Trump expected to sign border compromise

If he does that, he’s doomed to be a one term POTUS, and he might find himself with more of Congress willing to consider impeachment.
Ok, that's your "opinion". Most voters approve of more border security. No one cares if the House impeaches Trump, the Senate would never remove him.

Voters do not approve of a wall. Nor do they support a national emergency to build one.
Aside from the illegal issue. If you can cut drug use by 10% even, it would be a victory.
well he thinks all drugs come through the port of entry. If they did, then we wouldn't have illegal drugs on the street. the mere fact these leftist don't have a brain to argue with, ends up like arguing with rocks.

You Trump supporters have no brain. The DEA cited the POEs as areas of particular concern in their annual report. That is the way you smuggle huge amounts of drugs across the border.
Ann Coulter and Sean Hannity are not gonna like this if true. The Wall Street Journal reports Trump will settle for "55 miles" of "barriers".
As a Democrat I applaud Trump’s decision to cave again.
Trump Is Expected to Sign Border-Security Deal
You really are a fool.
Trump got 1.3 billion/ Nancy sore Trump wouldn't get a dollar.
Who won that fight asshole?
He'll take the seized drug money and be able to paint the fucking wall GOLD?
Democrats initial offer was 1.3b.
Donald Trump wanted 5.6b.
He got 1.6b.
Don't pretend to be excited.
How "excited" is Nancy today?
Trump is going to seize El Capo's 14 billion and spend it on the WALL!

You really think that 14 billion is in the U.S.?
It was seized by our government. Yes, we have it. uh oh mexico paying for the wall? hmmmmmm

It cannot be spent without authorization from Congress. Mulvaney said as much.
Either you're a dem or from Mars. Trump has a 87% approval rating among GOP voters. The other 13% are never-Trumpers or dems spoofing the poll. There is no mystery GOP candidate waiting in the wings (Jeff Flake? Romney?) good luck with that fantasy. That was actually tried by Bill Krystal in 2016 (Evan McMullin) and Trump won going away.

I’m neither Democrat nor Martian. I’m a Conservative who believes the Republican Party is at best centrist/establishment and not a Conservative organization.

That’s what folks miss. Trump brought in the Conservative votes in 2016. Not because he’s a great Conservative (he’s not), but as a means to ensure the party didn’t run another centrist POS like Romney or McCain. Unfortunately Trump couldn’t carry through on his promises and the vast majority of Conservatives I know will not support him in 2020.

Without those votes, there will be a Democrat in the White House come 2021, so Republicans need to either find (and walk). Conservative line PDQ or find an actual Conservative to run in 2020, or they’ll lose both houses and the Presidency.
Trump is more conservative than any other GOP president. you are truly confused.

Trump is far right and has dragged the Republican Party far right. It is the party of white supremacists and neo Nazis. Ronald Reagan was a conservative Trump is not.
Pure unadulterated horse squeeze.

You people are living proof of it. Your only excuse for stopping them is they might vote Democrat. If they were white Europeans you would rush to give them citizenship.
You really are a fool.
Trump got 1.3 billion/ Nancy sore Trump wouldn't get a dollar.
Who won that fight asshole?
He'll take the seized drug money and be able to paint the fucking wall GOLD?
Democrats initial offer was 1.3b.
Donald Trump wanted 5.6b.
He got 1.6b.
Don't pretend to be excited.
How "excited" is Nancy today?
Trump is going to seize El Capo's 14 billion and spend it on the WALL!

You really think that 14 billion is in the U.S.?
It was seized by our government. Yes, we have it. uh oh mexico paying for the wall? hmmmmmm

It cannot be spent without authorization from Congress. Mulvaney said as much.
Then how did Holder transfer the proceeds from the BofA settlement to all those leftwing groups?
Either you're a dem or from Mars. Trump has a 87% approval rating among GOP voters. The other 13% are never-Trumpers or dems spoofing the poll. There is no mystery GOP candidate waiting in the wings (Jeff Flake? Romney?) good luck with that fantasy. That was actually tried by Bill Krystal in 2016 (Evan McMullin) and Trump won going away.

I’m neither Democrat nor Martian. I’m a Conservative who believes the Republican Party is at best centrist/establishment and not a Conservative organization.

That’s what folks miss. Trump brought in the Conservative votes in 2016. Not because he’s a great Conservative (he’s not), but as a means to ensure the party didn’t run another centrist POS like Romney or McCain. Unfortunately Trump couldn’t carry through on his promises and the vast majority of Conservatives I know will not support him in 2020.

Without those votes, there will be a Democrat in the White House come 2021, so Republicans need to either find (and walk). Conservative line PDQ or find an actual Conservative to run in 2020, or they’ll lose both houses and the Presidency.
Trump is more conservative than any other GOP president. you are truly confused.

