Trump ends Michelle Obama's effort to fight child hood obesity.

I'd like liberal elites from San Francisco and New York City tell me how I am supposed to raise my children.
I'd like liberal elites from San Francisco and New York City tell me how I am supposed to raise my children.
Don't be a drama queen, they replaced the white bread with whole wheat and the French fries with fruit and veggies. Not as big of a deal as you all are making it out to be
I'd like liberal elites from San Francisco and New York City tell me how I am supposed to raise my children.
Don't be a drama queen, they replaced the white bread with whole wheat and the French fries with fruit and veggies. Not as big of a deal as you all are making it out to be

You're utterly full of shit.
No, I'm pretty sure you're being a drama queen. Reform efforts to improve school lunches = government controlling how you raise your kids? Don't be a snowflake. Grow up
I loved fish stick day with fries. That was one time, 5 times a week I ate crap. Breakfast and dinner was always home-cooked, from scratch and healthy.
Weren't you a lucky kid. Shame that there are many children out there that don't have those luxuries.

Luxuries? What luxuries... we couldn't afford to eat out or eat fast food.
The luxury of having a mother who would cook you two healthy home cooked meals a day. What, you think all kids have that?

you assume a lot don't you

My mother was a complete wacko manic depressive and I have been taking care of myself since I was about 8 years old. I still managed to have a sandwich for lunch every day
Sorry to hear that about your mom and good for you for taking care of yourself. But I'm not sure what point you are trying to make. You want to shut down the school cafeterias? If not then you are kind of making my point. The schools should serve good healthy food and if kids don't like it they can bring in their bologna sandwhich

I'm saying we don't need school lunch programs. so use the money for something else
Weren't you a lucky kid. Shame that there are many children out there that don't have those luxuries.

Luxuries? What luxuries... we couldn't afford to eat out or eat fast food.
The luxury of having a mother who would cook you two healthy home cooked meals a day. What, you think all kids have that?

you assume a lot don't you

My mother was a complete wacko manic depressive and I have been taking care of myself since I was about 8 years old. I still managed to have a sandwich for lunch every day
Sorry to hear that about your mom and good for you for taking care of yourself. But I'm not sure what point you are trying to make. You want to shut down the school cafeterias? If not then you are kind of making my point. The schools should serve good healthy food and if kids don't like it they can bring in their bologna sandwhich

I'm saying we don't need school lunch programs. so use the money for something else
Rally up enough support and they will do away with it. Not likely though, it's been around for over 70 years
rosie----the oracle at USMB-----DECLARES -----THE EFFORT by Mrs Obama to
create "healthy" school lunches was a GOOD IDEA----but badly conceived and
a failure. I agree that school lunches should be kinda limited------either you get
a little lunch for a small fee-----or BRING YOUR OWN. A pre packed vegetarian
thng should do it--------with real milk, American cheese-----some whole grain something -------nothing elaborate or WEIRD. Kids do not eat WEIRD
Luxuries? What luxuries... we couldn't afford to eat out or eat fast food.
The luxury of having a mother who would cook you two healthy home cooked meals a day. What, you think all kids have that?

you assume a lot don't you

My mother was a complete wacko manic depressive and I have been taking care of myself since I was about 8 years old. I still managed to have a sandwich for lunch every day
Sorry to hear that about your mom and good for you for taking care of yourself. But I'm not sure what point you are trying to make. You want to shut down the school cafeterias? If not then you are kind of making my point. The schools should serve good healthy food and if kids don't like it they can bring in their bologna sandwhich

I'm saying we don't need school lunch programs. so use the money for something else
Rally up enough support and they will do away with it. Not likely though, it's been around for over 70 years
yeah and that's a reason to keep it
Trump ends Michelle Obama's effort to fight child hood obesity.

I'd be surprised to find that there's a material difference in obesity rates among children in the "hood" than among kids living in "white pickett fence" neighborhoods in the 'burbs or "posh" parts of cities. I could be mistaken, however. That remains to be seen.
You have to love it. Moochele was in the spotlight all the time so she kept her weight down. This will be a more amusing subject in about five or ten years from now when we see what she looks like. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
The luxury of having a mother who would cook you two healthy home cooked meals a day. What, you think all kids have that?

you assume a lot don't you

My mother was a complete wacko manic depressive and I have been taking care of myself since I was about 8 years old. I still managed to have a sandwich for lunch every day
Sorry to hear that about your mom and good for you for taking care of yourself. But I'm not sure what point you are trying to make. You want to shut down the school cafeterias? If not then you are kind of making my point. The schools should serve good healthy food and if kids don't like it they can bring in their bologna sandwhich

I'm saying we don't need school lunch programs. so use the money for something else
Rally up enough support and they will do away with it. Not likely though, it's been around for over 70 years
yeah and that's a reason to keep it
Cool, go get the votes. If your ideas are good then people will follow you. Good luck!
The far leftists here are fat shaming like no tomorrow.

Who are you to tell that being fat is worse than not being fat?

Utterly racist behavior to condemn an entire group of people, innocent kids of all things!

You're condeming the kids to a life of obesity and health issues--not me. If Michelle Obama had made a program about exercise for children in school, and some dumbass Republican overruled it, you would be on here defending the Republican who did, as you are right now defending a Republican Senator from Kansas that basically threw out a bill to feed healthier foods in school to fight skyrockinig childhood obesity--(because he wanted to increase school lunch room PROFITS.)

