Trump ERUPTS: "I will totally destroy & obliterate the Economy of Turkey (I’ve done before!)"

The only safe area for the Kurds is North of the Golan Heights.
The Kurds get attacked, Israel takes out the attackers.
' I, in my great and unmatched wisdom '

& genius stability................ :auiqs.jpg:

neh.... more like...........

The Mueller report was supposed to do that wasn’t it? Oh wait that was another nothing burger. Lol
I know this is the wrong thread...but you brought it up

The Mueller Report showed a number of very concerning things...

That the Russians absolutely inserted themselves in the 2016 election in a number of waysRoger Stone
They stole e-mails and disseminated them to help Trump and hurt Clinton
They engaged in an orchestrated social media campaign that reached as many as 160 million voters

That the Trump campaign was aware of this
That the Trump campaign encouraged this
That the Trump campaign took advantage of this and tailored their own "messaging" to maximize the effect of this

The Mueller team were unable to find direct cooperation in this effort although there is still a court case that may prove this (Roger Stone)
The Mueller team DID find that Manafort (currently in jail) DID exchange polling data with RUssian figures tied to the Kremlin. They took it no further than that...oddly

The Mueller report also found that there were at least TEN instances of Obstruction...but owing to the DOJ policy that states that a sitting President can't be indicted..left that hanging

They also documented something on the order of 120 meetings with Russian government figures that the Trump team lied about

So there's that
Imagine if Obama had said, "Grab them by the pussy"

Obama would have said "Grab 'em by the big delicious testicles".
But he didn't...did he...

No...he DID IT! Just ask reggie loveballs! Obamas personal butt sex dude (gotta be careful not to break any rules here) :)

Just google "reggie love"...he was obamas personal knob polisher.

As if the forum really needed more evidence that the right is brain-dead.
It would seem that letting turkey kill our allies who have saved countless American lives by doing the grunt work in Syria. This shows just how trump will say fuck you the minute he thinks he doesn't need you. Now that asshole is willing to let thousands of our allies to be killed. Strong sanctions after the act will not bring any of them back to life. Not to mention the release of 11,000 isis fighers. He is not only stupid but is also crazy which is a very very dangerous combination.
It would seem that letting turkey kill our allies who have saved countless American lives by doing the grunt work in Syria. This shows just how trump will say fuck you the minute he thinks he doesn't need you. Now that asshole is willing to let thousands of our allies to be killed. Strong sanctions after the act will not bring any of them back to life. Not to mention the release of 11,000 isis fighers. He is not only stupid but is also crazy which is a very very dangerous combination.
you made great point, who will want to be USA allies after this ?
"We may be in the process of leaving Syria, but in no way have we Abandoned the Kurds, who are special people and wonderful fighters. Likewise our relationship with Turkey, a NATO and Trading partner, has been very good. Turkey already has a large Kurdish population and fully understands that while we only had 50 soldiers remaining in that section of Syria, and they have been removed, any unforced or unnecessary fighting by Turkey will be devastating to their economy and to their very fragile currency. We are helping the Kurds financially/weapons!" - President Trump
Well, what is it ? empty words or USA establishment finally have succeed to bring back the red clown and reality star to the real world ?

Trump threatens to 'obliterate' Turkey's economy if it takes 'off-limits' actions
"Donald J. Trump
As I have stated strongly before, and just to reiterate, if Turkey does anything that I, in my great and unmatched wisdom, consider to be off limits, I will totally destroy and obliterate the Economy of Turkey (I’ve done before!). They must, with Europe and others, watch over...Donald J. Trump on Twitter"
When did Trump obliterate the economy of Turkey before?

Does he really think Turkey will march to his drum? That bastard in charge in Turkey right now is a goddamned fascist. He's going to do what he wants to do and for some reason it seems the US must need Turkey, because we haven't booted them out of NATO and they've had it coming for a few years now.
Well, what is it ? empty words or USA establishment finally have succeed to bring back the red clown and reality star to the real world ?

Trump threatens to 'obliterate' Turkey's economy if it takes 'off-limits' actions
"Donald J. Trump
As I have stated strongly before, and just to reiterate, if Turkey does anything that I, in my great and unmatched wisdom, consider to be off limits, I will totally destroy and obliterate the Economy of Turkey (I’ve done before!). They must, with Europe and others, watch over...Donald J. Trump on Twitter"
When did Trump obliterate the economy of Turkey before?