Trump is far right and has dragged the Republican Party far right. It is the party of white supremacists and neo Nazis. Ronald Reagan was a conservative Trump is not.
Pure unadulterated horse squeeze.

You people are living proof of it. Your only excuse for stopping them is they might vote Democrat. If they were white Europeans you would rush to give them citizenship.

That isn't the only reason, but it's a damn good reason.
Either you're a dem or from Mars. Trump has a 87% approval rating among GOP voters. The other 13% are never-Trumpers or dems spoofing the poll. There is no mystery GOP candidate waiting in the wings (Jeff Flake? Romney?) good luck with that fantasy. That was actually tried by Bill Krystal in 2016 (Evan McMullin) and Trump won going away.

I’m neither Democrat nor Martian. I’m a Conservative who believes the Republican Party is at best centrist/establishment and not a Conservative organization.

That’s what folks miss. Trump brought in the Conservative votes in 2016. Not because he’s a great Conservative (he’s not), but as a means to ensure the party didn’t run another centrist POS like Romney or McCain. Unfortunately Trump couldn’t carry through on his promises and the vast majority of Conservatives I know will not support him in 2020.

Without those votes, there will be a Democrat in the White House come 2021, so Republicans need to either find (and walk). Conservative line PDQ or find an actual Conservative to run in 2020, or they’ll lose both houses and the Presidency.
Trump is more conservative than any other GOP president. you are truly confused.

Trump is far right and has dragged the Republican Party far right. It is the party of white supremacists and neo Nazis. Ronald Reagan was a conservative Trump is not.
dear we are far right from you so I supposed it does look far right to you. good. fk you!!
Either you're a dem or from Mars. Trump has a 87% approval rating among GOP voters. The other 13% are never-Trumpers or dems spoofing the poll. There is no mystery GOP candidate waiting in the wings (Jeff Flake? Romney?) good luck with that fantasy. That was actually tried by Bill Krystal in 2016 (Evan McMullin) and Trump won going away.

I’m neither Democrat nor Martian. I’m a Conservative who believes the Republican Party is at best centrist/establishment and not a Conservative organization.

That’s what folks miss. Trump brought in the Conservative votes in 2016. Not because he’s a great Conservative (he’s not), but as a means to ensure the party didn’t run another centrist POS like Romney or McCain. Unfortunately Trump couldn’t carry through on his promises and the vast majority of Conservatives I know will not support him in 2020.

Without those votes, there will be a Democrat in the White House come 2021, so Republicans need to either find (and walk). Conservative line PDQ or find an actual Conservative to run in 2020, or they’ll lose both houses and the Presidency.
Trump is more conservative than any other GOP president. you are truly confused.

Trump is far right and has dragged the Republican Party far right. It is the party of white supremacists and neo Nazis. Ronald Reagan was a conservative Trump is not.
Pure unadulterated horse squeeze.

You people are living proof of it. Your only excuse for stopping them is they might vote Democrat. If they were white Europeans you would rush to give them citizenship.
nope, I suppose you don't remember that war. too fking funny!!!
You really are a fool.
Trump got 1.3 billion/ Nancy sore Trump wouldn't get a dollar.
Who won that fight asshole?
He'll take the seized drug money and be able to paint the fucking wall GOLD?
Democrats initial offer was 1.3b.
Donald Trump wanted 5.6b.
He got 1.6b.
Don't pretend to be excited.
How "excited" is Nancy today?
Trump is going to seize El Capo's 14 billion and spend it on the WALL!

You really think that 14 billion is in the U.S.?
It was seized by our government. Yes, we have it. uh oh mexico paying for the wall? hmmmmmm

It cannot be spent without authorization from Congress. Mulvaney said as much.
that wasn't what I was commenting on. I merely answered a question. you wish to get into it, then Ted Cruz is working on it. he is congress. And again, the dems told him to have the mexicans pay for the wall like he said, why would they deny what they told him to do?
How come you all are reneggers?
Ann Coulter and Sean Hannity are not gonna like this if true. The Wall Street Journal reports Trump will settle for "55 miles" of "barriers".
As a Democrat I applaud Trump’s decision to cave again.
Trump Is Expected to Sign Border-Security Deal
You really are a fool.
Trump got 1.3 billion/ Nancy sore Trump wouldn't get a dollar.
Who won that fight asshole?
He'll take the seized drug money and be able to paint the fucking wall GOLD?
Democrats initial offer was 1.3b.
Donald Trump wanted 5.6b.
He got 1.6b.
Don't pretend to be excited.
How "excited" is Nancy today?
Trump is going to seize El Capo's 14 billion and spend it on the WALL!

