Trump erupts at campaign manager Brad Parscale as reelection stress overflows...he knows he's losing, folks! Biden got him right where he wants him!

it's all over for Trump! he even threatened to sue Parscale!

it's all over for Trump!
Parscale deserves to be fired, just like Fauci.
That's right. Kill the messenger. What a shtshow.

If anyone's messenger needs to be killed, it is CNN!
From the linked article:

And Trump has still found venues to field questions from reporters and share his views on the day's news, including during lengthy pool sprays in the Oval Office.

Who is being sprayed on and do they get a towel to wipe it off?
it's all over for Trump!
Parscale deserves to be fired, just like Fauci.
the medal of honor
Which means Trump landslide victory.
4 more years. Coronavirus guarantees Trump wins in November.
tRump's response to the pandemic has sealed his fate. He's over.

What's over is your touch with reality.
That's funny, coming from a fake news sucking tRumpling.

it's all over for Trump! he even threatened to sue Parscale!

"three people familiar with the matter told CNN"


Some people are incapable of learning.
we call them republicans
Which means Trump landslide victory.
4 more years. Coronavirus guarantees Trump wins in November.
tRump's response to the pandemic has sealed his fate. He's over.
Not worried about his campaign manager, I heard after Trump jumped his ass, he replied "Thanks, I love you too." Hate it that he knows this early even some of the states that want him out of there, while there is a pandemic going on. Remember early in his briefings wanting states to be nice and appreciative and telling Pence he wouldn't even talk to some of the ones that weren't? Doesn't sound like he would think those states were nice to him, that think he sucks. Hope they don't need any federal assistance.

it's all over for Trump! he even threatened to sue Parscale!
According to you loons, Trump started acting like this when he tossed hit hat into the ring and has never stopped.
You truly are stupid.

it's all over for Trump! he even threatened to sue Parscale!
According to you loons, Trump started acting like this when he tossed hit hat into the ring and has never stopped.
You truly are stupid.
Wrong. He undoubtably has always been this way. He just didn't stop when he became president.

it's all over for Trump! he even threatened to sue Parscale!
According to you loons, Trump started acting like this when he tossed hit hat into the ring and has never stopped.
You truly are stupid.
Wrong. He undoubtably has always been this way. He just didn't stop when he became president.
That's sort of what I posted...
Anyway, he's doing what I for you.
it's all over for Trump!
Parscale deserves to be fired, just like Fauci.
That's right. Kill the messenger. What a shtshow.

This messenger should have been killed long ago.

it's all over for Trump! he even threatened to sue Parscale!
According to you loons, Trump started acting like this when he tossed hit hat into the ring and has never stopped.
You truly are stupid.
Wrong. He undoubtably has always been this way. He just didn't stop when he became president.

That's according to CNN who did not name their sources, which are likely to be that talking points email they received from the DNC.

you know what that means?


it's all over for Trump! he even threatened to sue Parscale!

So, it's in the bag for Hillary? No path to 270? :thup:

it's all over for Trump! he even threatened to sue Parscale!
According to you loons, Trump started acting like this when he tossed hit hat into the ring and has never stopped.
You truly are stupid.
Wrong. He undoubtably has always been this way. He just didn't stop when he became president.
That's sort of what I posted...
Anyway, he's doing what I for you.
No he sucks for the country.

it's all over for Trump! he even threatened to sue Parscale!
Exactly what are you planning to do with yourself the morning of the election when you find that Trump has been reelected by a landslide? Are you going to find a tall building or bridge and take the leap, gunshot to the temple, jump in front of a speeding truck or train, poison, shove your head so far up your ass you suffocate, hang yourself, just how will you choose to end it?

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