Your comment: "Who are you to tell me that being fat is worse than not being fat?" This comment is without doubt is the most ignorant comment I have ever seen.


No, actually you are FAT SHAMING THE KIDS. You are directly implying that being fat is worse than not being fat, you racist monster!

And according to Huff Post, that can literally break their small vulnerable hearts:

Fat Shaming Can Literally Break Your Heart | HuffPost

So, FUCK OFF, you child killer.
The far leftists here are fat shaming like no tomorrow.

Who are you to tell that being fat is worse than not being fat?

Utterly racist behavior to condemn an entire group of people, innocent kids of all things!

You're condeming the kids to a life of obesity and health issues--not me. If Michelle Obama had made a program about exercise for children in school, and some dumbass Republican overruled it, you would be on here defending the Republican who did, as you are right now defending a Republican Senator from Kansas that basically threw out a bill to feed healthier foods in school to fight skyrockinig childhood obesity--(because he wanted to increase school lunch room PROFITS.)

Your comment: "Who are you to tell me that being fat is worse than not being fat?" This comment is without doubt is the most ignorant comment I have ever seen.


No, actually you are FAT SHAMING THE KIDS. You are directly implying that being fat is worse than not being fat, you racist monster!

And according to Huff Post, that can literally break their small vulnerable hearts:

Fat Shaming Can Literally Break Your Heart | HuffPost

So, FUCK OFF, you child killer.
We cannot stop the point that kids are opting to become overweight because of the food they eat. but
it's important not to shame kids when they are overweight because it can cause them to become overweight in the long run. Instead, parents should focus on teaching healthy eating habits and increasing self-confidence.
Why You Shouldn't Talk to Your Child About Their Weight
This adminstration just doesn't stop, nor does it care. Childhood obesity and Type 2 diabetes is skyrocketing in this country. Parents should teach their kids good healthy eating habits, but it should also be reinforced in our public schools.

WASHINGTON – After only six days on the job, Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue moved to stall one of former First Lady Michelle Obama’s signature accomplishments: stricter nutritional standards for school breakfasts and lunches, which feed more than 31 million children.

Speaking at Catoctin Elementary School in Leesburg, Virginia, on Monday with Sen. Pat Roberts, R-Kansas, and Patricia Montague of the School Nutrition Association, Perdue announced that his department would be slowing the implementation of aggressive standards on sodium, whole grains and sweetened milks that passed under the Obama administration.

“We know meals cannot be nutritious if they’re not consumed, if they’re thrown out,” Perdue told reporters after eating chicken nuggets and salad with a group of fifth graders. “We have to balance sodium and whole grain content with palatability.”

It was the second blow to the Obama administration’s nutritional legacy in less than a week. On Friday, the Food and Drug Administration signaled its intent to rewrite long-delayed menu-labeling rules passed as part of the Affordable Care Act. Republicans on the House Appropriations Committee also attached several nutrition-related riders to this week’s appropriations bill, including one that targeted voluntary industry sodium-reductions.

“I feel that we have made such progress in schools meals over the past five years,” said Miriam Nelson, a public health researcher who helped advise Michelle Obama’s nutrition initiatives. “This progress has contributed to reversing the trend in childhood obesity rates nationwide . . . We want to continue the progress we have made.”

School lunches have seen a radical makeover in the past five years. Since 2012, when the nutrition rules mandated by the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act went into effect, cafeterias have had to slash the amount of calories, trans-fats, sodium and refined grains in their foods, replacing cafeteria staples like conventional pizza with salt-reduced, whole-grain versions. They are also required to serve fruit, a variety of vegetables, and low-fat or fat-free milk.
Trump ends Michelle Obama’s plan to fight childhood obesity – The Denver Post

Here is what the next generation of kindergardners will look like.


That was a great plan 'cept there is a problem in this country for a lot of school children. It's called food insecurity. You will recognize this in areas where schools or programs try to send the kids home with something on the weekends. Often there are summer food programs. Many of those have been cut. I don't know if you are aware of this. It doesn't sound like it. Perhaps you were counting on charity organizations to fill that gap. That was a great plan too. 'Cept what many charity organizations found is that all of the people that had been donating lost jobs etc. and were in a place of need as well.
An example:
Study finds food insecurity exists across all of Indiana

Once that "nutrition legacy" came about the kids that had been taking half their lunch and shoving it in their pockets so they could eat later or eating on the weekend were unable to do so.
Trump ends Michelle Obama's effort to fight child hood obesity.

Perhaps he'll initiate an effort to eradicate adult obesity and lead the charge himself by shedding some 100 pounds or so.
You have to love it. Moochele was in the spotlight all the time so she kept her weight down. This will be a more amusing subject in about five or ten years from now when we see what she looks like. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

I the FAT JOKES are coming out fairly frequently on this guy also.

You have to love it. Moochele was in the spotlight all the time so she kept her weight down. This will be a more amusing subject in about five or ten years from now when we see what she looks like. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

I the FAT JOKES are coming out fairly frequently on this guy also.


Yeah, but this guy never preached or acted like some kind of authority.

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