You really think that 14 billion is in the U.S.?
It was seized by our government. Yes, we have it. uh oh mexico paying for the wall? hmmmmmm
No, it wasn't. It's the estimated value of his wealth from drug dealing. Most of if is in Mexico.
Democrats initial offer was 1.3b.
Donald Trump wanted 5.6b.
He got 1.6b.
Don't pretend to be excited.
How "excited" is Nancy today?
Trump is going to seize El Capo's 14 billion and spend it on the WALL!

You really think that 14 billion is in the U.S.?
It was seized by our government. Yes, we have it. uh oh mexico paying for the wall? hmmmmmm

It cannot be spent without authorization from Congress. Mulvaney said as much.
Then how did Holder transfer the proceeds from the BofA settlement to all those leftwing groups?
Of course Congress decides how the money would be spent. That's why Cruz submitted a bill to spend it on the wall.
How "excited" is Nancy today?
Trump is going to seize El Capo's 14 billion and spend it on the WALL!

You really think that 14 billion is in the U.S.?
It was seized by our government. Yes, we have it. uh oh mexico paying for the wall? hmmmmmm

It cannot be spent without authorization from Congress. Mulvaney said as much.
Then how did Holder transfer the proceeds from the BofA settlement to all those leftwing groups?
Of course Congress decides how the money would be spent. That's why Cruz submitted a bill to spend it on the wall.
When did Congress decide how to spend the BofA money? Show a link to the bill. The money has been spent already.
You really think that 14 billion is in the U.S.?
It was seized by our government. Yes, we have it. uh oh mexico paying for the wall? hmmmmmm

It cannot be spent without authorization from Congress. Mulvaney said as much.
Then how did Holder transfer the proceeds from the BofA settlement to all those leftwing groups?
Of course Congress decides how the money would be spent. That's why Cruz submitted a bill to spend it on the wall.
When did Congress decide how to spend the BofA money? Show a link to the bill. The money has been spent already.
I don't need to chase down your deflections. Cruz submitted a bill to spend El Chapo's money on the wall.
It was seized by our government. Yes, we have it. uh oh mexico paying for the wall? hmmmmmm

It cannot be spent without authorization from Congress. Mulvaney said as much.
Then how did Holder transfer the proceeds from the BofA settlement to all those leftwing groups?
Of course Congress decides how the money would be spent. That's why Cruz submitted a bill to spend it on the wall.
When did Congress decide how to spend the BofA money? Show a link to the bill. The money has been spent already.
I don't need to chase down your deflections. Cruz submitted a bill to spend El Chapo's money on the wall.
I'm talking about the $17 billion from the BofA settlement. Where is the bill that directed Eric Holder to hand it out to his communist buddies?
Ann Coulter and Sean Hannity are not gonna like this if true. The Wall Street Journal reports Trump will settle for "55 miles" of "barriers".
Trump Is Expected to Sign Border-Security Deal
it's time to take the win as little of one it is. What it does is better define his emergency order in court. It will be evidence that everyone agrees a wall is necessary. so much so they gave him money. Oops, big misplay by the left. Sign it and immediately declare the emergency. let's let that one settle in.

The dems were trapped. either they gave him money or go to a shutdown and trump can blame them, issues the emergency order and then goes to court and wins.

It cannot be spent without authorization from Congress. Mulvaney said as much.
Then how did Holder transfer the proceeds from the BofA settlement to all those leftwing groups?
Of course Congress decides how the money would be spent. That's why Cruz submitted a bill to spend it on the wall.
When did Congress decide how to spend the BofA money? Show a link to the bill. The money has been spent already.
I don't need to chase down your deflections. Cruz submitted a bill to spend El Chapo's money on the wall.
I'm talking about the $17 billion from the BofA settlement. Where is the bill that directed Eric Holder to hand it out to his communist buddies?
Fucking moron, you’re idiotically comparing a settlement with a seizure from a court conviction. And you’re doing so because you’re too fucking stupid to know the difference.

Ann Coulter and Sean Hannity are not gonna like this if true. The Wall Street Journal reports Trump will settle for "55 miles" of "barriers".
As a Democrat I applaud Trump’s decision to cave again.
Trump Is Expected to Sign Border-Security Deal
/----/ How is it Trump caving if democRATs go from NO money for a wall to $1.3 billion?
View attachment 245640

Because he wanted 5.7B and didn't get it. Ask a 5 year old to explain it.
Ann Coulter and Sean Hannity are not gonna like this if true. The Wall Street Journal reports Trump will settle for "55 miles" of "barriers".
As a Democrat I applaud Trump’s decision to cave again.
Trump Is Expected to Sign Border-Security Deal
You really are a fool.
Trump got 1.3 billion/ Nancy sore Trump wouldn't get a dollar.
Who won that fight asshole?
He'll take the seized drug money and be able to paint the fucking wall GOLD?

You can't be as stupid as you sound, can you?

So...he wants 5.7B, gets less than a quarter of that (less than the Democratic House approved in January too) and you call it a victory.

Perhaps you can be as stupid as you sound.


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