Does he really think Turkey will march to his drum? That bastard in charge in Turkey right now is a goddamned fascist. He's going to do what he wants to do and for some reason it seems the US must need Turkey, because we haven't booted them out of NATO and they've had it coming for a few years now.
Turkish lira falls against the dollar as Trump hints at further ... › trump-usa-sanctions-against-turkey-2018-8

Aug 17, 2018 - US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin threatened further sanctions ... The Turkish lira is falling against the dollar on Friday after Mnuchin's statement. ... Although the lira has started to recover this week, and is now down only ...
To the issue of "we are controlling the airspace":
Yes, out of Incirlik with Turkey's permission.
Just theoretical: You are going to establish a no-fly zone in Syria against Turkey out of Turkish territory on the internet ?

You do realize that we have air bases in other places than Turkey.
You do realize that we have air bases in other places than Turkey.

Distance and logistical costs.
Plus security, no one in the area is going to attack Turkey (and Incirlik), that's also the reason why US has concentrated most of its European military installations in Germany. No neighbour is going to attack economic power Germany.
BTW - Trump can't do shit to the Turkish economy.

We give them 155 million dollars in aid...ending that does something to the Turkish economy! We do 12 Billion in trade with Turkey...imposing sanctions against them will cripple their economy. Your point is not based in reality.

Now try reality:

Turkey - Wikipedia

$155 million isn't shit for Turkey's economy - and we are only a minor trading partner.

Turkey's primary value to us is that they allow us to keep a nuclear arsonal pointed at Russia's under belly - and our main value to Turkey is that we keep a nuclear arsonal pointed at Russia's belly. Neither is a major economic partner to the other.

What's an "arsonal"? Is that where a fire bug keeps his supplies?
You do realize that we have air bases in other places than Turkey.

Distance and logistical costs.
Plus security, no one in the area is going to attack Turkey (and Incirlik), that's also the reason why US has concentrated most of its European military installations in Germany. No neighbour is going to attack economic power Germany.

Sorry, you are talking out of your ass. My daughter deployed to an airbase in IRAQ.
' I, in my great and unmatched wisdom '

& genius stability................ :auiqs.jpg:

neh.... more like...........

The Mueller report was supposed to do that wasn’t it? Oh wait that was another nothing burger. Lol
I know this is the wrong thread...but you brought it up

The Mueller Report showed a number of very concerning things...

That the Russians absolutely inserted themselves in the 2016 election in a number of waysRoger Stone
They stole e-mails and disseminated them to help Trump and hurt Clinton
They engaged in an orchestrated social media campaign that reached as many as 160 million voters

That the Trump campaign was aware of this
That the Trump campaign encouraged this
That the Trump campaign took advantage of this and tailored their own "messaging" to maximize the effect of this

The Mueller team were unable to find direct cooperation in this effort although there is still a court case that may prove this (Roger Stone)
The Mueller team DID find that Manafort (currently in jail) DID exchange polling data with RUssian figures tied to the Kremlin. They took it no further than that...oddly

The Mueller report also found that there were at least TEN instances of Obstruction...but owing to the DOJ policy that states that a sitting President can't be indicted..left that hanging

They also documented something on the order of 120 meetings with Russian government figures that the Trump team lied about

So there's that

Your entire post is a collection of wild-assed guesses and outright lies, disproven hundreds of times. When will you wake up and realize that you are a dumbass?
Sorry, you are talking out of your ass. My daughter deployed to an airbase in IRAQ.

May god keep her safe in case of frictions with Iran.

Mike Pompeo said Iran-backed militias moved rockets near American bases in Iraq
Trump’s Plan for U.S. Forces in Iraq Met With Unified Rejection in Baghdad

All those US bases in Saudi-Arabia and the missile defense systems didnt prevent an attack on Saudi oil installations. Saudi Arabia, which is a far more powerful actor than Iraq.
That's why I mentioned Incirlik's security, no one is going to go to war with Turkey by attacking Turkey.

When Russia crossed into Turkish airspace in 2015 from Syria the Turks simpy shot down the airplane.
Simple as that. No Russian violations into Turkish Airspace witnessed again :)

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" I, in my great and unmatched wisdom,"

Yes...he actually tweeted that


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