I mean crap tasting food which is what those nutritious servings are. Kids don't want it. They were showing what those meals looked like on the internet, and I wouldn't feed those meals to a dog; not that the dog would eat them anyway.
So let's just serve them McDonalds and be done with it. Kids love it and it's cheap. Problem solved Raystyle right?!

You know, when I was a kid, those schools served the same innutritious foods that they served before Moochelle. Yet we didn't have an obesity problem. Can you explain that?

You see, if a problem arises, the most intelligent way to address the problem is look for changes that took place. What changed? Did the schools (since I was a child) start serving worse food? I don't think so. I remember buying pizza, hot dogs, chocolate cake, we had snack and pop vending machines in school. The food never changed--children changed.

How did children change? This wonderful internet, pay per view, computers, cell phones, video games, school busses that pick you up nearly at your door step and drop you off the same. That's what changed.

Ignore the obvious and blame it on the food. This is why we see liberalism as a total failure.
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